A Venus RAVE is a business meeting lasting normally 45-60 minutes. The purpose of these one-on-one meetings is for you t
VENUS RAVE REFERRAL ALLIANCE VALUE ENCOUNTER A Venus RAVE is a business meeting lasting normally 45-60 minutes. The purpose of these one-on-one meetings is for you to develop the relationships you have started in your group meetings. It is an opportunity to learn more about another members business and for her to learn more about yours. We ask you to organise at least one RAVE with another member each fortnight. If you would like more referrals, organise more RAVE’s. Take the time to learn about the other women in the Group and their businesses. We do emphasise that the more energy you are willing to put into this business knowledge, the more other members are likely to want to reciprocate the action and refer you. We recommend you RAVE with every member in your group. You never know who your members know. RAVE FORM We have created a form found on the RESOURCES tab in Members-only area of the website. We suggest you print out a form before each RAVE and fill the form in while you’re asking the questions. You can then take the RAVE Form along to your next meeting. GET CREATIVE There are many ways and places you can have a RAVE with a member. We have had members go kayaking and walking while talking about business. We have members have RAVEs at cafés, the beach and visiting a member’s retail space or business premises. A guide to Effective RAVE’s:
Allow a fair trade of time so both of you get to talk during the 45 – 60 minute meeting.
Be interested and engaged when the other is speaking to show you are listening.
Show integrity and respect for each other when booking a time by keeping to the appointment as scheduled as best you can. Remember their time is valuable too.
To avoid no shows text, email or ring the day before to confirm your appointment.
It may seem like a perfect opportunity to use this time to sell your products or services to each other however this is NOT the objective of a rave.
You will find you connect instantly to some and not to others. I encourage you to look past those obvious connections and make the effort to get to know all of your members. The woman you avoid to get to know may turn out to be your biggest fan.
Use the Venus RAVE form to guide the conversation.