Sep 1, 2017 - -hosting hospitality events for staff members ... -maintaining the PTSA website ... Property. Please read
September 2017
VIKING VOICE Newslet t er for Mount Hebron High School
JOIN THE PTSA! The PTSA supports students, staff, and administration by: -advocating with school and government representatives -sponsoring the After-Prom Party -providing scholarships to graduating Seniors -hosting hospitality events for staff members -publishing monthly newsletters -publishing a school directory of students and parents -maintaining the PTSA website and MORE!
Sh ow you r su ppor t by join in g t oday! You w ill f in d t h e f or m in t h is n ew slet t er .
* The PTSA Directory this year will be created from the online Family File - NOT the membership form. To be included in the directory, you must give permission when you update your student's information and complete your Family File online."
September 2017
Welcom e Back f r om St u den t Ser vices! The Mt. Hebron Student Services Staff welcomes back all of our students! We look forward to working with each of you this year. Our staff this year includes: Mr. Dan Peabody, ITL, Counselor (LI-Pa) Ms. Irene Bademosi, Counselor (A-Ch) Ms. Tina Flynn, Counselor (Ci-He) Ms. Robin Luongo, Counselor (Hi-Le) ? Ms. Kendra Lee will be filling in for Ms. Luongo until the end of September Mr. Pat Miles,Counselor (Pe-Si) Ms. Trish Marton, Counselor (Sk-Z). Ms. Linda Mathias, Secretary Ms. Kimberly Tracy, Registrar Ms. Sheila Winters, Registrar Ms. Jamie Kim, International Counselor Ms. Cheryl Grimes, BSAP Coordinator. SCHEDULE CHANGES: Du r in g t h e f ir st t w o w eek s of sch ool, n o sch edu le ch an ges w ill be m ade u n less-t h er e is a h ole in t h e st u den t ?s sch edu le -a Sen ior is m issin g a gr adu at ion r equ ir em en t -a t each er h as r ecom m en ded an academ ic level ch an ge -a st u den t h as passed a class an d it appear s on t h e sch edu le again .
September 2017
CLASS OF 2018 AND PARENTS ? SAVE THE DATE: Seniors and their parents/guardians are encouraged to attend our College Night presentation on September 28th at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. We will be reviewing the college process. Ju st a cou ple of r em in der s..
Sen ior s ? Please remember to turn in your: -Diploma Signature Forms by September 15th -Waiver of Rights Form to receive your college folder. -Complete your Counselor Information Form and Teacher Information Forms in Naviance! SAT- Students must register for the October 7th SAT by September 8th ACT- Students must register for the October 28th ACT by September 22. CLASSROOM VISITS: The counselors will be visiting the Senior English Classes during the week of September 18th to speak to the students about the college process and other post-graduation options.
In addit ion , w e w ill be in t r odu cin g ou r Fr esh m en t o ou r St u den t Ser vices of f ice du r in g t h e w eek of Sept em ber 25t h .
September 2017
Hebr on New s
Fu t u r e Vik in g Nigh t is Sept em ber 15t h
Band students from Mt. Hebron's feeder schools are invited to come to the Mt. Hebron Vikings football game on Friday, 9/15. Hang out with the band and see what high school marching band is all about. Further details will be sent to the feeder schools' band directors.
September 2017
Hebr on NEWS
M THM U's Fir st Rest au r an t Nigh t is at Yogi Cast le Sat u r day, Sept em ber 2n d f r om 8:00pm - 10:30pm af t er t h e 1st h om e f oot ball gam e. Come out and join your friends for a yummy frozen dessert and help support the Marching Unit. Flyers are not needed ? sim ply m en t ion M t . Hebr on at t h e r egist er . A portion of sales will be donated to the MTHMU. We appreciate your support!
Th e An n u al M THM U Fall Su b Sale is Un der w ay Students in the marching band are now selling foot-long sub sandwiches. You can buy them to enjoy yourself or to be given to our donation partner, Our Daily Bread. Plus, you can order your subs online this year! Don't miss out! Proceeds benefit not only our school's award winning Marching Unit, but students also earn money toward their spring trip. Sub making and delivery will be on Saturday, September 23rd. If you have questions, please contact Susie McShea at
[email protected]
September 2017
Hello Neighbors! We have some important updates for the community regarding the plans for Bethany Glen on the Harbin Property. Please read this email to learn 3 ways you can help! Visit us at and click on ?Recent News?to see everything HARP has done to support our community these past 16 months! On June 29th at 4:55pm, the last possible day to turn in their plans, Elm Street submitted for the conditional use permit. As expected, they did NOT change anything on the plans and we are looking at more than 230 new properties in our community. This does NOT include any other developments that are currently being built along Rt.99. HARP has met with Mr.Kittleman, transportation office staff, and planning/zoning office staff throughout the summer months to discuss our concerns. Now we need YOU!! Our community will be impacted by increased traffic, more students in our schools, and increased environmental disruption! Here are 3 ways how YOU can help: 1. Come to HARP?s community meeting on Tuesday, September 26th at 6:30 at the Bethany Methodist Church located at 2875 Bethany Ln, Ellicott City, MD 21042. Here we will specifically discuss the submitted plans for Bethany Glen and testimony to oppose the construction in front of the hearing examiner. Although HARP is concerned with school redistricting and APFO regulations, this meeting is specifically to discuss the Elm Street property Bethany Glen. More information to come! 2. Be part of our team! We need people to distribute flyers, sign up to testify, provide a financial contribution, and community members who will reach out to their neighbors! (If you are interested in distributing flyers, please email us at
[email protected] with your name, address, and the streets you will distribute to). 3. SHOW UP! This will be our chance to demonstrate community opposition to our county employees! We do not have the date for the hearing examiner testimony yet, but we need to PACK the meeting to show our opposition. Remember when we had 650 people show up at the Pre-Submission meeting at the Church? That needs to happen again!!! Look for a red sign on the Harbin property when it is scheduled, we will have at least 30 days notice. Bring your spouse, neighbor, and anyone who will be impacted by increased traffic, school enrollment, and the potential increase in flooding and noise! HARP will send an email as soon as we know the date. * Please keep in mind, the meeting can be scheduled during the work day ? this could prevent more people from coming, which is what Elm Street wants!* Be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks, but hopefully you can visit our website and begin to write your testimony! As always, please email
[email protected] with any questions. (Since this is a volunteer group of your neighbors, please allow us a few days to respond to any messages!)
September 2017
The PTSA would like to welcome back all students and parents to another year at Mount Hebron High School! Please take a look at the next pages concerning the PTSA.
Par en t s of t h e Class of 2018 If your child would like to apply for one of the five, $500 Scholarships that the PTSA gives out each year, both a parent AND your student must join the PTSA this year.
More information can be found at
September 2017
September 2017
September 2017
September 2017
September 2017
VIKING VOICE Vik in gBacker s NEWS
Welcom e (back ) t o M t . Hebr on High Sch ool! The Viking Backers Booster Club i s an
all volunteer parent organization dedicated to raising school spirit and funds for all student activities ? including academic clubs, arts and athletics. This year we are giving back over $57,000 ? for uniforms, safer helmets, publishing fees, awards, certificates, equipment, field time and more!.
Despite this substantial amount, it falls short of the $83,000 needed. We n eed you r h elp t o f u lf ill 100% of clu b, t eam an d sch ool r equ est s. Our fundraising activities include: providing concessions at all home indoor and outdoor games; selling Mt. Hebron spirit wear at events and online; offering drivers?education classes at Mt. Hebron year round; procuring corporate sponsorships; hosting special events; and through membership donations.
September 2017
Vik in g Back er s NEWS Did you know that HCPSS does not provide any funds for student extracurricular clubs? Likewise, the small amount given to the athletics only covers 37.5% of the Athletic Department?s needs! Your support is crucial for ensuring student growth! You can help by ? · Joining as a member (see our membership form or go to ·
Visiting and volunteering at the concession stand
Shopping at our Spirit Wear sales in person or online
Taking driver ?s ed at school
Attending our meetings ? next one is Monday, 9/11 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the media center
Participating in our special events ?
o 25th Annual Viking 5K @ Mt. Hebron, Sunday, October 8th 9 am; Register here: o Basket Bingo! Friday, November 17th 7-10 pm at The Lodge in Catonsville ·
Being a leader. We have several positions open that need to be filled:
o Viking 5 K committee and day-of race help o Basket Bingo ? Chairperson (procurement and basket making ? the most time consuming jobs ? are filled); bingo supplies purchaser; program creator (we have a printer); concessionsfor the night of (must coordinate with Patti Lizzo, our VP of Concessions) ticket/team coordinator (to communicate with parent reps and keep track of ticket sales) o Drivers?Ed coordinator ? (all online/telephone; involves online room reservation at Hebron and coordinating dates with Greg?s and Street Smarts) o Spirit Wear chairperson o Corporate Sponsorship ? to solicit donations from businesses and track their benefits from us o New Event chairperson o Norseman Scholarship committee
September 2017
Vik in g Back er s NEWS
September 2017
September 2017
Vik in g Back er s NEWS
September 2017
Saturday, 2 September 6:30-8:30 MH Stadium Event: Football Home Opener vs RHS
Wednesday, 6 September 5:30-7:30 MH Stadium Event: Back to School Night
Friday, 15 September 5:30-8:30 MH Stadium Event: Football MH vs HHS
Friday, 22 September 5:30-8:30 MH Stadium Event: Football MH vs OMHS
Select ?Viking Backers Incorporated Mt Hebron High School? as your designated charity when you shop at Amazon!
September 2017
Vik in g Back er s NEWS
September 2017
Vik in g Back er s NEWS