communication on a single host due to virtual bridges. For across local and ... each VM operates under the illusion of dedicated access to physical resources ...
Virtual Machine Scalability on Multi-Core Processors Based Servers for Cloud Computing Workloads
M. Hasan Jamal, Abdul Qadeer, and Waqar Mahmood Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan {hasan.jamal, qadeer, waqar}
Abstract—In this paper, we analyze virtual machine (VM)
scalability on multi-core systems for compute-, memory-, and network I/O-intensive workloads. The VM scalability evaluation under these three workloads will help cloud users to understand the performance impact of underlying system and network architectures. We demonstrate that VMs on the state-of-the-art multi-core processor based systems scale as well as multiple threads on native SMP kernel for CPU and memory intensive workloads. Intra-VM communication of network I/O intensive TCP message workload has a lower overhead compared to multiple threads when VMs are pinned to specific cores. However, VM scalability is severely limited for such workloads for across-VM communication on a single host due to virtual bridges. For across local and wide area network communication, the network bandwidth is the limiting factor. Unlike previous studies that use workload mixes, we apply a single workload type at a time to clearly attribute VM scalability bottlenecks to system and network architectures or virtualization itself. Keywords- Cloud Computing; Virtualization; Performance Evaluation; Multi-core Processors, Server Scalability
Massive increase in parallelism due to many-cores and the ubiquity of high speed Internet connectivity are the defining forces behind the recent surge of a distributed computing model termed as Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing environment manages a pool of computing and data processing resources, that vary vastly in terms of models, sizes, and configurations, and are provisioned to end users, either in a raw form (e.g. selling machine cycles, storage space, etc.) or as a service. This pool of resources and services is typically distributed and globally accessible through the Internet. Typical building blocks inside a cloud are multi-core processor based systems. These multi-core based systems connect with each other through local and wide-area networks. Many interesting distributed computing systems of the past (e.g. Condor [8] and Prospero [12]) were built along these lines, which schedule jobs on available pool of hosts to efficiently utilize the available computing power.
Abdul Waheed and Jianxun Jason Ding Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 W Tasman Dr., San Jose CA 95134, USA {abwaheed, jiding}
Interconnects between such systems were traditionally local area networks. Applications closely tied to underlying platforms (processor, interconnect, and operating system) was one of the hurdles to seamlessly deploy such systems on geographically dispersed locations. Thus, Cloud Computing differs from traditional distributed computing system in terms of its ubiquity. Second difference is the use of virtualization. Virtualization is a mechanism to have multiple operating systems concurrently share the resources of a machine (e.g. running a Linux distribution as a Windows process). In this case, virtualization created a virtual hardware machine and gave this illusion to the Linux system that it is running on a dedicated physical hardware. One can use virtualization to create any kind of virtual resource and then present this virtual resource as if it were real. Virtualization is being used heavily in Cloud Computing. Virtualization results in efficient utilization of the available hardware resources. Server consolidation, runtime guest migration, and security against malicious code, are a few of the most compelling reasons for the use of virtualization. Xen [3] is a popular open-source based choice for virtualization. In this paper, we evaluate the performance overhead and scalability of virtual machines (VMs) on state-of-the-art multi-core processors based systems. While using multiple VMs to execute different applications ensures isolation among these applications, it has its overheads. Due to increasing use of multi-core processors as building blocks of a Cloud Computing environment, it is important to understand the overhead of virtualization. A typical Cloud Computing workload consists of four types of interactions among distributed compute nodes: (1) intra-processor; (2) inter-processor; (3) across a Local Area Network (LAN); and (4) across a Wide Area Network (WAN). In this paper, we focus our attention to the virtualization overhead and scalability with these four types of interactions. Fig. 1 presents an overview of a dual Intel quad-core processor based system. Without virtualization, this system can work as an SMP through a single operating system image. This is the traditional approach of workload scheduling, which may not be very efficient. In a Cloud Computing environment with virtualization support, one or more VMs can simultaneously run on the system to provide isolated execution environment. While each VM operates under the illusion of dedicated access to physical resources
System 1 CORE 0
CORE 1 L1 (32KB + 32KB)
L1 (32KB + 32KB)
L1 (32KB + 32KB)
L1 (32KB + 32KB)
Main Memory (8 GB)
Front side bus 1,333Mhz, 64 bits
Memory Controller L2 CORE 4 L1 (32KB + 32KB)
I/O Controller
L2 CORE 5 L1 (32KB + 32KB)
CORE 6 L1 (32KB + 32KB)
CORE 7 L1 (32KB + 32KB)
Ethernet NICs
System X System 2 System Y
System 4
WAN System 3
System Z
Figure 1. Overview of dual processor, quad-core Intel Xeon E5405 processor architecture and our testbed.
allocated to it, these resources are shared at processor and memory architecture level. In this paper, our goal is to quantify the overhead of this level of sharing on VM scalability using four types of interactions mentioned above. Additionally we want to find the cost of virtualization in terms of performance penalty for intra-processor, interprocessor, and across LAN and WAN interactions. We use an Intel dual processor, quad-core processor based system where intra- and inter-processor communication is through a shared bus while LAN is a Gigabit switch. We emulate WAN using DummyNet [13]. We measure CPU, memory, and network I/O performance using micro-benchmarks running across multiple VMs as well as non-virtualized SMP kernel based baseline system. The baseline system employs multiple threads to fully exercise the system and to compare the scalability characteristics with multiple VM cases. VM '1'
VM '2'
Application Processes
Application Processes
Guest OS 1
Guest OS 2
Fig. 2 presents a generic Cloud Computing infrastructure based on multiple virtualized nodes, running applications or services in isolated VMs, distributed across a wide-area network. In this case, multiple hardware platforms may be connected through a LAN in a data center and connected to other data centers through a WAN.
VM '3'
VM '1'
VM '2'
Application Processes
Application Processes
Application Processes
Guest OS 3
Guest OS 1
Guest OS 2
Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) Hardware
We provide background of cloud computing environments in Section II. We discuss the related research efforts in Section III. Section IV presents our evaluation approach and findings of a measurement-based study are reported in Section V. We conclude with a discussion of contribution and future directions of this work in Section VI.
Wide area network
VM '3'
Application Processes Guest OS 3
Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) Hardware
Figure 2. A cloud computing infrastructure using virtualized system building blocks.
Many system calls and hardware accesses require the interaction of a virtual machine monitor (VMM). VMs can typically run on any of the available physical resources regardless of their location, types of hardware resources, and VMMs. While it is straight-forward to characterize the performance of a single operating system image based SMP system, it is a challenge to characterize the performance of a cloud. Virtualization adds an additional layer of functionality between an application and physical platform (hardware and operating system). While such architectures can utilize the resources more efficiently, obtaining comparable performance may become more difficult. In this study, we use CPU, memory, and network benchmarks to isolate the overhead and scalability of VMs. III.
With rapid adoption of virtualization, running multiple virtual machines on a single physical hardware can lead to many performance issues. Many pervious studies have documented virtualization. Some studies characterize and analyze the performance impact of various types of workloads on VMs. Apparao et. al. [1] analyze the performance characteristics of server consolidation workloads on multicore based system in a virtualized environment and identify that certain cache and core interference can be reduced by using core affinity. They also study the effect of different scheduling schemes on the applications. Menon et. al. [10] highlight the need of the performance measurement for virtual machines and develops a new profiler for Xen, called Xenoprof. They demonstrate their profiler on a network application and show that Xenoprof can be a good tool to find the bottlenecks in the Xen kernel. Wood et. al. [14] develop a mathematical model to estimate resource overhead for a virtual machine. They claim that their model can be used to plan the required resources. Additionally they claim that their model is general enough to be used by any virtual machine and demonstrate it on Xen. Jerger et. al. [6] study the impact of caches on many-core server consolidation. They find that traditional ways of handling caches in unicore systems are not suitable for virtual machines as many performance and fairness issues arise. They describe a strategy to isolate the workloads on the virtual machines such that, the interference between applications is minimal. Cherkasova et. al. [4] specifically study CPU overhead for I/O Processing in the Xen Virtual Machine Monitor. They use I/O intensive workloads for their experiments. Apparao et. al. [2] study the effects of I/O virtualization and try to pinpoint the components responsible for the performance degradation. As cloud computing relies on virtualization, our work characterizes multi-core based systems with respect to virtualization for three types of workload: compute, memory and network I/O. In contrast to above studies, we do not mix multiple types of these workloads to clearly attribute VM scalability bottlenecks to system or network architectures or virtualization itself. While realistic applications represent a mix of compute, memory, and network I/O intensive
workloads, they are not suitable to isolate VM scalability bottlenecks. Our objective is to isolate these bottlenecks as well as attribute them to either architectural features or to virtualization related overheads. In addition, our evaluation considers a hierarchy of VMs on one or more multi-core processors based hosts. IV.
In this section, we first present the micro-benchmarks that will be used for measuring VM overhead and scalability. We then outline the use cases under which we measure performance to adequately exercise the intra-processor, interprocessor, LAN and WAN based interactions among VMs. A. Micro-Benchmarks For our measurements based studies, we use three multithreaded micro-benchmarks: CPU, memory and network micro-benchmarks, developed using the MPAC Library [11]. MPAC is an extensible specifications-driven benchmarking infrastructure and is based on an implementation of a fork-and-join paradigm to concurrently execute symmetric benchmarking threads. A brief description of these benchmarks is given below. 1) CPU Micro-Benchmark: The CPU micro-benchmark can exercise the floating point, integer and logical units of the processor cores according to user specified workload, in parallel, using multiple threads. 2) Memory Micro-Benchmark: The memory microbenchmark is inspired from STREAM benchmark [9] and performs memory-to-memory data transfer operation using number of threads, data size, data type, and number of repetitions specified by the user. 3) Network Micro-Benchmark: The network benchmark is inspired from Netperf benchmark [5] and is implemented using its specification. This benchmark can run multiple client and server thread pairs for passing TCP messages. It can measure the end-to-end network I/O throughput.. B. Workload Characteristics We use MPAC based CPU, memory and network benchmark to generate representative workloads. For processor performance we use log, summation, and left shift operations to exercise the floating point, integer, and logical units, respectively. For memory measurements, we use randomly generated floating point data to perform memory to memory copy for various data sizes to exercise hierarchical memory subsystems. We run all of our benchmark cases for a duration of at least 120 seconds to eliminate the impact of transient behavior. For network I/O measurements, we use TCP messages based workload with a buffer size of 87,380 bytes and a randomly generated message of size 16,384 bytes. The test duration for each network I/O benchmark run is 5 minutes. We define three high level of VM-VM interaction for our performance measurements: (1) single host based VM interactions; (2) multiple hosts based VM interactions across a LAN; and (3) multiple hosts based VM interactions across (an emulated) WAN. For memory and CPU performance,
single host based VM interactions case is sufficient. For network benchmark, all three cases will be used. These cases are compared with baseline performance measurements. Our performance measurement methodology is described in the following subsections. 1) Performance Baseline: For establishing a performance baseline, we use FedoraCore 8 Linux kernel without virtualization to run MPAC based memory, CPU and network benchmarks with one to eight threads to measure the scalability with respect to the number of threads. For baseline network I/O measurement, there are three scenarios: (1) client and server threads running on the same host; (2) client and server threads running on different hosts connected through LAN; and (3) client and server threads running on different hosts connected through (emulated) WAN. In the first scenario, the sender and receiver ends of the network benchmark are run on the same physical host as two processes. Each of the sender and receiver process runs with one to eight threads to exercise the scalability of network I/O on a single host using loopback interface. In the second and third scenarios, the sender and receiver ends of the network benchmark are run on different physical hosts to measure the scalability across LAN and WAN. 2) Single Host Based VM Interactions: For single host based VM interactions case, we use FedoraCore 8 Linux kernel with virtualization, which can launch up to eight VMs (guests), equal to the number of available CPU cores. We run a single instance of single threaded MPAC based benchmarks on one to eight VMs concurrently to evaluate the scalability across VMs. We synchronize the launch of benchmark processes across multiple VMs through cron. The total throughput is the sum of all throughputs on individual VMs. These benchmarks run for multiple minutes to ensure that non-overlapped execution at start and end does not skew the overall throughput measurement. For a single host based VM network I/O measurements, there are two scenarios: (1) client and server ends running on the same VM; and (2) client and server ends running on different VMs. In the first scenario, sender and receiver ends of the network benchmark are run on the same VM on one to eight VMs in parallel to observe the scalability of network I/O performance of non-interacting VMs on a single host. In the second scenario, sender and receiver ends are run in neighboring VMs from one until eight sender receiver pair. To begin with, the sender end is run on odd numbered VMs and the receiver end is run on even numbered VMs incrementally until all odd VMs are running a sender end. Then sender ends are run on even VMs and receivers ends on odd VMs, until all VMs are running a sender and a receiver end. This scenario is used to observe the scalability of network I/O performance of communicating VMs on a single host.
3) Multiple Hosts Based VM Interactions across LAN and WAN: For multiple host based VM interaction case, we use FedoraCore 8 Linux kernel with virtualization using up to eight VMs (guests), which is equal to the number of cores of each of the multiple physical hosts. We run a single instance of single threaded MPAC based benchmarks on one to eight VMs of different host, in parallel, to measure the network I/O performance scalability across two physical hosts. The total throughput is the sum of all throughputs on individual VMs. In this case all sender ends are running on VMs of the first physical host and all receiver ends are running on the second physical host. For multiple hosts based VM interactions case, there are two scenarios; (1) multiple hosts connected through a LAN; and (2) multiple hosts connected through WAN. We use DummyNet to emulate the WAN through an OC-3 link that can be used to connect data centers. C. System Under Test (SUT) We choose an Intel dual quad-core processor based system as our SUT. The specification of SUT is given in Table 1. TABLE I.
Processor type
Intel Xeon E5405
Number of processors
Number of cores/processor
Clock speed (MHz)
L1 cache size (KB) L2 cache size (MB)
32 D/32 I 2x6 x 2 (each core pair shares 6MB L2)
Memory (RAM) size (MB)
CPU-Memory Bus Speed
1,333MHz FSB Frequency
NIC type
Broadcom NetXtreme II 5708
NIC speed (Mbps)
Number of NICs
Type of Hard Disks
Baseline Kernel
Linux SMP (FC8)
Xen Kernel
Linux 2.6.21-1950.fc8xen SMP (FC8)
Xen Guest Kernel
Linux SMP
Xen Guest Type
D. Micro-Benchmark Validation In order to validate MPAC memory benchmark measurements, we compare the result of its single thread based execution with STREAM benchmark’s default case result on our SUT. Table 2 compares memory-to-memory copy throughputs of the STREAM benchmark as well as MPAC memory benchmark. The similarity validates our results. The STREAM benchmark measures slightly higher
Baseline Case
VM Case
120 Operations (MOPS)
throughput because it statically allocates the arrays while our methodology initializes them dynamically from heap memory. In order to validate MPAC network benchmark, we compare the loopback data transfer throughput with Netperf benchmark results on our SUT. We use a single thread based execution to measure the end-to-end network data transfer throughput of sending messages to mimic the Netperf benchmark approach. Table 2 shows end-to-end network data transfer throughputs of the Netperf benchmark and MPAC network benchmark. MPAC incurs overhead due to its multi-threaded software architecture, which results in a slightly lower throughput compared to Netperf.
100 80 60 40 20 0 0
Memory Benchmarks (Mbps) STREAM
Network Benchmarks (Mbps) Netperf
A. CPU Throughput Fig. 3 compares the scalability of baseline and VM related measurements of: (a) floating point; (b) integer; and (c) logical operations of CPU micro-benchmark. We observe a linear scalability trend for non-virtualized baseline and virtualized use cases. Thus virtualization provides isolation without compromising the linear CPU throughput scalability. This is expected as we are utilizing each processor core independent of the others. Another noticeable characteristic is that (Xen) virtualization overhead is insignificant to small compared to the baseline case as the number of VMs increases. This is promising for CPU intensive Cloud Computing workloads hosted on state-of-the-art multi-core processors based systems. B. Memory Throughput We measure memory throughput for different data sizes (ranging from 16 KB to 16 MB). These results are presented through graphs in Fig. 4. We use four array sizes, 16 KB, 512 KB, 6 MB, and 16 MB to distinguish the impact of private L1 cache, shared L2 cache, and shared memory bus. While these cases are not
3 4 5 6 Number of Threads (Guest)
(b) Integer Operation Baseline Case Operations (MOPS)
In this section, we use three micro-benchmarks to characterize the performance of Intel multi-core processors based system. We use a baseline case with SMP system running a non-virtualized image of Linux and compare its CPU, memory, and network I/O scalability with Xen based virtualized kernel image. While the baseline cases exercise non-virtualized SMP kernel using multiple threads, virtualized cases exercise the system through independent and concurrently executing processes in multiple VMs.
VM Case
1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1
(a) Floating Point Operation
Operations (MOPS)
Number of Threads (Guests)
Baseline Case
VM Case
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0
Number of Threads (Guests)
(c) Logical Operation Figure 3. CPU throughput in MOPS across number of threads and guests, for floating point, integer and logical operations for SUT.
mutually exclusive, 16 KB array copy mostly access private L1 cache. Similarly, 16 MB array size implies that while accesses from the main memory over shared bus play a dominant role in measuring throughput, L1 and L2 caches enhance spatial locality. Keeping this distinction in mind, we observe three memory throughput characteristics of the system under this workload: For 16 KB array sizes, both baseline and VM based cases show highest memory throughput and linear scalability. This is because the underlying memory-to-memory copy operation of the benchmarks is mostly confined to local private caches. Array sizes of 512 KB and 6 MB start showing the impact of shared L2 caches. Due to this sharing, the throughputs in both baseline and VM cases are lower than the 16 KB case and do not scale linearly. Shared L2 cache
Baseline Case
Baseline Case
VM Case
Throughput (Gbps)
Throughput (Gbps)
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0
Number of Threads (Guests)
2 3 4 5 6 Number of Threads (Guests)
(a) 16 KB Baseline Case
(b) 512 KB VM Case Baseline Case
VM Case
50 Throughput (Gbps)
Throughput (Gbps)
VM Case
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
100 80 60 40 20
40 30 20 10 0
0 0
Number of Threads (Guests)
(c) 6 MB
Number of Threads (Guests)
(d) 16 MB
Figure 4. Memory throughput in Gbps across number of threads and guests VMs for floating point data for different sizes on SUT.
conflicts with multiple threads or VMs to access the main memory. In both cases, throughput reaches a saturation determined by combined L2 cache and main memory bandwidth. With further increase in the number of threads or VMs, memory throughput starts declining due to L2 cache conflicts until it reaches close to the memory bus throughput. With 16 MB array sizes, throughput is lowest compared to the throughput with smaller array sizes as L1 and L2 caches do not play dominant role. Throughput reaches bus saturation level with up to four cores simultaneously stressing it. Memory micro-benchmark measurements clearly indicate that the overhead of virtualization is comparable with the overhead of multi-threading. In both cases, shared L2 caches and memory bus equally impacts the memory throughput. Virtualization itself does not add anything to this architecture level overhead. In addition, 6 MB size of shared L2 cache works effectively to hide the main memory access latencies for up to four cores. C. Network I/O Throughput Network benchmark exercises the underlying system with five use cases: (1) baseline case where multiple pairs of threads on non-virtualized SMP system work as clients and servers to exchange TCP messages; (2) client and server on a single VM case where each VM is hosting a pair of client and server end to run case (1); (3) client server on different VM running on the same host case where each VM is hosting a client end, which sends TCP messages to server end running in a different VM on the same host; (4) client
and server ends on different hosts connected through a GigE LAN running on SMP systems (baseline) or inside VMs; and (5) client and server end on different hosts connected through a WAN running on SMP systems (baseline) or inside VMs. The main purpose behind using these five cases is to determine TCP/IP stack performance within the host as well as across a LAN and WAN under virtualization. We realize the WAN case using DymmyNet based emulation. Fig, 5 compares the network I/O throughput of TCP based messages under the above five use cases. In Fig. 5 (a), the non-virtualized baseline case shows almost linear scalability across TCP client and server thread pairs. With more threads, scheduling overhead due to threadexclusive TCP message dispatching for each client-server pair prevents hitting the bus throughput limit (~40 Gbps). Client and server on single VM case (#2) shows linear throughput increase with the number of VMs until it reaches bus based memory throughput limit of about 40 Gbps with six client-server pairs in six VMs. In this case, each VM is isolated from the other and is pinned to a single core. Thus, all communication is fully contained within a VM. Hence the communication overhead is slightly lower than those in the non-virtualized baseline case. This resulted in higher scalability for virtualized case. In client server on different VM case (#3) a Xen based virtual bridge is used. In this case, TCP messages based network I/O fully saturates the Xen bridge. This bridge acts as a serialization point for all the flows from different VMs. Aggregate maximum throughput is almost 10 times smaller than the memory-memory throughput of about 40 Gbps that
Client Server pair on a single VM, single physical Host Client Server on different VMs, single physical Host Client Server on single non-virtualized OS
Throughput (Gbps)
40 35 30 25 20 15
limiting factor is the 1Gbps physical network throughput. For across WAN communication among data centers scenario, we use an emulated OC-3 link (155 Mbps link and 60ms delay). Throughput plots in Fig. 5 (c) shows the physical network throughput to be the limiting factor while the delay in the network prevents the throughput to hit the link speed of 155 Mbps. Regardless of the increasing number of client-server pairs, the throughputs of LAN and WAN scenarios saturate to the available network bandwidths for virtualized and non-virtualized cases.
5 0 1
3 4 5 6 7 Number of Client-Server Pairs
Throughput (Mbps)
Client Server on different Hosts, with non-virtualized OS (LAN) Client Server on different VMs on different physical Hosts (LAN)
1000 990 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 1
Number of Client-Server Pairs
Client Server on different Hosts, with non-virtualized OS (WAN) Client Server on different VMs on different physical Hosts (WAN)
Throughput (Mbps)
120 100 80 60
In this paper, we characterized the performance of multicore processors based system for cloud computing workloads. We observe that state-of-the-art computer architectures can allow multiple VMs to scale as long as cache, memory, bus, and network bandwidth limits are not reached. Thus, CPU and memory intensive virtualized workloads should scale up to the memory architecture imposed limits. Similarly, network I/O intensive workloads scale up to the available LAN or WAN based effective throughput. Virtualization becomes a bottleneck when multiple VMs communicate. Communication among VMs on same physical host is bound by the throughput of virtual bridge. Furthermore, communication within a VM has low overhead as compared to non-virtualized case because the VM is pinned to a single core and avoids thread scheduling overheads. Using micro-benchmarks to generate one of compute-, memory-, and network I/O-intensive workloads at a time allows us to attribute the scalability bottlenecks to one of three possible areas: (1) cache and memory architecture; (2) network architecture; and (3) virtualization overheads. Our evaluation clearly indicates that virtualization overheads have significant impact on scalability under VM-VM interactions based workloads. There are multiple proposed solutions to overcome the bottleneck that occurs due to virtual bridges in across-VM communication. These solutions include XenSocket [15] and XenWay [7]. We are evaluating these techniques in terms of their impact on serialization of virtual bridge. In addition, we plan to study the cost of VM migration and parallelized execution of coarse-grained tasks on different VMs.
20 0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of Client-Server Pairs
We would like to thank National ICT R&D Fund, Ministry of Information Technology, Pakistan, for funding this project.
(c) Figure 5. (a) Single Host based VM interactions case (b) Multiple Host based interactions case across GigE LAN. (c) Multiple Host based interactions case across WAN connected through OC-3 emulated link.
we observe in Fig. 4(d). This is essentially the price that a virtualized application incurs for ensuring isolation among multiple VMs. Throughput plots for across LAN communication scenario (Fig. 5(b)) are not surprising. In this case, the
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