Please see back side for examples of a la carte items All Images are property of Visual Image Photography, Inc. VIP reserves the right to use any image for promotional purposes.
VIP Offers a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with your portraits. ** Digital Download purchase is non refundable.
Lake Geneva Middle School Student: _________________________________ Address: ________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________________ Phone: ___________________ Grade: ________ Teacher: ________________________________ Email:_________________________________ ** Required for Digital Download 1) 2) 3) 4)
Use a separate envelope for each student Enclose exact amount (cash, check, money order, or completed credit card form). Make checks payable to: Visual Image Photography Envelope should be turned in on picture day Complete order form in its entirety!
Qty. Pkg. #1
Prices Amt Due $34.00
Qty. Pkg. #12
Prices Amt Due $10.00
Digital Download
Coffee Mug*
Travel Mug*
#3 #4 #5
$26.00 $22.00 $18.00
#24 #25 #26
Water Bottle* Star Ornament Dog Tag*
$12.00 $15.00 $ 8.00
Photo Magnet*
#6 1-8x10
Key Chain*
Snow Flake Ornament
$10.00 Subtotal
Subtotal Total
* Please complete the following for all Personalized Products
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ First name only with a maximum of 12 characters