Jun 27, 2016 - The following information is subject to change based on governmental ... Contact Information. To report .
PUBLIC NOTICE 2016 Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Control Program Egeria Densa and Curlyleaf Pondweed June 27, 2016 -- California Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Boating and Waterways will be conducting herbicide treatments to control Egeria densa and Curlyleaf Pondweed in parts of the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta Region. The following information is subject to change based on governmental requirements, weather conditions, plant growth, waterway traffic, and other conditions. Proposed Treatment Period July 11, 2016 through November 4, 2016 Treatment period based upon DBW field survey data, water temperatures and fishery surveys. Potential Treatment Areas In and/or around the following areas: Anchorages, Boat Ramps, and Marinas: Mariner Cove, New Anchor, Delta Sportsman, Sunset Harbor, Hennis, Carol’s Harbor and Emerald Pointe Near Eastern Contra Costa County Area: Taylor Slough and Sandmound Slough Individual areas will be noticed prior to treatment application. If all listed sites are treated, acreage will total 2,825 acres. Herbicides Being Applied Fluridone (Registered for aquatic use with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation) Precautions The public should not gather on or near boat docks during treatment applications. Boaters, swimmers, fisherman and other recreationists in an area being immediately treated are urged to heed any directives aimed at protecting public safety offered by herbicide applicators. Monitoring Treated areas will be monitored weekly to ensure herbicide levels do not exceed allowable limits, or have any significant adverse impacts on the environment, agriculture, or public health in or near the above mentioned treatment areas. Contact Information To report sightings or for more information regarding the control program, please visit DBW’s website at www.dbw.parks.ca.gov, call (888) 3262822 or email us at
[email protected].