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I s s ue 1 Mya Bobo, 8th Grade
Sept ember
My favorite thing about OLMS is the fun activities we do in class.
Marissa Bobo, 6th Grade Mrs. Kreger is my favorite teacher at OLMS because we have a lot of things in common and she explains her directions really well.
Justin Yaldoo, 7th Grade I run cross country because I like to compete against other schools and it is fun to hang out with Mrs. Wujcik.
Viking VOI CE
NEW FROM THE BRIDGE Important happenings at OLMS from week to week with a highlight on the big picture of the building We have enjoyed an excellent start to the school year and can't wait to see the great things that our students will accomplish moving forward! September flew by in a flash, and we have lots of great things happening in October.
Thanks to Mrs. Raiti for getting this trip set up!
I would like to say thank you for all of those that helped out with Viking Day and our Garden Festival! Specifically, I would like to thank Mrs. Krauthamer and Mrs. Alchy for all Our math and literacy center is opening up their hard work on Viking Day. I would also again on Monday, October 5th. The program like to thank Mrs. Lamerato, Mrs. Haber and will run after school in the iCenter from 2:50 - Mrs. Goldstein for their focused efforts on the 3:50, and students can receive help on their Garden Fest. Finally, a big thank you goes to work from OLMS teachers and from National Mr. Williams for the work he did over the Honor Society students from the high school. summer with Mrs. Lamerato and Mrs. Haber If you think your son or daughter would to make the garden look as great as it does. benefit from this, please make plans for them I hope you enjoy this first edition of the to attend. Viking Voice and, as always, GOOOO On October 9th, our 7th graders will attend VIKINGS! the Mind Trekkers exhibit at School Craft college. This event is put on all over the state by Michigan Tech University and will be a Morrison Borders, Eds great experience for all of our 7th graders. Principal
Viking Spotlight The Viking Spotlight will give you a closer look at our staff members by department. This week, you will get a closer look at our amazing math department! Our math department is made up of Mrs. Birmelin, Mr. Kakos, Mrs. Karmo, Mrs. Karr, Mr. Ford, Ms. Hurych and Mr. Weingarden.
Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics
NEWS FROM THE VIKING MATH DEPARTMENT Core Connections, Course 1 (6th grade math) is the first of a three-year sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a rigorous college preparatory algebra course. It uses a problem-based approach with concrete models. The course helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts. The lessons in the course meet all of the content standards and embed the ?Mathematical Practices? of the Common Core State Standards released in June 2010. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Collect, organize and display data in multiple ways. Analyze data using measures of central tendency. Represent data sets using various methods and analyze how changes in data impact the representation. Represent and compare quantities using manipulatives, diagrams and number expressions. Represent multiplication using rectangular arrays. Model integers.
Simplify variables expressions by combining like terms and using the Distributive Property. Evaluate variable expressions and solve simple equations and inequalities. Solve distance, rate and time problems. Solve percent problems including those with discounts, interest and tips. Compute area, surface area and volume of rectangular solids.
Compare fractions and generate equivalent fractions. Recognize ratios in tables and graphs and solve corresponding problems. Use ratios to describe relationships with similar plane figures and other situations. Use models and standard algorithms for computations with fractions and decimals.
helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts. The lessons in the course meet all of the content standards and embed the ?Mathematical Practices? of the Common Core State Standards released in June 2010.
Simplify variable expressions by combining like terms and using the Distributive Property.
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
Solve and graph one-variable inequalities.
Model integers and operations with integers and rational numbers
Compare experimental and theoretical probabilities.
including using order of operation.
Solve linear equations including those with fractional coefficients and those with no solutions or infinite solutions.
Use linear models and equal ratios to represent part-whole relationships.
Distinguish between dependent and independent events and calculate the probability of compound independent events.
Use percents and scale factors to determine percent increase or decrease, discounts and markups.
Represent probabilities of multiple events using systemic lists, charts, or tree diagrams.
Use variable expressions to represent quantities in contextual problems.
Design, conduct and analyze surveys.
Represent solids using nets Core Connections, Course 2 (7th grade math) is the second of a three-year sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a rigorous college preparatory algebra course. It uses a problem-based approach with concrete models. The course
Make sense of multiple representations of portions (decimal, fraction, percent) and convert from one form to the other.
Collect and compare data and describe the distribution of sets of
data. Solve distance, rate and time problems. Compare ratios and calculate unit rates. Recognize and solve problems involving proportional relationships. Recognize and use the properties of similar shapes and scale factors to solve problems. Describe angles, angle pairs and their measures. Compute area and perimeter of standard and compound shapes. Compute the volume of a variety of solids.
THE VIKING MATH DEPARTMENT NEWS FROM THE VIKING MATH DEPARTMENT Core Connections, Course 3 is the third of a three-year sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a rigorous college preparatory algebra course. It uses a problem-based approach with concrete models. The course helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts. The lessons in the course meet all of the content standards and embed the ?Mathematical Practices? of the Common Core State Standards released in June 2010. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Represent a linear function with a graph, table, rule, and context and should be able to find any representation when provided one of the others Solve systems of equations represented in tables and graphs. Symbolically manipulate expressions in order to solve problems including those with fractional coefficients. Solve contextual word problems using multiple strategies, including making tables, looking for patterns, drawing diagrams, and creating a table of guesses to assist with writing and solving a variable equation. Describe various transformations on a coordinate grid. Represent data using scatterplots and describe associations. Collect and analyze data and make predictions based on the trend of the data. Compare ratios, calculate unit rates and slope ratios. Analyze the slope of a line graphically, numerically, and contextually.
Recognize and solve problems involving proportional relationships. Graph and analyze non-linear functions. Recognize and use the properties of similar shapes to solve problems. Use the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse to solve problems in 2 and 3 dimensions. Use square and cube roots. Represent and simplify expressions using positive and negative exponents. Represent and compare large and small numbers using standard and scientific notation. Perform operations with numbers represented in scientific notation. Use the relationships between angles created by parallel lines with transversals and the triangle sum theorem to solve problems. Compute the volume of a variety of solids Core Connections Algebra is the first course in a five-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses that starts with Algebra I and continues through Calculus. Core Connections Algebra aims to deepen and extend student understanding built in previous courses by focusing on developing fluency with solving linear equations and inequalities and systems; extending these skills to solving quadratic and exponential functions; exploring functions, including sequences, graphically, numerically, symbolically and verbally; and using regression techniques to analyze the fit of models to distributions of data. On a daily basis, students in Core Connections Algebra use problem solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically,
Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics
gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments justifying their thinking. Students learn in collaboration with others, sharing information, expertise, and ideas. The course is well balanced between procedural fluency (algorithms and basic skills), deep conceptual understanding, strategic competence (problem solving), and adaptive reasoning (extension and transference). The lessons in the course meet all of the content standards of Appendix A of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The course imbeds the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice as an integral part of the lessons in the course. Upon completing this course, students should be able to: Represent a function with a graph, table, rule, and context and should be able to find any representation when provided one of the others (for linear, quadratic, and exponential relationships). Symbolically manipulate expressions in order to solve problems, such as factoring, distributing, multiplying polynomials, expanding exponential expressions, etc. Analyze the slope of a line multiple ways, including graphically, numerically, contextually (as a rate of change), and algebraically. Solve simple and complex equations and inequalities using a variety of strategies, including rewriting (such as factoring, distributing, or completing the square), undoing (such as extracting the square root or subtracting a term from both sides of an equation), and looking inside (such as determining the possible values of the argument of an absolute value expression).
Solve a system of two linear or non-linear equations and inequalities with two variables using a variety of strategies, both graphically and algebraically. Recognize and represent arithmetic and geometric sequences, including using tables, graphs, and either recursive or explicit formulas. Construct exponential models and solve problems, and compare to linear models. Investigate a variety of functions including square root, cube root, absolute value, piecewise, step, and simple inverse functions. Use function notation. Collect, analyze, interpret, and make predictions from, two-variable data, including determining regression lines, correlation coefficient, and creating residual plots. Understand the differences between association and causation, and to interpret correlation in context. Compare distributions of one-variable data.
Viking Spotlight on the Math Department
Our Math teachers, from left to right, Mrs. Karr, Mrs. Karmo, Mr. Ford, Mr. Weingarden, Ms. Hurych, Mrs. Birmelin, and Mr. Kakos bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to our building. Keep reading to find out some interesting facts about all of them. Mrs. Birmel in attended Michigan State and teaches Math 6, Math 6 Advanced and Math Lab 6. A little background on Mrs. Birmelin: "Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort. Being a successful English Channel swimmer (2011), teacher, parent, and swim coach, I believe that persevering can lead to greatness. The first week of school, students learned about the importance of having a growth mindset. They learned that mistakes and challenges lead to brain growth. In a growth mindset, students believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. There is no such thing as not being a "math person." All my students are mathematicians." Mr. Weingarden attended both Michigan State and Eastern Michigan and currently teaches 7th Grade Advanced Math 8th Grade Math 7th Grade Math 7th Grade Math Lab. Mr. Weingarden has been teaching for 22 years with the 17 years being here at OLMS.
7th grade math. Mr. Kakos is an avid chess player and a student of the game. Mrs. Karr attended Michigan for her Bachelors degree and Wayne State for her Masters, and she currently teaches Algebra 1, 8th grade math and 8th grade math lab. Mrs. Karr says: "I have worked at OLMS for 23 years and have taught regular math, advanced math and science at all three grade levels. My favorite thing to do in my personal time is anything with my family. We completed two Detroit half marathons and the Chicago marathon together." Mrs. Karmo attended Oakland University and teaches precalculus at WBHS as well as 6th and 8th grade math here. A little background on Mrs. Karmo: "I speak three different languages (fluent) (English, Arabic, and Aramaic), lived in Iraq, and witnessed and survived two wars, including the Gulf War. Mr. Ford attended Eastern Michigan, Oakland and New Mexico HIghlands University. He teaches 6th, 7th and 8th grade math lab in a special education setting. Mr. Ford has been teaching for 20 years and is also a certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer.
"This is my 22nd year teaching middle school math. I have been at Orchard Lake Middle School the past seventeen years and have taught all levels of math(regular and advanced) here at Orchard Lake."
Ms. Hurych attended Wayne State and Oakland and teaches Algebra 1 and 7th grade ADV math along with 6th, 7th and 8th grade fitness. Ms. Hurych would like you to know:
Mr. Kakos attended Wayne State for his Bachelors, Masters and Educational Specialist degrees. He teaches both 6th and
"I love being up north around the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore where I hike, kayak, cross country ski, and swim."
Both girls basketball teams are undefeated to start the season. The 7th grade team is 2 0, while the 8th graders are 3 - 0. Here are a few highlights from the games so far:
Our football team started the year off with a tough loss to Detroit Country Day at home. The boys played very hard in their first game but came up just a bit short. The defense was led by Scherwin Davis and Cole Hall. Both had some big hits that kept OLMS in the game.
In the 7th grade girls basketball home opener, the Vikings rang up an impressive 33-7 win over a solid Abbott Middle School squad. Chelsea Obulu led us in scoring with 15. Chyna Johnson had 7 and Lauren Ellington did a nice job handling the ball. The 8th grade OLMS hoop team fell behind 13-4 at the half, only to stage a furious second half rally to come out on top 31-21. The comeback was led by Mykayla Duncan with 12 pts., Antonia Lucaj 10, Mya Bobo 5, and Payton Harvey 4. Grace Yaldoo and Joi White also played strong for the Vikings. The 7th Grade OLMS Vikings defeated Covington yesterday to run their record to 2-0. Chyna Johnson, Lauren Ellington, Chelsea Abulu, and Carmen Shammami played strong games for OLMS. The 8th grade continued the party by fast breaking past Covington, 42-12. Grace Yaldoo led OLMS in scoring with 14, Payton Harvey had 6, Jamaya Ledesma, Antonia Lucaj, Mya Bobo, and Joi White each contributed 4. Heavan Adams, Hannah Kramer, and Mikayla Duncan also scored. The rebounding of Mikayla Duncan and passing of Mya Bobo, Payton Harvey, and Antonia Lucaj led to many easy baskets for the Vikings.
On offense the team was led by Mekhi Elam and Camden Bradley. Mekhi had a 40 yd catch and run to get the ball to the five yd line and then was able to punch it in on the next play. Camden played well all game, distributing the ball from his quarterback position and had a 50 yd run as time expired.
Upcoming Events at OLMS: Every Monday - Thursday -- Math and Literacy Center from 2:50 - 3:50 in the iCenter. Oct 6 -- Girls Basketball, 7th grade tips at 4:00 and 8th grade tips immediately after. Oct 8 -- Student Council meeting, 2:45 - 3:45 Oct 9 -- 7th grade science field trip to Mind Trekkers, 11:00 - 2:00. Oct 9 -- AVID Dance, 2:50 - 5:00
Cross Country
Oct 14 -- Picture Retake Day
The cross country team this year is made up of 29 students at OLMS.Yesterday, both the boys' and girls' team defeated Berkshire Middle School. Since the beginning of the season, athletes continue to beat their personal best times. The top three runnners for the boys' team are: Uncer Jaffry, Tate Faison, and Jack Abbo. The top three runners for the girls team are: Kara Erickson, Marissa Silver, and Ashley Allen. The next home meet will be October 19th against Covington.
Oct 15 -- Musical Theater Fall Production, 7:00 PM Oct 16 -- Band Concert, 7:00 pm Oct 19 -- Cross Country Meet, 4:00 pm Oct 20 -- Choir Concert, 7:00 pm Oct 21 -- Football @ WBHS, 4:00 pm Oct 21 -- Cross Country meet, 4:00 pm Oct 28 -- Football @ WBHS, 4:00 pm Oct 28 -- Orchestra Concert, 7:00 pm Oct 29 -- Girls Basketball vs Abbott @ WBHS 7th grade tips at 4:00, 8th grade immediately after.