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Viral Ebook Riches Explode Your Income With Viral Ebook

Congratulations! You Now Own Resell And Giveaway Rights To This Report Click Here To Download Your Ebook Greetings! By owning resell and giveaway rights, you may freely distribute this report to anyone you wish, resell it for $25 price and keep 100% of the profits, or use it as incentive to build your mailing list. The choice is yours. The only restriction is that you cannot modify this document in any way without permission from the author. Enjoy!

Hot Tip: If you would like to learn how to make this report your 24/7 “Digital Sales Machine” then be sure to read the Last Page for full details.

Table of Contents Chapter 1:


Chapter 2:

Rebrand Your Ebook

Chapter 3:

Setting Up Your Website Hosting

Chapter 4:

Setting Up Your Auto-Responder

Chapter 5:

Get Traffic To Your Site

Chapter 6:

Social Media Marketing

Chapter 7:

Download Your Ebook And Make Money

Introduction What is it all about?

In this guide you are going to learn the secrets to generating huge amounts of traffic to your Website,,,,Affiliate Link,,,And building a list Honestly I am holding nothing back in this report, and I know you have heard this before, but you just hit the jack-pot! A viral e-book is meant to be given away free, with full rights to anyone who downloads it, They can also give it away free,,,,The purpose of giving away the free e-book is simple: Inside the e-book are affiliate links that people click on and sign up for the program,You make $25 for each person that joins Since everyone who downloads the e-book also has the right to give it away, one free e-book can quickly get into the hands of thousands of people. Once you put the viral e-book together and start giving it away free, it can soon spread on its own. And turn into fully automated money-making machine. These secrets work I personally use them,,You have to repeat them everyday never quit. Hard work pays off,,,If you never get traffic , meaning visitors to your site You not gonna make a penny online,,,No matter what you do, traffic is the ultimate key Traffic = Customers = Make Money So Let’s Get Started

Rebrand Your Ebook If you are going to change the Affiliate link in the ebook I recommend the free software Open Office, it has all the features you would expect from an expensive word-processors, and it has the ability to export the finished ebook as a PDF. You will need to be able to turn your finished work into a PDF as this the industry standard ebook, readable on all computers and nearly all ebook readers. Another great software for creating professional looking ebooks is ewriterpro, it really is a one stop solution. Click the link to see all the features it has ewriterpro. If you want to change the Affiliate Link without using a Software Visit this site

Setting Up Your Website Hosting i recommend you use Hostgator choose the baby plan,,,it’s only $3 a month. Hostgator sell hosting, and Godaddy sell domain names and you will need both. A domain name is a website name like Search Youtube for Tutorial Videos If You Don’t Want a Website, You Can Copy And Paste Your Ebook At And Or Create A Free Website At You Can Upload Your Ebook At And Share The Download Link

Setting Up Your Auto-Responder The main purpose of making your ebook go viral is that you want to build a big list with it.create a squeeze page, then give your ebook away for free,,to capture people email address, you will earn money from your subcribers The Auto-Responder company I recommend is Aweber, Because they are by far the biggest company, some training videos they work out the cheapest when your list start to grow You can write Follow Up Messages once your new subscribers join your list they will automatically receive your follow up message You can build relationship with them and market to your new subscribers Download Your Squeeze Page

Get Traffic To Your Site Article Marketing Ezinearticles is easy to join, and you

will see the “Sign-up link” in the top right corner. The correct length for an article is roughly 350 words, and your article need to have a catchy title as this is what entices readers to choose your article.Here is a software that will auto submit Your Articles To 100 sites

The more articles you write, the more visitors you will get.Just help the reader, and then in the resource box at the end advise them to visit your site to find and get the free ebook. HERE ARE MORE ARTICLE SITES TO JOIN ArticlesBase/ GoArticles/ ArticleDashboard/ Articlealley/ Articlecube/ Zimbio

Domument Sharing Websites One way of increasing your signups is by uploading your ebook on document sharing gets alot of traffic In the subject title you can say“ Click here to download the full ebook – Totally free” People will download it Here are some of the document sharing websites that I recommend, and don't forget that when you are doing article marketing you can also post your articles on here as well.

StumbleUpon Advertising To start with StumbleUpons is the way to go. Normally what happens is people vote on whether they like websites that they see on StumbleUpon, and based on the score that is how often your website is shown. As nobody has seen your website yet they won’t vote for it, so the way to get it in front of millions of people You can pay for views visit. StumbleUpons Advertising Platform Cool Sites To Join Delicious/ Digg/ Reddit/ Friendster/ Dailymotion/Vimeo/Vidster

Youtube Advertising Youtube is the Fastest way to get Traffic,You can upload viral videos Write Annotations And give away Your Free Ebook To Build a List in Description box on your videos Put it like This Free Bonus Click Here

You have to use Keywords that people search for,,,and put those keywords in your Title,,Description Box and Tags,,Once your video go viral, thousands of people will click on your link under your video,,you will make tons of sells,,,This is a youtube software I use to get 100,000 visitors Click Here ,,You can buy youtube views for $5 at Fiverr

Product Reviews Writing a product review is powerful,,You can also create a youtube review video . Normally, people do product reviews for affiliate products. But you can do the same for free products like your rebranded eBook. Write a good review about what the product teaches you, your results and impressions from it, But don’t give away too much information, because you want your readers to download the eBook and read it for themselves. You can embed your ebook on free blogs write a review at: Blogger/ WordPress/ Typepad/ Weebly/ Wikispaces/ Press Release / Technorati / Hubpages After you finish your blog,, Submit it to PingBomb/PingoMatic It will get your blog indexed on google fast

Forum Signatures A good way to get more traffic to your squeeze pages and your reviews is to make use of your forum signature. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to drive some good targeted traffic to your site…It can be one of the most important areas of virtual real estate that people overlook. Also, people are always looking for something good and free, so make it clear and enticing in your signature,,You can find forums at

Photo Sharing Sites Flickr is Another easy way to get some traffic, but it all adds up. Most rebrandable eBooks come with the product cover image. However, you may want to design your own unique cover image for your rebranded eBook just so you can use it for this step if there isn’t one or just to make it look unique for you. You can take this image and upload it to photo sharing sites. In the description, have a link to the page where people can see that you used the product cover image. This, of course, links to where they can download the ebook too. Again, use the right keywords for the title, filename, and description of your Images,, Here’s a list of some popular photo sharing sites that you can post to

Coupon Sharing Sites Coupon sharing sites normally have a lot of traffic, and there are alot of people there from all types of markets. People are always looking for good deals. People will then need to enter a coupon in order to download the PDF. You can then share this coupon on coupon sites, it will give you more traffic and backlinks as well. Here Are Popular Coupon Sharing Sites That You Can Submit To:

Widget Sites Slideshare and Blogger offers a custom RSS feed for your profile that will be updated every time you add a new document to the site. You can take this RSS feed and go to Widget Box to turn it into a widget. The process is easy go to their website, click on the widgets tab, then click on the blog/feed button under the Make a Widget section. That’s it Choose the basic tab to get it done for free, since you probably don’t want to pay for pro. Here are some widget directories that you can submit to:

Free Classified Ads Craigslist will allow you to post your ad

up for free. Sometime it’s good to pay to post ads,,,cause you get to post in multiple cities and your ad will get boosted on the top of the list It’s a good way to get some free advertising for your website. You must post to top cities and use Catchy Titles , then check your email to make the ad go live

Just this one advertising site alone Will put your ads on the first page of google,,giving you more traffic and sales You can check google for more Free Classified Ad Sites

Selling On Ebay Ebay is a place to sell your can make cash on autopilot,Just set it up once and then relist it every 30 days,,Read The Listing Fees Create your account, then click on Sell at the top of the page,,then post your ad,,,,you can sell affiliate products and ebooks. The secret to selling ebooks on ebay, you have to put the price to $3.00 bucks. You don’t have to ship items, people can download your pdf ebook,,After they purchase send them the ebook by email You will have your affiliate links in the ebook,,the customers will click on the links in the ebook and buy your products

Traffic Exchange Traffic Exchange programs are places where you can submit your website link. This is a membership site. All members will submit their own links. The best method to get the most out of these sites is to use a squeeze page and auto responder to capture people email address…You can surf on the sites for free traffic and send your email to users Some of the unique things you will find are the downline builders, the competitions, the rewards for surfing,,which earns you points. When you get more points, you get more views for your website Here Are Popular Traffic Exchange Sites To Join:

Ad Exchange Blogads is a site where you can pay top blog owners, to put your ad banner on their blog in front of 100,000 blog readers all over the internet Advertisers can choose to place their ads on "hives" which are groups of blogs within the same keyword. Some of these "hives" include music hive, baby & parenting, Blogs For Dudes And much more Plus, Advertising through a hive will place your ads on all the sites within the hive for one price. Another way for advertisers to choose where they want to place their ads is through a la carte, with this each blog can be individually chosen and a price set for each submission,Another cool site to check out visit

Solo Email Ads Solo Ads are one of the best kept secrets of most full time marketers Ask around, you’ll be shocked to find out how many extremely successful marketers have used this same method to become rich. All you’re doing is sending your ‘ad’ to some one else’ Solo Ads ‘list‘ or ‘newsletter. Plus, it’s real simple to get started… 1) Contact a list owner 2) Submit your ad 3) Pay and watch the traffic flow in Here is the best place to find solo ad partners.

Affiliate Programs Affiliate marketing programs typically work by promoting other people products with affiliate links, you get paid instantly thru paypal for each sale,,you can start promoting any products in the marketplace, you can also add your own products so affiliates can promote them for you. All affiliates receive commissions instantly thru paypal or receive a check in the mail…it depends on which affiliate programs you choose to work with in each niche I highly recommend you join payspree,,,and promote this product Click Here You receive 100% commissions,this product converts into sales very very well More Sites Payspree/ Clicksure/ Jvzoo/ Rapbank/ Clickbank/ CJ/ Linkshare/ Paydot

Pay Per Click Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising is the millionaire’s top secret they use to advertise and it’s the fastest way to get the most highly targeted traffic, and buyer customers,but it can be a costly one, if you are not careful. Use top keywords and phrases that are related to your business that you're promoting.When people search on google for something,They will visit your site on the first page Here Are Popular Pay Per Click Sites To Join: Google Adwords/ Facebook Ads/ Youtube Ads/ Bing Ads/ Linkedin Ads/ POF ADS

Pay Per Download So far, we talked about methods where you can increase the amount of people downloading the eBook, and can directly increase your chances of getting affiliate commissions from your rebranded affiliate links. However, there is another way to earn money from your rebranded eBooks and that is to upload them to pay per download sites. These sites pay you a certain amount of money each time your files are downloaded. By using these sites, you will be able to earn money directly from your eBook downloads, in addition to any affiliate commissions you get from your eBook. There are alot of sites that offer pay per download, but so far the one with highest payout and best reputation is ShareCash

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Google Traffic is King!,,If you can get your website on the first page of google You will drive insane traffic to your website 200,000 visitors a month The First Thing you have to do is get a top keyword That have 1,000’s of searches a month visit Alexa,,,Wordtracker,,KeywordSpy Semrush ,Type a keyword in the box you want to target,,Find out how much searches that keyword have,Next thing you need to do is buy a website name Put the top keyword as your website name like: You can buy website name for cheap price at Namecheap and hosting at Hostgator Next Step is getting your website on the first page of google,,,You have to build alot of backlinks everyday to boost your site On the first page and out rank other websites. Here Are Some Sites To Check Out Indexer/ Angela Backlinks/ Monster Backlinks/

Google Trends Google Trends is an interesting analysis tool that allows you to see what people are searching for on google and search terms being entered into the Google Search Box Google Trends show hot trending news that’s being talked about world wide,,,You can write articles about the Trending News and Get Tons of Traffic Another cool tool is Google Alert you can type in a keyword or website in the box,,,Google Alert will keep you updated and send to your email account

Free Dating Sites Dating Sites gets alot of traffic it’s alot of lonely people looking for love They have forums and chat rooms , profiles, you can add friends I will show you how to promote on dating sites the sneaky way. You have to sign up to a bunch of Free Dating Sites You Can Get Female Names Here

You must use a girl Pic,,girls attract alot of attention, You can find girl pictures on old social websites Click Here Make sure you put your contact email in the About Me section on your profile Start looking in the search box for men,,,Alot of men will come after you lol Create a new hotmail account or Send Text Messages At Here are dating questions you can ask Click Here Talk friendly after 10 responses,,Then Change the subject and talk about your business,,the men will be interested ,,,,you will make tons of sales You Can Use This Same Trick On: Facebook/ Myspace/ Xvideos/ Pornhub/ Xhamster/

Yahoo Answer Yahoo Answers is a place where people ask questions and other people answer them. In return they get points. The points that they get can be used for asking more questions This is also a great place for marketers because they can flaunt their knowledge. If someone asks a question pertaining to your line of business, you can answer them and improve your credibility. You also get exposure, you can post your business link in the answer you provide. More Answer Sites To Join Answerbag/ Answers/ Aolanswers/ Quora / Wiki

Flipping Websites If you are someone who counts on flipping websites as your main business model, then this is a strategy that you can take advantage of at When creating websites to flip, you could use a rebranded eBook as the free gift for getting opt-in leads. When you sell that website, you include that eBook along with it, and it will be something that the new owner of the website still uses. And if you create a ton of new websites for sale, then you’re definitely going to get alot of downloads for those eBooks in the future

Social Media Search Engine is a search engine that let’s you analyze any posts on social media sites like facebook,,twitter,,,youtube,,,instagam and much more. It shows you hot trending topics and what people are talking about the best way to promote on here. is type a keyword in the box that’s related to the product your promoting,,,For example if you type “I need to lose weight” The search engine will show you all the people that posted that keyword”I need to lose weight” you can reply to their post,,,,and give them a solution to their problem, by offering them the product your promoting for weight lost Or you can type “I need money” it will show you all the people that need money Here is another cool site to check out

Twitter Getting your eBook shared by tweeting it out on Twitter is something easy, and you can build a follower list, post tweets You can say Click Here To Download Your Free EBook,,

Create a Twitter account, Post Your ebook link on your wall twice a day, You can make your eBook go viral on Twitter from Retweets You Can Buy Twitter Followers To increase Your Sales Click Here Pay With a Tweet allows your followers to pay for your product by Retweeting it

Facebook Fan Page Creating a Facebook Fan Page is the best way to give away your free eBook,,build your list and market to facebook users The Secret to creating a viral Facebook Page is Building a Fanbase, Most people get million fans on youtube, by uploading videos about Makeup Funny pranks,,,video games,,babies Dogs and Cats,, relationship advice Youtube will drive traffic to your facebook page,When Your Fanbase grow You will get thousands of FB Likes Join Facebook Groups that have thousands of members, Post your link on the wall in the groups,,You can also create your own group Upload a money banner Image and tag your friends is another way to promote Keep your fans entertain,,,by posting funny vine videos to make them laugh If You Want To Increase Your Exposure Fast,,You Can Buy Facebook Fans Cool Sites To Join Linkedin/ Myspace/ Instagram/ Tumblr/ Tagged/ Fubar/Omegle

How To Make This Free Report Your 24/7 “Automated Cash Machine!” Before you Rush off to share this report with your Facebook friends and Twitter followers, let me ask you a question... How Would You Like To Get Paid For Sharing This Ebook For Free? If so, then all you have to do is Sign Up For The Program then put your Affiliate Link in this ebook and share it with people.That's it. You can share it on Facebook and Twitter, Upload it on File sharing sites and promote it on Youtube or use it to build your email list. And Here's The Best Part... As More People Download Your Ebook, And Give It Away Free It Will Spread Like A Virus, You Make Multiple $25 Paypal Payments This E-book Can Spread To Thousands of People All Around The World. A Millionaire Made $1,000,000 Sharing This Same Ebook, You Can Too

Here Is What To Do Next... Step 1: Sign Up For The Program Click Here Step 2: Replace with your affiliate link You can edit this ebook here Step 3: Upload your ebook at Start Sharing Your Ebook download link And GET PAID

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