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Aaron will always be remembered as a genuine, caring individual with a great ...... $60 tab in this sleazy joint already—we had only been there for 20 minutes! I.



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MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Heidi Banning

Aaron will always be remembered as a genuine, caring individual with a great sense of humor. During high school Aaron always greeted me with a smile and a hello. His Rocky themed skits and election speeches will be remembered by LOHS students and teachers with a grin. I really had the opportunity to spend time with Aaron this past fall at Stacy Wilson's wedding in Sunriver, OR. Aaron greeted everyone directly with a sincere hello, never mind the years that had gone by. This is where the teeny bopper music was blared while fellow grads of 1999 danced the night away. My memories of Aaron will always be that weekend frozen in time where no one had a worry and having fun was the only thing on our minds. Thank you Schulte family for sharing your son and brother with us. - Heidi Banning LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND J ennifer Cros s en

Schulte and I became friends at Lake Oswego High School. Through out high school Aaron and I had many classes together. He was my lab partner in Physics, and we had History together one year. We would study at his house, I remember always thinking that his music choice was hilarious. Bone Thugs followed by the Richous Brothers. My favorite was driving in Schulte's car senior year and him signing at the top of his lungs "The One" by the Backstreet Boys. He was so animated and committed to his rendition of the group’s new hit single; it was priceless!!! Aaron was an amazing friend and in looking over pictures and sharing memories of him, I realize that Aaron was the one. He was the one who had the best attitude. He was the one that always had a hand to help. He was the one who had the biggest smile in every picture. He was the one you turned to for advice. He was the one with the infectious laugh and a great story. He was the one that you wanted to be around! Aaron you will always be "The One." - Jennifer Crossen LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND

Killian Funk

Our sophomore year of college Aaron and Ben came down to Eugene for the UW UO football game rivalry. A few of us had made the trip up to Seattle the year prior, so it was their turn. This trip would however begin Aaron's hatred of Eugene, Oregon, and be one of just a couple trips ever. It had nothing to do with the outcome of the HIGH SCHOOL 


MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ game though, nor the dirty hippies, pan-handling bums or the filth of Eugene in itself. It was more related to being 'busted' by the famed Eugene 'Party Patrol' police task force, (that we were fortunate enough to be found victims of during its short 6 month reign), that broke up our house party and handed out countless MIP's to us minors and later aired on the local Eugene news. Our MIP's, required the diversion class entitled "BUSTED" which necessitated Aaron's second and final trip to Eugene. Aaron and Ben both hated UO even more than before after this ordeal. - Killian FUnk LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND Kels ey Hume

When Aaron and I were 18 and getting ready to part our separate ways for college we decided to write time capsule letters with our hopes and dreams for ourselves and each other. We sealed them, exchanged them, and hid them away until a future date. Although we never read them, I recall my letter went something like this: August 1999 Dearest Aaron, I’m not sure what age we will be when you are finally receiving this letter but I am sure the time has gone fast. In fact, it seems like just yesterday when we first metfreshman year, global insights, with Mr. Helea, and you of course wearing your favorite husky sweatshirt and Laker football hat. Little did I know at the time that it wasn’t just your great personality and stunning looks that made me want to be your friend but also your willingness to lend me your straight A book smarts. •Aaron, May you take your dedication and discipline where ever you go. It was easy to see there was something different and special about you when you ran for class treasurer and no one would run against you for 4 years straight. It seemed you didn’t have do or say much and people just wanted to be your friend. •Aaron, May you take your contagious smile that lights up a room where ever you go. You always seemed a little more mature then the rest and obviously the girls realized this as you were a first pick for every dance. The running man to LL Cool J is a move no one can forget. And we can’t forget the times we caught you practicing your dance moves in front of the mirror or blaring Phil Collins, Backstreet Boys, and Michael Jackson in your Teal Ford Contour. Oops, I have forgotten to ask, did you ever get that dent out? I am still amazed to think that after I put your contour into first gear instead of reverse when pulling out of a parking lot- forcing me to drive straight into HIGH SCHOOL 


MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ the Land Rover in front of us…and you just walked to the front of the car, picked up your smashed license plate, took note of the dent and then without an ounce of frustration or anger asked if I was okay? Of course I was okay, but please continue your promise to not tell your parents. •Aaron, May you take your patience and unconditional love for others where ever you go. You are a very serious romantic who loves giving flowers, taking hot air balloon rides, and having candlelight dinners but more importantly in my book you are an extreme adventurer who looks for any kind of challenge. From the groups late night swims when you unannounced to anyone else, swam across the lake and hide in a tree…later informing us that you were on a top secret Rambo mission and needed to maintain your post even through our frantic screams for you. …And then to our senior Hawaiian Luau adventure when you persistently waved your hand to volunteer for dancing on stage the hula dance wearing only a hula skirt and two coconut shells. I am still betting your hula dance was practiced! •Aaron, May you take your desire for a challenge and adventure where ever you go. In these past 4 years of our high school lives, your accomplishments have exceeded most….football and track lettering, active participation in the community service club, master of snow skiing and slalom waterskiing, senior year valentine king, Structure “pant master” for the most sold cargo X pants, receiving the award for Best Personality and Lakerism scholarship, mock trial, playing the part oh to well of Rocky in our sophomore mayfete skit, confirmation in the Catholic church, sustaining your value to not drink alcohol, HIGH SCHOOL 


MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ your amazing driving record that only included one accident, an infraction of not wearing your seatbelt due to a summer burn, and your 101 miles per hour speeding ticket. You have led our school and your life with confidence, endearing morals, strong purpose, and a great sense of humor. •Aaron, My hopes and dreams for you are simple…May you continue to live each day to the fullest and always find comfort in God’s plan for you. No matter where our paths take us our memories and your smile will be forever etched in my heart. All my love, Kelsey Aaron’s love of life and infectious personality was enjoyed by countless others in his years during and after college. Even through his unexpected Rambo battle this past year; Aaron maintained his dedication, strong discipline, contagious smile, patience, unconditional love, and amazing ability to take on a challenge. Aaron has taken these qualities with him to a place that is only suited for a King of his caliber. The sunny beach of Heaven is the only place deserving of my best friend. - Kelsey Hume BEST FRIEND

M eagan M ans field

Aaron and I went to junior high and high school together, and when I think of him now I still picture him in his blue Ford Contour with a UW sweatshirt and LO baseball hat. That was Aaron -- so dependable from his personality to his work ethic to what he'd be wearing. Each day was a little different. Maybe he was quieter one day than he'd been the day before and it was clear there was something on his mind, but he still had that smile on his face and that steady saunter that said everything would be back to normal soon. Aaron and I spent a lot of time together in high school. I feel so fortunate to have had a dependable and tight group of friends that stuck together through thick and thin and just had fun, and Aaron was such a part of that. I specifically remember sneaking out of my house one night with a friend and walking up Westlake to hang HIGH SCHOOL 


MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ out with Aaron in his driveway. That was probably the extent of our rebellion back then -- breaking the rules just to spend time with friends and nothing else. Even when people started experimenting with other forms of rebellion, Aaron knew who he was and never gave in just to be part of the group. He stood out just being himself -he didn't need anything or anyone else to confirm it. Once, senior year, when Aaron was dating my best friend, I was having some problems with it. I was feeling jealous and alone and, though I'm not proud of that now, I was selfish. And Aaron reached out to me and asked me to get together for coffee. We went and talked, and he asked me how I was feeling. That gesture was so unselfish and pure, and the fact that he wanted to make sure I knew how much people cared about me meant so much during a very confusing time in my life. Aaron is one of the most unselfish and sincere people I will ever know, and I am so sorry that the absolute worst thing has happened to someone who deserved only the best in life. - Meagan Mansfield JUNIOR HIGH AND HS FRIEND Heather M ilt

Aaron had invited me several times to come out and visit him at the University of Washington while I was deciding which school I wanted to go to. Despite his extremely busy college schedule – classes, fraternity functions, sporting events, and his travels to Italy – he still wanted to take me out for coffee and show me around campus. When I received my acceptance letter from ‘U-Dub,’ the first people I emailed were Aaron and my cousin, Kelsey, who had been in Italy at the time. Within hours, my inbox had an email from Aaron Craig Schulte titled, ‘Congrats!’ stating how I had just made the best decision of my life and insisting for me to come bless him with my presence. I’ve known Aaron for the last seven years, through my best friend and cousin, Kelsey Hume. Before I had met him, I had heard so many great things about this Aaron Schulte from Lake Oswego. My family could not stop talking about this amazing guy that Kelsey was hanging out with; one that my uncle enjoyed talking to because he knew sports and he bled those perfect colors of purple and gold. Whether I first met Aaron at my aunt and uncles, or if I had met him at one of my cousin’s get-togethers with her friends, I don’t remember. However, it is not the first time I met him that reminds me of the always caring and loving person that Aaron was, but all the other times that I spent with him that remind me of his smile, his laughter, and his ability to care for others before himself. Whether it was hanging out with Aaron at our family’s lake cabin (playing chicken fight on the inner tubes or watching from the boat as he attempted to water-ski), watching Aaron’s favorite, U2’s Live in Concert over winter break, or having Aaron HIGH SCHOOL 


MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ come to my rescue at a Thursday night fraternity party, it was always a great time. What I have learned from Aaron is the ability to love all, to laugh out loud, and to keep a smile on my face no matter what the circumstance. When I hear the words of U2’s, “It’s a Beautiful Day,” I will always remember that smiling face that brought love and laughter to everyone around him. - Heather Milt KELSEY HUME’S COUSIN

Germaine Nichols

Aaron was such an amazing person, there are so many memories that come to mind when I think of him. One memory is that purple husky sweatshirt that, I sometimes felt was just his uniform in High School! Everyone new that Aaron loved the Huskies, among other things. Such as music and dancing, he loved to have the stereo "bumping" in his green ford contour as he would drive around LO or think he was part of the Indy 500 on the way to the coast, for a camping trip, or just a scavenger hunt around LO. I won't ever forget the trip to Hawaii that we took, and the Luau not most guys would VOLUNTEER to get up in a pink hula skirt and dance in front of everyone! Or when we all thought that we were helping Aaron out and basically putting him through "drinking boot camp" at Zack's house, since Aaron was one of the few in our group that wouldn't drink in High School some of the boys felt that he needed a night of drinking before college, so that he would know his limit! I am not sure if that was such a great idea, but at the time it seemed like a good one. I remember him doing push-ups between drinks, trying to prove that he could still handle more. Or he was just showing off his muscles!! Aaron was the type of friend that you can not explain in just words; he was one of a kind. I will never forget his smile, or laugh, or just the way he would extend his arm and point to you, as to make sure you knew that he saw you. - Germaine Nichols LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND J acob Ros enbloom

Two things resonated with me about Aaron’s service today. Ben spoke about the superhuman strength and courage Aaron displayed throughout the last year, and the priest mentioned how he felt that in Aaron’s final days it was Aaron who was ministering to him. For those of you who were unable to be with him during his sickness, I want you to understand just how remarkable his attitude was. Ben used the term indestructible to describe him, and it is perfect word choice. Two weekends ago



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ I came back home to see Aaron one last time and was fortunate to be able to spend a few hours alone with him, just 19 hours before he passed away. The first question I asked my dear old friend was if he was comfortable. Given his condition, I did not expect a response, and certainly not a verbal one. He looked at me and said, “I try to be.” I then asked him if he was in any pain. “No, are you in any pain?” he asked. Later in the morning, Tiffany and Kathy joined me in the room. It seemed Aaron was trying to say something, but the sedatives and his advanced condition prevented full speech. All I could make out was “Mehch chuh sream”. Kathy and I listened closely to decipher the words but had no success. Finally, Tiffany said, “I think he’s saying he wants mint chocolate chip ice cream.” Aaron’s responded: “Yes!” I always knew Aaron to be the strongest and happiest person in the world. My visit with him on his last day in it will shine in my memory forever, and I hope we can all take something from his humbling and fearless outlook on life, and death. During my last visit with Aaron he said to me the following: “tell all my friends I’m here and I’m thinking about them.” Thank you so much for everything you taught us Aaron, we’re here, and we’re thinking about you. - Jacob Rosenbloom LIFE LONG FRIEND



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ J es s ica Roths tein

Becoming friends with Aaron at the start of the 7th grade, introduced by mutual friends Zack Shleifer and Andrew Goldberg, I got to watch a great young guy become an amazing young man. Throughout the years we were in school together he impacted so many lives, mine included. I can't remember a moment of him ever being rude or cruel to anyone, I have always seen him as someone who is genuine, caring, and motivated to do good for humanity. I was always impressed with his intelligence, wit & humor, and curiosity to learn more. But the thing that stands out the most in the many memories that I have of my friendship with Aaron is his smile, one that could be seen down the dark hallway of "the dungeon" during our freshman year, across the gym floor when he won as a prince for the senior valentine's day dance, and when we first met in 7th grade with his Huskies hat on. I remember playing basketball with him during lunch in 7th & 8th grade - he included me as the token girl of the group. I remember him being at countless Bar Mitzvah parties during those two years and having so much fun with him on the dance floor, what a dancer! I remember going to sports camp with him and Andrew – the girls were always asking about my good friend Aaron and wanted to know if he had a girlfriend! I remember getting to go to the leadership retreat with him and talking about how we were going to make a difference in the school, take charge and leave our mark. I remember cheering him on in the football games, he shined on the field. I remember the PAS retreat and talking about how since “we were already making a difference in the school why should we stop there, let’s make a difference in the world”. I remember hanging out at Andrew’s house just being teen-agers and him telling me life gets better/easier as we get older and wiser. I remember the Close Up trip and how inspired he was being in the Nations Capital. I remember him as Rocky & another year as Hutch during the May Fete skits - he stole the show and had the audience laughing and cheering! I remember him being so passionate about his bill during Youth & Gov't. And when we were voting for our class of '99 hall of fame, for the best personality, he was the first person who came to my mind; I think everyone else in our class felt the same way! In the short time that I was blessed to be Aaron’s friend, he taught me how to experience life, love my friends and family, and to always be grateful for everyday. Aaron will always be in my heart and I will carry out his legacy by trying to teach others what he so beautifully taught to me. - Jessica Rothstein LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND Dan Rothwell

I knew Aaron in high school. What can I say? Aaron was the type of guy that could walk into a room and make it a happier place. Wherever Aaron went a bright, shiny light seemed to follow. Aaron and I were not close friends but I knew that he was an HIGH SCHOOL 


MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ amazing person who would always do the right thing. Each time we crossed paths I got the sense that Aaron was someone I would like to know more and would likely reciprocate the feeling if given the chance. Our lives went different paths post high school but I felt like if I ever saw Aaron again, it would be just like old times. If Aaron saw me in a crowd he would rush over to me and say, "How's it going big guy?" Unlike so many other people who would simply pass by. Not often enough in life do we encounter individuals who share the zest and love of life like Aaron. I have only fond memories of Aaron and he will be missed greatly and remembered eternally. - Dan Rothwell LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND Shannon Simich

When I think of Aaron many things come to mind but there is something that will always put a smile on my face: the memories of our many dance parties we used to have. It all started sophomore year in high school when all of the Lake Oswego crew began to hang out every weekend together. I believe the first dance party experience was at my 16th birthday party. We turned my garage into the dance floor and from every party there on out at my house everyone always knew where they could find Aaron, dancing his heart out in the garage!! In fact to prove he was always out there busting a move on the make shift dance floor, I have pictures of him in action with my 2 younger sisters by their selves when everyone else was in family room watching a movie. Eventually our dance parties moved into the house from the garage, you could often catch Aaron watching himself in the mirror above the fireplace perfecting his moves. It quickly became a big joke between all of us. Aaron was always up for having a good time and hanging out, and most of the time it included music. If we weren't dancing in the garage or the house we were riding around town singing and grooving to the music in the car while every other driver on the road passed us staring. There are many things that remind me of high school and our wonderful group of friends but everytime I hear LL Cool J or Tupac on the radio I admit I turn it up and smile thinking about the good ol' days with dance parties in the garage of Greensborough Court and Aaron with his backwards hat doing the running man. - Shannon Simich LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND Karen Snodgras s

One of my favorite times with Aaron was his 21st birthday. Jennifer, Brian (fellow Lakers) and I decided to drive from U of O to Seattle and surprise Aaron for his birthday. When Aaron saw us sitting in his bedroom, the first word out of his mouth



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ was "INCREDIBLE!" We had an fantastic weekend and made many memories that I cherish. This is my favorite memory because when I reflect on my friend Aaron there is one constant word that comes to my mind...incredible. Incredible strength, incredible spirit, incredible smile, incredible laugh, incredible kindness, incredible outlook on life, incredible generosity - an incredible friend. - Karen Snodgrass LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Nick Sorkki

One of my fondest memories of Aaron was during our High School field trip to Washington D.C. We arrived in Washington and got settled in at the hotel. There were probably a couple hundred kids in all, as there were schools from all over the country. We were assigned to groups and given a group chaperone, who would look after us during the trip. Aaron, I, and our friend David Fox were all in the same group. All three of us have a passion for aviation and we couldn't wait to see to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Unfortunately the trip to the museum was scheduled on the second to last day, with only a couple of hours to explore. Aaron schemed up an idea to sneak out of the Senate tour and pretend we got "lost". I was very hesitant at first but I figured if Aaron was gonna do it, I was gonna do it too. So on our way to the House of Representatives, Aaron carefully planned our escape. He waited for just the right moment and grabbed David and I and we ran down the hall and up to the street-level. We quickly figured out how to navigate the streets of Washington D.C. by utilizing the sub-way and a quick-reference map. Looking back on it, it probably wasn't the smartest of ideas but it was sure fun. We headed straight to the Air and Space Museum where we spent hours taking it all in. We timed our departure from the museum, so we would arrive at the hotel before the rest of our tour group. Aaron orchestrated an alibi, so we wouldn't get in trouble. We entered the hotel and went straight to our rooms. Along the way we ran into some of our other group members who said that we were in a lot of trouble. Apparently our chaperone freaked out when she couldn't find us. She left our group-mates with another chaperone and set out to find us. Apparently she had spent close to $100 on cab fares searching the city for us. Needless to say, the organizers of the program weren't very happy with our actions and they didn't believe our alibi either. We got a firm scolding and were sent back to our rooms. The next day we ended up going to the Air and Space Museum with the entire group. It was a lot of fun but it wasn't as fun as the previous day's adventure. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I don't feel good about making that poor chaperone worry like she did, but it was worth it. I will always remember going to the Air and Space Museum with Aaron and David. - Nick Sorkki LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND M att Tas s os

A few things I won't forget about Aaron 1 - His first night drinking over at Zack Shleifer's house. Instead of taking it slow Aaron decided it was a good idea to take several shots in a row. For about an hour he was dancing around Zack's house until it finally hit him and he was down for the count. He spent the rest of the evening vomiting into a trash can.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ 2 - Our Hawaii trip after high school. I specifically remember Aaron volunteering to go up on stage during our Luau and he wore a grass skirt and coconuts on his pecks. He danced around on stage while the crowd cheered. 3 - My first and only UW football game was with Aaron. I drove up from Eugene and Aaron was able to get me tickets to the game. I actually bought a UW t-shirt and to this day is the only piece of Washington Husky clothing that I own (and will ever own ;-) ) 4 - During H.S. we have Mayfete skits which are performed in front of the entire high school and parents/friends. Each class competes against each other. During our Senior Skit Aaron played the part of Rocky. He had his shirt off and I especially won't forget that he did a bunch of push ups just before he ran out on stage to make sure his muscles looked even bigger. Fun times.....I'll miss him - Matt Tassos LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND

Stacy Wils on

I have so many treasured memories with Aaron it is hard to think of just one to share. One thing is for sure…no matter what you did with Aaron he had an incredible ability to make you laugh and smile and feel like the most important person in the room. Aaron was an amazing friend, always willing to truly listen, no matter what was going on with him and always up for anything. I never heard Aaron complain or not want to do something. He was always enjoying life to the fullest extent possible and always “making things happen.” Aaron and I became good friends in high school and fortunately went to college only an hour away from each other. During the high school and college years we had many good times on the river water skiing, wakeboarding, and knee-boarding. Aaron was always up for a good challenge and as in everything he did he gave any water sport 120%. One day we HIGH SCHOOL 


MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ asked him if he wanted to knee-board, Aaron immediately responded sure – what is it? After a few face plants into the river and some great facial expressions which left all of us in the boat in hysterics, Aaron was mastering 360 degree turns and jumping over the wake. Afterwards he jumped in the boat and confidently asked any of us could out do him. Of course a couple of the guys couldn’t just sit back – they all gave this new knee board a run for its money….but I think Aaron was the true master by the end of the day. On many weekend nights in high school when the usual group wasn’t hanging out at Shannon’s house, the bowling alley, or the ice skating rank we would go on scavenger hunts. I think this was Aaron’s favorite…as it was the perfect Rambo mission. We would split into teams and set out driving around LO trying to find miscellaneous items such as life jackets, burger king hats, McDondald bags, slurpee cups, etc before the other team. When you were on Aaron’s team you didn’t just jump in the car and go….you took a moment to strategize the best route to take in order to grab all the items without doubling back over your track…and of course once we set out to retrieve the items it was imperative that the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC were playing in Aaron’s green Contour. As I mentioned no matter what we did everyone was all smiles and had a wonderful time. The only thing that seemed to matter in high school was that we were all together even if we weren’t doing anything. Aaron gave us all the greatest gifts to treasure…memories. - Stacy Wilson LAKE OSWEGO HS FRIEND




MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Ben


Sometimes the things left unsaid are the things we most regret. Aaron, with this in mind there are a few things I need to tell you: Aaron, I always got the sense that you were one step ahead of us in life. You were just far enough ahead to teach us what mattered and make us laugh about the rest. For example, when we first met in high school, I didn’t know what to make of your resounding commitment to never swear, drink a drop of alcohol, or settle for anything less than the leading regional x-pants salesman. But through the courage of your conviction you taught me what it meant to be strong willed and tough minded. In college, I was confused when you so eagerly enrolled in hip-hop dance classes, bragged about your obsession with Britney Spears and proudly made questionable fashion statements. But through your indestructible self-confidence you taught me the importance of staying true to yourself. After graduation, I was mystified by your unspoken infatuation with the city of Tacoma. While it wasn’t for a lack of trying, I was never able to convince you to move. But secretly I understood why. For through your dedication to the Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital and the Tacoma medical community, you taught me the importance of emphatically pursuing a passion. Aaron, by letting me into your life you taught me many things. But perhaps most importantly, you taught me how to be a true friend. The consistency and passion of your friendship made us all feel like the most important person in the world. Whether in a coffee shop in Italy, on a beach in Mexico, or in the middle of nowhere at the Gorge you connected with us, brought us into your world and shared your



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ enthusiasm for life. Armed with the world’s most contagious smile, you were everyone’s best friend and you made sure that we never took life too seriously. Over the years you taught me many things. But I will always hold dearest what you shared with us on our last days together. In your most steady and sincere voice you explained, “Life isn’t about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” As with all things in your life, Aaron, you embodied what you taught us. For some reason, life kept testing you with its punches. But even when life knocked you down, you got right back up. You kept fighting, you kept pushing and eventually you won. Aaron, I need you to know that you won. You won because even on your toughest days you never gave up. You always believed in yourself and didn’t let anything hold you back from living your life. You define courage and nobody will ever forget that. Aaron, you have been my life for the past fifteen years. You have selflessly given me your support and provided endless inspiration, but now it is my turn. It is my turn to lead my life in remembrance of you. Let me embody what made us all love you so much. Let me celebrate your accomplishments. And let me lead others to live their lives how you so gracefully pursued yours. - Ben Adams FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Brys on Bede

One of the best stories that I remember about Aaron was traveling up to Whistler for Kris Lindquist’s Bachelor Party. We were walking home from a night of drinking up the hill to the place we were staying. I started running up the hill and fell into a ditch and twisted my ankle. I was in a ton of pain. As I looked up Aaron turned around and said “You’re fine don’t worry, I have cancer.” It made all of the pain go away. It was not because he wanted people to feel sorry for him. He always wanted to make people laugh and have a good time. That is one thing that I will always remember about Aaron, he always had a positive attitude no matter what the situation was. Miss ya bud! - Bryson Bede FIJI – CLASS OF 2003

Brad Cahill

Of all the qualities Aaron possessed, the one that stood out most to me was his zest for life. He was always so upbeat and positive, and that type of energy just rubbed off on



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ everybody. One memory I will always treasure is when Aaron and I took a fraternity prank to a new level. Each year, our house had a night when we would storm into the Gamma Phi Beta sorority house with water guns and act like children while partaking in a water fight. Needless to say, I think Aaron actually believed he was Rambo because he and I went through that house with super-soakers on a mission to take out every girl in sight…no matter what. We roamed the halls like kids, moving slyly around the house as if we were on a real “dangerous” mission. By the end of the night, the girls weren’t too happy with us but I was so happy to have experienced the “mission” with Aaron. He was a kid at heart, and he never forgot that. - Brad Cahill FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Bryce Clary

I was fortunate enough to have known Aaron for the past eight years when we both joined the Fiji House in the fall of 1999. It was easy to see why everyone liked Aaron. He was always smiling, happy, positive, and always willing to help out no matter the circumstance. One of my last experiences with Aaron exemplified the kind of person he was. A group of us traveled to Spokane for Hoopfest while Aaron was being treated with chemotherapy, and even though he was in pain and tired he still made the trip anyway to be with everyone. Well, during one of the games I got injured and tore my achilles tendon in my leg. After Jeremy helped me to the medical tent, Aaron came around the corner to see how I was doing and to make sure I was OK. He even offered some of his own pain medication since he knew I wouldn't have any. Here's Aaron battling cancer and in the middle of chemotherapy making sure that I'm comfortable and the I'm OK. That's just a small example of the kind of person Aaron was. He is truly a great person and an even better friend in every sense of the word. I will miss Aaron. - Bryce Clary FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 M ike Damas cus

I met Aaron Schulte my freshman year in college at the University of Washington. We both joined the Fiji house in the fall of 1999 and lived together there until the spring of 2003. Through our eight short but priceless years of knowing each other I grew to love Aaron as one of my closest friends. I honestly can’t think of a favorite memory I shared with him so I’ll just talk about some of the wonderful qualities he exemplified throughout his life.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Aaron was always positive. For this reason I always enjoyed being around him. Throughout college I would constantly stress about the next test around the corner or the huge paper that was due. To combat the stress, I found that I would frequently go to Aaron’s room and his presence alone would put me at ease. Even when things looked bad, he always found some way to reassure me that things would be okay. As one would expect, it was annoying at times dealing with a perpetual optimist, however I admired him for this quality and strived to be like him constantly. Aaron had a warm, loving heart. Whenever Aaron and I greeted each other (or parted ways), we did so with a hug rather than a handshake. I could see it in his eyes that he genuinely cared for me. Although we only knew each other for eight short years, I felt as close to him as any of my other childhood friends. I frequently talked to him about problems and he would offer sound, genuine advice. He was someone I could always count on to offer me advise that was truly in my best interest. Thanks Aaron. Aaron had the gift of gab. He could talk to anyone. Sometimes I would look at him and wonder how he did it, or if it was something that I could learn. I studied the way he interacted with others because he had a magical way of gravitating people towards him. He was truly a special person. I can’t think of a person who didn’t like Aaron…I think that speaks for itself. Aaron stood for what he believed in. He was never embarrassed/ashamed for any of his actions (Let me remind you that those actions included taking a Janet Jackson dance class and carrying a “man purse” just to name a few). He didn’t care what people thought of him and that made him who he was. A truly admirable quality— one I have tried to adopt myself with minimal success. Aaron had a great sense of humor. He was constantly laughing. His laughter was contagious. I believe laughter creates the shortest distance between two people. Because of this, Aaron was able to be so close with everyone he came into contact with and was able to touch so many people. Aaron would always joke that he “hated the Greeks” (I am Spartan) and he wanted to marry my little sister. Of all my friends, with Shannahan obviously being the last choice, I guess I can admit that he would have been a more than suitable choice for her ☺. These are just a few of the qualities Aaron possessed that I admired about him. Throughout life I constantly strive to adopt them for myself and live the life that he didn’t get a chance to live. Some people don’t need to be on Earth for long to make a



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ significant impact on others. Aaron was one of these people. He certainly influenced me in the most positive of ways and I will forever miss and never forget him. Speaking from his endless loving heart, I know Aaron would have said it was an honor to have died knowing you…well Aaron, as the Spartans say, it was an honor to have lived knowing you. - Mike Damascus FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Peter Denton

It's so hard to write something like this because all that I can think about is how cool and nice Aaron was. He's just one of those special people who are always smiling; always have something nice to say; definitely an inspiration to those around them and to me. Its so few and far in between that you find someone really sincere who means what they say but Aaron was that person...straight from the heart with nothing but good intentions. I wish that Aaron was in my class for would have certainly wanted to know him on that level. He is surely still here with us all. - Peter Denton FIJI – CLASS OF 2002 Eric Dor maier

My favorite memory of Schulte is from the first day I moved into the fraternity. He was my upperclassman roommate, and I was to be his freshman. He was living in room # 209, which is one of the smallest rooms our fraternity has to offer, and his quarters consisted of a single bed, one very small desk, a 10" television, two disturbingly small closets, and a poster from the movie "Blue Crush" (later a discount futon was added). Upon seeing the desktop computer that I had recently purchased with my graduation money, Aaron informed me that there "just isn't enough room for my new computer and that I would have to take it home ... sorry". I couldn't tell if he was serious or not, but after a quick discussion, he helped me rig up the pc so that it fit inside of my closet. Aaron was generous enough to allow the blue lawn chair that served as my computer chair to be stored in the room. For the remainder of my first quarter at the University of Washington, I spent my time studying Oceans 101, and writing English 111 papers in my blue lawn chair with my keyboard on my knees and my computer mouse at my side on the floor; with Aaron studying beside me. He was always quick to help and offer advice when I needed it. Aaron was a good friend, both kind and caring, and helped me take first few steps in a new city, which is something that I will never forget. - Eric Dormaier FIJI – CLASS OF 2006



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ J es s ica Echeverria

Dear Aaron, This letter may seem a little odd, especially since we were only physically friends for about four months. And in the past five years, we’ve written or spoken only a handful of times; but I’ve come to realize in my short life that time and space are truly relative in terms of love and friendship. What I learned from you measures beyond the days I spent at a desk in school, or the vast rolling hills of Italy, or the silly pangs of unreciprocated love. We traveled with opposite bags on our backs. Mine-filled with books and explanations of what I was looking at, and yours- postcards and funny stories to share with your loved ones back home (and cheesy music that horrifies me till this day). One day, we climbed up a hill and stood before a quilt of land. You reached over and pushed down my camera lens and said “Take it in before you memorialize it”. I live(d) in a world of words and you lived in a world of people. And words fail me tonight. They pale in comparison to your life and the life you were meant to live out. They pale in comparison to your laugh and the joy you found in everyone and everything. Words fail me in describing the earnestness in which you spoke to everyone. I can’t claim that I fully understand what your life meant I leave that for your loved ones and those who knew you best. This elegy goes beyond the words of John Dunne: “Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee”. While it is true that a death diminishes a person, your life however will forever enrich mine and the lives of many others. You offered me a friendship that was genuine and pure. One rarely found in today’s society. I will always carry with me a conversation we had in a café in Florence. We sat sipping the greatest hot chocolate in the world and I sat wining about my life. You looked at me, stared straight into my eyes, and said “What’s wrong with you? You’re great, you just have to realize that and not settle for anything less. Look at everything around you…”. Thank you for that. I can’t fully describe what that meant for me at that time in my life and till this day; but, I make a conscience effort to spend my days being grateful for what I have rather than complain. This is the least I can do in your honor. You will be greatly missed. - Jessica Echeverria FRIEND – FLORENCE TRIP



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Hamilton Gardine r

“Memories shared at Aaron’s Celebration” I was privileged enough to have known Aaron for the past eight years. Aaron and his family made a very positive and long lasting effect on my life. When I first heard about Aaron’s celebration I knew he would want it to be fun, lively, etc. and most of all be a party. His Aunt Jane mentioned to me that Aaron did not want people to wear black at his party. After hearing this I thought to myself, “Is Aaron telling me I need to go shopping?” So, I did. BUT, unlike Aaron, I wasn’t able to find something I liked. I know he’ll forgive me for that. Aaron was an extremely caring person. Even if you only met him once or had one conversation with him he would become your friend and genuinely interested in your life. Aaron was the life of the party. If he wasn’t there everyone was wishing he could have made it. When he did make it to the party the room would simply light up, his presence would make the party that much better. On a side note…Aaron rarely missed a party. Aaron made the extra effort as a friend. Some friends in our lives tend to be there when you need them most and when you just want to have fun. Aaron was undoubtedly that person in my life. “My last real party night with Aaron Schulte, December, 15, 2006” The last time I went out on the town with Aaron was simply a classic night. It started off with happy hour at Stanley & Seaforts, next to his place for some wine, then, to The Swiss for some live music and finally to The Loft for some club-ish dancing. This is where Aaron shined that night. Our group of seven to ten people just so happened to be the only group of people in this fairly large club, but that didn’t stop Aaron from leading the charge onto the dance floor. While on the dance floor Aaron eventually found some large boxes/platforms to stand and dance on. While he may have been having a blast on the platform, the bouncer thought otherwise and kicked him off of the platform…stating “girls only.” Of course, Aaron would have nothing to do with this and proceeded to negotiate with the bouncer so he could get back up there. I wish I could say he won the battle, but it didn’t turn out that way. Nonetheless Aaron danced the rest of the night away with all of his friends at the club.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ “The notorious Pamela Anderson grab on New Years Eve 2004-2005” As one of the favorite college and beyond pasttimes Aaron and I went up to Whistler as often as we could. There are a couple of big mountains up there, but the main focus tended to be on the bars and clubs later in the evenings. On New Years Eve 2004-2005 a group of guys came up to Whistler and booked tickets into the VIP room at Garfinkles night club. We had to pay a little extra, but the money was well worth the price of admission for this story alone. Earlier in the day Aaron had spotted Pamela Anderson walking around the village and we joked as a group that it would be hilarious if she was in the same club as us. As it turns out, she was! The night progressed as expected, drinks, dancing and girls, but the real focus for Aaron was how to touch or talk to Pam. His first attempt came as she headed towards the restroom, but as his hand proceeded towards Pam’s shoulder a bodyguard gave him the karate chop and his opportunity was lost. The second attempt came as she returned from the restroom and Aaron had placed himself in a more strategic position. As she walked by and the bodyguard was not looking Aaron reached in between the people and SUCCESS he got a hold of Pamela Anderson’s side. His hand was quickly removed from her person by the closest bodyguard, but the touch and moment still remains. Aaron Schulte was an amazing person and an incredible friend. I will forever hold fond memories of times with him and his amazing life close to my heart. Aaron will undoubtedly be missed. - Hamilton Gardiner FIJI – CLASS OF 2003



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Gavin Gaukroger

I remember Aaron Schulte. I remember Aaron being a selfless and kind person. I am a fraternity brother of Aaron's and while I only knew him for a few years, I feel like I knew him well. That is the kind of person Aaron was. He was honest and had immense integrity and he always seemed to be first in line to put others before himself. He was friendly without guile and he brought boundless energy to whatever he was doing. It was a privilege to know him and I will always remember him. - Gavin Gaukroger FIJI – CLASS OF 2001 Andrew Gilbreath

“It’s the best!” Though I will love and cherish the many memories of my amazing friendship with Aaron, I cannot begin to come up with a story that shows his true value to me. Through losing Aaron, I have come upon a few salient facts. One; no matter how someone knew him, people thought that Aaron was an amazing person. He treated others with respect, compassion and honesty; honored his unwavering values; excelled in both physical and mental challenges; was incredibly outgoing and adventurous; and had a great sense of humor and a laugh that was far more addicting than the most potent drug. Two: people loved being around him. No matter what you were doing with Aaron, you were happy. So many people will hold close the incredible times that they spent with him, while at the same time selfishly mourn that new stories cannot be formed. Three: (and most importantly) for those fortunate enough to really be close to him, Aaron made you a better person. But how? It didn’t matter whether he had just taken the last sip of an ice-cold Corona on the sandy beaches of Cabo, or if we had just finished jamming to Toto’s Africa back in Seattle in some fusty room in the Fiji house. Aaron would turn to me with his contagious grin, and a look in his eye and say, “Gilly, It’s the Best!” He would always say it, and I always loved it. It’s my favorite Schulte quote! In saying those three words, Aaron would place ultimate value on whatever we were talking about, whether it was an object or experience. Even if the thing he was referring to wasn’t “the best” in my opinion, in saying those words I had to value that thing, because he did. If nothing else, we could at



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ least have a good laugh. This is the closest I can get to summarizing how Aaron lived his life. I feel that he focused on the best parts of life, choosing to see the good in things instead of the bad. Not only the good, “The Best”. To say that he was never negative would be ignorant and cliché, but his outlook on life was truly amazing, and honestly impacted everyone he interacted with. In life, there are stimuli, actions, and reactions. It is our perceptions of these things that gives everything context and meaning. To be so close to someone that had such an incredible perception of life can only be contagious. I feel that it was his cognizance that made him such an amazing person, made people love being around him, and made others better people. I essentially missed the boat on hearing some critically negative information about Aaron’s battle with cancer. I was out of town when they found the re-occurrence in December and didn’t hear about it until weeks later. Then when I came home from spring break, my roommate Mike told me that I better get down to Oregon to say goodbye. Needless to say, my psyche was completely shattered as I began to make the saddest journey of my short life. But when I looked into the eyes of my sick friend, and saw his incredible strength for one last time, I knew that everything was going to be fine. Aaron Schulte... you are the best. “Lecture Visit” Aaron use to have the dumbest voice-mail recording. "[Automated female voice] Please leave your message for... [Aaron's voice] Aaaaron SchulTE!..." We always made fun of how he said it, and it was cause for much laughter. On a normal day in the Fiji house you would hear "Aaaaaron SchulTE!" echoing throughout the halls. Any random moment called for it. One day Aaron and I were sitting in a organic chemistry lecture in the largest lecture hall on campus, Kane 130. This was the worst class we had ever had. We would fend of slumber while our Chinese professor with an extremely thick accent would read an overhead from a photocopied page of our book (as if organic chemistry lectures need help to be boring). As we sit in the middle of class, we hear a yell from the back of the hall: "Aaaaaron SchulTE!!!" Immediately hundreds of heads turn to see what the hell was going on in the back of the class. Schulte and I stare at each-other wide eyed and begin to bust into laughter. We both immediately knew that our friend Mike Damascus had come into a door in back of class, knowing we were in there, yelled his name, and ran out. Our professor breaks his trance from the overhead, stares to the back of the class, and then states, "Well... that won't be on the test," and continues with the lecture. It was hilarious.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ “Doose” As I have recently heard the infamous Doose capturing story, in most accounts it’s been told that Mitch and Aaron returned the bird at the end of Grass Skirt. For those of you that were in our class, you should remember what kind of shape Mitch was in after that party. If you don't, a certain after party involving a pony keg, a batman suite, a black permanent marker, and a lack of clothes might jog your memory. In any case, Mitch was in no shape to help return Doose, so I helped. I say with certainty that Doose did not want to leave the party. He was incredibly hard to capture, but eventually we got him. Though we didn't exactly place him back into the pen that they got Doose from, I did not see any of his natural predators in the area that we let him loose. I actually don't really know if dooses have any natural predators, but that is beside the point. In any case, I can't help but want to have my name stamped into the legendary life of Aaron Schulte - Andrew Gilbreath FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Anthony J ans en

Much attention from your fraternal friends has been place on how much you enjoyed life, desired fun. I thought that maybe I would speak briefly about what I admire most about you, and your enduring character. Never in my short 26 years have I come across an individual so willing to offer unconditional friendship at first introduction. You never judge others based on outward appearance; rather focusing on the good that lye’s in everyone. This is your trait Aaron—practiced to perfection—the part of you I ask to take moving forward in my life. Rest well my friend. - Anthony Jansen FIJI – CLASS OF 2003

J eremy Kuhlmann

“We gotta make it happen” What I remember most about Aaron was his ability to ‘make it happen’. For everyone that knew Aaron well, I guarantee that they heard him say at one point or another, ‘we gotta make it happen’. Most of the time, without Aaron’s persistence, energy, and sheer will to ‘make it happen’, the rest of us may never have created what are now our



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ most cherished memories. He was always calling me with a new vacation idea, weekend trip, or way for us to get the most out of life. The first time Aaron and I ‘made it happen’ was during our sophomore year in college when we made an impromptu trip to see U2 at the Tacoma Dome. Neither one of us had a car or tickets to the concert, but what did we do? We made it happen. I remember coming back to the Fiji house after class that afternoon and wondering, is this guy serious? What were we going to do, start knocking on other peoples’ doors in the fraternity asking to borrow their car? It wasn’t like we wanted to go run a quick errand; we wanted the car for the night to drive to Tacoma. After about the tenth door, we found a car. We left Seattle late that afternoon; arriving in Tacoma with what we hoped was enough cash to scalp 2 tickets to the show. Within minutes of our arrival, we secured tickets at face value. It was clearly meant to be. After rocking out to U2 for over two and a half hours that night, Aaron and I were fans for life. We enjoyed the show so much; we got on our cell phones as we were driving back to the house and organized a U2 after party. We must have listened to U2 until 3 am that night. In the years that followed, Aaron and I would attend two other U2 shows. One in Seattle in April 2005 and the other in Portland in December 2005. I especially remember the leadup to the Portland show. Aaron and I knew it was the last show of their American tour and would surely make it a difficult ticket to obtain. In addition, given the show was on December 19th, we were both concerned about driving to Portland so close to Christmas and blowing a bunch of money on ourselves. That being said, we went with our usual plan of not buying tickets before hand and rolling the dice with the scalpers. As the date of the show came closer, Aaron and I were watching ticket prices on eBay shoot through the roof. Two general admission floor tickets with a face value of $50 each were going for upwards of $500 a piece! We remained calm, for we had done this twice before and at this point had the process down to a science. The outrageous ticket prices sparked an interesting conversation on the ride to Portland that night I will never forget. Aaron and I discussed having no regrets in life, living each day to its fullest and not letting obstacles like no transportation, tickets, money, or common sense for that matter, get in the way, because you just never know what life may have in store for you. Aaron would find out a short 4 months later, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. Although we paid $200 each for our floor tickets that night, the memory would last a lifetime.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ “Let’s Do Coffee” There were a few things I wanted to tell Aaron in the final weeks of his life. There are the obvious ones – how much he meant to me as a friend. the lasting impact his legacy would leave on so many others he inspired through living his life, and the unforgettable moments we shared throughout our seven years together. Then came the one that I’m not sure he saw coming. I wanted Aaron to know what he taught me about the power of simple communication. Aaron was a great communicator. If memory serves me correctly, he even taught an experimental college class on the subject at some point. He was the first guy to ever offer to go to coffee and “talk”. It didn’t really matter what either of us wanted to talk about necessarily, just that we always knew we could depend on each other for someone to listen. I still remember the first time Aaron offered to listen. We were studying one day during our sophomore year at the local Tully’s coffee located in the Meany Hotel. This was a preferred location due to its cushy chairs, large tables, and hotel lobby area that doubled as a nice living room for fraternity guys used to living in much rougher accommodations. I believe it was a Sunday just after a week that included a few parties. Aaron had witnessed my interactions with a particular girl and knew that it was weighing on my mind. Without going into details - Aaron asked me if I wanted to talk about it. Although I had girls as friends in high school in college that I would talk to about these things, I’m pretty sure Aaron was the first guy friend I had that ask me to talk about these things. I quickly responded with “no, I’m ok…I’ll let you know if I want to talk about it”. Despite my initial hesitance, an hour and a half later, we had finished our first talk. We would have many such talks throughout college. Didn’t matter what was going on; but if either of us wanted to talk we would just say “we gotta do coffee this week” and that meant we had something to discuss. I made sure during our last “talk” in March that he knew his legacy would leave a lasting impression on my life and the lives of so many others. He stressed the importance of communication, pursuing what you value in life, and living life to its fullest. I assured him that through his passion for life and unparalleled selflessness throughout his battle with cancer; he changed all of us for the better. - Jeremy Kuhlmann FIJI – CLASS OF 2003



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________

J es s ica Lawrence

I’m sure that it’s difficult for most people to describe the relationship they had with Aaron. It’s almost impossible to explain what someone means to you or to express a defining moment in your relationship. Something that moved you, inspired you, made you laugh, cry, or maybe you hardly remember it because you were way too drunk, but you’re sure it must have been special. I can’t pin point one moment I had with Aaron and it is difficult for me to describe or share what our friendship was, because no one really ever got it except for us. There are precious few people who have really touched my life in a profound way, but I can pin point a day when I met one of those people. My freshman year at UW, Aaron and I were on a couch at a FIJI live-out sipping non-alcoholic beverages and watching the mayhem unfold around us. A night that will live in infamy in the minds of many FIJIs and AXOs as the night Tad Richards poured a full beer on Erin Deets’s head, which quickly ended the evening’s festivities. However, for me, that night is the night I met Aaron Schulte, the all-around nice guy from Lake Oswego, Oregon who was a non-drinker (just like me), as sweet as could be, grew up 20 minutes from my hometown, and was going to be a doctor. That first year of school included a slide party and our first Grass Skirt together, along with a few other meetings and hanging out. Sophomore year we discovered our mutual love of drinking (finally), Dawson’s Creek, boy bands, coffee shops, Britney Spears (for which Aaron’s love never wavered), fashion (however is was still several years before he retired that blue and black fleece he wore everywhere), Husky football, dancing, laughing, and partying. Our friendship started to grow into something we both enjoyed, but seemed to puzzle everyone else. Going into our junior and senior years we were both single and loved having a good time. We were each other’s stand in and date for just about everything. We studied together, had coffee together, went out to dinner and movies (as everyone knows, two of Aaron’s favorite things), went to our respective dances, watched Dawson’s, went to see N’SYNC where Aaron wore his trench leather jacket and sandblasted jeans he bought in Italy (yes, we did buy tickets and contrary to what most people would have said that night, Aaron was a very straight man), and generally partied like rock



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ stars. I do believe one of our finest moments as partners in crime was getting really drunk at one of Uncle Jim and Aunt Jane’s parties and trying to seduce some of their friends. Not only were we invited back the next year, but we are still talked about today as being the life of the party. Those two years we spent together were probably two of the most fun years I have ever had in my life. I lived two doors down from the FIJI live-out which lead to many nights of Aaron banging at my door and passing out drunk in my bed trying to cuddle (because the whole four blocks he had to walk was much too far). I even skipped out on my Spring Cruise senior year because it was on the same night as Grass Skirt. Aaron and I decided it was more important to go to one together than split up that night, since we’d gone to all the others together. That year also brought many questions regarding our relationship and it’s generally ambiguous nature. Why don’t you guys just date and get it over with? I can’t even begin to think how many times I heard that question over the course of those two years. Even today, people will say to me, I always thought you two would end up together. Although after school our lives took us in different directions and we followed different paths, I always knew Aaron would be there for me. I think we discussed that if we reached 35 and were still unmarried, we’d give it a shot, since we knew we’d have a great time together. Our friendship, the dynamics of it, was even somewhat of a mystery to me. I knew it existed, that it was so real, that it was deep and filtered into so many aspects of my life. It was also like nothing I had ever experienced before with another man. I suppose now is the point in the story where I should disclose to everyone what Aaron taught me and why he, and our friendship, meant so much to me. I visited Aaron two weeks before he passed away and in one of our conversations, he was able to put into words what I never could (amazing since he was on so many drugs). He told me he had tried to explain our relationship to his mom. He described it as what happens when two people deny attraction, ignore outside forces and always put the relationship and your love for the other person first. A friendship emerges that will forever be pure, uncomplicated and shows you how to love for all the right reasons. I will always treasure Aaron’s thoughtful description of our friendship because it was a question that had long lingered in my mind and the minds of others. Why ours worked and why we had made it last for so long. We loved, respected, enjoyed and cherished one another for what we were, best friends who would go on to have other



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ lives, live in separate cities and be with other people. But, I will never forget Aaron for helping me get to that point. Aaron, whether he knew it or not, taught me two of the greatest lessons any man in my life has ever taught me. They were gifts really. He taught me that I deserved to be loved and respected by other men for who I am. Aaron showed me that in his actions and by demonstrating to me everyday that he loved and cared about me. He also taught me what it really means to love a man. I don’t mean to be in love with a man, but to love a man, and as I said before, for all the right reasons. Relationships take work, even those that aren’t romantic ones. I knew that if I was able to put all the effort into having a relationship with Aaron like the one we had, that I now understood the most important and fundamental part that contributed to being in love, building a friendship. Those gifts that he gave me have now enabled me to be successful in having a relationship and falling in love. I just wish he had been able to meet the person I fell in love with, because I think he would have been pleased that I finally got it right this time. It has been so hard to explain to my fiancé, Scott, just how wonderful Aaron was and what he meant to me. He sat with me on the couch the other night while I watched the DVD Aaron’s dad made. I wanted to watch it again for myself and I wanted Scott to have a glimpse of my friend. From the Aaron I went to college with that was so full of life to the Aaron I went to visit while he was in his last days, I wanted to shed some light on this amazing person that I was so proud to call my friend. He will always be present in my life, but I just have to find new ways to keep him alive in my memory, in my home and in my heart. I have a picture of him on my bulletin board at work and a picture of the two of us together on my fridge at home. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about him. I still haven't quite wrapped my head around the fact that my closest guy friend is no longer with me and that I'll never pick up the phone again and hear him say, "Hey babe, it's me." Aaron also used to sign all of his cards and emails to me "Love, A". Shortly after Aaron passed away, I had a friend of mine here in DC, Asher, who sent me an email and signed it "A". It was something that was so simple, but it really hit me hard knowing that I'd never see that again coming from Aaron. But then again there are other moments when I really feel him and it brings a smile to my face. The other night when I got home, I put on a U2 CD and the first song was A Beautiful Day. I don't even know if it's one of his favorites, but I know how much he loved U2. Every time I hear that song I think of Aaron and I always have, because to him, everyday was a gift and everyday really was beautiful. Finally, one of the greatest things about Aaron was that he was always up for something fun and he always pushed me, even when I didn’t feel like it, to go on an



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ adventure. He constantly had ideas and plans, whether it was a going to see a movie or a trip to Europe, he was going places and trying new things. Aaron also loved bring his friends or family along, but the best thing about Aaron was that he was never afraid to strike out on his own and make his own way. If there was an adventure to be had, he was going whether you came or not. Unfortunately for the rest of us, we lost Aaron to what he called “his new adventure”, much earlier than we wished we had. But, what gives me the most peace is knowing that my friend always lived life to the fullest, thought everyday was a gift, and was never afraid to go it alone. I miss him. I love him. He changed my life and for that, I’ll never forget him. - Jessica Lawrence BEST FRIEND

Anna Lewis on

I got to know Schulte winter quarter of his freshman year when he was the freshman roommate of sophomores Casey Bowman & Greg Pendleton. Schulte was so into his high school girlfriend (who he was still dating at the time.) He would send her cheesy cards (see actual scan of one provided by Kelsey) and make mixed CD's of love songs for her. I used to give him a really hard time about it, but he would always laugh. He was a genuinely kind person who I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to laugh with. - Anna Lewison COLLEGE FRIEND

Kris Lindquis t

I was lucky enough to meet Aaron in the fall of 1999 when entering the Fiji house at the University of Washington. Aaron and I had many great experiences while living at the Fiji



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ house, but the most fun we had together was when we moved to Thea’s Landing in Tacoma. With graduation nearing everyone was looking for places to live. One day in a casual conversation with Aaron, I found out that after graduation he was going to be moving to Tacoma to go to work for his Aunt Jane at North West Kinetics. This was perfect for me because I too was moving home to Tacoma and was looking for a roommate. Aaron and I decided to live together, but the one problem was finding an apartment. Aaron and I made multiple trips to Tacoma during spring quarter to search for our first post college pad. Most of the apartments in Tacoma were either too expensive or complete dumps. We fell in love with a new complex Thea’s Landing. It was on the water, but it was too expensive. The woman showing us the place must have felt bad for these two poor recent college grads and decided to show us the handicap unit that no one wanted. Well, Aaron and I loved it! The apartment had wider hallways, grab bars in the bathroom and a huge deck overlooking the water. Most importantly it was cheap! We were sold! Aaron and I moved in two weeks later and embarked on a fun filled two years full of burgskys, Nick Lachey beers, hot tubs, barbecues, hold em and frequent trips to the Harmon, the Swiss and Costco. There are too many stories to tell from those years living at Thea’s, but the memories we had together I will cherish for the rest of my life. - Kris Lindquist FIJI – CLASS OF 2003



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ J eff Nellans

Aaron was someone who you could always count on to have a smile on his face. I remember how much of a good attitude he had, even in his last days. We have so many good stories about Aaron I wouldn’t know where to start. The one that says a lot about his character is when we first joined the fraternity; we were out running around the U-district on the night before school started. We were all running across the street and one of the sophomores jumped and slid across the hood of the car. Well, it turned out this particular car was an undercover police car. When the police lined us up and asked who did it at first nobody stepped forward. However, after a few seconds of nobody stepping forward, Aaron jumped out and said he did it. He didn’t even do it and he was taking one for the team! He barely even knew any of us at that point. I’m sure someone else will tell this story but this is the one that stands out to me. Aaron was just the kind of person to do a thing like that. It says so much about him. We will never forget Aaron’s outlook on life, his laugh, enthusiasm, and character. He knew the values of brotherhood before we even began life in the fraternity… We love you Aaron! - Jeff Nellans FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Sean Newell

From my eight years of knowing Aaron, four of which were spent in close proximity at the Fiji house, I feel like I have too many "Schulte stories" to summarize in a 1,000 page memory book. So, instead of picking my favorite (which is impossible) I have decided to share a few unique memories of Aaron that immediately come to mind: - Initiating what will be my life-long addiction to Diet Coke after he brought to my attention, in true Aaron fashion, the fact that cutting out one regular coke a day could make me sexier for lounging on the beach in Cabo - Making me go tanning for the first time so my pasty white skin didn't embarrass him when we hung out on the beaches of Mexico.

- Chasing Mike Damascus and Ben Adams around our condo in Cabo - naked - after we threw a bucket of cold water on him in the shower. This moment was forever captured in a photograph of Damascus and Ben cowering in a corner with Schulte's pasty white derriere center shot. Unfortunately, this picture has disappeared (and we all know who the primary suspect is in the disappearance).



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ - Aaron's tequila-induced, one-sided verbal altercation on the streets of Cabo with a fake rat named "Senor S#@&head". - Drinking "2-Buck Chuck" in Aaron's fraternity room and then convincing him to pound on the wall yelling, all in good spirits, his ex-girlfriend's name (who at that time happened to be dating another fraternity brother in the next room). Brenna!!!! - Surreptitiously cutting down all the bamboo in the U-District, while dodging police patrols, so that we could make a bamboo tiki-bar for a fraternity party. As this and other stories of Aaron will show, he would do anything to make a party more fun (Dooce!) - Always placing large objects in Aaron's room, such as construction signs that went from wall to wall, just for the sake of doing it. - A semi-weekly ritual of driving to Bellevue just so we could see movies in a theater that, unlike the theaters in the U-District, was built before 1920. For Aaron, you couldn't skimp on the movie watching experience. Aaron and I always had the same taste in movies (War of the Rings, We Were Soldiers, Excalibur etc). - Aaron's absolute refusal to eat any meal at the fraternity and his willingness to spend hundreds of dollars a month eating Quiznos everyday in an attempt to "watch his figure." - The impromptu U2 song and dance parties Aaron would host in his fraternity room. - Fearlessly chatting up with the neighborhood transvestite (who at the time was dressed in a pink tutu) as if they were buddies. This truly showed that Aaron would give you a chance, no matter what. The list could go on and on.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Needless to say, Aaron has provided me with memories and stories that will always give me a good laugh whenever I have the chance to reminisce with old friends. Not only do we have fond memories together, but he inspired me to be comfortable in my own skin and to live life to its fullest. I look forward to meeting up with Aaron again someday so that we can relive our memories together and to once again debate over who was the best special forces unit in the world, the Spetsnaz, or the Navy Seals. He was truly " the best" friend that anyone could ever ask for. - Sean Newell FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Ryan Niles

By far my fondest memory of Aaron, and really the time I got to know him on a more personal level, was on our “Run to the Roses” trip down to Pasadena, California for the Rose Bowl our sophomore year of college. Of all the great experiences we as Fiji’s got to experience in our short four year college run, the running of the game ball down to Southern California was a trip of a lifetime. We took the second and final leg of the trip, carrying the ball from San Francisco down to Pasadena. On this trip is where I really saw Schulte’s love for life and for people. His unique ability to relate to anybody on any level is what I’ll always remember about him. Regardless of age, gender, social status, social stereotype, etc, he would always find common ground with that person and strike up a friendship, whether short term or deep rooted. He did that with me, whom I didn’t know very well, and with the other 7 people crammed in the back of Hamilton Gardiner’s suburban, all the seats folded down. Being in a car with people for an extended period of time, especially your friends, gives a person ample time to get to know someone. Naturally I took that time to get to know Aaron and I’m forever thankful for it. He is somebody you instantly gravitate towards with his smile and positive attitude; he is simply infectious in the best of ways. We discussed nice girls vs. bad girls, a town called “Weed,” whether Schulte could swim from the San Francisco harbor out to Alcatraz, why it was a bad idea to try, and some more serious issues as to what is really important in life in regards to family, friends, and experiences. The trip (at least at the beginning) consisted of us running the game ball in couple mile increments, handing the ball off to one another when we got tired. Schulte of course ran the longest and was always smiling, which was indicative of any endeavor he took on in his life. However after a couple days of running we had grown restless and stir-crazy in the car, we needed some action. Someone brought up Vegas (Schulte I remember was immediately on board), blamed my upcoming birthday as a reason to go there, and the rest was history.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ We left on a “small” detour east to Las Vegas, stayed at Sean Newell’s parents place, left Brad Cahill behind while we hit the Las Vegas “strip” (feel free to add the word “clubs” ), watched Aaron sing and dance like a pirate outside of Excalibur, and gambled at the slots (we were 21…ish). Schulte, not prepared for a Vegas trip, borrowed my clothes because he said he didn’t have enough “nice things” to wear, some things never change. Some events and experiences I will left unsaid, but those couple days were really the start of a solid yet unspoken friendship between Aaron and I. The trip ended in Pasadena with a Rose Bowl win by the UW Huskies and a New Year’s celebration in L.A. What a way to end a year and what a way to start a friendship with someone whom I didn’t realize we would all lose to soon. You will be missed Aaron, your love for life, your smile, your undying loyalty to everyone you touched, your selfless motives, your pure intentions, and your extraordinary courage. Your passing selfishly gives everyone else a reminder of what to achieve in life, of what to strive to be in life, and the legacy that we all want to leave behind when it is our turn to see you once again. - Ryan Niles FIJI – CLASS OF 2003

J eff Nittroue r

Aaron returned from a semester in Italy spring of sophomore year. He walks into 203 (202?) which was Dreke's room at the time. Dreke, Eddie and I were sitting around drinking beer, and in walks Schulte wearing a pair of pink tinted, designer boutique jeans from Italy. We laughed and laughed until Schulte looks at us with a weird face, and quickly says "hey, at least I have a sense of style", pointing at our fusty sweats and frat shirt. Fucking brilliant. - Jeff Nittrouer FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Steve Pham

A memory with Aaron that comes to mind seems to have been reiterated many times but I must share my take on it. It’s funny that in a fraternity full of dudes where the typical conversation includes football, beer and girls, Schulte and I bonded over



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ hairstyles. I remember one time I was complementing on his "just out of bed" hairstyle. I just plain asked him how he did it. He told me that it took a lot of long hard hours putting each hair in its place just to make it look like he "just got out of bed". I may be stealing this from somebody else but I believe his hairstyle was termed, "organized chaos". - Steve Pham FIJI – CLASS OF 2003 Tad Richards

To set the scene: Fall quarter, freshman year. Our class of 27 entered the fraternity in the fall of 1999 at different stages in our lives. I entered it ready to party first and worry about everything else later. This included class projects. For those who know me, I eventually turned the corner (or I would like to think I did) but not until after freshman year. Aaron view on his freshman year of college was pretty much 180 degrees different than mine in the fall of 1999. He was at UW to work hard, make lifelong friendships, look good for the ladies, be sober, and avoid Kimmy’s food. On Thursday of homecoming week, the freshman class was responsible for making the Fiji homecoming sign appear overnight. The goal was for the sign to develop out of nowhere and to have the biggest sign exhibiting the most purple and incorporating a large Dawg. This was an expectation set by the upperclassmen. Unfortunately, this cut into my Thursday night and what I perceived as party time. So instead of grabbing a hammer and pounding nails or getting dirty trying to paper mache a Dawg’s face, Bryson Bede and I decided to head to Earl’s on the Ave. Well, by mid-fall quarter freshman year, Earl’s had already become a friend of ours and he served us despite our age. Those who know my tolerance know that Earl did not have to serve me much before I became worthless to the class’ building efforts. In fact, when we finally made it back to the fraternity around 1 am (and these details are slightly hazy to me but thankfully filled in by Capaleto) Bryson and I were not only useless but also causing more issues trying to help out where we were obviously unwanted. Needless to say, the class was pissed that I was unwilling to pull my weight.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________

After waking up the next day, I realized how much I had let the class down and was in a somber mood. I vividly remember having dinner at the fraternity that Friday night with about ten total people. Looking back, I am shocked Aaron was actually eating a Kimmy meal. Regardless of why Aaron was there that night (Matt Wickens probably told him to talk to me). We ended up talking for a long time about issues I had brought on myself in the fall. He stressed how much people cared about me but recommended I make an effort to improve my decision making. Although this wasn’t the final “incident”, I remember how important it was to know I had the support of my classmates (including the sober one who had every right to judge me). I’d like to think Aaron and I entered college at different points in our lives but left it basically the same. We made amazing lifelong friendships, loved to have a good time, and worked hard when it was necessary. I was truly blessed to have a friend like Aaron. - Tad Richards FIJI – CLASS OF 2003

Angela Sellati

Florence was a time in my life made memorable not so much by the city itself (although Firenze is amazing) but by the people who became my family while I was there. Aaron was a huge part of that family. He was the hot blonde kid from University of Washington who had a lust for life, could always muster a smile and knew how to get the party started. He and Ben were a part of our great crew and we all loved traveling and hanging out together. When I picture Aaron, I picture a well dressed guy, a dancing machine taking over some stage at a club who had no shame. There was also the serious Aaron, the dedicated Aaron who had big aspirations. That’s the Aaron I will miss most, the loving gentle young man who wanted to be sure everyone was happy and everyone was well. One of the last nights in Florence was also one of the coldest nights. There were only a few of us left in the city, most of the others had gone back to the States. He and I were walking the cobble streets, it was



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ snowing and we were talking about how much we looked forward to getting back on with our lives. He was ready to get back to Washington and I was ready to finish up Grad school. We were both sad that we had to say goodbye to everyone we had learned to love in such a short period of time. Florence will ever bind us and I will always remember him as the younger brother I had overseas who helped look out for me, my sister Kari and all of our friends. Aaron, cool pair of shades on, dressed to the nines, dancing on a stage still taking care of his loved ones. You are missed! - Angela Sellati FRIEND FROM FLORENCE TRIP M att Shannahan

I can still remember the horror and disgust I felt upon hearing that cheesy 70’s music echoing down the halls of the Fiji house. I was returning to my room from class and for some reason there was something playing at full volume in my room with the door wide open. I was subjected to dirty looks and scowls from people fleeing the area as I neared. Once again, I had been the victim of one of Aaron’s pranks. As I raced to shut off the gay porn playing full blast on my television, I could hear Aaron across the hall, laughing his ass off. It was my plan to play that prank on someone but I obviously shared it with the wrong person! I think I evened the score after I put gay porn all over his laptop screen just before his aunt got on it, or maybe after successfully testing the “hand in a warm bowl of water” prank when he was passed out in Vegas. A few of us were always busting Aaron’s balls, but we could always rely on him to dish it right back out while wearing that shit-eating grin of his. Aaron got a late start with alcohol and we all knew that we were in for some interesting episodes as he tested his limits. Beginning from that first gulp out of the melon during our freshman year, I made an effort to get some quality video footage. Instant classics such as “The Mommy Song” or chasing people around the room while naked in Cabo San Lucas come to mind. He was one goofy bastard when he had a bit too much to drink and it was always so much fun to be around him. I’m very thankful for his silly behavior, as we now have much more footage of him than we would have otherwise. We should all thank Mike Damascus for spending 48 hours



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ straight making a highlight video of Aaron’s college years. It’s definitely something you want to see. Aaron was one of the most genuine and selfless people I’ve ever met. His word was his bond and he never let me down. I could depend on him and could talk to him about anything on my mind. It wasn’t just about his latest muscle building scheme or man-purse recommendation either. I find comfort in knowing Aaron will continue to live in our hearts and memories, but we all must realize that it doesn’t have to end there. He has touched all of our lives and therefore there is a little of him in all of us. Celebrate Aaron’s life-- follow his lead. - Matt Shannahan FIJI – CLASS OF 2003

Tyler S lone

I was a freshman in the Fiji house when Aaron was a senior. There is no one moment with him that stands out, but I still instantly smile when I think of him because that’s what it seemed he was always doing. Very welcoming, Aaron made being around him a very comfortable, fun time. I wish I could've of got to know him better, but from the short periods I spent with him, and in the memories looking back, I still get a smile on my face. - Tyler Slone FIJI – CLASS OF 2006 M att Tabler

Aaron Schulte. His name always reminds me of the active and happy person he was at the University of Washington. Those of us that lived at the Fiji house had the fortune of knowing Aaron during a time in his life full of excitement and growth. I doubt that we’ll ever experience another time as spontaneous and with such potential to shape the future; a time that we all undoubtedly miss. It was such a positive and memorable experience to have met Aaron and shared that special part of our past perhaps the most cherished part of my life. The story that reminds me most of Aaron is more of a message that he passed down. It's been a while but it seems like yesterday when Aaron and I were getting up early in the Fiji house, sleepy from a 214 party, for a shower and the walk across a rainy, cold campus for a science lab in Bagley – a trek we made together often and shared many of our most encouraging and genuine conversations about school, the house, and the future. He was an upperclassman that had it figured out. Aaron took very difficult courses and managed his life to make time for what was even more important to him –



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ his friends in college. His encouraging character and bright outlook for the future had a big impact on my life that year. His passing is difficult to accept, however his positive presence during college will always remind me of one thing - how to balance hard work with fun. Aaron did both well and usually had a smile to show for it. His legacy is one that I will not forget and one that will always remind me of him and his encouraging friendship during college. - Matt Tabler FIJI – CLASS OF 2005 Brad Walker

Thought this story was a classic Schulte moment and one that I will always remember!! So one random weekend Aaron was over at my apartment and we were getting ready to go out to some bars, most likely with Mike, Shanahan, etc., and I was getting changed for the night. Now I have never claimed to be a fashion icon but figured I had a few shirts to go out in. So I walk out of my room with a shirt on, probably some typical Nike shit, or some shirt that I had most likely had for 4 years and I look around to see Aaron give me a once over and ask with a smile: "Is that the shirt you are going out in?" Obviously I get that "Are you going to wear that?" feeling and realize that maybe chicks don’t want to see guys in sports shirts unless their in the gym. Trying to pretend like I wasn’t really planning on going out in it, I said "Uhm, I don’t know, why don’t you go look at my closet and pick out a shirt that I should wear." Aaron quickly agreed and cruised to my closet to start browsing my shirts. Briefly looking at most shirts, but occasionally giving a longer look to a few, he reached the end of the rack and looked at



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ me with a smile on his face: "Yeah, well why don’t you just keep that shirt on...." Some of us have style, some of us don't. Thanks for letting me know Aaron. - Brad Walker FIJI – CLASS OF 2003



Family and Friends 

MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ M ichelle Beckham

First of all let me say I am a very blessed person. It was such a privilege and honor to have Aaron as my friend. Even when times were difficult, Aaron could always help me see what was truly important. He continued to do that until the day he passed away. I miss my friend terribly, but at the same time I know that he will always be with me. My memories of Aaron keep him alive in my heart and mind. One Friday night a few of us at work decided to go out on the town. At the time, Aaron and I both worked Saturday shifts together. We would switch off who would come in early (5:30am) or later (7:00am). This particular weekend it was Aaron's turn to cover the 5:30am shift. Needless to say it was a late night out. Aaron, half jokingly, asked me if I could come in for the early shift. I told him no, but in my mind knew he wasn't going to ever make it in to work on time. So the next morning, a very tired me, showed up to work at 5:30. No Aaron. 6:00am came around. No Aaron. At 6:20 I hear the front door open with a bang. Aaron comes running in with black scrubs on (which looked like they had just been picked up off the floor) and his backpack. His words to me were, "Sorry Shell, my alarm didn't go off". I was all ready to give him a speech about how important it is to show up to work on time and so on. All I could say was "Aaron, go to the bathroom and clean up, you still look drunk and the first appointment didn't show anyway." He gave me a big hug and ran to the bathroom. The rest of the day was probably the most fun I've had a work. Since it was a pretty slow day, Aaron showed Nin (our new extern at the time) and me how to "pop and lock" between screening appointments. Needless to say I left work feeling less tired and more energetic than I'd felt all week. This was on about 3 hours of sleep. In essence that's what Aaron did. He had so much positive energy that even when you felt you didn't have the strength, he helped you get through whatever challenge you had to face. - Michelle Beckham CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS Bets y Cadwallader

I can remember going up from Portland, OR to visit my son, Ben Adams at The University of Washington one weekend after he had returned from a semester abroad in Italy. There were several other of his friends from UW who went over there on this program through Florida State University, as well as some of his friends from Lake Oswego High School (Ben's alma mater). Jake Rosenbloom worked it out to be



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ studying there at the same time too, although his program was through Stanford, where he was attending college. They were all living in Florence. Aaron was one of Ben's friends going through the program. They had become great friends at Lake Oswego High School and they were both attending UW. They flew over to Italy at the end of August of 2002, and I can remember getting a call from Ben to say that he had arrived safely. He said that he and Aaron were roommates in this tiny little room with one window that faced another building, and that it was so hot that it was almost unbearable. I think that they went out and bought all the fans in Florence that they could find, only to find that within a week or two the weather had cooled down considerably. Then on September 11, 2002, the terrorist attack on The World Trade Center occurred, and Ben called me again to ask what was going on because they could see the pictures on tv, but they couldn't understand the Italian language that was describing what had happened. I told him what I knew, and I think that he emailed me that they had found someone who got The BBC channel, so now they could understand what had happened, and what was happening with loved ones trying to find people who had been in the buildings that day. Things were tense in Europe too with the terrorists, but Florida State decided to go on with classes. The kids got involved with them, as well as learning to live the Italian life in Florence. At one point, Florida State said that they would send the students home if they felt that they were in any danger, but luckily that didn't happen. In October, they had 2-3 weeks off to travel wherever they wanted to go in Europe. Ben and Aaron went to Spain, and had a ball. I think that there were a few other friends from the program along with them too. So the program went on, and they were back at the end of the quarter. All of Ben's friends that went that I spoke to said that it was a great program, and that they had had a lot of fun. Anyway, this weekend that I went up to visit Ben when he got back; we decided to get a few of The Fiji boys together and go out to their favorite Italian restaurant. It was a restaurant with so much Italian ambiance and really good food (and lots of it), that the boys were really happy, and this conjured up lots of stories of Italy. It was so much fun to hear them all. The Italian music was playing in the background, and I can remember Aaron's huge smile while he was reminiscing about the adventures in Italy. He got so excited that he was saying," Italy was the best time in college wasn't it guys?" Then he had to get everyone to high five him, and they all said, "YES!" That image of Aaron-so happy- with that great smile on his face will never escape me. I feel honored to have been with him that night, and to have seen that he had experienced living in Italy, just like he did everything else, with all his heart. Thank you Aaron for letting me enjoy that night at the Italian restaurant in Seattle. - Betsy Cadwallader FAMILY FRIEND



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Caron Campbell

On my very first day of clinical work at NWK, a button on my long winter coat snagged on the threshold, resulting in a cartoon-worthy sprawling fall. My lunch bag emptied its contents and my dignity was severely wounded. Aaron, who was a screening technician then, rushed to my side to assist me back up and help me gather my stuff after checking on my welfare. He had genuine concern (he could have rightfully laughed!) Aaron picked me up that day; now that he is gone, just thinking of his kindness and caring picks me up again. - Caron Campbell CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS Chris Chambers

Reflecting back on Aaron has been such a wonderful time. Through reminiscing, I find I am able to bring him back; yes, I got to hang out with Aaron today. Maybe it is so real because much of my time spent with Aaron has been in reflection of the days we have been together. Living in Columbus, Ohio while Aaron played each day in the Pacific Northwest was less than ideal because I was only able to see him each summer for a week or so at a time. I have played back these memories many times. Aaron was so funny today! After a long day of travel from Oak Harbor to somewhere in central Washington on a dude ranch we met up with the Schulte’s. Aaron showed up in the tightest white t-shirt I have ever seen with the sleeves rolled up just like Travolta in the movie Greece. All he needs is the leather jacket. What a joke! Wait, he is serious. He walked around all day with his biceps hanging out for the world to see. I guess I can’t blame him, he has always been the ripped good-looking cousin. At the young age of 14 he has already mastered the tight baby gap t to show off his physique. Aaron is going to knock all the ladies dead in high school. Uncle teebs told me today that Aaron is a track star for his schools team. He has really been into fitness. Today he took my sister and cousin running on the dirt trails here at the ranch. He came back with sweat and blood on his tight white tee with a deer leg in his hand. I guess while on the run he cut off the leg of a dead deer with his pocketknife. Aaron is bound to be a metrosexual Prefontain crocodile hunter when he grows up. Dude! Aaron owes me like 100 bucks. You will never believe what happened last night. Well, we were out on Bourbon Street with all of the cousins. We started at Pat O’Brien’s. Our parents bought us a few hurricanes. We thought it would be best to ditch our parents and head for Isle of Capri. We got some hand grenades there and I was starting to feel quite dizzy. I was laughing so hard when Aaron kept rapping Ludacris pimpin’ all over the world. “I’m in New York at the Puerto Rican day parade, then at night in New Orleans drinkin' hand grenades, outnumbered by the dozens at



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ the jazz fest in Marti gras all the women try’n show me they chest” From there we headed to cat’s meow. Being the rich doctor making 47 cents an hour and oldest the oldest cousin, I thought it would be appropriate to buy all of the cousins two beers each… you know, one for each hand. The tab was a bit steep but we would enjoy the bar for hours… I guess two beers each were not enough for Aaron because he decided to steal a beer from the beer girl’s ice chest. Hmm… well we got kicked out of there before you could say café du monde. It was all ok because Bourbon Street was packed by this point. We decided to go to a dive bar across the street. Aaron showed us all his dance moves looking like a mix between Justin Timberlake and a chick from a rap video. Soon after that he disappeared for a bit. I finally spotted him in the corner with the test tube shot girl. He was hilarious. About twenty minutes later I noticed Aaron and the shot girl were joined by three of the largest bouncers in America. I guess the shots were not free and the math did not add up. All of the cousins headed over to help Aaron out. I spotted him some cash and next thing I remember I was on the floor next to Aaron with three of the larges bouncers in America on top of us. Louisiana is awesome. About .175 seconds later Aaron and I were thrown outside of the bar. He had a scrape right on the center of his forehead. “Its ok, chicks dig scars,” Aaron, said. It is always the best time going out with Aaron. - Chris Chambers AARON’S COUSIN M aggie Chambers

I have many memories of Aaron at our family gatherings, most of which were calm, congenial, and safe. Aaron had a great ability for storytelling that could stop all activity in the room and turn attention in his direction. His warm smile and hearty laugh were givens anytime Aaron was present. One of our most recent family reunions involved an evening that cannot be best described as calm or “nice”. While in New Orleans to celebrate our great Uncle Bobby’s 60th anniversary in the priesthood, the “21 and older cousins” went out for some fun on Bourbon Street. After a few hurricanes and hand grenades, Aaron got us escorted out of one bar, and we found ourselves in the infamous Fat Cats club. Not long after our arrival, I noticed that Aaron wasn’t with our group. I looked around casually, not too worried. A few minutes later, a cocktail waitress with a tray of test tube shots approached ME to inform me that Aaron owed her $60. At this moment Aaron walked (or should I say danced) up, with nothing to say, but a fun-loving innocent grin on his face. I told the woman that it was impossible that Aaron could have racked up a $60 tab in this sleazy joint already—we had only been there for 20 minutes! I turned to protest to a nearby bouncer, and he asked me where my cousin was. When I turned back, Aaron was gone. My sister, Lib, and I searched the bar to find Aaron dancing with that same waitress! Lib and I danced with Aaron, cuing the test tube



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ girl to leave. Then I continued my discussion with the bouncer, who told us to leave the bar. We decided to just pay the money, and stay, since we were having a good time. After we paid the money (the amount had increased by this time), the bouncer still told us to leave. Our cousin, Chris, was not happy about this, and tried to reason with the bouncer to let us stay. Keep in mind: while all the rest of us were shooing waitresses, arguing with bouncers, and digging through our wallets to pay Aaron’s bill, Aaron is still just dancing and smiling (his dancing face) and having a great old time. The “discussion” with the bouncer somehow ended up with Aaron’s head getting shoved into a pole—from which he emerged still smiling! I believe that Aaron wore a hat the next day to avoid answering any questions about the gash on his forehead. Aaron always seemed to find a way to have fun and make the best out of any situation. I will never forget his easy smile and little wink, when saying hello, from across the room, when having a good time, or even after having his head smashed into a pole! Because of his positive spirit, humor, and uplifting charisma, Aaron made it very difficult for those in his presence to feel worried, anxious, or upset…even to the last days of his life. - Maggie Chambers AARON’S COUSIN Amanda Clearman Brandy Copenhaver

There are so many stories that I could tell but what one to chose? Aaron was truly one of my favorite people. He always made me laugh and made me have a good time know matter what we were doing. I would like to share two stories....I just can't keep it to one. Aaron and I met each other at Northwest Kinetics about 3 1/2 years ago. I started at Northwest as a receptionist, doing the late shift. We had a study that telemetry was going on, so Aaron did the late shift monitoring. He would come in with a Rockstar (energy drink), medical books and an incredible attitude about working so late. He would always share his Rockstar with me. I do not usually do the "caffeine" thing but....oh did Aaron. So we would have so much energy that we would just sit and talk and laugh. Allot of times I would be at work past my shift because we were having such a good time talking and laughing. Aaron and I became good friends and started partying after work because of how well we got to know each other. I made most of my good friends because of him. That is something I will never forget. The Christmas party at Aaron and Alisha’s apartment…do I have to say more. The 3 flavors of Eggnog, I believe it was something like Designated Driver, Drunk and Plastered. By the end of the night Aaron made them all very powerful. Oh yeah…Who



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ else could get out of two noise complaints, while drunk schmoozing the (lady) manager? This last story takes place last summer (2006). Aaron and I planned to ride together to our friend Larissa's wedding. This wedding was located about 2 hours away, so we had quite the drive ahead of us. I went and picked us Aaron from his apartment. When he came down he had a mix road trip CD that he had made. I was so excited to put it in. Let me tell you Aaron makes the best mix CDs. I mix went a little something like this: Cristina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Jossie, U2, some 80's rock, I could go on with the variety. How great is that mix! We went to the wedding and had a wild time. Tons of drinking, keg stands in the hotel rooms, sharing a one bedroom room with 4 people, meeting interesting people, row boat rides, and oh so much more….The next morning oh did we feel awesome (Sarcasm). Our drive was very long….Aaron being himself needed to stop at the outlet mall and go shopping. We got Starbucks so that makes everything good. Between the sun, the smell of the stores, and the walking….shopping was not what a hung-over person needs…but Aaron made it so much fun. Okay Okay I shared three very short compact stories but who can stop at just one when talking about Aaron. Aaron brought a lot of joy into many people’s lives. He is one of those people I will be talking about for years. I will be telling my children about his amazing life and attitude. He will always be in my heart and I miss him a lot. - Brandy Copenhaver CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS Debbie Cruz

One thing I loved about Aaron, he made everyone feel like they were important. He made you feel like he was your friend, even if he didn’t know you very well. He always stopped to see how I was doing. He never had a bad thing to say and was always encouraging. He had a way of bringing everyone together. He was that person you meet in your life that is your glue that keeps you together when you need it most…even if you didn’t know it at the time. I had a friend that passed away after his short battle with leukemia. Aaron was so nice about taking the time to talk to me



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ and just listen. He was an amazing person. I am blessed to have had him cross my path in life. - Debbie Cruz CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS Karlee Kuhlmann

Aaron was a friend of my brother Jeremy, also known as Country (I guess), and later became a friend of mine. Most of my fondest memories came from concerts mixed in with camping and late night adventures. To begin this concert journey, I will start off with explaining the story of Coldplay in Vancouver. Now, at this time I did not know Aaron that well. To me he was just another guy from the Fiji house. I went up to the city with some of my friends and was planning on meeting up with Jeremy, Aaron and a few others. Well we didn’t get to meet up until the show, and at that time we were just enjoying Chris Martin (lead singer of Coldplay) bobble his head around. The show was great, but after the show is when the real entertainment began. Aaron approached me with “you are coming out and drinking with us after, right?” Well, since I was only 19 at the time…I thought it was pretty sweet to be going out to the bars, legally! “Um…yeah I am coming to get drinks with you!” We headed to this place called Speakeasy (I believe) which was more of a sit down bar. It was a Saturday night in Vancouver so the streets were packed and the lines were long. I don’t remember how everything played out after that, except for the part where Aaron acts like, well, Aaron. Remember this was one of the first times I had met him….Aaron notices a spray bottle with a rag and believes it would be a great idea to help the waitress out by cleaning some of the tables. I do not believe the waitress thought this was quite as hilarious because she was trying to close the bar down. Aaron kept at it though cleaning as many tables as possible. To this day, I still have a perfect picture showing how excited Aaron really was about spraying and wiping the tables…. priceless. Oh and later on is when I found out he doesn’t remember any of it….. To continue this concert journey, I will enlighten you with the Gorge in George, Washington. We spent the entire weekend enjoying Dave Mathews Band play their



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________

hearts out. There was a group of us who enjoyed, well, drinking our hearts out. The weekend was filled with an immense amount of laughter and fun. The last night we were there, Aaron was having a grand-old time and said he wasn’t going to sleep that night. “Yeah, whatever Aaron,” we all thought to ourselves. So after a few more hours of laughter, fun, and drinking we all went to bed. So we thought….At 5:00 am on Monday morning it was time for my car to leave. I had to be at work at 10:00 am in Bellingham, so this meant we had to go. As my brother is getting in the car, he stops and says “listen.” A sound from a quarter mile away, we hear “get ‘er done!” We all start busting up laughing because we all knew who it was. Aaron’s infamous statement that whole weekend was “get ‘er done!” It was just what we needed to hear at 5:00 in the morning on our way out from another crazy/adventurous/entertaining weekend at the Gorge. The next concert story I would like to share is a story about Aaron which truly displays his heart and character. My brother had invited me to attend, well another Coldplay show with him down in Seattle. It was held on a week night and I had to drive down and back in the same night. I wanted to spend as much time down in Seattle before the show as I could, but my brother had to work late. Jeremy says “Why don’t you go out with Aaron and then I will come meet you?” Well, it was a great idea to me because Aaron was one of Jeremy’s friends I could hang out with one-on-one. I thought it was a grand idea, but what would Aaron think about this? Through a couple more phone calls, Aaron and I met up at Ozzie’s downtown. This story is one I think about often because it really does prove Aaron’s character. He asked me all about my life: my job, my friends, college, and how my teaching profession was coming along. Aaron listened and always showed he cared. It really did mean a lot to me.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ To end this concert journey, I would like to reveal a story which I wish Aaron could tell. It was a moment that only Aaron and I had because the other person involved in the story became a little too close of friends with a guy named Jack Daniels. It was the first night of Dave Matthews Band at the Gorge this past September. Some of the people chose to not attend the concert this night, and instead stayed at the campsite to drink. Well, the group of us was back at the site and people were starting to head to bed. For some reason, the last three up were Aaron, Jeremy, Jeremy’s great friend JD, and myself. Aaron and I were a little bit more “sober” than Jeremy. This is the part I wish Aaron could tell because he was always a great story embellisher. Aaron and I could not stop laughing at Jeremy’s horrendous performance. This performance included dance moves like an almost perfect “ass-drop” and an indescribable “running man.” He also included his imitation of the many dance moves Aaron had made up himself. It was one of the first times, Jeremy actually didn’t remember it and Aaron and I did! This was the last time I saw Aaron, but it truly was a remarkable weekend. These are just a few of the many times I shared laughter, love, craziness, and drunken moments with Aaron. I will miss the random times too, like the time Aaron called me just because he was passing through Bellingham. He thought if I was working he would come by, share a short conversation, and continue on his way. These memories will be in my heart always, and I thank you, Aaron, for every second of them! - Karlee Kuhlmann COUNTRY’S SISTER Tiffany M cFrederick

Aaron has left a legacy that makes others want to live their life to the fullest, find joy in every moment, and live with spontaneity. My favorite example of this is when we were heading home from a movie one evening. We had just seen Blood Diamond, a deep movie that leaves you walking away still thinking. I was driving and it was pretty quiet in the car. All of a sudden Aaron says “take a left”. I looked over to find a tiny, trashy casino to the left. I thought he was joking because it was later in the evening, we had to work in the morning, and I am not big on gambling. “Take a left” he says again with a straight face. Confused as to what he was up to, I turned left. I asked what we were doing and he said “Just trust me”. He grabbed my hand, walked right up to a blackjack table, slapped down a $100 bill, and says “One hand”. We walked out of there 2 minutes



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ later and $100 richer. With his head held high and a smirk on his face, Aaron said “Now we’re going to go have fun with this!”. Aaron broadened my life in many ways. He introduced me to the Broadway, UFC, Elton John, the metro sexual way of life, the need for DVR, and a world full of amazing people. Together we found our favorite show The Office, our favorite wine Gnarly Head, and that a Cougar and a Husky can have a lot in common! - Tiffany McFrederick AARON’S GIRLFRIEND Alanna M erkle

Meeting Aaron on July 4, 2003 is an event I remember very vividly because I was excited at the prospect of someone consciously choosing to move to my hometown of Tacoma after college. Kris Lindquist, (my good high school buddy) had just moved in with one of his fraternity brothers into this great new place on the waterfront of Little Stinky, a.k.a Tacoma. On July forth I got to meet this roommate, Aaron. While watching fireworks on Ruston my new buddy Aaron expressed his enthusiasm in living somewhere different. I was excited to show him all the wonders of our little city and to the dismay of his Seattle counterparts Aaron, I, and his Tacoma friends had no trouble finding its fun idiosyncrasies. Wonderful memories with Aaron are not hard to come by, there are so many to choose from; fun nights dancing at “The Loft,” coffee at any place we could find, laying on the beaches in Spain, watching movies that we both knew would be so horrible they were funny, and attending many Jude Bowerman concerts at Jazz Bones. Innumerable positive words could be used to describe Aaron. The word that sticks out most at this time is hero. I don’t know if little Courtney is going to write an entry but I remember Aaron telling me that Courtney’s plan was to go to Disneyworld with Aaron and someday marry him. He came to visit her during her many hard days at Mary Bridge children’s hospital. He is her hero.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Aaron was a hero to me in many ways as well. He negotiated long car rides with me as I managed motion sickness all the way from Tacoma to the Gorge. Without an ounce of annoyance he would ask me if it was that time again and calmly pull over for what became the common theme throughout the drive. He negotiated a three week trip to Europe with four women, that says enough =). He also introduced me to my wonderful boyfriend Hamilton. In my eyes Aaron’s heroic nature was always there and came through most in his ability to say “see you later” to everyone when it was almost time for his journey here on earth to end. I will miss him very much but hold constant comfort in the closeness of his spirit and memories. - Alanna Merkle POST-COLLEGE TACOMA FRIEND J es s ica M ilton

I have worked with Aaron for a few years now. He was such a great joy to be around. Some of the funnier moments were when he would carry his "Man Bag" around and he had his little saying "Heyyyy Giiiiirrrrlll!!" It was just the way he would say it would make you crack up. He was fun to go out with and go dancing. He had such a big heart and was liked by I think everyone. There are so many things to say about him. I am having a hard time thinking of what to write down. He is well loved and missed very much. - Jessica Milton CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS J udy M oyer

I have been (Aunt Jane) Jane Taylor's Assistant for 15 years so needless to say, I have known of Aaron, and his family, for a long time. A few years ago, when he started working at Northwest Kinetics, we were located in two, 100year-old buildings. For business and study conduct we continually walked from building to building all day long. One day, Aaron was walking toward me with a great looking Italian logo sweatshirt. I remember saying, "Wait a minute, I'm the Italian here, I should have that shirt". He laughed and told me he ordered it from a soccer equipment catalog and I could order my own. By the time I had the catalog sent to me, the specific sweatshirt was no longer



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ available! I waited for it to appear for several months, but it was never to be seen again and it took me many calls and writings to have my name removed from the mailing list. Everytime he wore it, we had the SAME conversation! - Judy Moyer CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS Elizabeth Sandus ky

I hesitate to write anything simply because I did not know Aaron well. We were coworkers whose paths rarely crossed. Though, when they did, he was always charming, kind and funny, if a little rushed (the nature of our business is go, go, go!) However, I really feel that this needs to be said. You can take the measure of a man by the company he keeps and the influence that he has over people. Aaron, I’ve learned, was a remarkable man. It is my privilege to work with some of the most dedicated, honorable, loyal people who currently reside on this planet. And while they have never forgotten how to unwind or have fun (because I’m told no one had that down to science quite like Aaron!), they are, to a person, very professional, passionate human beings. Aaron’s death devastated all of them. And, instead of uselessly moaning about how unfair life is, they are fighting back. All of the passion and energy that they threw into supporting Aaron during his last days here they are now pouring into doing whatever they can to bring down this brutal, faceless killer. 75 people are now set to walk in Tacoma’s Relay. We’ve risen well over our monetary goal of $5,000 and that amount just keeps climbing (over to $24,000 at the time of compiling this book!). As a company, we’ve shared grief and loss…but hope and strength as well. THIS is the legacy that Aaron leaves. Because he, as a person, was so wonderfully potent in life, his death was not something that is merely remarked in papers and forgotten. It MEANS something. It spurs others into action both personally and professionally. And it taught me that we have a choice. We can either live our lives closed off and selfishly hiding…or we can reach out. We can touch people. We can build relationships and follow dreams and, above all, we can have fun. And, in doing so, we change lives and foster love. - Elizabeth Sandusky CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Stephanie Sawyers

More than any particular story, I will always remember Aaron’s amazing personality. Despite being one of the funniest, most animated friends I will ever know, there was a depth and wisdom to Aaron way beyond his 26 years. Some of my favorite moments with Aaron were sitting down at Starbucks and just sharing about what was going on in life, discussing the future and what we thought it would look like…..and then trying to keep up with Aaron’s ever progressing conversations about “oooh, what if this happens…” or “I think I’ll become a doctor and send you money as a missionary, then you can invite me to come visit you around the world…..yep, I really think this will work, Steph…” Aaron had the ability to dream big, but more importantly he had the will and drive to make dreams happen. Aaron was one of the most encouraging friends I have ever known. There wasn’t a single idea or whim I had that Aaron shot down. In fact, the second he thought I might give up on it, he would sit me down and help me figure out a step to move forward. Aaron was selfless, he was a dreamer, he was ambitious, he was full of life, and he never missed out on a single one of life’s opportunities. Though there are moments that I can’t believe Aaron is gone and moments where we all miss him, they are quickly filled with the reminder that Aaron lives on in each one of us. We all have jokes and hilarious stories that will always bring a smile, but even more than that; we have inspiration, hope, motivation, and countless words that Aaron spoke to us. We know that Aaron is watching down on us from a MUCH better place and encouraging us. He’ll travel with us, see our families grow, see our victories and our failures, and will continue to encourage others through the hope he has given us. So, as we move on and take Aaron with us - Aaron, we are so thankful for everything you brought to our lives - enjoy the ride!!! - Stephanie Sawyers CO-WORKER – NW KINETICS Alicia Steners on

“Umm… Are Bob and Michelle Here?” Aaron Schulte really was the best roommate a girl could ask for. Not only was he exceptionally clean (he could actually load and unload the dishwasher), but he ALWAYS put the seat back down! Better yet, because he was so meticulous about his hair, he had so many different hair products that it was virtually impossible to have a bad hair day as long as I was living with him. Hair a little frizzy? No problem, Aaron had a cream for that. Hair limp and lifeless? Aaron had a shampoo for that, too. It was like I had my own personal stylist at home (who spent more time in the bathroom primping than I did, but whatever, he always looked great!) I wanted to share the story about the last time I really got to hang out with Aaron and all of our friends together. It is literally unforgettable:



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Bob and Michelle Beckham were hosting a surprise party for Brandy Copenhaver at their new home, and true to form, all of us were fashionably late, some more fashionable that others. Turns out, it was a good thing that Aaron took so long to primp because we were able to pull the best prank on him that evening. Running about an hour late to the party, Aaron and Tiffany arrived at Bob and Michelle’s place on 29th and Ferdinand. Always one to make an entrance, Aaron burst through the door with his Yellowstone trucker hat tilted sideways and holding a fifth of vodka in a crumpled brown paper bag. The awkward reception by the strange woman and growling German shepherd were obviously not the welcome he was expecting. Meekly asking, “Are Bob and Michelle here?” it slowly dawns on Aaron that he has gone to the wrong house (because all blondes are entitled to a moment or two). This was Bob and Michelle’s old house, their new one was slightly further away on 8th and Hawthorne. Aaron and Tiffany apologetically made their escape, minus being mauled by the steadfast guard dog, but this story does not end here. Aaron’s mistake was making a phone call to Bob directly after this incident and telling him about it. Really, did you think we would just let it go? Of course we devised a prank that Aaron walked himself into. When Aaron and Tiffany finally arrived at the correct house, all of the guests gathered in the back of the kitchen were we couldn’t be seen from the front door. Bob’s mother, whom Aaron had not yet met, timidly answered the door when the bell rang. “Yes, can I help you?” she asked through the slightly cracked door. “Umm…are Bob and Michelle here?” Aaron queries. “I don’t know any Bob or Michelle. You must have the wrong house,” she replies. Then, with frustration in her voice, Tiffany is heard saying, “Dammit Aaron, not again!” At which point, we all burst out laughing as Bob went chasing after a quickly retreating Aaron and Tiffany, but in good spirit Aaron admitted that we had really got him good. That evening turned out to be quite a surprise party for both Brandy and Aaron and one of the most memorable times I’ve shared with him. I can’t help but smile to myself when I think about this story and I hope that by sharing it, this story brings warmth to your heart and peace to your soul that Aaron lives on in all of us who love him. - Alicia Stenerson TACOMA ROOMMATE - THEO’S



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Liane Sugai

Aaron and I were co-workers in the same residency class at St. Joseph Medical Center dialysis. From the moment I met him, I knew he was one of those “quality guys” that was friendly, outgoing, and basically wouldn’t find it difficult to strike up a conversation with just about anyone. He was eager to learn in class, asking no less than the most thoughtful questions and how we would apply the learned knowledge to working with our patients. Despite his focus on the residency, he had no problem taking an extra long lunch with Greg, Sarah, and I to drive over to It’s Greek To Me or any other restaurant nearby. We had a blast. : ) I still remember the time that I brought Aaron a ((Starbucks)) vanilla chai latte at 6 in the morning as a result of losing a game of bowling to him and Greg. Although he was only at St. Joe’s for just a short time, he definitely made a lasting impact on the patients and their families. One particular patient (who was his favorite) and his wife absolutely adored him and it was powerful to see how Aaron’s loving and caring personality could bring such joy to these people. Aaron inspires me as I care for patients today, as I have his memory forever etched in my heart. - Liane Sugai CLASSMATE – ST. JOE’S DIALYSIS J ane Taylor

I'm Steve's sister - he is my much older brother... I am Aaron, Matt and Jeff’s Aunt Jane. Certainly one of my finer moments in life was being able to talk Aaron into moving to Tacoma 4 years ago and work with me. Fortunately, it wasn’t so bad living with Kris Lindquist, on the water and, with the added bonus for his dad of living across the street from railroad tracks. It is hard to believe it was just a little over a year ago that Aaron walked into my office and said, “Aunt Jane, I’ve got this pain here.” Aaron and I talked about this not long ago- it was interesting for us that we both remember the moment and conversation like it was yesterday although we didn't know anything was really wrong- maybe heartburn, my gall bladder disease, but certainly not cancer. We will drive ourselves mad trying to figure out why this has happened. Aaron had a great appreciation for the wonders and complexity of the body- one reason he was so interested in a career in health care - and he would tell you that his body simply malfunctioned. It wasn't anything he did; it wasn't because he ate the worm in the bottom of the Tequila bottle. What we know now is that this was a relentless and unpredictable cancer and, despite doing everything right, he never really had a chance. Aaron was not afraid to die, he just wasn't ready- he was having a great time. Aaron had a full and rich life- he had a supportive and loving family, great friends, traveled



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ the world, was arrested once, if not twice. He loved living in Tacoma, he really liked his job, he was in a great relationship with Tiffany- he’d tell you that he was just getting started. From the start it was important to Aaron that no one feel sorry for him. Fortunately he never really looked sick so it was easy to forget he was battling a bad illness. He worked hard, played hard, making trips to San Diego, Chicago, Vancouver, LA. During treatment weeks you’d see him wearing a floral fanny pack but we all know Aaron’s metrosexual side so this really wasn’t unusual. Thank goodness he never lost his hair! Aaron persevered through 6 months of chemo and 3 surgeries with an incredible strength and will to enjoy each day. He rarely complained, he rarely missed work, and he rarely missed an opportunity to hang out with his friends and family. Most recently it became very important to Aaron that we not worry about him. Aaron genuinely believes that this life is just a short segment of our existence- he really felt that there was more to come and that he’d see us again. I’d like to share a story with you; please bear with me for a minute. A few years ago my husband and I had the opportunity to take a cruise in the Caribbean for a friend’s 50th birthday celebration. We were told of this great bar called Foxy's on the little island of Johst van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands. So one night we took a ferry to Johst van Dyke. Foxy’s certainly lived up to its reputation- we had a wild night of partying at Foxy’s. Lots of drinking, dancing, at one point I was being chased around the dance floor by a Rastafarian (which, for a middle aged woman, is quite exciting!). The band members were smoking very large and funny smelling cigars, a smell I remember well from the 70’s. It was a truly a great time. So fast forward a few years to December, 2006. It was a very tough time for us. Aaron had just had his second surgery where they found, unexpectedly, more cancer that had spread throughout his abdominal wall and lining. He was in the hospital and we were all very sad and very scared, trying to figure out what was happening. It was a few nights before Christmas. My husband was on-call and and I was sleeping alone. I had a dream that I was back at Foxy’s with Jim, Aaron and a lot of you. I particularly remember Country because he stood taller than everyone else. We were having a wild time at Foxy’s- Aaron was dancing, of course, and I think at one point



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ he was also skinny dipping in the ocean. When it was time to leave we all walked down the dock and got on the ferry, except Aaron- Aaron stayed on the dock. And as we left on the boat Aaron was waving to us from the dock, a drink in one hand and a big smile on his face. It was not sad, rather he was beaming and we were all happy and waving goodbye. I awoke from this dream feeling very unsure of what it all meant. It was early in the morning and I lay awake thinking about this dream until the sun rose. Eventually I paged my husband and told him about my dream. He gently advised that I not tell Steve and Kathy about this dream. And although I didn’t talk about this dream until recently, I have had many similar dreams about Foxy’s over the past few months. The beginning of March, after we knew there was no further treatment to stop the cancer, one day when we were sitting alone in his room, I told Aaron about this dream. His face lit up- “Aunt Jane, I’ve seen that place- that’s where I’m going- I’m going to Foxy’s to hang out for awhile.” The next few times I saw Aaron he told me of dreams he was having- sitting on the beach, in a lounge chair, a drink in hand, and shirtless. And he saw himself with no scars, just very buff with very ripped abs. And although I don't know why this has happened, I do know in my heart that Aaron is in a good place relaxing- I am very confident of this. He'd tell you that our life here on earth is just a short time in the big picture and he's just moved on earlier than the rest of us. He said to me, "You know Aunt Jane, life might not always be fair but life is good- enjoy it." The problem for us is filling the void- I know how hard it is to not feel sorry for ourselves because we miss him so much. For me, there are so many things. I'm not sure how I will get through a season of 24 without him. And dancing- You’ve go to admit that no one could dance like Aaron- he knew it too. Since he was a child, dancing like PeeWee Herman, to more recent days doing the Janet Jackson routine. Fortunately his cousin Quinn knows a lot of the moves- probably from all the concerts they went to together e.g. Ludacris. But I've got to put the challenge out there to you guys- Ben, Hamilton, Kris- you've got to get the moves down for me.



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Most of all it will be the voice messages: Hey Aunt Jane- call me, I’ve got a great story to tell you, or driving up my alley, seeing his car in the driveway, and just knowing we’d have fun hanging out. Aaron asked me to do a few things for him: 1. First of all, take care of my mom and dad- don't let them be sad too long- they need to take all those trips you've been talking about. I have been astounded with the group of friends here- clearly this is a family loved by so many that I know I will have lots of help in keeping a close eye on Steve and Kathy. Who knows, I may even take up train watching! 2. The second request from Aaron is a bit more tricky. He wanted to make sure Matt and Jeff have lots of babies- they need to give mom and dad lots of grandkids. Guys, we’ll talk. 3. Tell Tiffany I love her and she needs to move on. I know I'm a hard act to follow, but there are a lot of great guys out there. When I asked him if it needed to be a Fiji he said, “it’s not a requirement but it would be nice”. 4. And then there is all of us. Aaron told me many times and in many different ways that he didn’t want people to mourn his death for too long- rather he wants us to celebrate his life. He said, “Aunt Jane, let people know I'm moving on. My life has been good, maybe too short, but I had a great time.” When a friend asked him, “Aaron, what’s our next assignment”, he replied- “have fun”. If the tables were turned, you know that is what Aaron would be doing. - Jane Taylor AARON’S AUNT



MEMORIES AARON CRAIG SCHULTE ________________________________________________________________________ Neys a Turner

“A First and Forever Friend in Tacoma” It was a night after the big wind storm. A few of us had decided to meet up in what is known as the lil' stinky (aka Tacoma). Tacoma has quite the reputation and so it is not very easy to convince others to visit but Aaron, Alana, and I all advocated a crazy night in the ghetto. That, indeed, is what it was. Every so often you have one of those nights where everything works out and every one enjoys themselves. The conclusion of the evening, after a few pre-drinks, is set at one of Aaron's hot spots-- The Loft. For some reason all of the frats guys and their girlfriends decided to stay home that night and left the dance floor open-- for us and a few creepy drunks looking for true love. Among us girls, Carl and Aaron danced it out from the floor to the go-go platform. Oh Aaron, all he wanted was his moment in the spotlight, shankin' it and owning that platform, unfortunately the bouncers did not agree. He was a little bitter about the female-only platform but I just remember looking over at him and the others dancing and laughing and feeling as though it was just a perfect night, even with the creepy mexican in the corner. I will miss my Tacoma dance partner. I hope I can always remember your laugh. - Neysa Turner TACOMA FRIEND M ichelle Waltenburg

I worked with Aaron at NWK. I remember thinking the first time I saw him that he was a sharp dresser and that he had charisma. I went to him when I had questions about a study I was on and he seemed so nice, I thought I’d ask him what I needed to know. He was very sweet and helpful. We chatted about how we had both gone to the University of Washington and what we thought of our experience there. I was affected by his fight with cancer more than I thought I’d be. We were not close, but I thought about what he must be going thru a lot after working with him and learning of his battle. When I heard the news of his relapse I was incredibly saddened and shocked. “How could this happen in our modern times?” I asked myself. I’ve thought of all the wonderful people with strong minds and positive lives that have and will succumb to such a horrid disease. My mother has lost two very close friends to breast cancer. I thought about how she felt and how she coped with the loss. I am only able to find solace in the fact that they are in a better place now and that their memories inspire those of us that were lucky enough to have known them. I feel lucky to have had the chance to know Aaron and to have shared his space even if only for a short time. Aaron is in my thoughts each day as are his loved ones. - Michelle Waltenburg CO-WORKER – NW - KINETICS