American Honda. Bonnie L. and Raymond Atkins ... Management. EDiS
Company. El Centro Cultural, Inc. ... Ford Motor Company. GM Service
W W W. D T C C . E D U
Dear Friend of Delaware Tech, Forty-five years ago, Delaware Technical Community College was created to provide Delawareans with access, opportunity, excellence, and hope to achieve their dreams through education. Today, we continue to stand by this mission, which has earned the College recognition as a respected educational leader and valued partner in fields that support the State’s economic development initiatives and the educational needs of its residents. We connect Delawareans with jobs — in today’s economy there is nothing more important. We remain committed to our principles of being accountable, delivering responsive and relevant programs, advancing key initiatives, leveraging partnerships, and achieving excellence. We have much to be proud of thanks to the dedicated efforts of our Delaware Tech faculty, staff, administrators and board members, but we have not accomplished this milestone alone. As a valued partner, you have demonstrated your belief in our mission and in our students, and we are extremely grateful for your continued collaboration and support. I invite you to review this President’s Report to learn about the College’s recent achievements, future initiatives, and hallmarks of excellence. In all that we do, we are focused on helping our students succeed so they can complete their degrees and become productive members of Delaware’s workforce. Again, thank you for your partnership and generosity — you have made a significant difference in the lives of our students, in helping them accomplish their educational and career goals, and in supporting their dreams for a better life. Sincerely,
Orlando J. George, Jr., Ed.D. President
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
45 Years of
Graduate Employment Information Delaware Technical Community College offers over 120 programs leading to an associate degree, diploma, or certificate. We develop new programs and update existing ones in response to business and industry needs in Delaware. By aligning our programs with the knowledge, skills, and competencies our students need to be job ready when they graduate, Delaware Tech is accountable to our students, employers, and the state’s taxpayers. The ultimate measure of the College’s success is the hiring of our graduates. Graduate placement survey results indicate that 94% of recent graduates are either employed or continuing their education. In fact, in 2011 Delaware Tech graduates were hired by more than 450 different Delaware businesses and organizations around the state.
Delaware Tech supports Governor Jack Markell’s tireless efforts to attract businesses and bring additional jobs to our state by providing a well-educated workforce
Employers of Delaware Tech Graduates
and academic programs that respond to the needs of our business community. Pictured above: Governor Jack Markell tours the College’s Innovation and Technology
46% Hospitals and Health Care
Center (ITC).
36% Private Businesses 9% Educational Institutions 7% Government Agencies 2% Other areas
Jodi McCool, Nursing Graduate
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Articulation Agreements About four percent of the College’s students come from
Delaware Technical Community College collaborates
in our capacity to address workforce needs by supplying
outside the state to attend Delaware Tech. These students
with other institutions of higher education to remain
educated workers to business and industry for high-demand,
spend money to buy books and supplies, rent apartments,
accountable to our students and our commitment to
high-paying occupations in the state. Each year, students
purchase food, pay for transportation, attend sports events,
their academic and professional success.
leave the College and join or rejoin the state’s workforce with
and much more. It is estimated that the spending of these
added skills that translate to higher income and a more robust
out-of-state students generates approximately $1.9 million
The College has established over 133 articulation agreements
Delaware economy. Based on current enrollment, turnover,
each year in income for the state.
that connect Delaware Tech’s associate degree programs
and the growth of instruction over time, it is estimated that the state’s workforce has accumulated 4.6 million credits of past and present Delaware Tech instruction. According to a recent Socioeconomic Impact Study conducted by an independent economic impact modeling firm, the contribution of these skills adds nearly $1.7 billion in income to the current state economy. This impact has grown since the study was conducted.
The State of Delaware also benefits from improved health and reduced welfare, unemployment, and crime, saving the public nearly $5.8 million per year each year that the students are in the workforce. From a cost/ benefit ratio, every dollar of state money invested in Delaware Tech returns $2.90.*
with baccalaureate programs to create smooth transfer opportunities. These agreements offer clear and economical pathways to high quality educational attainment through partnerships with four-year institutions. The College maintains a total of 36 agreements with the University of Delaware and Delaware State University, and that number is growing. These agreements result in many economic benefits — to both the students and the state — including opportunities for Delawareans to pay lower tuition for the first two years
The College creates state income through the earnings of its faculty and staff, as well as through its own operating and
In summary, the Delaware economy receives roughly $1.8
toward a bachelor’s degree and significant economic benefits
capital expenditures. Adjusting for taxes and other monies
billion in income each year due to Delaware Tech and its
that come from residents earning higher salaries connected to
withdrawn from the state economy in support of Delaware
students—a figure that amounts to roughly 4.1% of the
associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and advanced degrees.
Tech, it is estimated that the present-day State of Delaware
state’s total annual income.
economy receives roughly $61.1 million in labor and non-labor income each year due to the College’s operations and capital spending. Students enjoy an attractive 22% annual return on their investment of time and money in the College. For every $1 students invest in Delaware Tech, they receive a cumulative $6.40 in higher future earnings over the course of their working careers.
$1 $6.40 * Source: Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Being Accountable
Delaware Tech’s impact on the economy is most prevalent
45 Years of
Return on Investment
45 Years of
Connecting Delawareans with Jobs Delaware Tech recently created new programs of study to connect Delawareans with jobs in high-demand fields like energy, healthcare, and food safety. Renewable Energy – Solar: Delaware Tech responded to
Computing & Information Science: Students who
recent advancements in solar technology and greater financial
complete this associate degree program can make a seamless
incentives by creating a program to prepare students to sell
transition to a four-year program at the University of Delaware
and install photovoltaic and solar thermal hot water systems.
or Delaware State University or make the choice to enter the
Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge and skills
field upon graduation with the knowledge and skills to work in
to perform site design of these systems.
computer support or web and server-side programming.
Energy Management: Given rising energy costs, the risk
Health Information Management (HIM): New federal
of vulnerability with foreign oil, and the problems fossil fuel
laws requiring the development of health information
creates for the environment and our health, the role energy
networks and the use of electronic health records are driving
plays in our society has never been more important. Energy
the need for credentialed information managers. Delaware
management professionals are in high demand, and the
Tech’s HIM degree prepares students to meet the rapidly
College’s new program provides courses in residential and
growing need for professionals who can create and
commercial energy use and analysis, energy efficiency and
maintain electronic health records.
investment, and alternative energy technologies.
Food Safety: Foodborne diseases and threats to food safety Information Security: There is a growing need for securing
constitute a growing public health program, and graduates of
cyberspace infrastructure, and Delaware Tech’s information
the College’s new Food Safety program are well prepared for
Yolanda Palmore
security degree provides students with the skills to build and
careers in the food processing industry or government food-
Food Safety Student
maintain secure networks, diagnose and resolve vulnerabilities,
testing laboratories for regulatory agencies such as the USDA.
Employed by B & G Foods, Inc
implement security policies, and manage operating systems.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Hurlock, Md.
Programs (CCP) Division provides short-term and customized training programs designed to expand opportunities for businesses throughout the state and improve the performance and productivity of their employees. CCP is staffed with highly diversified professionals, each with many years of experience in his or her respective field. Businesses take advantage of the variety of training programs offered each semester at campuses statewide, or
Surgical Technology: Delaware Tech offers the
Environmental Engineering Technology: The Bureau
the College creates customized training to meet
only associate degree program in Delaware for surgical
of Labor Statistics projects that the employment outlook for
an organization’s specific needs.
technologists, who play an integral part of the medical
environmental engineering technicians is expected to grow at
team providing surgical care to patients in operating
least 30% by the year 2018. The College’s new associate degree
rooms statewide. Graduates work under the supervision
in environmental engineering technology provides students
of a surgeon and have the vitally important role of
with knowledge and skill in the general and technical aspects
monitoring the environment to maximize patient safety.
of preventing, assessing, and managing environmental issues.
Middle & Secondary Mathematics Education: With the
Direct Support Professional: Students in this certificate
state experiencing a shortage of math teachers, Delaware Tech
program learn how to provide individuals with disabilities
responded with associate degrees in middle and secondary
who live in their own homes support in daily living tasks,
math education. Graduates are automatically accepted
community living, health and wellness awareness, vocational
as juniors at four-year institutions where they can earn a
experiences, and social integration. Today, unlike in the past,
bachelor’s degree, qualifying them to teach math at the
most people with disabilities live in their home communities
middle school or high school levels.
and thrive thanks to direct support professionals.
Science Education – Chemistry/Physics: The state also has a critical need for high school science teachers. Delaware Tech’s new associate degree in science education prepares students for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program that leads to a teaching career in high school physics or chemistry.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Delivering Responsive and Relevant Programs
Delaware Tech’s Corporate and Community
45 Years of
Career and Customized Training
Delivering Responsive and Relevant Programs
Delaware Tech Supports Building Delaware’s Future Now
45 Years of
College Initiatives by Industry HEALTHCARE
Expanding facilities to provide for more science and nursing labs and a larger Dental Health Center
New programs in Surgical Technology
meet Delaware’s workforce needs
Certificate in Sustainable Landscaping
Eastern Industrial Services, Evraz Steel,
Nursing expansion led to the awarding of 3,864 degrees and diplomas from
SPI Pharma PLUS, the Division of Motor
partnership with the Delaware
Vehicles, and the State library system
and Energy Auditing
licensure exam for Delaware Tech nurses
Seven of the top ten Delaware businesses who hired our graduates
Trained 662 individuals for state’s three casinos: Delaware Park, Dover
Retrained 165 individuals through Department of Natural Resources and
Combined first time pass rate on national
Downs, and Harrington Raceway
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
FMC Biopolymer, New Process Fibre,
Environmental Control in Weatherization
Wilmington, Del.
Manufacturing Extension Partnership Analtech, Crystal Steel Fabricators,
Atlantic Shores, and St. Francis
Employed by Bidermann Golf Course
over 250 jobs through the Delaware New degree programs in
(DEMEP) for the following clients:
Bayhealth, Beebe, A.I. DuPont, Nanticoke,
and create or retain
Renewable Energy - Solar and a
Provided customized training for approximately 300 PBF Energy employees
are healthcare providers: Christiana,
Applied Agriculture Graduate
$7 million in sales
Energy Management and
and allied health professionals is 90%
Jeffrey Tunell
Helped create over
and Health Information Technology to
2003-2012, a 98% increase
New Food Safety Degree
Graduated two
Provided customized training for Fisker including pre-employment assessments
classes of Airframe
and OSHA safety training and expanded
Maintenance Technicians
manufacturing efficiency lab at the Stanton Campus to accommodate
Power Plant Maintenance Program
Avionics Program on the horizon
Programs support workforce needs of
future training needs
in development
PATS Aircraft, Dassault Falcon, Summit Aviation, and Hawker Beechcraft
More than 1,000 industry experts throughout the state serve on 80 advisory committees collegewide to ensure our graduates have the skills necessary to be job-ready.
45 Years of
International Education Delaware Tech’s International Education Program promotes international members. The College offers study abroad programs, hosts student and faculty visits, and provides events promoting global engagement and understanding. To further integrate international education into our programs, we make significant efforts to promote cross cultural collaboration, as well as to internationalize the curriculum for all students. Recent study abroad programs have included culinary arts in Italy, art history in France, criminal justice in Scotland, and cultural immersion trips to Russia, China, and Spain. Nursing students travelled to Belize and provided screenings and help with physical therapy to over 200 villagers. Students also were able to watch their instructor, who is a nurse practitioner, work alongside a physician diagnosing and treating patients, which gave them a first-hand look at the versatility of the profession.
Study abroad and cross-cultural exchange are proven ways to enhance communication, critical thinking skills, adaptability to different environments, and foreign language proficiency — all skills that can make our students more competitive in the 21st century job market.
Since 2010, Delaware Tech students have visited the following countries through the College’s study-abroad program:
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Scotland England Ecuador Mexico Turkey Russia China Costa Rica
»» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Italy Russia Vietnam Spain France Belize Denmark Ireland
Global Understanding Series The College’s Global Understanding Series, offered at campuses statewide, features programs and workshops free to the community, as well as Delaware Tech students and staff. Global Voices presentations provide a personal perspective on global issues, region, culture, or people. Postcards from Abroad
programs are presented by the College’s staff, students from different cultures, or students who have participated in previous study abroad programs. The series also includes interactive workshops to teach skills for use in the international community and culture and arts presentations that immerse
Sussex County entrepreneur Matt Haley speaks with students about his experiences traveling in Nepal.
participants in dancing, cooking, traditional dress, or theater.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Delivering Responsive and Relevant Programs
awareness and global understanding among students, faculty, and community
45 Years of
Energy Education Delaware Technical Community College was awarded
Energy and Environmental Design, recognizes practical and
wind generation equipment, a living green roof, radiant floor
$4,297,800 in grants in 2009-10 by the Economic Development
measurable green building design, construction, operations,
heating, geothermal options, and examples of efficiency in
Administration (EDA) to build energy education facilities at the
and maintenance solutions. Just 71 institutions of higher
construction and appliance usage. Delaware Tech uses the
College’s Owens, Terry, and Stanton campuses. The funding
education in the U.S. have a LEED Platinum building on their
facility for the College’s two-year associate degree in Energy
allowed for the construction of a statewide learning system
campus, and only 11 of those are community colleges.
Management. Energy House is also open for public tours to
that will serve as the region’s first comprehensive workforce development center to support a growing green economy.
provide consumer education for the community. Energy House is a home constructed on the campus that
Owens Campus: Energy House
innovative energy-efficient and renewable technology and
Terry Campus: The Center for Energy Education and Training
Delaware Tech’s Energy House at the Owens Campus in
materials. The facility houses a state-of-the-art, hands-on
The Center for Energy Education and Training at the Terry Campus
Georgetown was awarded LEED Platinum certification by the
learning environment containing two classrooms, a conference
in Dover is a 7,500 square foot addition to the existing Terry
United States Green Building Council, the highest level of LEED
room, and wall galleries of the technologies and materials
Campus Corporate Training Center. The facility consists of state-
certification available. LEED, which stands for Leadership in
used. Included in the design of the building are solar systems,
of-the-art classrooms, labs, and a conference auditorium and will
serves as an educational lab facility to teach students about
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Going Green
center will be used for commercial energy management education and training.
During 2010, the College developed a
other equipment at each campus and were financed as part of the Delaware’s Sustainable
(SEMP) that will reduce our conventional
Energy Utility’s initial bond sale during 2011.
opportunity to experience the value of renewable energy
energy use 20% by the year 2020, and reduce
options such as solar, passive solar, geothermal, and related
our carbon footprint by 20%. Initial steps
Delaware Tech is proud to be serving as a
technologies. The Center will provide students and the existing
included entering into two agreements that
leader in the area of energy sustainability.
workforce with the education needed to pursue a career in
will increase the College’s use of renewable
Only 108 campuses of the 1,177 public and
emerging green industries. The building will be complete by
energy sources and improve the energy
independent community colleges have
fall 2012 and has been designed and built according to LEED
efficiency of our existing facilities.
established robust action plans to manage
standards in pursuit of achieving LEED Platinum Certification.
Stanton Campus: The Sustainable Energy Training Center The Sustainable Energy Training Center planned for the Stanton Campus will be 6,000 square feet, also being built in accordance with LEED Certification standards. The Center, an education facility for commercial energy management education and training, will consist of three state-of-the-art classrooms, four interactive labs, and a multi-purpose room capable of hosting
their energy systems and reduce their climate
Delaware Tech entered into a Power Purchase Agreement at the end of 2010 with Perpetual Standard Solar to install 1.9 mw of solar panels at its campuses statewide, which will produce 12% of the College’s energy via solar while saving over $1.1 million during the next 20 years.
community workshops.
impact. Among these, only 18 institutions have plans that approximate the College’s commitment to a 20% or more reduction in fossil energy use and greenhouse gas emissions over the next 10 years. Thus, Delaware Tech is at the forefront of the green campus movement in the United States, ranking among the top one percent. Additional green initiatives include recycling
During 2011, the College conducted
at every campus and appointing employee
Equipped with solar systems, wind generation equipment,
Investment Grade Energy Audits of our
energy rangers to identify and report
and geothermal options, the Center will provide students with a
facilities statewide. These audits identified
conservation issues. The College also offers
hands-on learning environment, which demonstrates, as well as
$7 million in energy conservation measures
training in energy-efficient manufacturing
operates under the latest in sustainable energy technology. The use
that, once implemented, would produce
and associate degree programs in renewable
of multiple systems in one facility provides valuable comparison
over $5 million in energy savings during
energy solar, sustainable landscaping, and
data for learning and applied research. In addition to being home
the next 15 years. In order to ensure these
energy management.
to students pursuing the College’s Energy Management associate
results, the College entered into a Guaranteed
degree, it will provide non-credit workshops, conferences, and
Energy Savings Agreement with Pepco
company-specific training. The College will also invite members of
Energy Services, who is both constructing the
the community to see and understand the practical applications of
energy savings projects and guaranteeing
renewable energy technologies in the Center.
the savings will take place. The measures involve making changes to lighting, heating and air conditioning systems, boilers, and
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Advancing Key Initiatives
Sustainable Energy Management Plan Students and the community-at-large will have the
45 Years of
house the new Delaware Tech Energy Management Program. The
Advancing Key Initiatives
Center of Industry Research and Workforce Alignment
45 Years of
While economic forecasts and workforce trend analyses are routinely
Delaware Tech’s mission of workforce preparation has always made understanding labor market needs important. Now, when traditional industries are dramatically changing and economic uncertainties are greater, the ability to quickly and accurately identify new opportunities and educate the workforce for business creation, expansion, and attraction is critical. That is why Delaware Tech has established a new workforce and labor market information center modeled after the California “Centers of Excellence,” or COEs.
conducted by federal and state agencies and private entities, these reports have not proven to be integrated, comprehensive, or specific enough to guide educational program development. The COE model, on the other hand, produces industry-validated environmental scan and labor market reports on current and, most importantly, future labor market opportunities and needs.
These reports take into account emerging social, technological, political, and legal change. They “map the gap” between projected workforce demand and what colleges are supplying. They serve as roadmaps for colleges beginning or revising programs, winning grants, and leveraging resources with their industry, workforce and economic development partners to prepare students for high-growth, high-demand jobs with potential for upward career mobility. The new center at Delaware Tech, which is called the Center for Industry Research and Workforce Alignment (CIRWA), will play an important role
Veronica Buckwalter, director of the Center for Industry Research and Workforce Alignment (CIRWA), meets with Steve Borleske, project consultant, and Dr. Carolyn Snyder, director of the Division of Energy & Climate at the Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control (DNREC), to discuss opportunities for collaboration on CIRWA’s first study, which will focus on Delaware’s energy sector.
as a communication hub to catalyze and leverage partnerships between government agencies, research organizations, technology-based economic development initiatives, and workforce education. This important program allows us to grow — not just respond to — Delaware’s expanding and evolving labor market.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
– Marc Schomerus, Operations Manager for Delaware City Refinery, PBF Energy
In the spring of 2011, Delaware Tech committed to the community college to raise its graduation rates by 50% by 2020. The challenge, which was issued by the American Association of Community Colleges, involves incorporating a variety of strategies to support students in completing their degrees and certifications. The commitment has involved examining policies, practices, and the College’s institutional culture to identify areas that can have an impact on student success. Administrators, faculty, and staff have worked across campuses, divisions, and departments at an unprecedented level to align programs, operations, and services in order to progress toward this very important goal. The College’s initial efforts have focused on three major themes — Acceleration and Flexibility, Student Engagement, and Developmental Education.
success and meet the Call to Action commitment. Through aggressive institutional assessment and national research of best practices, the College continues to improve practices to increase student completion.
Streamlined admission procedures
Revised registration policies to help students make better course decisions
semester and vary in length, in addition to traditional 16-
and eight-week courses online and in face-to-face formats
Maymester, a new condensed term between spring and summer semester
An Accelerated Learning Program, combining developmental writing and college writing in the same semester
Math emporiums that provide students with self-paced, computerized learning modules for math supported by supplemental instruction
Additional course sections during summer months
Student engagement initiatives
Improved advisement services
Student educational plans that encourage students to set goals, identify strengths and challenges, and successfully navigate the college experience
The initiatives highlighted are just a few of the new strategies Delaware Tech has in place to support student
Courses that begin at different times throughout the
Active learning experiences including the expansion of
Redesign of gatekeeper courses, the classes at the first
Incentives for adjunct faculty to engage students outside
learning communities
level of college credit
the classroom
Re-evaluation of college level placement policies and
In April 2011, Dr. Orlando J. George, Jr. and Delaware Tech’s Board of Trustees committed to raise the College’s graduation rate by 50% by 2020.
required scores
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Advancing Key Initiatives
National Call to Action, an effort that challenges every
45 Years of
Student Completion National Call to Action
45 Years of
Congressional Support
“This grant will help provide the resources we need to build a well-educated work force for the future of our economy in Delaware and the region. We
In the fall of 2011, Delaware Tech was awarded a $4.9 million
have motivated, skilled workers in Delaware and this grant will help put
U.S. Department of Labor Grant to help connect Delawareans
them back to work.”
with jobs. The grant was the result of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and
– Thomas R. Carper, United States Senator, Delaware
Career Training (TAACCCT) initiative. The College received the full amount requested during the application process.
This funding will help connect Delawareans with jobs by supporting the College’s efforts to:
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“I am extremely proud of Delaware Tech for taking the lead on this initiative to provide access to training that will translate into high-wage, high-skill jobs. Creating jobs is my top priority. The key to reviving and strengthening the American economy lies in building
build programs that meet industry needs
a well-educated workforce; and I cannot stress enough the importance of creating
accelerate student progress
continuing education opportunities like those that are offered at Delaware Tech.”
reduce time to completion strengthen online and technology-enabled learning
– Christopher A. Coons, United States Senator, Delaware
The College is grateful for the partners who helped make the grant possible, including Delaware’s Congressional Delegation.
“Having a qualified workforce is key to creating jobs and strengthening the economy.
Senator Carper, Senator Coons, and Congressman Carney
Delaware’s workforce is one of the most skilled in the nation, and I’m excited for this
worked to secure this much needed federal funding in support
opportunity to further prepare workers for the jobs of the future. The programs and
of Delaware Tech’s mission. Business owners and community
partnerships that Delaware Tech can create with this funding will lead directly to
leaders also contributed to the effort, helping the College
economic growth that benefits the entire community.”
identify the relevant academic programs and initiatives that the grant supports.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
– John C. Carney, Jr., United States Representative, Delaware
45 Years of
Legislative Support Members of the Delaware General Assembly provide support
Each year the Legislature’s Joint Finance and Bond Bill Committees review the College’s operating and capital budget requests that support a major portion of Delaware Tech’s
Advisory Committees
annual budget.
Delaware legislators have also continued to support the Student Excellence Equals Degree (SEED) scholarship program, which allows students who have attended Delaware high schools and meet the academic and behavior criteria to receive scholarship funds toward their associate degrees.
Advisory Committees are a very important part of Delaware Tech’s efforts to develop responsive and relevant programs and connect Delawareans with jobs. John McDowell Energy Management Graduate
Academic programs are developed and kept current
Employed by The Fifth Fuel
through the use of advisory committees comprised
Georgetown, Del.
of over 1,000 business and industry experts in
On April 3, 2012, the College joined the University of
related fields. These committees meet regularly with
Delaware and Delaware State University to celebrate the
College department chairpersons, instructors, and
second annual Higher Education Day at Legislative Hall
deans to review curricula, arrange internships for
to thank Governor Jack Markell and the members of the
students, and ensure that Delaware Tech graduates
the University of Delaware, and Delaware State University.
Lane Community College Partnership
Building on Delaware Tech’s nationally-accredited refrigeration,
technology, health information management,
Legislature for their support and to brief them on the many collaborative partnerships that exist between Delaware Tech,
have the knowledge and skills necessary for immediate entry into their chosen careers. Recently developed programs in renewable energy
heating, and air conditioning program and engineering
surgical technology, and information security are just
The College’s partnership with the Delaware Manufacturing
technology programs, the College partnered with Lane
a few examples of the College’s efforts to continually
sector, housed at the Stanton Campus and staffed with
Community College in Eugene, Oregon, to offer an award-
align its programs with current and future workforce
Delaware Tech employees, has been helping Delaware’s
winning curriculum in energy management. Lane’s program
needs expressed by our advisory committees.
manufacturing companies succeed especially in this difficult
is one of the few in the country accredited by the Institute for
economy. In just one year Delaware Manufacturing Extension
Sustainable Power and has become a national model for energy
Pictured above: George Bailey, operations manager at Sam’s
Partnership (DEMEP) helped its clients create over $7 million
education, receiving the “Innovation of the Year” award from the
Club; Dion Williams, president and CEO of DelOne Credit Union;
in increased sales. Respondents to an annual survey reported
League for Innovation in the Community College. The Energy
and Karen Garrison, president of the First State Chapter of the
that 97 jobs were created and an additional 166 were
Management program is offered at our campuses statewide.
International Association of Administrative Professionals participate
retained thanks to DEMEP.
in a meeting of the Business and Entrepreneurship Advisory Board.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Leveraging Partnerships
for Delaware Tech and its mission in a variety of ways.
Leveraging Partnerships
Collaborations with the University of Delaware and Delaware State University
45 Years of
economy and connect Delawareans with jobs.
partner across many areas to support the state’s
Dr. Patrick T. Harker, president of the University of Delaware; Dr. Orlando J.
There are 36 “connected degree” agreements in place that enable our associate degree graduates to seamlessly transfer as juniors into related bachelor’s degree programs at UD and DSU. Recent agreements include
in their related career fields.
public education. As council members, chief
Student Success Initiatives
Tech are working with K-12, higher education,
Additional collaborative efforts extend beyond
business, community, and government leaders
our three institutions to benefit education
to advance student success and completion
and economic development statewide.
across all levels of education. Creating
One example is the state’s P20 Council, an
programs and services to help students
organization formed to coordinate educational
achieve their educational goals is an important
efforts of publicly-funded programs from early
step toward connecting them with jobs and
care through higher education and to foster
enhancing the state’s economic vitality.
George, Jr., president of Delaware Tech; Dr. Harry L. Williams, president of Delaware
Transfer Opportunities
partnerships among groups concerned with academic officers from UD, DSU, and Delaware
The University of Delaware (UD), Delaware State University (DSU), and Delaware Tech
graduates need to be job ready and successful
State University; and Governor Jack Markell celebrate the state’s second annual Higher Education Day in Legislative Hall to recognize the many collaborative efforts among the three institutions.
Partnering to Meet Workforce Demand Delaware’s Aviation Maintenance Program
designed to train people to provide
is an example of a successful collaboration
assistance to persons with developmental
that made it possible to meet the workforce
and intellectual disabilities so they can lead
need in the aviation field. Partners include
lives as independently as possible.
Science Education and Computer Science
advisory committee members from the
with future agreements in the planning
aviation industry, Sussex County Council,
The number of people with disabilities
stage. Our faculty work closely together,
career pathways for students statewide. The
the U.S. Department of Labor, our Delaware
who need support is increasing, and the
ensuring that course requirements at all
EPSCoR partnership also uses future-focused
Congressional Delegation, the Governor’s
advocacy community asked the College to
three institutions are aligned to support
labor market research to help us make
Office, and the State Legislature — all of
develop a program to prepare people who
students and these agreements.
proactive strategic decisions regarding STEM
whom collaborated to develop the program,
want to enter the field and to strengthen the
workforce education and research and to
provide equipment, and secure the funding
knowledge and skills of those already in the
Grant Partnerships
support Delaware employers in continuing to
necessary for the College to produce job-
Our institutions partner to secure grant funds
be national leaders in the innovation economy.
ready graduates in the field. This partnership
that advance key education and economic
is expanding and working within FAA
The program development process was led
initiatives in the state. One example is
Faculty Expertise
guidelines to include an additional aviation
by an advisory committee that included
Delaware’s Experimental Program to Stimulate
Faculty at UD, DSU, and Delaware Tech
program — Powerplant — to prepare
representatives from the Homes for Life
Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program,
contribute their subject matter expertise to
technicians to work on airplane engines.
Foundation, the Delaware Department of
a nine-year collaborative effort among UD,
serve on nearly 25 advisory committees across
DSU, Delaware Tech, and Wesley College, that
the three institutions. They join business and
Another new program launched recently
private and public service providers. The
continues to establish and expand science,
industry professionals on these committees
with the help of partners is the certificate
advisory committee also raised scholarships
technology, engineering and math (STEM)
to identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities
for Direct Support Professionals, a program
to support more than 30 students.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Health and Social Services, and a variety of
45 Years of
Service Learning Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Delaware Tech faculty and academic counselors engage students in service learning statewide to take what they’ve learned in the classroom and apply it to real-life situations. Through the practical application of their studies, they become actively contributing citizens and community members. Examples of service learning range from students volunteering at fairs and festivals to taking part in breast cancer awareness drives and volunteering
The Terry Campus Hawks Donor Dash Team participates in the Annual Dash for Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness in Philadelphia each spring with a team inspired by Lloyd Saba (holding banner, left), mailroom manager, who is alive today because of a gift of life from an organ donor.
at breakfast missions. Dental hygiene students provide examinations for local children, while other students participate in recycling programs and beach and highway clean-up efforts. Culinary arts students solicit donations and stuff a DART bus with food for needy Delawareans in the Stuff the Bus effort. There are also programs that provide gently used formal wear for high school students going to proms, teddy bears for babies, blankets for children who are ill or traumatized, and shoes for members of the community who need them. In addition, nursing students provide health screenings at events statewide. The College’s Dental Health Center hosts its annual Give Kids a Smile day, a program that provides free dental care to children from low-income families.
To complement and increase service learning efforts, Delaware Tech now offers a student success course called Introduction to Service Learning, which provides students with community service ideas and opportunities while helping them learn the value of civic engagement.
Delaware Tech Owens Campus agriculture students Kyle Gross, Phil Naugler, Zachery Johnson, and Daryl Trotman and staff member Alan Schirmer plant one of 27 trees that will help the campus become a Tree Campus USA, a program run by the Arbor Day Foundation.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Supporting the Community
Kent and Sussex Economic Conferences
United Way Delaware Tech employees give generously to United Way of
Another way that Delaware Tech collaborates with
Delaware each year to support its
stakeholders in the community to connect Delawareans
mission to advance the common good by focusing on the
with jobs is by hosting annual economic conferences in
three building blocks to a good life—education, income,
Sussex and Kent counties each fall. These conferences, which
and health.
attract citizens, business leaders, community leaders, and local government officials, offer a valuable opportunity for
From 2007 through 2011, the College’s employees gave a
interactive presentations and discussions regarding economic
total of almost $365,000 to contribute to United Way, with
development and related issues within each county.
72% participation in 2011. Delaware Tech supports United
45 Years of
Way’s long-term strategy to eliminate the root causes of
Panel discussions range from topics such as “Where the Jobs Are” and “Energy and Utilities” to “Connections That Work” and “Building Businesses Virtually.” The conferences are carefully planned by committees Shaun Tyndall, founder of Inclind, Inc., addresses community, government, and business leaders as the featured speaker at the annual Sussex County Today and Tomorrow Conference at the College’s Owens Campus
comprised of representatives from academia, business, healthcare, and government. The presentations each year feature a wealth of information to promote understanding, showcase initiatives, identify needs, and stimulate action.
in Georgetown.
Audrey Brodie, owner of First Class Properties; John Callahan, director of business development for Halpern Eye Associates; and Al Paoli, director of the Delaware Small Business Development Center participate in a Success Stories panel discussion at the annual Kent County Economic Summit held at Delaware Tech’s Terry Campus in Dover.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Delaware’s most pressing social problems in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties. The College is proud to be a supporter of United Way of Delaware as it works to establish positive, long-lasting solutions for today and into the future.
45 Years of
Council for Higher Education Accreditation Award
Grant Awards
In addition to the College’s accreditation
Another indication of the College’s excellence is our ability to earn competitive
by the Middle States Commission on Higher
state and federal grants. Over the last five years the College has been awarded
Delaware Tech was honored to receive the Council
Education, 66 of Delaware Tech’s academic
$48,095,825 in grant funds. One example is the 2012 Trade Adjustment
for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Award for
programs have earned program accreditation,
Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant totaling
Institutional Progress in Student Learning Outcomes in
which recognizes that these programs meet
$5 million to support the College’s efforts to build programs that meet industry
2009. This prestigious national award recognized the College’s
national standards of excellence set by
needs, accelerate student progress, reduce time to completion and strengthen
Institutional Effectiveness Structure and the outstanding
their industries.
online and technology-enabled learning.
work done by faculty, staff, and administrators in assessing the effectiveness of our instructional programs and support
services to ensure excellence in student learning and educational support outcomes. Of the over 3,000 CHEA
State Grants
member institutions that were eligible to apply for the award, 32 applied, and only two were selected — Delaware Tech and Northern Arizona University.
$11,562,913 $9,075,288 $9,000,000
process for evaluating effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement in every division and on every level.
$6,625,967 $2,229,100
$6,000,000 $5,769,108
Licensure Pass Rates The first-time pass rate for Delaware Tech nursing and allied health professionals sitting for their licensing exams is 90%.
The CHEA award recognized the College’s ongoing systematic
Federal Grants
FY 2008
FY 2009
FY 2010
FY 2011
FY 2012
(does not include student financial aid / FY 2010 federal grants include State Fiscal stabilization funds of $4,181,500)
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Faculty members at Delaware Tech have a long list of accomplishments in addition to the work they do in the classroom every day. Some examples include:
45 Years of
Achieving Excellence
Faculty Accomplishments
Dr. Doug Hicks, department chair for
Chef Ed Hennessy, department chair
Jennifer Clemons, a renewable energy
the Engineering Technologies program
Barbara Sheppard, (left) chair of the Education Department and Nicolle Gaines,
for the Culinary Arts program at the
instructor at the Terry Campus, was selected
at the Owens Campus, was appointed to
(right) program manager for the Child
Terry Campus, recently attained three-
to participate in the 2012 Renewable Energy
the Delaware STEM Education Council
Development Center at the Wilmington
year accreditation from the Accrediting
Train the Trainer Solar Electric Academy,
representing Delaware Tech. The Council
Campus, have worked diligently to maintain
Commission of the American Culinary
a five-day, hands-on course that includes
was created by Governor Markell in January
the center’s accreditation by the National
Federation Education Foundation. As
installation practice with photovoltaic (solar
2010 to lead efforts in fostering science,
Association for the Education of Young
the only full-time faculty member for
electric) systems. The training, which focuses
technology, engineering, and mathematics
Children (NAEYC). The most recent year-
the program, he led the effort through
on safe installation and commissioning
education in our schools.
long effort will be the third time the center
the rigorous process to achieve the high
procedures and techniques for teaching PV
has completed this rigorous process. Since
standards of this first-time accreditation,
in the classroom, is hosted by Solar Energy
it was established in 1999, Early Childhood
joining the Stanton Campus as a nationally
International in Paonia, Colorado.
Education students have worked in the center
accredited Culinary Arts program.
under the supervision of teachers.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
45 Years of
Achieving Excellence
Dr. Virginia Balke of the Stanton
Barry Weiss, department chair of the
Mary Marchegiano-Nolker of the
Archana Sharma, instructional coordinator
Campus is a co-principal investigator in
Airframe Maintenance Technology program
Stanton Campus was recently appointed
for the Computer Information Systems
the Community College Undergraduate
at the Owens Campus, was a driving force in
to the Accreditation Board for Engineering
Department at the Wilmington Campus,
Research Initiative (CCURI). The initiative is
developing curriculum, acquiring equipment,
and Technology Accreditation Commission.
was awarded a three-year National Science
working with community colleges around
satisfying FAA requirements, hiring instructors,
She was also selected to attend the 2012
Foundation (NSF) grant to develop and run a
the nation to help them incorporate
and achieving FAA certification for the
Sustainable Energy Education and Training
free statewide youth camp involving robotics
undergraduate research into their science
College’s program. Leading a cooperative
(SEET) Workshop in Golden, Colorado.
and renewable energy. Campers build robots
curricula. Delaware Tech has played an
effort that involved the federal government,
The primary goal of the SEET Technology
and use them to transform a miniature town
important role in this project and now serves
Sussex County, and business partners, he
Workshop project is to build the capacity
into a “green city.” Sharma trained instructors
as a model for other schools. The project is
accomplished in 18 months what usually
of energy technicians to meet the
at all of the College’s campuses for the
funded by a $3.35 million National Science
takes other colleges three to five years.
challenges of sustainable energy
popular camp, which admits young students
in the 21st century workplace.
following a competitive essay process.
Foundation Phase III Grant for Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science — the only one awarded in 2011.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
45 Years of
Galas Each campus of Delaware Tech hosts galas annually to raise funds for student scholarships or academic support services at the College. In 2011, as a result of generous contributions and sponsorships from individuals and business, the three events netted a total of $405,300 to fund scholarships, textbooks, classroom learning tools, and building expansion.
The dedication of Delaware Tech’s Stanton and Wilmington
Starry Starry Night, the annual black-tie optional gala for
The annual Gourmet Gala held at the College’s
Campuses’ employees, students, and community members
the Owens Campus in Georgetown, has been “the place to
Terry Campus in Dover is an elegant, black-tie-optional
transform the Wilmington Campus each year into an
be” in Sussex County on the last Saturday in April for the
affair where gala attendees are transported to new
Evening of Mardi Gras.
past 13 years.
and exciting places far away from home.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
45 Years of
Major Scholarship Donors
Valuing Your Investment
Joshua M. Freeman
George and Marilyn Chabbott
Helen Connon
As president and chief executive officer of Carl M. Freeman
George and Marilyn Chabbott have been constant
Dr. Helen A. Connon sincerely believes in the old adage “Give
Associates, Joshua Freeman was committed to the firm’s
champions of education, supporting Delaware Tech’s Terry
a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish,
mission — helping people live better. Well known as a
Campus at every turn. As Gourmet Gala sponsors, they have
and you feed him for a lifetime.” A graduate of the University
husband, father, community and business leader, and a
helped raise thousands of dollars for student scholarships.
of California, Berkley, and then Yale University with a Ph.D. in
gentleman whose life was based on core values and
They have consistently dedicated time, resources, and
Chemistry, Dr. Connon wanted to help others achieve their
personal responsibility, Josh Freeman led by example.
financial support to Delaware Tech.
academic goals, so she set up a scholarship fund to provide tuition, fees, and books for students at Delaware Tech. She
Mr. Freeman believed as Winston Churchill did that “To whom
In recognition of their unwavering support, the George
appreciates the fact that the College’s low tuition rates allow
much is given, much is required.” Thus, until his untimely
and Marilyn Chabbott Center for Entrepreneurship and
her endowment to benefit many students.
death in December 2006, he continued to increase his capacity
Small Business Innovation and Advancement was dedicated
to help people and our communities. It was his wish to leave
in their honor. Mr. Chabbott volunteers countless hours at the
Impressed by an in-depth tour of the Nursing Department,
a legacy of customer service, philanthropy, and value-based
Center, helping aspiring entrepreneurs realize their dreams.
she decided to target her endowed scholarship for nursing
actions that inspire others. The Joshua M. Freeman Scholarship
The couple has owned and operated their own successful
students. Dr. Connon has spent her career contributing her
is one way his legacy will endure with Delaware Tech students
commercial real estate business, so they understand the
knowledge and talents at the DuPont Company in Wilmington,
for many years to come.
value of hard work and vision, making them the perfect
where she has worked in both chemistry and biotechnology.
choice for this distinction.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Valuing Your Investment
Employee Giving
Ways to Give
Delaware Tech employees give generously
Delaware Technical Community College is supported by a generous
to the College’s Educational Foundation
group of donors who contribute in a variety of ways. Gifts to our
scholarship funds, which enable students to
Delaware Tech Educational Foundation support scholarships for our
reach their educational goals. Their support
students and help us meet their needs. The College’s website allows
also contributes to important college
donors to make contributions quickly and easily.
initiatives such as technology enhancements, instructional equipment, and endowment
funds for the future support of instruction and student services.
Gifts of property also benefit our students by providing them
45 Years of
with resources needed by our faculty and students. They
As a result of the extraordinary generosity of our Delaware Tech family, the most recent campaign raised $92,019 with 94% participation collegewide – even in the midst of a difficult economy.
include instructional technology tools such as computers, monitors, cameras, laboratory and clinical equipment, medical instrumentation, and more.
STOCKS/BONDS Appreciated assets are another way to give to Delaware Tech. Some donors receive significant tax advantages by transferring appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate to the College. We also receive contributions through the Employee
Legacy Society
Matching Gift Programs of many employers.
The Delaware Technical Community College Legacy Society is a special group
Finally, donors can receive significant tax benefits by partnering
of individuals who contribute cumulative
with Delaware Tech as a beneficiary of various estate planning
lifetime gifts of at least $50,000 and/or
vehicles. Bequests, trusts, annuities, land donations, and life
have announced their intention to leave a
insurance gifts are just a few of the ways that individuals have
gift to the College through various estate
supported the College while receiving favorable tax situations.
planning vehicles. Legacy Society members receive unique benefits to recognize
By providing an opportunity for students to obtain an education
their partnership and commitment
at Delaware Tech, you are contributing to a brighter future for
to Delaware Tech.
students, their families, our communities, and our state. For more information visit
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
45 Years of
Educational Foundation The total assets of the Delaware Technical Community College
Statement of Financial Position (AUDITED)
Educational Foundation increased 3.4% to over $19.8 million
during 2011. These assets are comprised of fixed assets and
Cash, Investments & A/R
Accounts Payable
Charitable Gift Annuity
Total Liabilities
an investment portfolio of approximately $12 million at the end of 2011. The investments are managed by a team of three investment firms and overseen by the Foundation’s Investment Committee appointed by the Board of Trustees. Investment performance during 2011 was a negative 1.68%, which compared favorably with institutions of a similar size. The committee meets throughout the year, reviewing both investment performance and asset allocations.
Property – Williams House Property – Baker Farm Property – Tunnell House Treasures of the Sea Artifacts TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES
The median salary for 2011 associate degree graduates employed full-time in the field of study was $40,089. Graduates in Nursing, Allied Health, Industrial Technologies and Computer Technologies reported the highest average salaries.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Appreciating Your Support of our Students 45 Years of
Thank You! DIAMOND - ($1,000,000 + )
LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS A special group of individuals who contribute cumulative lifetime gifts of at least $50,000 and/or have announced their intention to leave a gift to the College through various estate planning vehicles.
Halina and Carl John Abramowicz, M.D. Charles C. Allen, Jr. John R. Allen, Sr. Paula and Warren L. Allen, Sr. Blanche W. and J. Raymond Baker Barbara and Phillip H. Banks Philip Bills Norman H. Boyer, M.D. Marilyn and George Chabbott Joyce Stout Cosgrove, M.D. and Martin Cosgrove, M.D. Edwin Davis, Jr. Mirja De Ronde Estate Santos F. Delgado, M.D.
Norma Lee and Richard Derrickson Ida Mae Ellis Alice Etherington Estate Ida C. Faucett and Family Michelle and Joshua Freeman Marjorie Gail Garbutt Dr. Orlando J. George, Jr. and Mrs. Linda K. George Jay W. Glasmann (Glasmann Foundation) Ellen and Joseph Goldstein James L. Penn Guenveur and Lucy Guenveur Marcia and Lawrence Jilk, Jr.
Melvin L. Joseph, Sr. Kisan Karapurkar, M.D. Howard R. Layton, CPA, CSEP James Lockard, M.D. Jeanette R. McDonnal Dorothea McLane Estate Pamela and James W. Miller, M.D. Andrea and Robert Minutoli Charles F. Moore, D.D.S Austin F. Okie (Isabel Okie Trust) Carol Owens, M.D. and Louis Owens, M.D. Jim Perdue (Arthur W. Perdue Foundation)
Mitzi and Franklin P. Perdue Henry W. Peters Dr. Anis Saliba and Mrs. Selham Sue Saliba William W. Spruance Ed and Marjorie Steiner Lois Sullivan Estate Elizabeth Taylor Estate Raymond G. Tronzo, M.D. Mary Truitt Estate Eolyne and Robert W. Tunnell, Sr. William Ulmer, Jr. Estate Ruby R. Vale (Foundation) Margo and Howell Wallace Elsie and John Williams
Margareta Groetsema Ruthi Adams Joseph Kathy Krajewski Dr. Marcia Moore Carl Peters Sherry and Hans Peters Nancy Porter Peters
Marie Rust Charlotte and Jim Samans Jill and Stan Taylor Paulyne Tunnell Robert W. Tunnell, Jr. Mindi and Robert W. Tunnell III
LEGACY SOCIETY HONORARY MEMBERS Joe Ann Adams Kelly and Landy Adams Thurman Adams Tracy and Ken Adams Barbara and Chick Allen Bill Allen Ren Allen Susie Allen
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Bonnie Atkins Bonnie and Charles Eggleston Ben Faucett Carol Faucett Connie Faucett Swift Linford P. Faucett III Robert Faucett
Blanche W. and J. Raymond Baker Christiana Care Health System Longwood Foundation, Inc. Eolyne and Robert W. Tunnell, Sr.
PLATINUM - ($500,000 + ) Bayhealth Medical Center Discover Bank
GOLD - ($100,000 + ) AHRI Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute Anonymous AstraZeneca Atlantic Theaters Movies at Midway Bank of America Charitable Foundation Beebe Medical Center Carl M. Freeman Companies Crystal Trust Mirja De Ronde Estate DuPont Company Edgegroup Inc. Good Samaritan, Inc. Marcia and Lawrence Jilk, Jr. Nanticoke Health Services Peninsula Regional Medical Center Pepsi Cola Bottling Ventures of Salisbury
Sanofi-Aventis William Ulmer, Jr. Estate Welfare Foundation, Inc.
SILVER - ($50,000 + ) Arthur W. Perdue Foundation, Inc. Philip Bills Beckman Coulter Carl M. Freeman Foundation, Inc. Marilyn and George Chabbott Chichester duPont Foundation Comcast Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership (DEMEP) Delaware River & Bay Authority Delmarva Power, A PHI Company Ida Mae Ellis Dr. Orlando J. George, Jr. and Mrs. Linda K. George Ellen and Joseph Goldstein James L. Penn Guenveur and Lucy Guenveur Howard R. Layton, CPA, CSEP Marmot Foundation Andrea and Robert Minutoli Nemours Health and Prevention Services Austin F. Okie Carol Owens, M.D. and Louis Owens, M.D. Pearson Education PepsiCo
Dr. Anis Saliba and Mrs. Selham Sue Saliba Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Elizabeth Taylor Estate Margo and Howell Wallace
BRONZE - ($10,000 + ) Ruthi Adams Joseph Advantech, Inc. Albero, Kupferman & Associates, LLC American Honda Bonnie L. and Raymond Atkins Helen, Elizabeth, and Lawrence Bivens, Sr. BlueCross BlueShield of Delaware Branch Banking and Trust Patricia Campbell-White and Don White Chesapeake Utilities Corporation Christiana Care Health System Citizens Bank Helen A. Connon Crestlea Foundation, Inc. Daimler Chrysler Daniels Vending LLC Dassault Falcon Delaware City Refinery Delaware Coastal Anesthesia
Delaware Commission on Italian Heritage and Culture Delaware Electric Cooperative, Inc. Delaware National Bank Georgetown Branch Delaware Park Delmarva Printing Design Collective, Inc. Dewey Beach Lions Club Dollar General Literacy Foundation Dover Post (Gatehouse Media, Inc.) East Coast Property Management EDiS Company El Centro Cultural, Inc. Alice Etherington Trust Falk Control Systems Tina Fallon Ida C. Faucett and Family Ford Motor Company GM Service Operations George & Lynch Inc. Georgetown Properties, Inc. GoodSearch Greenwood Trust Co. Hertrich Family of Automotive Dealerships, Inc. Highway One Limited Partnership
Hill-Rom Respiratory Care Homes for Life Foundation Chris and Joseph Hudson i g Burton Intervet Schering-Plough Janvier Jewelers Walton A. and Janet C. Johnson, Jr. Kraft Foods Global Inc. Fred L. Lane M&T Charitable Foundation MSX Massey’s Landing Park, Inc. Dorothea McLane Estate Terry and Vanessa Megee Melvin Joseph Construction Company Meoli Family, McDonald’s Restaurants Lawrence H. and Florence Miller Milton and Hattie Kutz Foundation Hope W. Murray Nage Restaurant NASA Delaware Space Grant Program Nat. C.A.P., Headquarters Nemours PATS Aircraft Completions Perdue Farms, Inc. Philadelphia Eagles PPG Industries Price Honda
Margaret Rafal Barbara S. and Henry Ridgely Roy Klein Education Foundation Santora CPA Group Shore Memorial Hospital Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Daniel L. and Eileen Simpson Bill and Ileana Smith George B. and Cathryn Smith Jo Ann Staples Edward and Marjorie Steiner Sussex County Council The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company THG Transport Tidewater Utilities Tunnell & Raysor, P.A. Verizon Wireless Mildred Vinyard W. W. Grainger, Inc. Watermark Prod. LLC Barbara M. Weatherly Jane P. Wilkie Wilmington University
SPONSORS - ($1,000 + ) A.I. duPont Hospital for Children Myrna M. and Tim Abbott Halina and Carl John Abramowicz, M.D.
Absolute Climate Control, Inc. ACEC of DE Joe Ann Adams Thurman Adams Jerry Adkins / Adkins Realty Affordable Septic Solutions Agilent Technologies, Inc. Jennifer and Raymond Akey Aladdin Food Mgmt. ALICO Allen’s Family Foods Allentown Caging Equip. Co. American Council of Engineering Companies - Delaware David C. Anderson Tina M. Anderson Annabella’s Morris Antonelli Christopher G. and Carol Antonik AWB Engineers BAI, Inc. Pamela B. Bailey and Jerome Downie Jo Ann M. Baker Baltimore Trust Joan I. Barber Bobbi J. Barends Joshua L. Barnes Robert S. Bates Grace Ruth Batten
Baywood Greens William R. Beauchamp Stephanie Beaudet Brian K. Belcher Bennie Smith Funeral & Limousine Service Valerie J. Bergeron William Bernard Christina M. Bernat Daryl L. and Mark Berryman Peggy H. Betch BHA Foundation Fund Maurizio Bianchi Big Fish Grill Restaurant Group David M. Bloodsworth Bluewater Wind Delaware LLC George E. Booth Norman H. Boyer, M.D. Robert J. Bradley Thomas A. Bradshaw Julie E. Brady Charlotte and Mark T. Brainard, J.D. Sue and George Bramhall John L. Briggs Ruth Briggs King Harriet A. Brown Henry I. Brown Buck Simpers Architect + Associates, Inc. John M. Buckley Buckley’s Auto Care Kevin E. and Nancy Burdette
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Appreciating Your Support of our Students
SILVER - ($50,000 + ) Cont.
45 Years of
Thank You!
Appreciating Your Support of our Students 45 Years of
Thank You! SPONSORS - ($1,000 + ) Cont. Burris Logistics Karen P. Burroughs Donna L. Burtelle William G. Bush IV, Esq. Cafe Zeus Nicholas S. and Joan Caggiano John and Judith Caldwell Camp Rehoboth Nancy S. Campbell Kathleen E. Canalichio Cape Gazette Cardio-Kinetics, Inc. William A. and Ann Carter Allison B. Castellanos Century 21 Mann & Sons, Inc. Century Tax & Financial Services Gayle and William Chandler, Jr. Mary M. Chen Chesapeake Mechanical Contractors Association Karene C. Chester Janet M. Chin Ciao Bella Ciba Specialty Chemicals Cirelli’s City Country Interiors City of Wilmington Ruth Anne Clarke Class of 2007
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
George Coates Coffee Mill Kristine A. Collins Joseph and Joanne Conaway Mary S. Conaway Lauretta A. Cooper Robert J. and Teri Cordrey Joyce Stout Cosgrove, M.D. and Martin Cosgrove, M.D. Rebecca W. Craft Craig Technologies Clifford D. Cubbage Dave Culp Cindy L. Cunningham Robert Danzi Deborah Y. Davis Patrick M. DeBoda Ann L. and Jim Del Negro Delaware Association of Realtors Delaware Bone & Joint Specialists, LLC Delaware College & Personnel Association Delaware Crime Stoppers, Inc. Delaware Federal Credit Union - Del-One Delaware Motor Transportation Association, Inc. Students Delaware National Bank Seaford Branch Delaware Police Chiefs Council
Delaware State News - Independent Newsmedia, Inc., USA Delaware Surgery Center Santos F. Delgado, M.D. DelMarVa Human Resources Delmarva Water and Sewer Anthony and Janet DeLuca Drake and Debra Dennis Milton L. and Teresa Derrickson Design Consultants Group LLC DiCarlo Precision Instruments, Inc. Anthony S. Digenakis Maribeth B. and Grant Dockety Lois W. and Bruce Dolby Darcy C. Donahue Mary M. Doody Dover Consulting Services, Inc. Dover Federal Credit Union Dover Rent-All Dover Rotary Club Dover Surgical Associates Dover Volkwagen, Inc. Dow Reichold Specialty Latex, LLC DOWRA Drew C. Hurst & Associates, Inc. Mary S. Drugash DTCC Alumni Edward J. Duffy Jeanne DuNord DuPont Legal Department
Mary S. Dupont EcoPure Edible Art Foods Catering Edward J. Kaye Construction, Inc. Edward Jones Investments Maurice K. Egnor Susan Ehli Daniel R. Ehmann Marlene B. Elliott Brown Elliott Greenleaf Ellis & Szabo LLP Emory Hill Real Estate Services Diana R. and Dana Erney Aleta L. Esham Robin Fantl Linford P. Faucett III Faw, Casson & Co., LLP Nancy C. and Joe Feichtl John S. Ferguson Firebirds Wood Fired Grill First State Orthopaedics First State Towing & Recovery LLC Fischer & Hutchinson Wealth Advisors, LLC George W. Fisher Ralph P. Flegal Ann M. and James A. Flood, Jr. Mary C. and James A. Flood, Sr. John A. Fogelgren FOP Delaware State Lodge FOP New Castle County Lodge #5 FOP Wilmington Police Lodge No. 1 Robert T. Foraker
Linda Forte Daniel J. Freeman French & Ryan Architects Stephen French Kathern R. Friel FuturTech Consulting G. Payne Construction, Inc. G.A. Blanco & Sons Norma Gaines-Hanks Gannett Foundation Garbutt Family Charitable Trust Michelle Garey George, Miles, & Buhr, LLC Gettier Security Gilpin Mortgage Company Dann J. Gladnick Glasmann Foundation Go-Care at Abby Medical Golden Odyssey Gov. Affairs & Public Policy Group Shelley P. Grabel Great South Beach Lawrence D. Green Lee Ann W. Green Andrew J. Greenshields Kimberly A. Gregor Michelle and Norman D. Griffiths, Esq. Grotto Pizza Jennifer J. Grunden Helen Hales Bonnie G. Hall Daniel H. and Sonya Hall
Janet M. Harmon Harrington Raceway, Inc. Charles M. Harris Haseen A. Haseen Robert R. and Sally Hastings Sara K. Hastings Holly E. Hawkins Collette M. Hayes Robert W. and Mary Ellen Hearn Kristie Hellens Margaret R. Henry Nancy B. Henry Heritage of Dover Peggy S. Hertrich David Hess Douglas C. Hicks Regan Hicks-Goldstein Laura and Roland Hill Martha Hofstetter Holly Tree Homes, LLC Hopkins Construction Horizon Philanthropic Services, Inc. Daniel A. and Mary Lynn Houghtaling Patricia W. Howard Howard R. Young Correctional Institution Joanne M. Howell Hoy en Delaware Christina J. Hudson Margaret Hurley Hyatt Regency Philadelphia Impress
Indulgence Jewelers Infiltrator Systems Info Solutions LLC ING Direct Kathy A. Janvier Jacqueline D. Jenkins Cornelia Johnson Lois G. Johnson Lora and Tim Johnson Robert T. Johnson Terry and Becky Johnson Sallie and Marshall Jones Kisan Karapurkar, M.D. G. Timothy and Deanna Kavel Barry S. Kayne Henry Keith Bob Kelly James T. King Halsey and Joan Knapp Jane Knaus Amy B. Knight Michael L. Knight La Rosa Negra Lab Products, Inc. Lamp Post Restaurant Michelle M. and Louis Lampkin Jonathan S. Landis LandmarkJCM Hiram N. Lasher Frances H. Leach Anna Legates-Beste
Harry Lehman Alan B. Levin Mark Levin Meg A. Lewis Lighthouse Construction, Inc. Lighthouse Restaurant Group Liquid Assets Charlotte T. Lister James Lockard, M.D. Pete Loewenstein Susan D. Looney Faith P. Lowe Hseuh M. Lu David Ludema Carol K. and Jack Lynch Susan Lynch M&T Bank Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company Clare A. MacDonald Pamela A. MacPherson Mainline Management and Capital Advisors, LLC Louis P. Massanova Matthews Concrete Roberta W. Mayfield McCool & McCool Architect/Design Stephanie G. and Donald McDonough Charles H. McElroy James S. McKelvey Susan C. McLaughlin Gerard M. and Deborah McNesby Jacqueline L. and Martin McQuaide
Medical Society of Delaware Megee Plumbing & Heating Co. Inc. Mercantile Bankshares Corp Merrill Lynch Glen E. Merritt Midway Ventures, LLC Byroune T. Miles Tracy A. Miles Milford Rotary Club Cheryl M. Miller Mary Ellen Miller Wilma Mishoe Misty Dawn Photography Cynthia M. Mitchell John L. Mitchell Modell’s Sporting Goods Nancy P. Monroe W. Keith Monroe Moonlight Architecture, Inc. Charles F. Moore, D.D.S. Merrill C. Moore Ronald W. Moore Morgan Stanley / Smith Barney Christy A. Moriarty Carol B. Morley Jennifer J. Morley Alfred P. Morris Morris James LLP Paul T. Morris Bill J. Morrow Jennifer P. Mosley Sharon L. Mossman Helen Moynihan
Daniel M. Mullaney Francis T. Mulrooney Susan P. Mumford Thomas J. Mumford Charles L. Mundell Paula K. Mundell Millard F. Murray Randy Murray Shirley A. Murray Murray Sod Farm NanoDrop Technologies, Inc. Robert C. Needs New Castle County, Delaware Mark and Mary Newcott Nickle Electrical Companies Nicola Pizza Inc. Noramco Northwestern Mutual NRG Energy O. A. Newton & Son Company Oddi Atlantic Printer Deborah and Charles O’Donnell Veronica E. Oney Jamey J. O’Shea Donna L. Owens Owens Campus Alpha Beta Gamma Owens Campus Office Administration Students Terri L. Palmer Papen Farms Esthelda R. Parker Selby Parkway Gravel, Inc. Parrish Money Management
Patterson-Schwartz Real Estate Paul Schwab Nursing Labs Tamala D. Paxton Patricia W. Payne Jeffery S. Peck David A. Pedersen Pepco Energy Services, Inc. Katherine F. Perdue William Pfaff Philadelphia Phillies Edward H. Phillips Leanne E. Phillips-Lowe Elliott Pinckney Ronald J. Pleasanton PNC Bank Vincent J. Poppiti Erika L. Porter James B. Porter Kimberley S. Pridemore Prudential Gallo Realtors QPS, LLC Galen S. Queen James E. Quirk Quota International of Wilmington, Delaware R & R Commercial Realty R. E. Michel Company Inc. Alan Rachko Elizabeth Rains Melissa L. Rakes Raymond F. Book & Associates Mark S. Reeve Philip Rekitzke
ResTech Solutions, LLC Carol C. Rhodes Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. Ristorante Zebra John B. Roach Robert Thomas Salon Robert W. Webster Family Dentistry, PA Debra D. Roberts Charles W. Robertson Robertson Technology, Inc. Robin Foundation Teresa L. Rock Elizabeth A. and Edward A. Rodier Nicholas H. and Patricia Rodriguez Rohm & Haas Electronic Materials Karen L. Rollo Peter Ross Roger Roy S.C. Women’s Demo Club Salisbury University Saul Ewing, LLP Morton and Judith Schomer Susan R. Schranck Judith A. Sciple Pam Scott Sedona Restaurant Paul M. N. Selby Kyle L. Serman Barbara L. Sheppard Lisa C. and David K. Sheppard Brian D. Shirey, Esq.
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Appreciating Your Support of our Students
SPONSORS - ($1,000 + ) Cont.
45 Years of
Thank You!
Appreciating Your Support of our Students 45 Years of
Thank You! SPONSORS - ($1,000 + ) Cont. Shore Distributors Sheridan A. Shupe Silk and Sands Florist Patricia S. Slaughter Smith & Company Helen Ann Smith Rosamae I. Smith Stephanie S. and Robert Smith Donna L. Smith-Moore Societa da Vinci James R. Soles Jacqueline M. Sopa Mary L. Sortino Southern Delaware Street Rod Association James and Faye Spartz Speakman Company SPI Pharma (Barcroft) Margaret A. Stafford Starbucks of Rehoboth Beach State Farm Insurance State Farm Insurance Companies Heather M. Statler Jane L. Stayton Mark S. Stellini Steve Theis Photography Richard N. Stevens Dean S. Stewart Richard F. and Sally Stokes John B. Storm
P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O RT
Patricia A. Strocko Lois and Walter H. Studte Sussex County Democratic Club Carolyn and David Swayze Sweet’Art Michael K. Sykes Cindy L. Szabo Tavern on the Circle TD Bank, N.A. Anne R. Teel Teller Wines, Beers & Spirits Terry Campus Culinary Arts The Brick Hotel on the Circle The Buccini/Pollin Group The Wilmington City Council Steve Theis Amy S. Thomas Etheline O. Thomas Joan M. Thompson Russell J. Tibbetts, D.D.S. Daniel D. Tidwell David D. Tidwell Harry L. Tilley Clarence Tingle Diane Tingle Torbert Funeral Chapels, Inc. Town of Georgetown Michael A. and Alyson Triglia Trinity Transport Mary Truitt Estate Rhonda H. Tuman June S. and John Turansky Joan M. Tynan
UNICO Rehoboth Area Chapter University of Delaware B. Elizabeth Vahey Audrey C. Van Luven Louis C. Vangieri Frances VanKleeck Virginia and Melvin J. Verosko George & Jeane Vest Monica S. and Americo Viana Virgil P. Ellwanger Insurance VLY Enterprises, LLC Albert K. Vopalecky WSFS Carol L. Wajda John Waldridge Walgreens Walmart Supercenter George Walter Lisa A. Watkins Tammy K. Watkins Kenneth J. Weaverling Mary Lou Webb Robert S. Weis Regina A. Wells Conny and Richard Wertz West Side Auto Parts Westminster Presbyterian Church Charles Whealton Phillips H. Wheatley White Realty Associates Barbara H. and Donald Wiggins Carter Wilkie
Chandler William Allen J. and Stephanie Williams Wilmington Police Department Wilmington Trust Wilson, Halbrook and Bayard, PA Georgeanna L. Windley Nicole M. Windsor Cornelia N. Winner Stephanie Wolf Christine G. Wolfe Lucienne V. Wolfe Woodleytown Crossing L.P. Workman’s, Inc. Jacquita L. Wright-Henderson Bridgette M. Wroten YMCA, Western Family Diana L. Young Youth In Sports Susan E. Zawislak Efithia I. Zerefos Zimmal Properties, LLC Andrew D. Zimmerman Donor listings reflect cumulative gifts from 2007 through 2011.
DELAWARE TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mark S. Stellini, Chairman John M. Maiorano, Vice Chairman William G. Bush IV, Esq. The Honorable Norman D. Griffiths, Esq. Louis F. Owens, Jr., M.D. Selham Sue Saliba Audrey Van Luven
18800 Seashore Highway
100 Campus Drive
400 Stanton-Christiana Road
333 Shipley Street
P.O. Box 610
Dover, DE 19904
Newark, DE 19713
Wilmington, DE 19801
Georgetown, DE 19947
W W W. D T C C . E D U