Virtual Machine Performance Measurement - IEEE Xplore

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Proceedings of 2014 RAECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh, 06 – 08 March, 2014. 978-1-4799-2291-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE. Virtual Machine ...
Proceedings of 2014 RAECS UIET Panjab University Chandigarh, 06 – 08 March, 2014

Virtual Machine Performance Measurement Pooja CSE BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab, India [email protected]

Asmita Pandey CSE BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab,India [email protected]

Abstract— With the increasing use of computing in our day to

here something can be anything like hardware platform, operating system, storage device or network resources etc. Depending upon the type of resource that we are going to virtualize, virtualization can be of different types like hardware virtualization, desktop virtualization, software virtualization, memory virtualization, storage virtualization, data virtualization etc.

day life it seems that Computing is 5th utility in our life after water, electricity, gas, and telephony. Cloud computing is a technology that host and deliver services over the Internet. Since the cloud computing has lots of benefits including on demand service, pay per use facility, multi- tenancy, device and location independency etc. a question definitely comes into mind, actually from where it has emerged so that it has this much of benefits. So clearly the answer is, that it does not owes its origin from a single technology there are lots of technologies that are working behind this. The technologies working behind the cloud computing are cluster computing, grid computing, peer-to-peer (P2P) computing, SOA, autonomic computing, map reduce etc. Also cloud computing has some features of utility computing and virtualization. From all above said technologies virtualization forms the core of cloud computing. So in this paper we are going to talk about virtualization i.e. what actually virtualization is, what are its various features because of which it acts as the main technology for cloud computing, what are its various types, how virtualization can be achieved etc. As the main aim of the virtualization is to utilize more and more hardware resources i.e. cpu, memory, storage etc, so under given load conditions whenever we change the configuration of virtual machines there will definitely some effect on the performance of cloud virtual machine, that is why in this paper we are also going to give the brief introduction to various parameters that will be affected by the amount of load on virtual machine using which we can measure or monitor the performance of virtual machines. A. Keywords—SOA; virtualization; hardware performance measurement; availability; SLA.



III. BENEFITS OF VIRTUALIZATION Virtualization provides us lots of benefits. According to a white paper from Virtual Management Technologies [6] virtualization results in to improved resource utilization, Easier System Maintenance, More Design Flexibility, Better System Portability, Higher System Availability, Improved Disaster Recovery etc. Also Mann Andi, EMA Senior Analyst [7], has mentioned other benefits of virtualization that are server consolidation and reduced administration costs. Apart from above said benefits, following characteristics of virtualization make it ideal for cloud computing as said by P. Sareen [8]. A. Partitioning Partitioning in virtualization means that by partitioning the available resources i.e. cpu, memory etc, many applications and operating systems can be run simultaneously. B. Isolation Isolation is the feature of virtualization because of which if one virtual machine crashes, it doesn’t affect the other virtual machines because in virtualization each virtual machine is isolated from its host physical machine and other virtualized machines.

Cloud computing is becoming very important in our life as mentioned by Buyya et al. [1]. It has its origin from Cluster C. C. Encapsulation computing, Grid Computing, SOA [2], Utility Computing, Encapsulation means that a virtual machine can be Virtualization etc [3]. As virtualization forms the core of the represented and can be stored as a single file, so that it can be cloud computing clearly mentioned by Lee et al. [4], we are identified easily based on the services it provides. This going to give the brief introduction to the virtualization, encapsulated virtual machine can be presented to an application benefits of virtualization, types of virtualization etc in this as a complete entity. Encapsulation protects each application paper. We are also going to explain about the hardware from interfering with each other. virtualization and its types, how it can be achieved etc. In the end we will explain in brief the various factors, using which we IV. HARDWARE VIRTUALIZATION/ PLATFORM can monitor the performance of virtual machine. On the basis VIRTUALIZATION of them resources can be allocated to the virtual machines so as As already mentioned above there are many types of to make the service available at every time and to satisfy the virtualizations which include hardware virtualization, desktop customer by maintaining the service level agreement. virtualization, software virtualization, memory virtualization, storage virtualization, data virtualization etc. In this paper we II. VIRTUALIZATION are going to focus only on hardware virtualization. The As described by Theoleti [5], virtualization is a technique creation of virtual machine that acts like a real computer with of creating a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, an operating system is called as hardware virtualization.

978-1-4799-2291-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

Software executed on these virtual machines is completely separate from the underlying hardware resources. E.g. a computer having Ubuntu, Linux operating system may host a virtual machine that looks like a computer with Windows operating system and Window based software can be run on this virtual machine. A. Host Machine In hardware virtualization the actual machine on which the virtualization takes place is called the host machine. B. Guest Machine The virtual machine that we create on host machine i.e. on actual physical machine is called the Guest machine V. TYPES OF HARDWARE VIRTUALIZATION There are mainly two types of hardware virtualization that are full virtualization and para virtualization, some authors from vmware [9] has also mentioned these two types of hardware virtualizations. But one more type of hardware virtualization is there i.e. hardware assisted virtualization. Let us differentiate between all these types: A. Full Virtualization In Full virtualization complete simulation of the actual hardware is achieved that allow guest operating systems to run unmodified. Benefits of full virtualization includes sharing a computer system among multiple users, isolating users from each other and from the control program and emulating new hardware to achieve improved reliability, security and productivity. B. Para Virtualization In para virtualization hardware environment is not simulated; however, the guest programs are executed in their own isolated domains, as if they are running on a separate system. In para virtualization guest programs need to be specifically modified to run in this environment. C. Hard ware Assisted Virtualization Hardware-assisted virtualization is a platform virtualization approach that enables efficient full virtualization with the help of hardware capabilities, mainly with the help of host processors. This type of virtualization is also known as accelerated virtualization. TABLE I. Comparison of Types of Hardware Virtualization Comparison Basis

Type of Virtualization Full Virtualization

Para Virtualization

Hardware Assisted Virtualization

Hardware Simulation

In this complete simulation of the hardware is there.

In this Full virtualization is achieved with the help of hardware capabilities mainly from host processors.

Guest OS Modification

Guest operating systems run unmodified.

In this hardware environment is not simulated, guest programs run in their own isolated domains. Guest programs need modification to run in this environment.

It is a form of full virtualization so guest operating systems must run unmodified.

VI. HYPERVISOR How to achieve this hardware virtualization? Hardware virtualization can be achieved with the help of hypervisor. Some authors from vmware [10] have clearly mentioned that that hypervisor is the software or firmware that creates a virtual machine on the host hardware. Also the software that runs in a layer between a hypervisor and host operating system and one or more virtual machines that provides the virtual machine abstraction to the guest operating systems referred to as Virtual Machine Manager. According to Theolti [5] there are two types of hypervisors: Type 1 hypervisor and Type 2 hypervisor. A. Type 1 hypervisor or native/bare metal The hypervisors run directly on the host's hardware to control the hardware and to manage guest operating systems is called the bare metal hypervisor. A guest operating-system thus runs on another level above the hypervisor. B. Type 2 hypervisor or hosted Type 2 hypervisors run on a host operating system that provides virtualization services, such as I/O devices support and memory management. There are various types of hypervisors available all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Users must choose hypervisor according to their requirement. Some of the hypervisors and their properties are given in TABLE II. VII. VIRTUAL MACHINES PERFORMANCE MONITORING FACTORS

As the main aim of the virtualization is to utilize more and more resources specially cpu and memory. Therefore, as Said by liu et al. [11] to maximize the benefit and effectiveness of server consolidation and application consolidation in virtualized cloud environments, it is important to conduct indepth performance measurements for applications running on multiple VMs hosted on a single physical machine. Such measurements can provide quantitative and qualitative analysis of performance bottlenecks that are specific to virtualized environments, offering deeper understanding of the key factors for effective resource sharing among applications running in virtualized cloud environments. As we know main reason behind the performance degradation is shortage of resources for given loading conditions. Now it is very much important to identify which resources is required for better system performance. There are lot of parameters using which we can measure the performance of a virtual environment or virtual machine. By monitoring these factors we will be able to identify how much computing resources we must supply to the application under a given load to make the service available at every time and to meet the SLA. Some of the factors or metrics [12], important in determining the performance of a virtual machines and to monitor the virtual machines are • Pages/Sec


KVM (Kernel Based Virtual Machine)


Xen or Xen Server

V- Sphere

Type of Hypervisor

Bare Metal

Native Hypervisor

Native or Bare Metal

Bare metal

Type of Virtualization achieved Minimum hardware Requirements

Full Virtualization

Para Virtualization and Hardware Assisted Virtualization x86-64 processor, Ram Minimum 2 GB.

A processor with hardware virtualization extension, 6GB free disk space. 2GB of RAM.


Open Source

Guest Support

Linux, Windows, Open BSD, Free BSD, Open Solaris, Solaris x86 and MsDos.


Red Hat, Inc.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Full virtualization, Para virtualization And hardware assisted virtualization CPUs One or more 64-bit x86 CPU, 1.5 GHz, Ram 1 GB

The stand-alone versions of Hyper-V are free. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2000 Server, Windows server 2003, Windows server 2003 R2, Windows 7, Windows server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Some versions of Unix and Linux as well. Microsoft

Number of CPUs, Guest and Host Memory Usage Memory Swap In/ Swap out VM Disk Read and write rate VM Network Data Receive and Transmit Rate Virtual Machine Configuration Virtual Machine State Response Time[13] VM Startup and Release Time[13] Up Time[13] CPU Usage( total – all CPUs and per CPU)[12] Page Faults/Sec[14] Available Memory [14] etc. VIII. CONCLUSION

To make the service available at every time virtual machine monitoring is very much important. Even to improve the performance of a virtual machine we must control above said parameters using some appropriate method. Also resource monitoring is one of the current challenge to the cloud computing. So it is very much clear for optimal utilization of the resources continuous monitoring is needed using appropriate parameters and to choose the appropriate parameters for virtual machine monitoring, identifying the type of load on the virtual machine is also important so that appropriate parameters will be used for efficient monitoring. In future we are going to work on the virtual machine performance measurement using some of these parameters.

Full-Virtualization CPU: Single Socket, Dual Core. Memory: 2GB.



Linux, MINIX, Plan 9 from Bell Labs, Net BSD, Free BSD, Open Solaris, NetWare, OZONE, any other operating system which can run on PC can run as a XEN HVM Guest.

Windows, Linux, BSD, Unix and others

XenSource, Inc. Now under Citrix.


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