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May 18, 2013 - (Burbank Blvd. exit off 405, between Hazeltine & Woodman). WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Venturing Leaders and V
VENTURING LEADER SPECIFIC TRAINING Presented jointly by the Cahuenga and Balboa Oaks Districts

Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Check-in begins 8:15 a.m.) at

LDS Church, Van Nuys 14001 Burbank Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91401 (Burbank Blvd. exit off 405, between Hazeltine & Woodman)

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Venturing Leaders and Venturing Parents TO BE TRAINED and entitled to wear the “Trained” patch … …AS A VENTURING ADVISOR you must complete 1.) this course, plus 2.) Youth Protection Training for Venturing, online at COST: $15.00* Lunch will be provided. (Please discuss with us in advance any allergies or special diets!) *If cost is an issue, please contact Greg Small at the email or number below. Some scholarships are available.

WEAR YOUR FIELD UNIFORM** IF YOU HAVE ONE… Come anyway, if you don’t!!! ** i.e. Venturing green shirt and gray pants or your Crew/Ship designated uniform. PLEASE DO NOT BRING coffee, tea, or tobacco onto church premises. Our friends at the LDS Church have opened their facility to us, and do not allow these in the building. Please help us respect their wishes! YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER… NO LATER than Monday, May 13th!

(After that, you may call to check on available space.)

Open the “Calendar of Open Registrations” link on the left side of the Western L.A. County Council homepage (, then click on May 18th. That will take you to online registration. You will also find a link at the Cahuenga District Training page,

QUESTIONS ( OR IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONLINE ACCESS ): Greg Small, Cahuenga District Training Chair, at [email protected] or 818-981-1278