Vinmart Fundation - Solutions Network

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Vinmart is excited to announce the inauguration of the Manono market. We have successfully completed the market and have worked with the community for a.
Vinmart Fundation

Vinmart Fundation News letter

Lubumbashi, September-November 2012

Focus : Manono Market

Summary : New look for Manono Market What to know about Vinmart Foundation Manono Technical school Sport and recreation In loving Memory UMESH CHUG

Vinmart is excited to announce the inauguration of the Manono market. We have successfully completed the market and have worked with the community for a successful inauguration. The market is already benefitting 253 vendors selling vegetables, meat, fruits, grain, clothing and many more.

About Vinmart Foundation Vinmart Foundation is a registered non-profit foundation whose aim is to improve the lives of families and in particular women and children through an integrated approach that focuses on their livelihoods, education,infrastructure, health, & social capital development in DRC. Our approach is grounded in principles of environmental sustainability and gender equity.Vinmart Foundation targets vulnerable impoverished communities, where people lack basic facilities such as access to clean drinking water, education, electricity and primary health care facilities. The foundation works with the community to assess the needs and develop relevant projects.

1932 Boulevard Msiri Commune Kampemba Lubumbashi/D.R.C Téléphone : +243 991 007 169

Manono Market Today Manono had no proper market structures and most vendors would sit under the sun and rain to sell perishable and non-perishable items. Our goals in the market project are centered around: Enabling safe treatment of consumable goods sold at the market; Encourage sound and sustainable hygiene practices; Ensuring safe disposal perishable and non-perishable items; Improve access to proper ablution facilities Empowerment of the population through a market extension scheme that will be birthed through revenue made from the renting program : the lack of safe hygiene practices and basic sanitation infrastructure entrepreneurial development and growth for Manono by Manono

Education and youth Rural youth constitute the largest sector of the youth population in the DRC. They are confronted with problems such as lack of amenities, social services and educational facilities; isolation and lack of organization for youth; War and political unrest have desecrated the country of DRC, leaving the task of societal rebuilding to the next generation. Without the basic skills and practical knowledge of a quality education, revitalization can become increasingly difficult. Project Congo pours into the future of DRC by giving Congolese children the educational resources to thrive.

Manono technical school Vinmart began renovating Schools located in Manono (Mukushi,Tunangu, Nsilwilo, Tunkankamanei Secondary, Tunkankamanei Primary), and the Manono technical school . The latter will specializes in fashion design, engineering and auto mechanics. Although this is a technical school, they lack the basic equipment necessary for students to gain hands on experience in the trades they are studying. Vinmart has assisted in restoring classroom structures by obtaining the resources necessary to reconstruct the roof, blackboards, windows and work space.

Sport and recreation

Sports and recreation are integral parts of child and youth development. The youth and entire village will benefit from the rehabilitated hall and can use it to host different private and public functions. The rehabilitation of the the Manono Stadium and the Foyer Mukushi has also salvaged a piece of Manono history that was destroyed during the war. The inauguration of the football pitch and recreation centre was marked by a football match between local teams with community members and local authorities all present.



We would like to remember Mr. Umesh Chug who passed on the 25th of July 2012. We have lost a vital member and supporter of the foundation. His passion for community development will always be remembered and in his memory we have conducted a charity event to provide food to the Hospice Kamalondo old people's home. Rest in Peace Mr. Umesh Chug. We will always remember your noble vision for community development and your charitable spirit.