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Aug 27, 2011 ... Division, SAC, (ISRO). 2. About Presentation. Resource Sharing is an integral part of modern library services. ○ This presentation tries to focus ...
Rethinking Library Resource Sharing and Networking By Mukesh K. Mishra, Satender Negi & Mrs. D.R. Patel, Library and Doc. Div., SAC (ISRO), Ahmedabad

About Presentation Resource Sharing is an integral part of modern library services. 

This presentation tries to focus on the thought process required and mental exercises needed in idea plane for a successful resource sharing endeavor.

A brief account of authors’ experience with RS activities at their parent institution with other local libraries is also presented to highlight the fact that there is ample potential and feasibility of having one such pan Gujarat mechanism.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Prerequisites: The prerequisites to resource sharing to work are :  Having resources to share  Having a willingness to share them, and  Having a plan for accomplishing resource sharing

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


The Planning Process: The planning process begins with an analysis of the climate and environments in which resource sharing will take place. The Climate:  Climatic Factors  Skills Required The Environment 27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Climatic Factors        

fear of loss, failure negotiation fear of broken promises communication, both trust, written and oral personal egos & goals equity issues meeting management accountability creative problem win-win attitude solving risk-taking project planning

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Skills Required: Negotiating skills  Interpersonal communications skills  Creative problem solving  Innovative approaches  Spontaneity, and  Flexibility 

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


The Environment: politics  perceptions of users  perceptions of administrators  governance  degree of participation.  Commitment 

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Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


System and Strategies: realistic objectives  clear ground rules  reward systems  written agreements  assigned responsibilities  pilot projects 

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Implementation: 

Identify and locate major collections, sources and materials

Assemble, publish and distribute information for all participating bodies

Workout the basis for sharing, reference service, lending service, copying service, access to materials, delivery service, and lists of holdings

Establish means of sharing ideas, development and problems in the form of a newsletter

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)



Collection Development 

Joint purchasing of materials

Assignment of specialization in material acquisition

Coordinated subscription

Exchange of duplicate holdings

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Technical services Co-operative cataloguing  Abstracting and indexing services  Interlibrary loan  Reciprocal borrowing privileges  Reference and / or referral services  Translation services 

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Publication program/repackaging information        

Union catalogue / list of periodicals Mutual notification of purchase through lists of new arrivals or acquisition list Bibliography development Newsletters Joint directories of personnel, projects, consultants, resource persons, etc. Manuals Coordination services Clearing house functions

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Research, training and other special services

Delivery/mailing service  Collective Storage Center  User interest surveys  Joint research projects  In-service personnel training  Workshops and meetings 

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Tools for Implementation: Library Networks 

A network is a form of arrangement or an administrative structure that links a group of individuals or organizations who have agreed to work together and/or share resources.

The network may be responsible for coordinating, organizing and providing information and literature support at the national and international level.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Tools for Implementation: Library Consortia: 

Consortia approach is one of the many ways of maintaining cooperation and coordination among the libraries.

Consortia may be formed on a local, regional, national, or international basis; on a functional or format basis; or on a subject basis.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Examples ahead: Major Indian Library Consortia and their Models: 

Open Consortia e.g. INDEST Consortium.

Closed Group Consortia e.g. ISRO, CSIR, DAE, IIM Consortium.

Centrally Funded Model e.g. INFONET by UGC, ICMR, CSIR by DSIR.

Shared-budget Model e.g. IIM and FORSA Consortium

Publisher Initiatives e.g. The Emerald Full-Text Library published by the Emerald Publishing Group

National Consortium e.g. INDEST-AICTE, UGC Infonet

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Benefits of Consortia           

A comprehensive collection is possible. Building communication among different libraries. Avoid duplication of core collection especially for core journals. Scope of electronic archives. Easy access to resource sharing on Internet by developing common resources databases. Effective document delivery systems Better scope for developing a union catalogue Reduce cost of information Time saving Improved resource sharing Help to develop a competitive professionalism among LIS professionals

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Resource sharing among libraries in Gujarat: Our Experience Resources Provided Lending to other Libraries (Article / Papers etc.)



IPR 13%

ISAC H.Q. 26% DAIICT 13% LPSC 4% SHAR 14%


PRL 10% Misc. 4% Local Libraries 40%

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Resource sharing among libraries in Gujarat: Our Experience: Resources borrowed Borrowing from other Libraries (Article / Papers etc.)

BARC 7% Misc. 7%

IPR 23%




27 August 2011

Local Libraries 65%

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


ISRO participating libraries Share Digital Resources through their portals on SPACENET 

SPACENET is a closed user group network of ISRO / DOS, which is operational via INSAT.

The network was primarily designed to meet the voice and various data transmission requirements of all ISRO centers/units located in India.

It provides multiple simultaneous access to the digital content, remote access, OPAC Search facilities, low cost sharing, and availability of information on 24/7 basis etc

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Benefits of Spacenet include:        

A signal interface and access point. Effective document delivery systems. Enhanced search facilities. Reduced storage costs. Scope for electronic archives. Developing common resource databases. General information about all ISRO/DOS libraries. E-resources like e-journals, e-books, Space Science related sites, digital library, institutional repositories, etc.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


SPACENET Configuration

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


ISRO Libraries’ Websites 

Websites of the ISRO libraries can be accessed vis a link provided in the spacenet.

The library information resources and services are accessed within the campus and the same can be accessed by ISRO/DOS community all over India through SPACENET.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Snapshots of some ISRO Centre Library websites, highlighting links of other centers’ library homepage.

Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad-15


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Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


ISRO Headquater Bangalore

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Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram

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Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore

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Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC), SHAR, Shriharikota

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Closed Group Consortium 

PRL, SAC (Local), LEOS and NRSC (ISRO Centers) have joined together to form a consortium for SPIE (Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers) Digital Library online access.

SAC, VSSC and ISAC (all ISRO Centers) have joined to form - One more consortium at SAC for IEL (IEEE Electronic Library) among.

Negotiation is in pipeline for Science direct among PRL, SAC and other ISRO Centers.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Major Hurdles in Resource Sharing 

 

 

Lack of awareness among the libraries and /or library authorities about the ultimate benefits of networking /consortia Unwillingness of some libraries to share their resources Unwillingness of some libraries to share the burden of resource sharing i.e. serving users of libraries other than their own Uneven development of libraries of different sectors and slow progress of library automation Inability of many libraries in meeting the minimum commitment required to join a consortium due to financial and other infrastructural constraints

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Major Hurdles    

  

Lack of demand for resource sharing on the part of users Poor bibliographical control of the holdings of the libraries Lack of sufficient information resources to be shared Conservative mentality of the library authorities with regard to e-information resources, specially online resources Lack of professional staff and training to look after consortial activities Policy restrictions for a certain kind of information / documents One-upmanship between librarians, institutional / personal egos

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Conclusion 

Libraries are considered as cultural institutions, helping in building “national knowledge capital”. “Sahyog” or cooperation has been a long standing fundamental of our culture.

Libraries are considered to be the depositories of knowledge in public domain. By sharing this knowledge pool, libraries may help in further knowledge creation and ultimately helping the nation to develop and grow.

A librarian has to choose whether he wishes to be just a “custodian of resources” or an active partner in a nation’s knowledge building process.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


Acknowledgement: We extend our heartfelt gratitude and thank to : 

Dr. R R. Navalgund, Director, SAC, (ISRO).

Dr. J.S. Parihar, Chairman, Library Committee.

 

Shri. Saji A. Kuriakose, Alt. Chairman Staff of Library and Documentation Division, SAC, (ISRO) for their kind support.

27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)


27 August 2011

Library & Doc. Division, SAC, (ISRO)