Feb 1, 2018 - Videos should no more than 5 minutes worth of ballet material as indicated below. An additional 5 minutes
Video audition guidelines for BodyVox Summer Intensive: Videos should no more than 5 minutes worth of ballet material as indicated below. An additional 5 minutes of modern or contemporary material is optional. • • • •
Grand Adagio: Including développé en avant, développé a la seconde, développé arabesque w/ promenade Pirouette: Including pirouette en dehors, pirouette en dedans, piqué and/or soutenu turns Petit Allegro: Including glissade, jeté, assemblé, pas de chat, sissone Grand Allegro: Including tour jeté, grand jete, balancé
Submit video via link with Drop Box, You Tube, Vimeo, etc (don’t forget to give us a password if video is password protected). Please send video links to
[email protected] between February 1st and May 31st 2018.
Include the following when submitting your video link: • • • • • • •
Name of Dancer Date of Birth Dancer Email Parent(s) / Guardians(s) names if applicant is under the age of 18 Parent/Guardian Email Phone Payment of $20: cash or check via mail, credit card via phone at 503.229.0627 or https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?class=bvox