Kevin L. Dean
[email protected]
Virtual Explorer:
Xylar S. Asay-Davis Evan M. Finn Tim Foley Jeremy A. Friesner Yo Imai Bret J. Naylor Sarah R. Wustner University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0339
Scott S. Fisher Telepresence Media San Francisco, CA USA Kent R. Wilson Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of California, San Diego
Interactive Virtual Environment for
Abstract The Virtual Explorer project of the Senses Bureau at the University of California, San Diego, focuses on creating immersive, highly interactive environments for education and scientic visualization which are designed to be educational—and exciting, playful, and enjoyable, as well. We have created an integrated model system on human immunology to demonstrate the application of virtual reality to education, and we’ve also developed a modular software framework to facilitate the further extension of the Virtual Explorer model to other elds. The system has been installed internationally in numerous science museums, and more than 7,000 individuals have participated in demonstrations. The complete source code—which runs on a variety of Silicon Graphics computers—is available on CD-ROM from the authors.
Presence, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2000, 505–523 ©2001
by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Overview and Purpose
The Senses Bureau is an undergraduate research group with a thirty-year history of innovation in computer graphics and multimedia technology for education and scientic visualization. We at the Bureau believe that virtual reality (VR) has excellent potential as an educational medium to supplement conventional techniques because it provides both greater interactivity as well as the ability to create a convincing sense of immersion in the computer-generated environment that is beyond what is possible with conventional textbook- and blackboard-based educational approaches. Many topics in science education involve processes that occur simultaneously on multiple time and length scales that are difcult to accurately represent, perceive, and visualize with traditional static media. Examples can be found in complex elds such as immunology, astronomy, relativistic dynamics, quantum mechanics, and rainforest ecology. We wanted to create a system that would be suitable for a diverse target audience that includes several types of educational venues, such as high school, college, and university institutions, museums and other public places, and independent student use. Although we do not feel that 3-D graphics technology can entirely replace conventional classroom teaching techniques, we are convinced that properly implemented virtual environments can serve as valuable supplemental teaching and learning resources to augment and reinforce traditional methods. The Virtual Explorer project employs a two-tiered approach to demonstrating VR’s potential for scientic visualization, as well as to creating interactive virtual environments for education. First, we’ve developed a proof-of-concept Dean et al. 505
Figure 1. Concept view of the Virtual Explorer theater in the development lab.
Virtual Explorer system to demonstrate and study the potential applications and benets of an integrated VR installation in an educational arena. This prototype installation currently runs our example module, which focuses on human immunology (Figure 1). Second, we have created a modular software framework and toolkit for the further development of virtual reality for education based on the Virtual Explorer model. We envision numerous applications for the Virtual Explorer as a visualization tool in diverse scientic elds and hope that this toolkit (which is available from the authors in full source code version for a wide variety of Silicon Graphics computers) will provide others with the means to expand upon our work.
In the past thirty years, many research and commercial efforts have investigated the application of new media technologies to education. In particular, the development of computer-based interaction with educational material has enabled the development of learning environments that can be personalized to better match individual vocabularies, styles, and specic needs. More recently, advances in interactive computer graphics have
enabled the development of user-interface technologies that can immerse a student in these interactive learning environments. It seems that the capabilites of these new technologies facilitate learning through a process of selfpaced exploration and discovery, in contrast to the more traditional approach of instruction and memorization. Through the interactive exploration of immersive environments, a student can engage in a curriculum that is based on learning by doing, as well as encountering subject matter in contexts that are more meaningful. Several attempts to develop immersive learning environments predate the use of computational technologies, and two of the most memorable specically relate to the human body. A surviving example is the walkthrough scale model of the human heart at the Franklin Institute science museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Since the 1950s, visitors can explore the giant chambers of the heart surrounded by a soundtrack of booming heartbeats. Later, in the 1970s, neurosurgeon David Bogen and artist David Macaulay developed a detailed proposal for a thirty-story replica of the human brain as a new museum for San Jose, California. Bogen intended the structure as an important learning environment for medical students studying neuroanatomy as well as for the general public (Bogen, 1972). For many decades, interactive real-time graphics have been used for training applications that require the acquisition of specic skill sets for unique missions or purposes (such as the control of a variety of aircraft, automobiles, or ships). But its use for more-general educational applications hasn’t been explored until the recent development of lower-cost hardware platforms and powerful software tools. Recent research efforts that examine the use of virtual environment technology in education include: c
Science Space—This joint research effort between George Mason University and NASA’s Johnson Space Center is developing a series of “virtual reality microworlds” for teaching science concepts and skills through the use of an interactive virtual laboratory conguration. Current modules include NewtonWorld, MaxwellWorld, and PaulingWorld (Dede, 1996; Salzman, 1999).
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Figure 2. Students can interact with the immune system in multiple environments (left to right: blood vessel, cell surface, lymph node).
Zengo Sayu—This immersive, interactive virtual environment is designed to teach Japanese prepositions to students who have no prior knowledge of the Japanese language. In one conguration, students can hear digitized speech samples representing the Japanese name of many virtual objects and their relative spatial location when touched by the user in the virtual environment. The system was developed at the Human Interface Laboratory at the University of Washington (Rose, 1996). Anatomic Virtualizer—This interactive, immersive, virtual environment for teaching anatomy at the university level was developed at the Learning Resources Center in the School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego (Hoffman, 1999).
The Mission
The Virtual Explorer allows students to interactively explore the immune system at both the cellular and molecular scales, and at more familiar time and length scales, while still retaining a sense of overall systemic scale. Students are free to explore realistic virtual environments that include blood vessels, cell surfaces, and lymph nodes, while carrying out detailed missions and several series of assigned tasks (Figure 2). We seek to provide students with a means not only to explore the structure, appearance, and function of various components of the immune system, but also with a tool for gaining an understanding of the interactions among these components. We present immunology in a rich, game-like environ-
ment that features compelling visual and interactive qualities and that has been designed to be attractive to students who have been raised in an age of computer games and music videos. An entertaining background story, whose plot is set on an isolated spacecraft, captures the user’s imagination with a fantastic setting and expands the mission beyond its immunological content (Figure 3). After selecting the immunology module (Figure 4), the student is presented with a brief computer-animated movie that describes an ill-fated mission into deep space. Returning with samples of a dangerous off-world bacteria, the transport ship USS Archon suffers an explosion caused by an unnoticed fuel leak in the propulsion system. This explosion allows the bacteria to escape and to contaminate the ship’s air supply, resulting in the infection of the pilot, the ship’s sole crew member. He possesses only minimal medical knowledge, and the ship’s supply of antibiotics has proven useless against this foreign pathogen. Being an accomplished engineer, however, the pilot has been able to modify the remotecontrolled nanobots that are normally used for repairing the ship’s computers for operation within his own body (Figure 5). Online references, a helpful “ship’s computer” character, and virtual tools are available to assist the student-pilot in completing the mission. For example, the nanobot is equipped with several tools that aid the pilot in carrying out this unique mission, including monoclonal antibody-based protein dye jets for identifying different types of white blood cells, a remote probe that allows the pilot to explore cell surfaces at the molecular scale, a vacuum for collecting bacterial samples, and protein dye jets (Figure 6).
Figure 3. A solo space mission gone terribly wrong: Background story for the Virtual Explorer’s immunology module.
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Figure 4. The immunology module. Diverse scientic disciplines ranging from astronomy to quantum mechanics are also candidates for the Virtual Explorer.
Figure 5. Remote-controlled nanobots. These nanobots provide a vehicle allowing students to interact with the immune system at microscopic scales.
Additionally, the nanobot’s outer hull can be dynamically modied so that it can emulate cell surfaces and functionality. Fortunately, in addition to its quirky personality, the ship’s computer is equipped with an extensive database on human immunology, thus allowing it to offer guidance during the mission and to recommend a course of action to the pilot. The pilot must use the nanobot to identify and explore the site of infection, emulate the function of the damaged component of the immune system, and initiate a successful immune response. The mission’s level of difculty, the overall sense of urgency, and the video
Figure 6. Virtual tools. Such tools, including a bacterial sample collection vacuum shown here, assist students in performing assigned tasks.
game-like appeal is all heightened by challenges such as nite resources (for example, the number of times the protein dye jets can be red), damage incurred by the nanobot ship (from collisions, bacterial toxin, and phagocytic cells), and the amount of time allowed to complete each task (Figure 7). Although the “ship’s computer” character functions in an advisory capacity, offering verbal and textual support to guide student-pilots through the various missions, the ultimate course remains under the student’s control. Help screens, which appear in the plane of the
Figure 7. An optional display, keeping the user updated about the nanobot status (left to right: hull structural integrity, protein dye jets remaining, current viewing scale, and time remaining for current task).
Figure 8. An example of the help screens providing students with more-detailed information about each cell or protein they encounter.
screen upon user command, contain information that is essential to understanding the tasks to be performed, including visual simulations, as well as information about cells and proteins encountered in the simulation (Figure 8). Full-motion video animation provides outlines both of the relevant immunology and of the specic tasks from a third-person perspective, providing crucial support for students in understanding their intended roles (Figure 9). Additionally, students can pause the simulation at any time to access database information and simulation controls through a simple pop-up menu system (Figure 10). In this manner, mission outlines, help screens, and animated mission briengs can be reviewed throughout the simulation. Added text and spoken support serves to augment the visual cues that are provided in mission briengs and help screens. For those students who continue to have difculty, a “hint” functionality is also available, which provides explicit instructions for the task at hand and becomes increasingly specic as the student continues to have difculty and requests additional help. It can be reviewed as needed for assistance
Figure 9. Full-motion video animation complementing audio and textual instructions in introducing students to assigned tasks.
in completing the mission. Overall, this multifaceted help system has played a key role in making the simulation accessible and relevant to a broad target audience. It provides students with sufcient information to make the Virtual Explorer accessible to inexperienced users,
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Figure 10. The familiar pop-up menu system, providing easy access to nanobot functions for novice users.
yet without sacricing the challenge that retains the interest of more-advanced users. The Virtual Explorer’s immunology module currently contains two interactive missions (Figure 11). Following the brief introductory movie, the user is given a training mission in which the user can explore and observe the site of a bacterial infection and must collect a bacterial specimen for analysis (Figures 12 and 13). This rst mission introduces the user to the look and feel of the virtual environment and also allows familiarization with the controls. Students are also challenged with phagocytic components of the innate immune system (such as neutrophils) and must master appropriate piloting skills to complete this mission. Upon completing this mission, the student can decide to emulate one of several white blood cells (currently, only the helper T cell is available) and he or she must use the nanobot to fulll this character’s role in an immune response. In the “Helper T Cell Mission,” we present a compromised immune system that the student can “repair” by piloting a small nanobot ship in such a way so as to fulll the role of a helper T cell in a humoral immune response. The inherent complexity of the immune system, how-
ever, makes it impossible for one mission to touch upon the entire range of material and issues that are presented to students in an immunology course. Eventually, we hope that others will go beyond this work and add missions that detail the involvement of other components of the immune system which can be explored through the individual viewpoints of those components. Ideally, such future missions (such as “killer T cell” or “neutrophil” missions) would expand upon the helper T cell mission’s focus and include additional facets of immunology, such as the innate and cell-mediated immune responses. Mission outlines were scripted to maximize user interaction and freedom, while still providing sufcient support to guide even those users with no immunology background. Missions are divided into individual tasks, thus establishing a series of mini-goals which are presented to the user in a scavenger-hunt fashion. Preliminary user feedback revealed that clear mission outlines must not only be presented before each task (to provide clear instructions for that task) but must also be continually available for review during task execution. Although the mission outlines and help screens have been made clear and simple, the virtual environments have also been carefully constructed to show as much relevant detail as possible. Although much of the simulation’s visual detail is not referenced in the mission outlines (Figure 14), we have found that providing visual accuracy is essential to avoid misleading users who have limited immunology backgrounds and to maintain the simulation’s relevance for more-experienced users. A detailed Website provides additional scientic information about each of the models in a glossary format. 4
Educational Content
We chose immunology— one of the most complex subjects studied by students of biology and medicine—as the subject for the rst module because it presents unique visualization challenges. Its processes occur simultaneously in diverse locations of the body and often on time and length scales that, although too small to be directly perceptible, still vary over several orders of magnitude. Consequently, the study of basic immu-
Figure 11. The immunology module, allowing the student to select from missions that emulate the roles of key players in the immune system, as well as an introductory training mission.
Figure 12. Detail from the training mission. A shard of glass creates an opportunity for bacteria to enter the body.
nology presents several common conceptual pitfalls, which we feel can be claried with properly implemented interactive virtual environments. The compartmentalization of instructional material that is required for the efcient organization of a textbook makes it difcult for students to gain an overall “road map” of the immune response while still retaining a sense of the details of each microenvironment. Thus, processes and microenvironments are usually studied individually so that each can be explored in detail, but the systemic relationship among these details often remains difcult to conceptualize.
One common misunderstanding that interactive 3-D graphics are particularly well suited to clarify is the concept of relative scale. Textbooks and other static teaching materials are inherently limited in their abilities to simultaneously show microscopic details and the larger macroscopic systems within which they operate. Consequently, textbooks and the like are often unable to clearly represent the vast scale differences that are key to immunology (Figure 15). For instance, immunology texts often utilize schematic diagrams that depict cell surface proteins that are oversized and underpopulated by several orders of magnitude. Although these diagrams are useful
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Figure 13. Results summaries, concluding each task with an update on the current status of the immune system and providing an overview of the next task. Additionally, students can pause the simulation at any time to access database information and simulation controls through a simple pop-up menu system (Figure 10).
Figure 14. Text outlines of each task, augmented by full-motion video and available to students for review throughout each mission.
for conveying cell-protein identity and for suggesting the mediation of cell-to-cell interactions through these proteins, students are unable to gain a sense of how much smaller surface proteins are than typical cells. Additionally, the implications in many diagrams that cell-to-cell interactions can be mediated by single surface proteins are inherently misleading (Figure 16). The concept of relative concentration provides additional conceptual challenges that are similar to those encountered in the exploration of relative scale. Students are often required to memorize lists of average concentrations, but, without a visual representation of these numbers, it is very difcult to understand the implications of ratios, which also can vary by several orders of magnitude (Figure 17). For example, in healthy individuals, red blood cells
outnumber white blood cells by a ratio of almost 700 to 1. Similarly, IgM and IgD surface receptors are typically several times as abundant as MHC Class I and Class II proteins on the surfaces of mature B cells. Interactive 3-D graphics can provide students with a visual model that helps them gain a basic understanding of the relative frequency of occurrence of different components. Certain components, however, are so rare that we are required to exaggerate measured concentrations in our VR presentation simply to include even a few specimens. For example, the relative concentrations of monocytes and granulocytes in the bloodstream are so low that they could appear to be virtually nonexistent among the many red blood cells. The representation of important constituents with vanishingly small concentrations requires that we include a few specimens in the
Figure 15. Differing scales. Depicting scales that differ by several orders of magnitude is a task well suited to interactive computer graphics (left to right: blood vessel at 20003 magnication, cell surface at 1,000,0003 magnication)
Figure 16. Surface proteins. These proteins allow for recognition and signaling between cells and are often misrepresented by immunology textbooks in both scale and population.
simulation to remind the student of their essential roles. Although we would have preferred to have shown exact concentrations, we were limited by available computational power. Another area that is particularly enhanced by interactive 3-D graphics is the description of shape and structure. The characteristic shapes of cells, proteins, and receptors have critical implications for binding, function, and identication. Structural differences between MHC Class I and Class II, for example, are critical in determining the nature of the immune response. Also,
lymphocytes are very difcult to distinguish visually, although such discrimination is often critical to the understanding of an immune response. “Virtual dyes”—which simulate the binding of monoclonal antibody dyes to the surface proteins of these cells—allow the students to quickly identify subsets of B and T cells in their native environment (Figure 18). Additionally, static teaching materials such as textbooks often fail to remind students of the dynamics of the systems being studied. Cell surfaces, for example, are highly uid and dynamic in nature, and surface proteins are often free to migrate and diffuse across the surface. A complete immune response involves a complex series of steps and interactions (Figure 19). For example, the immune response to a bacterial infection might involve immediate inammation at the site of infection and lymphocyte activation in some subset of the lymph nodes or spleen, which is then followed by an antibody and complement response, and so on. One common misconception involves the locations of the immune response: the primary adaptive immune response is actually mediated in the lymph node, rather than at the site of infection (Figure 20). Because the processes in an immune response occur at several different locations in the body and involve important processes at several different length scales, the interactive visual simulation of these processes is a potentially unique aid to understanding. We therefore believe that immunology’s visu-
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Figure 17. Virtual Explorer’s depiction of the bloodstream, helping to clarify issues of relative cell size and population.
Figure 18. Protein dye jets, allowing students to visually identify different types of white blood cells based on their surface protein characteristics.
alization challenges make it especially well suited to demonstrate the benets of interactive 3-D graphics for education.
Hardware Con guration
The Virtual Explorer is currently running on a four-processor Silicon Graphics Power Onyx. This level of performance allows us to render in real time
six independent video signals which are split by an MCO board to drive three contiguous displays in stereo, while still supporting well-populated virtual environments and fast frame rates. Rapid advancement in computer hardware leads us to believe that this level of computer graphics performance will be available at the educational and consumer levels in the near future. In parallel, we have developed a version of our system for the Silicon Graphics O2 workstation (a
Figure 19. Full-motion video animation, supplementing the interactive real-time graphics to demonstrate tasks to be performed as well as to give students a more comprehensive look at an immune response (left to right: the nanobot facilitates an immune response by emulating a Helper T cell, shown here docking with a B cell; a complement cascade helps to carry out the nal stage of an immune response).
Figure 20. Lymph nodes. Although often misunderstood or unfamiliar to students, lymph nodes take center stage as the foci of adaptive immune responses.
$5,000-$10,000 platform), as well as for various other Silicon Graphics workstations. The exibility of the software framework has allowed us to easily adapt the Virtual Explorer for most Silicon Graphics IRIXbased hardware systems and their supported user input devices. (See Figure 21.) The Virtual Explorer installation in our lab is en-
closed in a small soundproof theater (approximately 4 m by 6 m) and employs three 52 in. rear-projection, consumer-grade television screens arranged at 120 deg. angles, creating a large window into the virtual environment. (See Figure 22.) The graphics are driven by a four-processor Silicon Graphics Power Onyx, with RealityEngine2 graphics
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Figure 21. The Virtual Explorer software in our most expansive version, running on a four-processor Silicon Graphics Power Onyx, which controls the interactive 3-D graphics and coordinates the simulation. Six-channel video output from the Power Onyx drives three large-screen displays that form a wraparound viewport into the virtual world (Figure 22). Four-channel spatialized sound is generated by a sound server running on an SGI Indigo2 Extreme, which communicates with the Onyx through TCP/IP. User input from a force-feedback joystick is processed through a Windows PC which also communicates with the Onyx via TCP/IP. (See Figure 27.) Another version runs on an individual single-processor SGI computer.
and two RM4 raster managers. The Onyx uses an MCO board to split the video signal into six independent channels, and stereoscopic multiplexers combine these channels into the three eld-sequential stereo channels that are displayed on the three large TV screens. Depending upon the available graphics hardware and the level of processor performance, the software can also support several other combinations of stereo and mono video channels. (See Figure 23.) Field-sequential stereo LCD shutter glasses (Figure 24), which are synchronized to the video eld frequency with two infrared transmitters, allow multiple students to experience the virtual environment simultaneously. Although we experimented with several stereo video systems, we ultimately selected the VRex Mux-1 multiplexer system because of its support of the NTSC video standard and its relatively low cost. Initially, we also considered using a head-mounted display, but preferred the greater versatility, comfort, and ability to handle large numbers of users that our current large-screen system provides. It presently accommodates approximately fteen observers, and this capacity is theoretically limited only by the range of the infrared transmitters (ap-
Figure 22. Three large-screen, rear-projection monitors, creating a wraparound viewport into the virtual world.
proximately 10 ft. to 12 ft.) and the size of the viewing room.
User Interface
Depending upon the requirements of the physical installation, the Virtual Explorer system can accommodate multiple user input devices. To be effective, the interface paradigm must be easily understandable, especially by nontechnical users. We believe that acceptable user input devices must provide a familiar interface that is relatively simple and easily recognized so that students can focus on interacting with the simulation and not on mastering the controls (Figure 25). We are currently using a CH Products force-feedback ightstick and throttle, which—in addition to providing an interface that is already found in many computer video games—also provides the level of control necessary to successfully navigate in a dynamic three-dimensional environment (Figure 26). Force-feedback capabilities allow properties of the environment (such as viscosity) to be tactually communicated to the user, and enhance the user’s experience of immersion in the virtual environment by reecting ship collisions, speed, and acceleration. Although joystick control is not very processor intensive, the scarcity of joystick-type input
Figure 23. The Onyx generating six-channel video (RGBS), which is processed through RGBS to composite video encoders (CV-233). Stereoscopic multiplexers (VR-MUX 1) interlace left- and right-eye images for each of three screens, which are displayed on large, rearprojection displays. Infrared transmitters, which are connected to each of the outside monitors, synchronize stereo shutter glasses to the 60Hz video eld frequency.
Figure 24. Field-sequential stereo shutter glasses, providing a full three-dimensional experience.
devices for SGI computers led us to choose this system, which is driven by a Windows NT PC communicating with the Onyx via TCP/IP (Figure 27). Additionally, Virtual Explorer also supports the Nintendo 64 controller (connected directly to an SGI serial port with an adapter box) and Microsoft’s Sidewinder ForceFeedback Pro Joystick. Navigating the nanobots has proven to be the most
Figure 25. Stereo shutter glasses and large screen displays combine with a familiar force-feedback joystick and throttle to provide an interactive and immersive learning experience.
challenging issue for users with limited computer gaming experience. Although we’ve found that a certain degree of difculty in navigation is essential in maintaining excitement for experienced users, it was also clear that inexperienced users must also be able to control the most basic functions of the craft simply to complete the assigned missions. Mechanisms for obtaining additional help and in-
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Figure 26. ForceFX force-feedback joystick and throttle from CH Products provide a ightstick-style navigation interface.
structions had to be made easily understandable and readily identiable. Creating a simple hardware-software interface that was easy to learn and operate—yet that still provided access to the many controls required by the user during the simulation—proved to be one of the more persistent design challenges that we encountered. Many users nd it difcult to remember the functions of many relatively nondescript buttons (such as may exist when each button controls a separate function). In an early attempt to deal with this problem, we added a speaker-independent, speech-recognition feature to the software. This feature was supposed to assume the burden of controlling many nanobot auxiliary functions. Based upon commercially available speechrecognition software, the software listens for verbal commands such as “computer, start engines,” and relays the appropriate signal to the simulation. We quickly discovered several problems, however, which convinced us to pursue other solutions. The main problem was the noisy environment within which Virtual Explorer typically runs; the system we tested requires that the environment be virtually free of ambient background noise. Virtual Explorer, however, generates substantial background audio (engine hum, blood-ow pulse, and the like), which made the speech recognition substantially less accurate and essentially incompatible.
Ultimately, a much more modest solution proved most successful in providing students with the option of a simplied user interface while still maintaining the same level of user control. The Virtual Explorer software contains a menu-based control system (similar to familiar PC GUIs) that can be used in place of the joystick buttons to access online help and to control nanobot auxiliary functions. Users who are more comfortable with this interface can use it instead of the joystick buttons, although the joystick is still used for navigation. Audio in Virtual Explorer is carefully designed to enhance the user’s sense of immersion, as well as to allow students to better orient themselves within the virtual environment. Background music (based on the ProTracker standard) aids students in distinguishing among different scales and environments. Students can also identify spatial relationships between the “ship” and the objects in the virtual environment by 3-D sound, and thereby benet from a heightened sense of immersion and overall enhanced awareness of the dynamics of the environment. Our audio system supports multiple sound le formats and multiple independent audio channels (based on hardware capabilities), which allow for both global (mono) and localized sound effects. We have created our own spatialized audio algorithm which allows us to successfully mimic 3-D audio, including simple panning, localization, and Doppler shift effects. The audio system can be controlled either by the same computer as the main simulation or a secondary IRIX-based system that is connected to the graphics hardware via TCP/IP. Currently, the audio server is running on a Silicon Graphics Indigo2, because our Onyx lacks sound output. Four independent audio channels provide quadraphonic sound and drive four high- and midrange speaker systems, two directly driven bass speaker systems, and two powered long-excursion subwoofers for visceral effects.
Software Design
The Virtual Explorer software is written in C++, based upon the IRIS Performer toolkit. Although we considered other development options such as OpenGL, Open Inventor, VRML, and proprietary packages such as World ToolKit, we ultimately chose Per-
Figure 27. User input from a Windows PC and audio output to an SGI Indigo2 Extreme, linked to the Onyx by Ethernet and communicating with the Virtual Explorer software through TCP/IP.
Figure 28. Four-channel audio, generated by an audio server running on a Silicon Graphics Indigo2 Extreme that communicates with the Onyx through TCP/IP over an Ethernet connection. Front and rear audio signals are processed through separate ampliers (AVR-10), resulting in effective spatialized sound. Four satellite speakers, two passive subwoofers, and two powered subwoofers provide a wide dynamic range.
former for several reasons: it allows us to freely redistribute the generated code, it provides a high-level graphics API while still allowing direct access to GL and lowerlevel rendering details, and it supports multiprocessing. We constructed the immunology module within the
Virtual Explorer software framework, which is constructed on top of Performer. This should facilitate easier and quicker development of additional missions, modules, and educational worlds. The basic graphics-rendering pipeline for Virtual Ex-
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plorer is subdivided into six threads of execution, based upon Performer’s multiprocessing framework: application, cull, draw, database, intersection (object collision detection), and user I/O. The six threads can run on one to four of the available processors, depending upon machine conguration. The application thread controls the high-level simulation, including mission progress, object motions, and simple dynamics calculation (such as the translational and angular momentum of the ship and other objects). The database, user I/O, and intersection threads run asynchronously from the application thread to maintain a constant and acceptable frame rate. Virtual Explorer contains three basic scene types: blood vessel (which is essentially linear), cell surface (essentially planar), and lymph node (volume-oriented) (See Figure 2.) Variables such as clip-plane depth, fog effect, global lighting characteristics, database paging parameters, and motion models for the ship can be adjusted to differentiate between individual scenes. Scenes are created based on a specied combination of xed geometry and procedural scene generation. Each scene has specic information about xed geometry, such as the shell of the lymph node, the nanobot extraction needle, or the shape and position of the blood vessel. Additional scenery is created quasi-randomly and cached when the application is launched, based on variables such as cell population and average concentrations. This cached scenery can be dynamically rearranged during the simulation. Earlier versions of the software included actual dynamic generation of scenery during the simulation, but that technique proved to be too processor intensive to maintain a sufcient level of graphics performance. A voxel-based paging scheme dynamically recongures and pages cached geometry as needed during the simulation, allowing large scenes with large amounts of geometry to be simulated without sacricing graphics performance and frame rate. Although the overall complexity varies signicantly between scenes, most scenes contain between 3,000 and 8,000 textured polygons per frame. The RealityEngine2 allows us to maintain steady six-channel video with a frame rate of approximately 20 Hz. The simulation contains biologically accurate scale models of over thirty different cells and proteins that are
Figure 29. Electric Garden at SIGGRAPH ’97.
important to the study of immunology. Cells have been modeled at the scale of 1:2,000 and proteins at 1:1,000,000, which is consistent with the two viewing scales available to the user. We have created these models and dened their interactions based upon available microscopy images, x-ray crystallography, and NMR structures, as well as other structural data. Each model typically contains ve geometric levels of detail and has an associated information le with the dening characteristics that are used by the simulation. Additionally, each model is accompanied by a help screen containing information of interest to the student (Figure 8). Techniques such as object sequences (which allow for morphing models) and dynamic texture shifting (which allows for protein “dyeing”) show biological characteristics and improve the interaction between the user and the individual objects in the simulation.
The response from the educational, scientic, and computer graphics communities has been very positive. More than 7,000 people have already participated in demonstrations (Figure 29). We are distributing the complete source code and installer scripts for a variety of Silicon Graphics computers, with illustrated instruction manuals included, as a CD-ROM. Several science and technology museums have licensed Virtual Explorer for
Figure 30. Software:Theater at HeinzNixdorf Museumsforum in Paderborn, Germany.
permanent exhibits, and it has already been installed in the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (Figure 30) in Paderborn, Germany (for which we wrote a German version of the text and audio track) and the Tech Museum of Innovation (Figure 31) in San Jose, California. Other installations are in the planning stages. Future directions for study may include characterization of the educational benets of interactive three-dimensional virtual environments, like Virtual Explorer, over interactive, yet non-immersive, two-dimensional systems. Further information on the system and how to obtain a video demonstration of Virtual Explorer (as well as the CD-ROMs of the source code and instruction manuals) can be obtained from the Virtual Explorer Website at
Acknowledgments We would like to thank the following individuals for their invaluable contributions to the Virtual Explorer project: April Apperson (adviser for immunology), School of Medicine, University of California, San Diego (La Jolla, CA); Jon Christensen (former project director), Painted Word, Inc. (Cambridge, MA); Glen D. Fraser (adviser for interactive 3-D graphics), Montreal, Quebec, Canada; David Goodsell (adviser for cellular and molecular visualization), Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA); Mizuko Ito (adviser for educational
Figure 31. Life Tech Theater at the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, California.
interface), Institute for Research on Learning (Menlo Park, CA) and Stanford University (Stanford, CA); Teresa Larsen (adviser for biology and computer animation), Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA); Barbara Sawrey (adviser for multimedia education and visualization), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSD (La Jolla, CA); Gabriele Wienhausen (adviser for multimedia education and visualization), Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego (La Jolla, CA); and Michael Zyda (adviser for interactive 3-D graphics), Department of Computer Science, Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey, CA).
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