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glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE. Interior of the London Associates offices set with custom designed and built burled walnut desk  ...
Illustration of the exterior of London Associates set for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Illustration of the exterior of London Associates set for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Exterior of the London Associates offices set was built 70's Exterior of the London Associates offices set was built 70's luxe midtown style on location in an empty building in Boston. luxe midtown style on location in an empty building in Boston. Sculptural walls were fabricated and real travertine was used Sculptural walls were fabricated and real travertine was used for the surrounding walks in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN for the surrounding walks in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE. HUSTLE.

Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) & Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) toast to London Associates Office in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Illustration of the interior of London Associates set for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Interior of the London Associates offices set with custom designed and built burled walnut desk which was modeled after a period reference meant to evoke power, style and glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Interior of the London Associates offices set with custom designed and built burled walnut desk which was modeled after a period reference meant to evoke power, style and glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Richie Dimaso (Bradley Cooper, left) prepares to bust Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams, center) and Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Irving Rosenfeld's (played by Christian Bale) office. Shot on location in Lynn, Massachusetts. Furnished with distressed but stylish couch and desk and geometric wallpaper as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Irving Rosenfeld's (played by Christian Bale) office. Shot on location in Lynn, Massachusetts. Furnished with distressed but stylish couch and desk and geometric wallpaper as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Irving Rosenfeld's (played by Christian Bale) office. Shot on location in Lynn, Massachusetts. Furnished with distressed but stylish couch and desk and geometric wallpaper as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Amy Adams and Christian Bale star in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer Lawrence) in the Rosenfeld home in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Jennifer Lawrence stars in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances. A mural, playful for the era was designed for Danny's room as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Christian Bale (left) and Dante/Santino Corbo in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Roz's (played by Jennifer Lawrence) house. The vintage ranch house had to be completely redone, except for the stone fireplace. Every inch of the house was covered in vintage foil patterned wallpaper, carpeted, furnished and switched out with vintage appliances as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Sydney's (played by Amy Adams) apartment. Built on a stage and inspired by "White Brick" apartment buildings on Manhattan's Upper East Side popular among single women in the 70's and 80's. This set was minimal and stylish with vintage parquet floor tiles with additional fabrication to match. A day / night translight was used out the window. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Sydney's (played by Amy Adams) apartment. Built on a stage and inspired by "White Brick" apartment buildings on Manhattan's Upper East Side popular among single women in the 70's and 80's. This set was minimal and stylish with vintage parquet floor tiles with additional fabrication to match. A day / night translight was used out the window. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Sydney's (played by Amy Adams) apartment. Built on a stage and inspired by "White Brick" apartment buildings on Manhattan's Upper East Side popular among single women in the 70's and 80's. This set was minimal and stylish with vintage parquet floor tiles with additional fabrication to match. A day / night translight was used out the window. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Sydney's (played by Amy Adams) apartment. Built on a stage and inspired by "White Brick" apartment buildings on Manhattan's Upper East Side popular among single women in the 70's and 80's. This set was minimal and stylish with vintage parquet floor tiles with additional fabrication to match. A day / night translight was used out the window. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) sits on the counter in her Upper Eastside Apartment and seduces Richie Dimaso (Bradley Cooper) in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Sydney's (played by Amy Adams) apartment. Built on a stage and inspired by "White Brick" apartment buildings on Manhattan's Upper East Side popular among single women in the 70's and 80's. This set was minimal and stylish with a custom designed fabric wall that added to the sense of cool stylish and aspirational single woman. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) in Sydney's Upper East Side Apartment bedroom in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of the Plaza hotel built on a stage in two versions. Custom designed flocked wallpaper was the common element between the first "crummy" suite and the second "General Sherman" suite. This long hallway was especially designed to acomodate the choreography of the characters as they walk towards each of the suites. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

(L to r) Amy Adams as Sydney Prosser, Bradley Cooper as Richie Dimaso and Christian Bale as Irving Rosenfeld in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of the Plaza hotel built on a stage in two versions. Custom designed flocked wallpaper was the common element between the first "crummy" suite and the second "General Sherman" suite. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of the Plaza hotel built on a stage in two versions. Custom designed flocked wallpaper was the common element between the first "crummy" suite and the second "General Sherman" suite. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of the Plaza hotel built on a stage in two versions. Custom designed flocked wallpaper was the common element between the first "crummy" suite and the second "General Sherman" suite. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of the Plaza hotel built on a stage in two versions. Custom designed flocked wallpaper was the common element between the first "crummy" suite and the second "General Sherman" suite. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of the Plaza hotel built on a stage in two versions. Custom designed flocked wallpaper was the common element between the first "crummy" suite and the second "General Sherman" suite. As seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

(l to r) Richie Dimaso (Bradley Cooper), Mayor Carmine Polito (Jeremy Renner), Rep. Kevin O'Connell (Charlie Broderick) and Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) in the Plaza Hotel - Gen Sherman Suite in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of Plaza Hotel surveillance room as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of Plaza Hotel surveillance room as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of the disco bathroom built in a warehouse. Styled with baroque wall and floor tiles with two kinds of vintage wallpaper to evoke the hedonistic, anything goes feeling of the discos of that era as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of the disco bathroom built in a warehouse. Styled with baroque wall and floor tiles with two kinds of vintage wallpaper to evoke the hedonistic, anything goes feeling of the discos of that era as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Richie Dimaso (Bradley Cooper) and Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) in the bathroom at the disco in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Illustration of the casino bathroom set built on stage of actual casino location, which was an old movie theater in Boston for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Illustration of the casino bathroom set built on stage of actual casino location, which was an old movie theater in Boston for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer Lawrence) & Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) in the Grand Old AC Hotel powder room in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Illustration of Casino back room for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Stone supplier showroom which was used as the casino back room, before the transformation for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Stone supplier showroom which was used as the casino back room, before the transformation for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Stone supplier showroom which was used as the casino back room, before the transformation for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Stone supplier showroom which was used as the casino back room, before the transformation for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Stone supplier showroom which was used as the casino back room, before the transformation for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Transformation process of stone builders showroom being converted into the films casino back room for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Production Designer: Judy Becker

Transformation process of stone builders showroom being converted into the films casino back room for Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of casino back room built in a stone suppliers showroom whose warehouse was used as the stage. Evokes an old glamorous hotel in tatters that was being reonovated to reflect changing tastes. Mural wallpaper was designed and fabricated and then distressed and peeled to reveal the painted wall behind. Front layer of new white and gold deco walls was added to reflect changing tastes, carpet was heavily aged and distressed to evoke faded glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of casino back room built in a stone suppliers showroom whose warehouse was used as the stage. Evokes an old glamorous hotel in tatters that was being reonovated to reflect changing tastes. Mural wallpaper was designed and fabricated and then distressed and peeled to reveal the painted wall behind. Front layer of new white and gold deco walls was added to reflect changing tastes, carpet was heavily aged and distressed to evoke faded glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of casino back room built in a stone suppliers showroom whose warehouse was used as the stage. Evokes an old glamorous hotel in tatters that was being reonovated to reflect changing tastes. Mural wallpaper was designed and fabricated and then distressed and peeled to reveal the painted wall behind. Front layer of new white and gold deco walls was added to reflect changing tastes, carpet was heavily aged and distressed to evoke faded glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of casino back room built in a stone suppliers showroom whose warehouse was used as the stage. Evokes an old glamorous hotel in tatters that was being reonovated to reflect changing tastes. Mural wallpaper was designed and fabricated and then distressed and peeled to reveal the painted wall behind. Front layer of new white and gold deco walls was added to reflect changing tastes, carpet was heavily aged and distressed to evoke faded glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of casino back room built in a stone suppliers showroom whose warehouse was used as the stage. Evokes an old glamorous hotel in tatters that was being reonovated to reflect changing tastes. Mural wallpaper was designed and fabricated and then distressed and peeled to reveal the painted wall behind. Front layer of new white and gold deco walls was added to reflect changing tastes, carpet was heavily aged and distressed to evoke faded glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of casino back room built in a stone suppliers showroom whose warehouse was used as the stage. Evokes an old glamorous hotel in tatters that was being reonovated to reflect changing tastes. Mural wallpaper was designed and fabricated and then distressed and peeled to reveal the painted wall behind. Front layer of new white and gold deco walls was added to reflect changing tastes, carpet was heavily aged and distressed to evoke faded glamour as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.


Production Designer: Judy Becker

Set of FBI offices created out of an empty 1960's period office floor in Worcester Massachusetts. Designed to have a cold, modern, sleek institutional feel using a cooler palette of greys and blues which made use of the international style architectural elements of the location as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of FBI offices created out of an empty 1960's period office floor in Worcester Massachusetts. Designed to have a cold, modern, sleek institutional feel using a cooler palette of greys and blues which made use of the international style architectural elements of the location as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.

Set of FBI offices created out of an empty 1960's period office floor in Worcester Massachusetts. Designed to have a cold, modern, sleek institutional feel using a cooler palette of greys and blues which made use of the international style architectural elements of the location as seen in Columbia Pictures' AMERICAN HUSTLE.