WebGL does not define a standard for the 3D content as such, but it does make dedicated graphics programming functions available to scripts running in ... of a beginners' guide to the platform. ..... uksnapshot052008/final.pdf. LETSI. (2009).
International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 8(2), 4559, JulyDecember 2010 45
Virtual Worlds, Standards and Interoperability Daniel Livingstone, University of West Scotland, UK Paul Hollins, University of Bolton, UK
ABSTRACT It is well documented that virtual worlds today are applied in both educational and commercial teaching and learning contexts. Where virtual worlds were once the reserve of entertainment, they have now taken on a variety of roles as platforms for business meetings, simulation, and training and education. In this context, .@"*,7."-&/.,%7*/7'*,7."&%9"&/:,0,.#*$,.@*:%.@*%70,7"*/7'*%AB,7"*&"(%5&6"(*/7'*."6@7%0%-,"(*,(*,29%&./7.C* 87*.@,(*9/9"&3*.@"*/5.@%&(*&"D,"$*9&%-&"((*.%$/&'*,76&"/("'*,7."-&/.,%7*/7'*,7."&%9"&/:,0,.#*A&%2*.@"*?&(.* virtual world games to today’s virtual world platforms. This paper highlights opportunities that will arise from further improvements in the ability to create virtual world platforms, content and activities that are truly ,7."&%9"&/:0"3*/(*$"00*/(*2%&"*(,-7,?6/7.*6@/00"7-"(*/0%7-*.@"*$/#C !"#$%&'()*
INTRODUCTION I’d like to be able to hold a virtual meeting in a 3dimensional area where there is a table and where you can move the chairs around, and when I move the chairs you see it happen. (BernersLee, 1997) It is now almost exactly thirty years since the first online virtual world was created by Roy ?%938(4>*467*@&;(4%7*A4%)2:*BA4%)2:/*,--CD5* MUD1 was (and still is) a textbased virtual >"%27*)4E&6'*=9;(*&68#&%4)&"6*68*)(4)*H&%)942*>"%275*J8:%* commands are sent to the client where the actions 4%:*:G:;9):7*42"6'*>&)(*")(:%*>"%27*9#74):8*467* 46$*9#74):8*4%:*8:6)*34;E*)"*)(:*;2&:6)5*N)(:%* than this connection between remote user and server, the server does not interact with other online or offline services or resources.
!"#$%&'()*+*,-.-/*010*12"3425*!"#$&6'*"%*7&8)%&39)&6'*&6*#%&6)*"%*:2:;)%"6&;*%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*"(:%:*8)%9;)9%:7*'4=:*#24$*&8*%:#24;:7*>&)(* more free form social interaction. And many ""%278* B!(9%;(&22* ^* A2$/* .___`* Haynes & Holmevik, 2001). Recent growth in educational use of virtual worlds has been #4%)&;924%2$*8)%&E&6'*]*48*:H&7:6;:7*3$*4*8:%&:8* ":3F based services from integrated webbrowsing )"* )(:* #%"H&8&"6* ""%278*>&)(*:G):%642*>:3F4##2&;4)&"68/* services and resources. Later we review a few 6")432:*:G4=#2:8*""%27*)"*>:3*&6):'%4)&"68/* 467*>(&;(*(&'(2&'()*8"=:*"::6*7&(:)(:%* ;"6):6)*"%*4##2&;4)&"68*7:H:2"#:7*)"*%96*&6*"6:* H&%)942*>"%27*#24):*4%78* )(:*7:H:2"#=:6)*"&8(&6'* )"* &6;"%#"%4):* )(:*4##2&;4)&"6*""%278*>&)(&6*)(:&%* information and communication technologies B0!?D*8)%4):'$*467*&6*#4%)&;924%*)("8:*47"#)&6'* 4*8:%H&;:*"%&:6):7*4##%"4;(*BeN\D*&6):%"#:% 43&2&)$* "#:6* 8)4674%78* 467* 8#:;&%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*":3*"#:6/*?&=*A:%6:%8Fb::*89;;:88&)(*)(:*):;(6"2"'$*467*)"*7:H:2"#*)(:&%* own software clients and servers, and over time a rich toolset for creating and editing content :3*3:;4=:*&6;%:48&6'2$*47"#):7* for educational use, standards for educational 4##2&;4)&"68*'%479422$*3:'46*)"*:=:%':5*N6:*"* c??d*;"927*3:*98:7*48*46*"#)&"642*)%468#"%)* (&;(*47 7%:88*4*8#:;&:3* 348:7* '%4#(&;8/* >(:%:* g@Ib* 467* #:%(4#8*3:&6'*"6:*&7: iCK*(4H:*&)(*c?Ib*j5* iCK*&8*4*%"$42)$F::6* ;"%#"%4):* 8:))&6'8* leb* ;48:* 8)97&:8m5* e:;"67* 7&6* 8:%H:%85* N#:6e&=* 8:%H:%8* #%"H&7:*4*':6:%422$*8&=&24%*:G#:%&:6;:*]*467* 4%:*':6:%422$*;"=#4)&32:*>&)(*)(:*84=:*;2&:6)* software used to access Second Life – but al 2">*Crd*#4%)&:8*)(:*43&2&)$*)"*;%:4):*)(:&%*">6* H&%)942*>"%2785*067&H&7942*N#:6e&=*8:%H:%8*;46* 3:* ;"6(:%:* users can walk or fly their avatars from one N#:6e&=*8:%H:%*)"*46")(:%*467*>(:%:*)(:*8:%H ers may be running on the same local network or on nodes scattered across the globe. There 4%:* 6">* 4* 69=3:%* "6* 8:%H:%8* )"* :48&2$* 8:)* )(:=* 9#* 48* #4%)* ":%*]*42 )("9'(*&)*>"927*3:*:Y9422$*#"88&32:*)"*98:*)(:* official Second Life viewer for both. A re
cently released Second Life viewer – Viewer 2 ]*&=#2:=:6)8*8"=:*;(46':8*467*3%:4E8*;"=#4) &3&2&)$5*\*:22* >&)(* CK* ="7:22&6'* 4##2&;4)&"68/*467*)(:%:*&8*6"*!"22474*89##"%)* to date. c">:H:%/*46*iIb*>>56:>>"%27'%&75;"=R
Avatar Hangout
!"#$%&'()*+*,-.-/*010*12"3425*!"#$&6'*"%*7&8)%&39)&6'*&6*#%&6)*"%*:2:;)%"6&;*%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*"* )%92$* &6):%"#:%432:* H&%)942* >"%278* ;"927* "6:* 74$* become, with users able to take their avatars &22*(4H:*)(:&%*248:%*'968*="%#(:7*&6)"* magical crossbows or similar. While there are 6"*;9%%:6)*="H:8*)"*&=#2:=:6)*89;(*8$8):=8*&6* H&%)942*>"%27*'4=:8/*48*::%:* 6")* )%468:7* )(4)* &)* >48* #"88&32:* )"* 98:* 98:%* 467* 4H4)4%* credentials from one virtual world to directly travel from that virtual world to another – and ::6* H&%)942* >"%2785* gU@\d* :G#2&;&)2$* :6H&8&"68*4*H&%)942*>"%27*)(4)*=4$*3:*#4%)&)&"6:7* across a great many hosts, under a number of different administrative domains. These might also be running different versions of the virtual >"%27*8:%H:%*8"4%:5*o:)*>&)(&6*)(&8*:G#467:7* virtual world, each avatar is universal – a single identity that can be used to access any of the locations, running on any of the servers, under 46$* "4$8*7&&)("9)*>%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*""%27*467*#($8&;42*4;)94)"%8*467*=")"%* 7:H&;:8*B1:2&88:6/*,--_D5
INTERNET INTEROPERABILITY FOR VIRTUAL WORLDS A range of virtual worlds are able to interact with external services on the internet and World Wide Web. In this section we outline some of E:$* >4$8* &6* >(&;(* '%4#(&;42* H&%)942* >"%278*
can interact with external Internet resources 467*8"=:*""%27*&8*8(">6/* 46")(:%*&8*98:7*)"*7&8#24$*)(:*;(4)*(&8)"%$*467* )(:*)(&%7*&8*4*>:3F3%">8:%*>&67">5*N3S:;)8*&6* )(:*CK*>"%27*4%:*432:*)"*2496;(*#4':8*&6*)(:* 3%">8:%/*467*;98)"=*8;%)&6'*467*7:H:2"#=:6)* &8*428"*#"88&32:5*\6*&6):%&)("9)*>%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*"*"* 4* CK* )%4&6&6'* 8;:64%&"* &6* )(:*H&%)942*>"%27*;46*3:*2&6E:7*)"*4*e!N@I* #4;E4':*("8):7*"62&6:*]*&6*:%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*"&)("9)*>%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*"&22*)(:*%:Y9&%:=:6)*)"*8)%&H:*(&;(*4%:* ="%:* ;"679;&H:* )"* 89##"%)&6'* &6;%:48:7* 98:*
!"#$%&'()*+*,-.-/*010*12"3425*!"#$&6'*"%*7&8)%&39)&6'*&6*#%&6)*"%*:2:;)%"6&;*%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*"&)("9)*>%&)):6*#:%=&88&"6*">>5:798:%H5"%'59ER%:8:4%;(R 8)97&:8R82864#8(")8
Brutzman, D., & Daly, L. (2007). PQ+)*"R."7(,:0"* 3D graphics for Web authors5*e46*V%46;&8;"/*!\O* Morgan Kaufmann.
a&%%&:=9&%/*f5*B,--QD5*G*(9&,7-*WUUV*X(7/9(@%.Y*%A* UK Higher and Further Education Developments in Second Life. Retrieved March 20, 2010, from ())#ORR>>>5:798:%H5"%'59ER9#2"47R