Vermont Organic Dairy Producer Workshop - University of Vermont

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Jan 13, 2011 - Vermont Technical College. Randolph Center, Vermont. EXTENSION. AGRICULTURE. Vermont Organic. Dairy Produ
About Our Speakers


Please join us for a day-long workshop designed for commercial organic dairy producers with the following featured workshop speakers.


Vermont Organic Dairy Producer Workshop

William Barry, DVM, has a large animal practice in central Vermont. He has been working with dairy farms for over 30 years and has developed a wide range of experiences with organic treatments including: herbal remedies, acupuncture, homeopathy & chinese medicine. charles benbrook is Chief Scientist with The Organic Center, a national organization that provides scientific studies on organic farming. Chuck worked in Washington, D.C. on agricultural policy, science and regulatory issues for 18 years, and currently holds an adjunct faculty position in the Crop and Soil Sciences Department, Washington State University. heather darby is an Agronomist and Nutrient Management Specialist with University of Vermont Extension. Over the past 7 years, she has conducted a diversity of on-farm projects, among them organic dairy cropping systems research and outreach that have looked at winter cereal grains, forage turnips, and grazing of annual spring forages.

hubert karreman, DVM, of Penn Dutch Cow Care, Lancaster, PA is nationally recognized expert in organic dairy health care, and author of “Treating Dairy Cows Naturally: Thoughts and Strategies” and his new “The Barn Guide to Treating Dairy Cows Naturally.” His veterinary practice has served predominantly certified organic dairy farms for 15 years. kathy soder is an Animal Scientist with USDA ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit. Her research focuses on the nutrition and grazing behavior of ruminants, including effects of plant species diversity on intake, productivity and grazing behavior; management strategies that complement grazing preferences of dairy cattle.

University of Vermont Extension 278 South Main Street, Suite 2 St. Albans, VT 05478-1866

chris dutton, DVM, has practiced veterinary medicine all over the state of Vermont. He is currently working with students at Vermont Technical College where he brings great enthusiasm to his educator role. Chris has years of practical experience helping farms improve the health and well being of their herds.

Thursday, January 13, 2011 Vermont Technical College Randolph Center, Vermont

Registration Form Vermont Organic Dairy Producer Workshop Agenda 9:30 am -- check-in / on-site registration 10:00 am -- Welcome

1:15 pm -- shades of green Dairy Farm calculator project webinar by eOrganic

** please register by January 7!! ** Name/s__________________________________

In this eOrganic webinar, broadcast live, Chuck Benbrook of The Organic Center will describe the Shades of Green Calculator that helps estimate environmental, animal health, production, and economic impacts of different dairy management. He will highlight findings of the study, including how grass-based, organic dairy farms promote cow health, milk quality, and lighten the environmental footprint of dairy farming!


Kathy Soder will discuss developing low and no grain feed strategies that complement high quality homegrown forage production. She will also discuss the effect of plant species diversity on intake, productivity and grazing behavior.

2:30 Pm -- herd health panel

please list your top 2 herd health questions for our veterinarian panel:

12:30 noon -- lunch

4:00 pm -- Adjourn

Brent Beidler and Heather Darby will provide opening remarks.

10:15 am -- Research Update UVM Extension’s Heather Darby will provide an update on her team’s research projects, including organic forage trials, small grains, tillage, and more!

11:00 am -- a look at animal nutrition

A veterinarian panel--Dr. William Barry; Dr. Chris Dutton; and Dr. Hubert Karreman--will address your herd health concerns. Be sure to include your questions on the registration form.

Location / Directions


The workshop will be held at the Red Schoolhouse on the Vermont Technical College campus, Randolph Center, Vermont. To get there, take I-89 to Exit 4. Turn east on Rte 66 & head up hill to intersection. Turn right; the Schoolhouse is located in the “Y” between East Bethel Rd. and South Randolph Rd.

Please contact Deb Heleba at [email protected] or Heather Darby at 802.524.6501 with questions about the workshop. If you require accommodations to participate in this program, please let our office know by January 7, 2011 so we may assist you.

Visit us at: Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. University of Vermont Extension, Burlington, Vermont. University of Vermont Extension, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating, offer education and employment to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status.


Address__________________________________ Town/St/Zip_______________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email____________________________________



registration fee (includes materials and lunch) $20/person x _____(# attending) =


Total enclosed = ______

Please mail registration form with check, made payable to “UVM Extension” to: Organic Dairy Workshop UVM Extension 278 South Main Street, Ste. 2 St. Albans, VT 05478