viking voice - Mount Hebron High School PTSA

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May 1, 2017 - when they get ready to apply for college. I also want to update you on the student ... Orlando thanks to t
May 2017

VIKING VOICE Newslet t er for Mount Hebron High School

Dear Parents, Students and Friends of Mount Hebron High School,

Welcome to the 4th marking period! I hope that students were able to enjoy their recent spring break by spending it with family and friends. I also hope they took some time to get rested up for the end of the year. As we all know, this is the time that can make a big difference for students and we want to see them do their very best as they finish classes and final exams. Students should look at their report cards (coming home April 25) and reflect on how close they are to achieving their goals. For our seniors, we only have 3 and 1/2 weeks of classes remaining (last class for seniors is May 17). The last day of classes for underclassmen is now June 14, with school closing 3 hours early on June 12, 13 and 14. Students will be dismissed at 11:10am on those days for final exams and to allow teachers time to complete grades. This is also an exciting week at Mt. Hebron as we prepare for the Junior/Senior Prom to be held on April 29 in Hunt Valley. Students are also invited to attend the After Prom Party, which is a huge success thanks to the efforts of parents in our PTSA. We are so fortunate to be able to offer this for students as a way to continue the celebration of Prom without drugs and alcohol. Too often, we read horror stories of students and families because of incidents related to the use of drugs and alcohol and we encourage every parent to support the After Prom Party. Hundreds of students attend the After Prom Party each year and have a great time. There are games, food, and tons of prizes and raffles due to the fundraising efforts of the PTSA. I want to personally thank all of the parents who will volunteer their time and energy into making this a fantastic event for our students. Another aspect of the 4th marking period is student testing: Advanced Placement, PARCC, High School Assessments, and Final Exams. PARCC testing actually begins on April 24. AP testing starts May 1, followed by HSA tests and final exams. Please make sure your students know when they are testing and how they can best prepare. The students at Mt. Hebron perform very well on their tests and this can often lead to scholarships for them when they get ready to apply for college.

I also want to update you on the student drop-off routines to let everyone know how things are going. We've seen the traffic pattern improve over time as parents have become more accustomed to the new system, but we also know that this creates issues for those who want to turn left onto Rte. 99 after dropping off students in the lower lot. We've also received feedback that the overflow traffic from the lower lot is impacting neighborhoods around Mt. Hebron because parents are finding different routes to get back to Rte. 99. First, we do appreciate everyone following the new traffic patterns and appreciate the suggestions that we've received. The State Highway Administration is planning a visit to Mt. Hebron in the next few weeks to conduct a follow up study to see what additional steps we can take: ie. Putting up additional traffic signals, posting "School Zone" blinking lights, etc. They will look at our current pattern and make additional recommendations. We do realize that limiting drop offs to the lower lot increases some travel time, but on a positive note the handicapped parking spaces and faculty entrance are much safer. Students are no longer crossing through rows of traffic and parents do not have to compete with busses for space. We will continue to monitor this and make adjustments as needed.

Lastly, the recent cultural festival (April 22) titled "We are Hebron" was a big success! Thank you to Ms. Kara Brooks-Odom, Ms. Dina Reyes, and the parent volunteers for making this happen. Highlights of the day included a sampling of teas from around the world, some delicious food, and the talented performances of our students. It was amazing to read the experiences from some of our international students about what they miss most from where they grew up. The games and dancing was so much fun; we hope you get a chance to come to the next one. If you are interested in helping Mt. Hebron, come to the Diversity Committee Meeting (May 2 at 6pm). We meet monthly at 6pm - right before the 7pm PTSA meeting. This committee is designed to provide ideas for curriculum connections, school events, and staff development as we look to celebrate the diversity that is Mt. Hebron.

Let's finish the year strong Vikings!!! Drew Cockley Principal


May 2017


Congratulations to the MHHS Math Department, who led a school-wide celebration on Pi Day, March 14, by raising awareness for suicide prevention and $2,350.20 for Grassroots. Money collected will support one day for the 24 hour crisis center at Grassroots.

Congratualtions to MHHS Math Team, who became the Howard County Math League (HCML) Division B Champions. MHHS Math Team won all eight competitions in the B Division. Top scorers for the team are Karthik Ganesh, Anupama Phatak, Rohan Samy, Sabrina Kim, and Chase Blanchette. Co-captains for the team are Karthik Ganesh, Anupama Phatak, and Amy Liu and the team is coached by Ms. Tagget.


May 2017

M OUNT HEBRON NEWS The Mt. Hebron Marching Unit (MTHMU) had a successful Spring trip to Orlando thanks to the administration, parents, and the community. Nine different ensembles from the MTHMU performed to earn a new collection of hardware for the trophy case. We also had three instrumentalists earn individual soloist awards. Congratulations to all of the performers!

The next M THM U Boost er m eet in g will be held on Tues, M ay 9 at 7pm in the Band Room. All students and parents involved in with the MTHMU are invited to attend.

The Mt. Hebron Director of Bands would like to invite the Mt. Hebron community to the f in al ban d con cer t of the 2016-2017 school year. It will be held Fri, M ay 12 st ar t in g at 7pm in the Auditorium. Come support your favorite musicians and see the Seniors perform in their final show as a Viking!


May 2017


Sen ior Class Nigh t May 9th 5:30-9pm Dinner, Dance, and Prizes! The Great Room at Savage Mill $25 ticket Tickets available online or from Ms. Vitali or Mr. Murach This is semi-formal event.

Sen ior Class Picn ic May 17th 11:10-2:10pm Food and Fun to Celebrate the last day of school! Mt. Hebron High School (outdoor fields) Outdoor games, lunch catered by Kloby?s , and the Kona Ice truck! $10 ticket Tickets available online or from Ms. Vitali or Mr. Murach This is an outdoor event of fun in the sun!

May 2017

VIKING VOICE M ou n t Hebr on New s


05/15/17 - 05/30/17: 3:00 pm - 6:15 pm with Street Smarts Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron (No class on May 19th or 29th, school closed)

06/19/17 - 06/30/17: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm with Greg's Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron

07/10/17 - 07/21/17: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm with Greg's Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron

07/17/17 - 07/28/17: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm with Street Smarts Driving School Classroom 155 at Mt. Hebron

07/24/17 - 08/04/17: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm with Greg's Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron

08/07/17 - 08/18/17: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm with Street Smarts Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron - Phone number: 443-355-4238

Im pact Con cu ssion Test in g is M ANDATORY f or all HCPSS St u den t At h let es, Gr ades 9-12. Th e Im pact Test in g Sch edu le below is f or ALL In com in g 9t h Gr ade St u den t s in t er est ed in t r yin g ou t f or a Fall, 2017, Spor t . Im PACT Con cu ssion Baselin e Test is a test of cognitive function including memory and reaction time. The purpose of the testing is to determine normal brain function levels that later can be used to help determine when it is appropriate for the athlete to safely return to play in the event of a head injury. Th e How ar d Cou n t y Pu blic Sch ool Syst em pr ocedu r es r equ ir e all st u den t at h let es w h o w ish t o t r y ou t f or a con t act / collision spor t t o t ak e Im PACT pr ior t o t r yin g ou t . Fall Con t act / Collision Spor t is con sider ed on e of t h e f ollow in g: Ch eer leadin g, Foot ball, Field Hock ey, Soccer , an d Volleyball (Golf & Cr oss Cou n t r y At h let es do n ot n eed t o be Im pact t est ed). St u den t s t r yin g ou t f or Cr oss Cou n t r y or Golf do n ot n eed t o be con cu ssion t est ed. The Impact Concussion Test will be offered to all Incoming 9th Grade Students (Class of 2021), who are interested in trying out for a FALL Sport ONLY, on the following days and times on a first come, first serve basis: Monday, June 5th, 3:00PM ? 5:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Tuesday, June 6th, 3:00PM ? 5:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Wednesday, June 7th, 3:00PM ? 5:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Thursday, August 3rd , 1:00PM ? 4:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Monday & Tuesday, August 7th & 8th, 3:00 ? 6:00PM in the MTH Media Center ALL STUDENTS MUST HAND IN A COMPLETED AND SIGNED PARENT PERMISSION FORM TO OUR TRAINER PRIOR TO TESTING. PARENT PERMISSION FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED THE DAY OF THE TEST IN THE MEDIA CENTER OR ON THE HCPSS.ORG WEBSITE).


May 2017


Sch olar sh ip an d Aw ar ds Win n er s - We Wan t t o Recogn ize You ! Seniors, if you receive scholarships or awards from colleges or outside groups, please let us know. We want to recognize you in our upcoming senior awards events! Please bring copies of award notices to student services. You can give them to your counselor or to the student services secretary, Mrs. Mathias. You may also email notices directly to your school counselor if you prefer. Just let us know so that we can celebrate you!

Updat es f r om t h e Of f ice of St u den t Ser vices: Upcom in g Even t s: May 16th -

Senior Community Awards, 7:00pm in the MHHS Auditorium

Seniors who have received awards and scholarships from community organizations will be honored at this event. Seniors, bring your families and come out to cheer on your classmates being honored. Non-seniors, come see what awards may be available to you after 4 years of hard work and cheer on those being honored ahead of you! May 22 June 8 -

Graduation, Congratulations, Seniors! College Night, 6:30pm in the MHHS Auditorium

Parents and students will have the opportunity to rotate through multiple sessions on topics including:

Meet with college representatives! Learn the ins and outs of the admissions process first hand! Learn the steps of the college process and create a timeline that works for your student Take a deeper look into Naviance, our college and career research tool. Do you know what resources are available to assist you with the college search, scholarships and career tools in Naviance? Join us for a hands-on information session Much, much more! Ju n ior st u den t s an d par en t s ar e h igh ly en cou r aged t o at t en d College Nigh t .

SAT/ ACT Regist r at ion Dat es If you are planning to take the SAT or ACT in the spring, summer or fall, please keep deadlines in mind. Juniors applying to college in the fall, check to make sure that the score release date is prior to your college application deadlines. Most students will take either the SAT or the ACT twice prior to applying to college to ensure the best score. Contact your school counselor if you need more information about registering or preparing for the SAT or ACT. ACT: Register at

SAT Su bject Test s Some very selective colleges - mostly elite private colleges and universities - will require that students take SAT Subject Tests for admission. These are 20 different content-specific exams in the areas of English, history, languages, mathematics and science. If you need them, you typically take two or three tests of your choosing on a single test date. If you are a junior enrolled in AP or GT courses, you may want to consider taking SAT Subject Tests in addition to the SAT or ACT. Check with the colleges you are thinking about to determine if you should be taking these tests. More information about SAT Subject tests is at


May 2017


2017-2018 MHHS PTSA Executive Board Slate Elections will be held at the General Meeting of the PTSA on May 2, 2017. All are encouraged to attend.

President: Amal Allali 1st Vice President: Cindy Anderson 2nd Vice President: OPEN Corresponding Secretary: Emily Rice Recording Secretary: Eileen Nolan Treasurer: Ron Godsey PTACHC Reps: Dan Phatak OPEN POSITION We are actively recruiting for someone to be our 2nd Vice President and are looking for a second PTA Council of Howard County Representative. The 2nd Vice President duties include: Acting as an aide to the President along with the 1st VP, and perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer or the 1st VP to serve and perform other such duties as may be prescribed by the Hebron PTSA Board of Directors. The PTA Council Rep shall: share the duties of attending the monthly meeting of the PTA Council of Howard County (typically the first Monday of the month and held at the Homewood Center in Ellicott City). The Rep shall also bring the information gleaned at this meeting to the Mt. Hebron PTSA meeting to share with its membership. Visit to learn more.


May 2017


A special t h an k you t o all, f or su ppor t in g an ot h er su ccessf u l PTSA Af t er Pr om ! Please stay tuned for our June Viking Voice for a list donors and volunteers.


May 2017


Vik in g Back er s New s VOLUNTEERS FOR SPRING SPORTS CONCESSIONS It is spr in g spor t s season ! Th an k you in advan ce f or h elpin g t h e Vik in g Back er s st af f t h e ou t door con cession st an d. Sales f r om con cession s ar e an im por t an t w ay t h e Vik in g Back er s r aise m on ey f or spor t s an d clu bs at M ou n t Hebr on . Please ch eck ou t t h e Vik in g Back er s w ebsit e, w h er e you can f in d m or e w ays t o h elp. St u den t s ar e en cou r aged t o w or k Con cession s also. in -sch ool h ou r s f or t h eir volu n t eer ed t im e.

NHS st u den t s r eceive


May 2017


The next Viking Backers meeting is on May 8, 7:00 pm in the Facu lt y Lou n ge. We plan to form the nominating committee for next year ?s Viking Backers executive board and committee chairs. Hope to see you there. Th e Vik in g Back er s Boost er Clu b is st ill in sear ch of volu n t eer s t o f ill t h ese k ey posit ion s im m ediat ely: President Communications Spiritwear co-Chairperson

SUM M ER CAM PS at M t Hebr on HS Spon sor ed by t h e Vik in g Back er s Ju n e ? Au gu st , 2017 1. Boy?s Lacrosse, June 12th ? 16th, 5:00PM ? 7:30PM (for more info, email Michael McCarthy at Michael_McCarthy 2. Boy?s Basketball, June 26th ? June 30th, 8:30AM ? 1:00PM ? Advanced Skills 1:00pm ? 3:00pm (for more info, email 3. Wrestling, June 26th ? June 30th 9:00AM ? 12:00PM (for more info, email Danny Harman at [email protected]) 4. Baseball, July 10th ? July 13th, 9:00AM ? 12:00PM (for more info, email Brian Culley at Brian_Culley 5. Girl?s Basketball, July 10th ? July 14th, 8:30AM ? 12:00PM (for more info, email Tony Bell at [email protected]) 6. Girl?s Lacrosse, July 17th ? July 20th, 5:00PM ? 8:00PM (for more info, email Lindsay Menton at [email protected]) 7.Boy?s & Girl?s Soccer, July 24th ? July 28th, 9:00AM ? 12:30PM (for more info, email Mike Linsenmeyer at Female soccer campers can email Tim Deppen at timothy_deppen 8.Field Hockey, August 7th ? 11th, 9:00AM ? 12:00PM (Students can register at For more information email Coach Ireland at jirelandcmc

St ay t u n ed f or m or e Cam p Dat e An n ou n cem en t s!


May 2017


SPIRIT WEAR f or SALE on lin e st or e h t t p:/ / w w w.vik in gback er s.or g/ spir it -w ear .h t m l

Ar e YOU a VIKING BACKER? EVERYONE is encouraged to get involved! The Viking Backers Boost Club needs you as a member. MEMBERSHIP dues make up a large portion of the annual $70,000 raised for our school and students. We give back to EVERY student by supporting academics, arts, activities, athletics and the school building. We are over half way to meeting our goal for the year! Thanks to all who have signed up so far. There is no deadline for you to become and member, and you can conveniently pay at any of the upcoming events or anytime online through our website at Get your exclusive 2016-17 magnet by joining at the Viking level or above. As a member, you have no obligation to attend meetings or volunteer, but we encourage you to have a voice in how we fundraise and allocate the proceeds. Join us each month for an hour meeting in the Media Center. Look for more information on our website or through periodic emails. 100% of your membership dues go directly to helping the students and staff via the many clubs at Mt. Hebron. $65 and $100 levels include an exclusive Viking Backers car magnet.

Wou ld you con sider bein g a CORPORATE SPONSOR? Ch eck ou t ou r w ebsit e f or m or e in f or m at ion on h ow t o su ppor t ou r st u den t s w h ile pr om ot in g you r bu sin ess. h t t p:/ / w w w.vik in gback er s.or g/ spon sor s.h t m l

Wh at

is Vik in g Back er s? A volunteer organization created to boost school spirit and raise money for ALL student extracurricular activities including academic clubs, the arts, and athletics.

Wh er e do t h e f u n ds go?

Examples of past Viking Backers contributions include:

After-Prom donations

Auditorium headsets,

microphones, and risers

Awards and certificates

Best Buddies craft supplies

Club tournament fees

Honor Society stoles, cords

iPad mobile lab

Marching unit equipment

Mobile scoring table

PE equipment

Publishing Literary Magazine



Senior class activities

Sound system in the gym

Team uniforms

Tennis bleachers

Tournament entry fees

Wall banners in the gym


can you h elp? By becoming a member AND getting involved! Volunteers are needed for the concession stands, selling MHHS spirit wear, and helping with our annual events - Bingo Night (Nov) and the Viking 5k Run (spring). Adult representatives from every student activity, club or team are wanted to serve as Viking Backer liaisons. You can also create a fun new event or fundraiser this year!

Wh en

ar e m eet in gs? The first Monday of each month from 7 ? 8 pm in the staff lounge or media center. All members are encouraged to attend to share ideas and to represent their student?s activities.

Wh o can join Vik in g Back er s? EVERYONE - parents, grandparents, community members! Dues will support students and the school for years to come. Please visit our website, OR place this form and your check (payable to Viking Backers) in the Viking Backers box at school OR mail your form and check to Viking Backers, PO Box 775, Ellicott City, MD 21041.


Parent/ Guardian Name(s): __________________________________________________________________ Student(s) Name/ grade: _____________________________________________________ Phone Number(s): __________________________________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________ Membership Levels: ___ $100 Black & Gold * ___ $65 Viking *

$_____ Additional donation amount ? thank you!

___ $35 Hebron * M em ber s at t h e Viking level or above w ill r eceive an exclu sive ?VIKING BACKERS? car m agn et .* Please contact [email protected] with any questions.


May 2017

How ar d Cou n t y New s HC Dr u gFr ee?s Con ven ien t Dr ive-Th r u ?Sh ar ps?* an d M edicat ion Collect ion will be held on April 29 at the Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot near The UPS Store and Slayton House from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. * (Sharps: needles, syringes and EpiPens) Get r id of old or r ecalled EpiPen s, needles, syringes and medications. Parents and grandparents, don't be your child?s drug dealer. Will your child?s first experimentation be with legally prescribed pain medication found in your home? Three out of four people using heroin began with the use of prescription medication found in their own home or the home of a family member or friend. How ar d Cou n t y Police will receive and secure your medications for proper disposal. For more information about this event, how to dispose of medications throughout the year, how to receive a free storage lock box for your home, and more, contact HC DrugFree at 443-325-0040,[email protected], or visit the Events-Take Back Day page at

HC Dr u gFr ee?s Teen Advisor y Cou n cil (TAC) w ill m eet on M on day, M ay 8 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. TAC is open to all Howard County high school students and community service hours are available. Meetings are held at The Barn (Teen Center) in the Oakland Mills Village Center. Free pizza is provided. Teens and parents must complete the registration form found on the Teen Advisory web page at and RSVP to [email protected].

Ocean ia Cu lt u r eFest M ay 7

Come join us at the Oceania CultureFest, celebrating the cultures of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands on Sunday, May 7 from 1:30-4:30 at Howard County Library System?s Miller Branch in Ellicott City. This free family event will include an afternoon of dance performances, music, activities for children, demonstrations highlighting the cultures of Australia, New Zeland and the Pacific Islands, including Fiji, Hawaii, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tahiti and Tonga. Families can pick up a ?CultureFest Passport? upon arrival and complete it for door prizes. The event is presented by Columbia Association and Howard County Library System.