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Pascale Primet Vicat-Blanc,1,∗ Sebastien Soudan,1 and Dominique Verchere2 ... IT services with network services dynamically from the virtual private IT + ...
Virtualizing and scheduling optical network infrastructure for emerging IT services Pascale Primet Vicat-Blanc,1,∗ Sebastien Soudan,1 and Dominique Verchere2 1

INRIA, University of Lyon, France 2 Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs, France ∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] Compiled December 23, 2008 Emerging IT services providers aim at delivering supercomputing services to private company users by relying on high performance IT systems located at remote datacenters connected to ultra-high capacity optical networks. To adjust the provisioning of these resources to end-user demand variations, the infrastructure capabilities to bind the service demands with the right amount of resources during specified time windows have to be supported by the service management and resource control functions. And these capabilities have to take into account the business requirements of Telecom networks. The paper proposes a service framework implementing these virtual infrastructure concepts. The service management functions can compose advanced IT services with network services dynamically from the virtual private IT + Network resources. The virtual infrastructures can host simultaneously services requiring rigid and flexible resource reservations as well as coarse or fine resource demands. The virtualized service concepts have been proposed in the CARRIOCAS project and designed through the SRV service which handles the service requests, aggregates them and trigger the provisioning of different types of resources accordingly. Considering the options of advanced network bandwidth reservations and allocations, the optimisation problem is formulated from which the imc 2008 Optical Society of America pacts of the malleability factor are studied by simulation to asses the gain. OCIS codes: 060.0060, 200.0200.


the variety of requirements, table 1 classifies the usecases specified by developers and users contributing in CARRIOCAS project [1]. The applications are listed depending on their connectivity characteristics, capacity requirements, localization constraints, performance constraints and scenarios between networks and IT services offered to end-users. These use-cases combine the following requirements: (i) real-time remote interactions with constant bandwidth requirements; (ii) many large data file transfers between distant sites whose localization is known in advance (distributed storage and access to data centers) and with sporadic bandwidth requirement; (iii) Many data-file streaming between anonymous sites (e.g. multimedia production) requiring statistical guarantees; (iv) data and file transfers between locations carried on a best-effort network services. However, the current Internet is build around the IP protocol, routers and links. Inherently this is a best effort system with an unpredictable service, not been designed for competing flows on ultra high-end optical links nor for highly variable traffic. Recently, pilot experiments in optical/photonic switching and hybrid networking [2–4] have shown that predictable connectivity with low jitter and massive dedicated throughput is possible. These QoS properties can be delivered to the application only through careful direct control of the networking resources. We then argue that exposing optical bandwidth as well as processing and storage capacities within the network will help in supporting the ever growing spectrum of communication patterns and ways to use the Internet. We propose to decouple the physical layer from the ser-


Three current trends are envisioned to strongly influence the development of the future Internet: a) the convergence of the communication, computation and storage aspects of the Internet; b) the deployment of ultra high capacities interconnection networks with predictable performance; c) coarse Grain Web Servers like Google, Yahoo, Amazon providing the content, control, storage and computing resources for the users. These three trends raise major research issues in networking and services, requiring a new vision of the network. Indeed, the current Internet stack (TCP/IP) and its associated simple network management protocol are not consistent with the evolution of the network infrastructure components and its use by emerging services which aim to deliver supercomputing power available to the masses over the Internet. The coordination of networking, computing and storage requires the design, development and deployment of new resource management approaches to discover, reserve, co-allocate and reconfigure resources, schedule and control their usages. Indeed, lot of emerging large-scale applications and services require time-limited but ultra-high bit rate network services at the order of the transmission capacity of the network infrastructures. For example, large scale distributed industrial applications require use of ultra-high performance network infrastructure and multiple types of end-capacities such as computational, storage and visualization resources. Collaborative engineers need further to interact with massive amounts of data to analyze the simulation results over high resolution visualization screen fed by storage servers. To illustrate 1

Table 1. Classification of Distributed Applications Type


Capacity req.

Performance const.

Applications examples


Localisation const. Low

Type A Parallel distributed computing tightly synchronized computation. Type B High throughput low coupling computation.

Scientific applications involving tightly coupled tasks.

Computation, connectivity latency.

Grand scientific problems requiring huge memory and computing power.

Great number of independent and long computing jobs.




Type C Computing on demand

Access to a shared remote computing server during a given period.



Type D Pipeline computing

Applications intensively exchanging streamed or real time data. Treatment od distributed data with intensives communication between computer and data sources.





Computation, high bit rate, connectivity latency. Computation, bit rate, latency, storage. High bit rate and connectivity latency.

Combinatory optimization, exhaustive research (crypto, genomics), stochastic simulations (e.g. finance). Access to corporate computing infrastructure, load balancing between servers, virtual prototyping. High performance visualization, real time signal processing.

Research, modification on distributed databases with low computing and data volumes requirements. Remote users interacting on a shared virtual visual space.



Connectivity tency.



Bit rate and latency (for interactivity).

Type E Massive data processing

Type F Largely distributed computing Type G Collaborative ing.


vice level to increase the flexibility and the efficiency in the usage of network infrastructures. We introduce the concept of virtual infrastructure which corresponds to the time-limited interconnection of end capacities with virtual private overlay networks. This concept is beeing explored in the CARRIOCAS project, which defines and develop the virtual infrastructures management layer through the ”Scheduling, Reconfiguration and Virtualisation (SRV)” component. The idea is to expose the composition and the access to virtual infrastructures as an intermediate service. CARRIOCAS explores in particular the technical aspects of the hybrid packet/optical network virtualization. CARRIOCAS studies also the subtle and complex interaction between the commercial needs of Internet service providers and those of network operators. Indeed, a commercial interface to invoke a virtual infrastructure service will include the maximum cost customer are willing to sustain. On the other side, the network providers will publish their services according to their policies and will negotiate to maximize utilization rates. However, the granularities a realistic and efficient capacity (for example optical bandwidth) reservation service can offer may not be flexible enough to meet the heterogeneity of high-level service provider requirements. This may lead to poor resource utilisation, over-provisioning and unattractive service’s pricing. Therefore, this paper investigates models, algorithms and software for flexibly sharing and scheduling the optical infrastructure considering lambda path as first class resource. This paper is


Distributed storage farms, distributed data acquisitions, environmental data treatment, bioinformatic, finances, high energy physics. Fine-grained computing applications, network congestion can cause frequent disruptions between clients. Collaborative visualization for scientific analysis or virtual prototyping.

organized as follows: Section 2 gives an outline of the CARRIOCAS project. Contributions on SRV functions with the network architecture to support the delivery of network services for SPs and the SRV functional architecture are presented in Section 3. Section 4 defines the model and formulates the problem for flexible bandwidth allocation. In Section 5, simulation results are presented to demonstrate the impact of the patience and the influence of the proportion of flexible requests in the mix. Related works are reviewed in Section 6. Finally, we conclude in Section 7. 2.

Overview of the CARRIOCAS project

The CARRIOCAS project aims at delivering commercial services for accessing to virtual private IT infrastructures over ultra high speed (40Gb/s) networks. The goal is to provide frameworks enabling users to reserve (dynamically or in-advance) computing and storage resources but also network resources to connect them for composing customized execution infrastructures. New management and control functions are required to adapt existing Telecom network infrastructures interconnected in the current Internet to deliver such services to ISPs or company customers. We envision the emergence of a capacity service provider entity, between Internet Service providers and Network operators with the central role of exposing and interconnecting virtual resources located in datacenters and company customers and managing more dynamically the network services(see Fig. 1). 2

To implement such a capacity service, we named virtual infrastructure service, a management component has to be design. This component process requests for complex virtual infrastructures composition and reservation. These requests formulate explicit reservation of network resources with other types of resources (e.g. computational, storage). As the connectivity service needs are heterogeneous, several class of services with high performance QoS parameters values in terms of bandwidth and edge-to-edge latency are required. The connection configuration must be dynamic to be adapted to different usages patterns. The different actors have their respective objective to maximize their utility functions. For end customer, the objective means to execute the submitted jobs at low costs within a defined time window. For Service Provider it means to deliver connectivity services and the other IT services at the highest quality including performance and security and lowest cost. Each resource operator wants to maximize infrastructure utilization (CAPEX) with the minimal operation efforts (OPEX) to finally obtain best possible return on investment (ROI). These connectivity services require a pool of resources to be explicitly reserved and the resource pools are computed by the network resource planning functions i.e. Network Planning Tool (NPT). Today network services are provisioned in the infrastructure and are not automatically related to how the business rules operate during the publication, the negotiation, and the service notification to the customers. Second, network management system (NMS) must cope with the scheduled service deliveries enabling connection provisioning to be more autonomic. The extensions of NMS are to ensure that the infrastructure delivers the on-demand or scheduled network services asked by external entities. The network services must be adjusted in response to the changing customer environments such as new organizations joining and then connecting on network and datacenter infrastructures (e.g. car designer is going to be connected to Complex Fluid Dynamic simulation application the next month for two weeks). The network has to provide a dynamic and automatic (re)configuration of the network devices features. The network services are structured according to the information and data model as recommended by the Multi-Technology Operations Systems Interface (MTOSI) [5]. At the north interface of the SRV, the connectivity service classes describe the service constraints from the external customer points of view and on the south interface of the SRV, the connection service classes describe the service attributes to allow the resource provisioning by the network management system. This connection establishment is distinct from the automatic connection establishment implemented through the use of signaling functions between the edge nodes of the customer network (CE nodes) and provider edge node (PE). The project focus on layer 2 connections allocated for application workflows leveraging the cost advantages

of carrier grade Ethernet services. Layer 2 Virtual Private Network services (L2-VPN) can provide secure and dedicated data communications over Telecom networks, through the use of standard tunneling, encryption and authentication functions. These L2-VPN are contrasted from leased lines configured manually and allocated to one company. L2-VPN is a network service dedication achieved through logical configuration rather than dedicated physical equipments with the use of the virtual technologies. In CARRIOCAS pilot network, three classes of carrier Ethernet connectivity services named Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC) are proposed to customers: point-topoint EVC, multipoint-to-multipoint EVC and rooted multipoint EVC. The description of each EVC includes the User-to-Network Interface (UNI) corresponding to the reference point between the PE node and CE node. At a given UNI more than one EVC can be provisioned or signaled according the multiplexing capabilities. To reconfigure automatically the provisioning of VPNs, CARRIOCAS defines an autonomous functional entity, the SRV which accommodates addition, deletion, moves and/or changes of access among datacenter sites and company members with no manual intervention. 3.

Architecture of the Scheduling, Reconfiguration and Virtualization service

The SRV implements the concept of virtual infrastructure built from the composition of computing, storage and network. The virtual infrastructure functions allow the management of composite services. Further specific large scale software applications can be associated as service elements of the composite service too. A.

SRV interfaces with Network and IT infrastructures

To establish automatically the services from connectivity requests or more complex composite service requests (e.g. storage services + connectivity service), the requests are intercepted and processed at the service management layer by the SRV functions. The SRV functions are position between the external SP and the network resource management and control functions as well as the IT resource management functions of the datacenters. The SRV can be owned by an administrative entity that is external to the network infrastructure owner and operator. In CARRIOCAS architecture, the SRV is part of the network infrastructure operations and is defined over an administrative network domain. SRV integrates different service interfaces according to the role of the entities it interacts with. Beyond connectivity, the virtual infrastructure concept implies explicit reservation of different types of resources. It offers the SRV the possibility to co-allocate them. During the resource reservation phase and before the allocation phase starts, cross-optimization can be executed through the different types of resources reserved. 3

During the selection of one computational server at a datacenter location, the resource selection and routing functions take into account heterogeneous criteria including the computational capability of the server (e.g. operating system type, computing capacity, memory space), the available networking capability (interfaces, bandwidth, latency) on the selected path. Such an extension requires an additional interface between the SRV and the end Resource Management System of the datacenter infrastructures to exchange management/control information. These capabilities are currently not supported in Telecom infrastructures [6]. B.

ated to the NMS to provision the network elements. The interactions between SP and SRV are based on customer-producer pattern involving the connectivity services stored in SRV database. Through the SRV, three types of interactions between the network operator and SPs are supported: publish/subscribe, query/response, and notification. The SRV can act upon a request initiated by the external SP. The query/response interaction pattern is implemented and other types of negotiation sequences are also considered as evaluated in [9]. The service publication function is related to the creation of the connectivity services from the SRV-DB. The SRV-DB is the repository of available connection services managed by the SRV. A class of connection service is chosen according to the SP requirements expressed in the connectivity service. The description of the connectivity services exposed and advertised by the SRV belongs to the sub-class of CustomerFacingServiceSpec of the network service specifications. The methods of the connectivity service that are the service functions that an external SP can access and request from the network operator [5]. The connectivity service negotiation enables the SP to negotiate for the QoSService and other attributes such as confidentiality. The negotiation sequence associated to a SLA for connectivity services is complicated by the needs to coordinate the (re)configuration of multiple network elements simultaneously in the infrastructure. At the north interface of the NMS, the network infrastructure is virtualized according to shared information data (SID) model [5]. The level of abstraction depends of the connectivity services published to the SPs and the service description is structured in WSDL. This service oriented approach is also implemented in [10]. The network services can be generalized according to Lx-VPN, with x=1, 2 or 3. The basic elements described belong to the class of ResourceFacingServiceSpec of the network services. At the mediation layer of the SRV, the selection of network service elements and their composition enable to bind the SP based connectivity service descriptions according to the rules defined by the network operator on provisioning (Policies). The Policy component insures the continuity from the SP connectivity service requirements to the network service requests towards the NMS interface. The rules select the appropriate process to provision the connection via the NMS or to signal the establishment of the connection via the ingress node controller. The internal Service Scheduling functional block enables scheduling of connection service end-points. The scheduling component interacts with the Network Resource Scheduler (NRS). The NRS is an extension of the NMS to integrate the time constraints expressed by the customer SP according to the execution of the application workflows. NRS can signal scheduled network services e.g. Label Switched Paths for RSVP-TE signaled network services. The Scheduled-PCE (S-PCE) is an extension from the Path Computing Element architecture [11] and its PCE Protocol (PCEP) to enable the

SRV internal functions and Scheduled Network Management

The SRV internal architecture (Fig. 2) integrates the functional blocks required to deliver connectivity services as well as IT resource services fulfilling the SLA requests from a SP. Three internal functional layers identified are: the north interface, Network and resource Management System interface and the mediation layer. The SRV functional components interacting with the SP are the service publication, service negotiation and service notification. These components respectively allow publishing, negotiating and notifying the connectivity services from the SRV towards external SP customers. This interface is based on the VXDL description language [7] defined within the CARRIOCAS project, compliant with the services specifications of the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) and based on RDF/XML. VXDL has the advantages to enable the composition of heterogeneous service elements by the SP (e.g. a computing service combined with a connectivity service). A request formulated in VXDL can even include for example the amount of IT and network resources required, their type, the class of end devices required to deliver the services with the performance, the duration or other timing contraints. Towards the network infrastructure, the SRV south bound interface is based on two options: SRV requests for switched connections through the provider UNI (UNIN) if it is a GMPLS controlled network [6] or SRV requests for permanent connections or soft-permanent connections through the Network Management Interface. The connection service description is based on WebService Description Language (WSDL) as recommended by MTOSI from Tele-Management Forum [5]. Connections are dynamically established (provisioned through NMS or signaled through UNI) with guaranteed QoS parameters defined from the SLA provider. The SRV East-West interface supports edge-to-edge connectivity service covering multiple routing domains. The SRV interfacing the SP manages the network service at the ingress network domain and the interdomain connectivity services through peer operation information exchanges with the SRVs involved in the chain [8]. The connection services are separated from the description of the connectivity services and are associ4

Fig. 1. SRV architecture. or several connectivity services is divided into four phases: (i) resource request phase (between NRS and network elements); (ii) reservation phase; (iii) intermediate phase during which modification of the reservation is possible; (iv) resource allocation phase during which the connection service is provisioned or is signaled as recommended in [6]. 4.

Dynamic bandwidth provisioning approach

Due to the large variety of distributed applications as reported in table 1, it is considered that the subsequent application demands for IT and connectivity services can be very disparate in terms of resource requirements and very sporadic in terms of time windows. Each service demand can be either allocated explicitely on a defined set of reserved resources or several service demands can be multiplexed on a pool of resources. Moreover the combinations of these demands have to be served by the virtualized infrastructure. In the CARRIOCAS context the infrastructure operators have to optimize both resource provisioning process and their utility functions. This concept is implemented thanks to the SRV service management component which handles requests, aggregates them and provisions the resources accordingly. Considering the special case of the optical networks and dynamic bandwidth allocations, we address the problem of discrepancy between realistic and efficient (optical)

Fig. 2. The SRV internal functions.

selection of the available network resources according to the time window constraints. Each connection provisioning request from the NRS is characterized by a source node, a destination node, a QoS (bandwidth and availability), a starting time, and a ending time. These times define a time window managed by NRS for resource allocation to a connection service. Each connection service provisioning sequence for one 5

bandwidth granularity and customers requirements, by mixing different allocations strategies within the SRV itself. Rigid reservations (for real-time video and audio conferencing applications for example) offer determinist bandwidth provisioning while flexible ones provide only time guarantees that a specified amount of data streaming is transferred within a strict time window. The scheduling component of the SRV is in charge of aggregating the heterogeneous requests and of provisioning the bandwidth on edge to edge path accordingly. Consequently Service Providers can flexibly express their bandwidth amount requests with minimal rate, maximal deadline but also volume and maximal achievable rate or even bandwidth profile as detailed below. The solution proposed in [12] carrying out and grouping giant transfer tasks (with volume higher than several Gigabytes) in specified time intervals, exemplifies this idea. Such an approach considers that most company customers and Service Providers will care on transferring large amount of data in a limited and predictable time frame rather than requiring exactly a fixed rate for a given time-window. This relieves for complex bandwidth reservation and allocation burden, while ensuring flowcompletion time, the most useful metric [13] for a user or a data processing application. In the rest of the paper we demonstrate that the flexibility proposed increases the efficiency in lambda-path usage. In particular, we study how the virtual infrastructure provisioning service, integrating this scheduling approach, can optimaly serve different requests patterns distributions mixing rigid and malleable resource requests. A.

with strict time constraints; (ii) the BSP who schedules users’ requests on network paths and tries to maximise the resource usage; (iii) the NO who provides the connectivity service (i.e. constant bandwidth between to endpoints for a time slot). This service is realized through point-to-point EVC service. Users

Transfer req.: (sr , dr , vr , rrmax, tsr , tdr )

Scheduling r

BSPs t Connectivity req.: (sg , dg , rg , tsg , tdg )

Provisioning r

NOs t

Fig. 3. Transfer and connectivity requests exchanged between actors. BSPs group users’ requests in connectivity requests issued to NO. Fig. 3 shows the relations between actors and the requests format. Users are issuing transfer requests to BSP which groups them and issues connectivity requests to NO based on the connectivity and time window requirements of each groups. As shown in this section, Users to BSP requests can have different form. Users can send transfer requests to the BSP. They are defined as follows: Each request r is associated to a 6uple (sr , dr , vr , rrmax , tsr , tdr ) where sr is the source, dr is the destination vr is the volume to transfer, rrmax is the maximum instant rate used to carry vr . Transfer can only start after tsr and must be finished before tdr . tar is the arrival date of request r and trr is the date of the request acceptance decision. Furthermore, for request expressed vr with volume, rrmin is defined as rrmin = d and patr − tsr max r tience Pr as Pr = rmin . The request can’t be served and rr is invalid if Pr < 1 due to constraint 1 which is defined thereafter. Users can also ask for another kind of service which is bandwidth-based compared to previous one which was volume-based. This can be achieved by tailoring the transfer request so that there is no flexibility and request can only be served using the requested bandwidth. Rigid requests have Pr = 1. To obtain rate R between tsr and tdr , this kind of rigid request is expressed as the following 5-uple (sr , dr , R, tsr , tdr ) rewritten as the 6-uple: (sr , dr , (tdr − tsr ).R, R, tsr , tdr ). This request rewritting can be done internally. Therefore BSPs expose two different services with two request formats: one for malleable bulk transfers with transfer requests, one for bandwidth on demand with rigid requests. At low level, the connectivity requests specifies what BSPs will ask to NOs. This kind of request is not malleable and is defined as follow: a connectivity request g is expressed as a 5-uple (sg , dg , rg , tsg , tdg ) where sg is the

Model and problem formulation

Let us consider a network model defined as an opaque cloud, owned by a network operator, exposing a Dynamic Bandwidth Provisioning service. This service provides on-demand lambda path or provisioned links between a set of access points (end points) and eventually peering points with other network clouds. The network is defined by its set of points of presence s ∈ {s1 , ...sS }. We assume here that any two points exposed by one cloud can be source and destination of a network reservation. The basic service offered here by the simplified SRV is bandwidth leasing between two endpoints for a specific time window or the guaranteed transfer of a massive data set from one site to an other with strict completion deadlines. The Bandwidth Scheduling component who schedules users’ transfers tries to maximise the resource usage. We consider here that this internal component do not have access to the routing plane and thus only manages movement capacity or bandwidth capacity between the network points of presence. For the sake of simplicity, we distinguish this entity named Bandwidth Service Provider (BSP) from the Network Operator (NO) providing and managing the physical infrastructure. The three main actors in this model are then: (i) the Users that aim at renting fixed bandwidth for a time window or at transferring data volumes from one site to an other 6

asr is the actual start time of transfer r and afr its actual finish time. More formally, asr = min{t|pr (t) 6= 0} and afr = max{t|pr (t) 6= 0}. In this model, BSPs do connectivity reservations with same source and destination sites as transfer requests. Connectivity reservation have to satisfy the following constrains to support transfer requests. Let us consider a set of N transfer requests R = {r1 , . . . , rN } and a set of M non-overlapping (i.e. ∀g, g ′ ∈ G, (tsg , teg )∩(tsg′ , teg′ ) = ∅) connectivity requests G = {g1 , . . . , gM }; validity constraints are (in addition to 1, 2 and 3 for each requests in R) the following: X ∀g ∈ G, ∀t ∈ [tsg , teg ], pr (t) ≤ rg (4)

source, dg is the destination, rg is the requested rate, tsg is the start time and teg the end of the reservation. Similarly to transfer requests, tag is the arrival date of request g. We assume that connectivity service is requested at tsg − A (A in advance) and by slots of duration D (i.e. tdg − tsg = D). Assumption 1 Connectivity request issued for slot n is constrained to have: tag ≤ tsg − A, tsg = n.D and teg = (n + 1).D. If this request is issued by BSP sp to NO no at tag = m,n m.D − A with m ≤ n, it will be noted gsp,no . Final n,n connectivity request for slot n is thus noted: gsp,no . In order to avoid over-estimation of in-advance connectivity reservations, we assume (Assumption 2) that a BSP can only re-provision for a given slot, by increasing the rate demand.

∀r ∈ R, ∀t 6∈



[tsg , teg ],

pr (t) = 0



Assumption 2 At time m .D − A, when updating advance connectivity requests previously made at m.D − A for slot n, BSP can only increase requested bandwidth. ′ m,n ≤ rgm′ ,n More formally: ∀m < m ≤ n, rgsp,no

∀r ∈ R, sr = sg


∀r ∈ R, dr = dg


Fig. 5 shows a group of transfer requests and the corresponding connectivity request to serve them. Due to Assumption 3, and without loss of generality, the rest of this paper focuses on one source/destination pair as transfer requests with different source or destination do not interact.


This is illustrated on Fig. 4 where new connectivity requests for slots n and n + 1 issued at time n.D − A are shown in plain line while old connectivity requests are dashed.


Rate Period n − 2


Period n − 1

Period n

Period n + 1 rgn,n+1




rgn−1,n ...


rg ′

rgn−1,n+1 ...

v3 v2

Time (n − 1).D − A (n − 2).D (n − 1).D

n.D − A n.D


(n + 1).D − A (n + 1).D

ts2 tsg ts1 as2

Fig. 4. Connectivity service’s slots n − 2 to n as seen at time n.D − A.


(1) (2)



teg′ af3


Requests state diagram

User’s transfer requests or rigid requests are received and processed by BSPs. BSP’s transfer request state diagram comprises four states: New ; Scheduled ; Granted ; Rejected. A request r is: (i) New when the request has just been received and is valid but has been neither accepted nor rejected; (ii) Scheduled when it has been accepted but allocated profile t 7→ pr (t) can still be changed; (iii) Granted when it can’t be changed anymore; (iv) and finally Rejected when the request is not accepted by the BSP. These states and allowed transitions are depicted in Fig. 6. The state of request r is changed from Scheduled to Granted at time tsr − a in order to give the sender some time before transfer’s start time. Transitions from state New to Scheduled or Rejected depend on the decision taken by the BSP when first scheduling this request. Note that once the request has been marked as Scheduled, its state can not be changed to Rejected.

Assumption 3 is based on realist situation in which network operators do not provide routers nor direct access to routing to their customers. This implies that there is no routing opportunity from the BSP’s point of view. Routing issues will be addressed by the NOs. This also avoid the need to expose detailed topological information of the core network. We define the bandwidth allocation profile of r as a step-function t 7→ pr (t) defining the rate allocated to this transfer over time. A valid bandwidth allocation profile pr must verify constraints 1, 2, 3. ∀t 6∈ [tsr , tdr ], pr (t) = 0 Z tdr pr (t) dt = vr

tsg′ teg

Fig. 5. Transfer requests (r ∈ {1, 2, 3}) grouped in connectivity requests g and g ′ .

Assumption 3 BSPs can only rent end to end connectivity resource to network operator. BSPs do not have routing facilities.

∀t ∈ [tsr , tdr ], 0 ≤ pr (t) ≤ rrmax

ts3 td1




problem as: New




BP (n) : minimise:


rg Gnew n

subject to: ∀r ∈ Rn , ∀t ∈ [tsr , tdr ], 0 ≤ pr (t) ≤ rrmax


∀r ∈ Rn , ∀t 6∈ [tsr , tdr ], pr (t) = 0 Z tdr pr (t) dt = vr ∀r ∈ Rn ,

Fig. 6. Transfer requests’ state diagram: once Scheduled a transfer can’t be rejected anymore but profile can still change until transfer reaches Granted state.


∀g ∈ Gfninal Assumption 4 In this work, we assume that they are never rejected.

∀t 6∈ (

Assumption 4 implies that in-advance transfer requests can all be accepted. BSP has infinite resource as demonstrated in next section. C.




pr (t) ≤ rg


[tsg , teg ]), ∀r ∈ Rn , pr (t) = 0 Gnew n

∀i, n ≤ i ≤ M, rgn−1,i ≤ rgn,i

Let I be the set of time intervals defined by dividing the time axis on all tsg , teg , tsr and tdr . In this case, δr,i will be 1 if request r can be served on interval i and 0 else, γg,i ) equals 1 if connectivity request g covers interval i and 0 else (all i are supposed to be covered by a connectivity request g possibly with rg = 0), li is the length of interval i and pr,i the constant rate of pr (t) on interval i. Then the problem BP(n) can be rewritten as a linear program: X rg BP LP (n) : minimise: S new f inal

In the remaining, interactions between one given BSP and one given NO are considered, sp, no subscribe will thus be omitted in notations. For every slot n at n.D − A, the BSP has to decide for each source/destination pairs which connectivity request to issue for next slot to accommodate already known transfer requests Rn (∀r ∈ Rn , tar ≤ n.D − A) and how to schedule these transfers. The problem presented in this section addresses this issue when rejection is not allowed and the objective is to minimise the aggregated provisioned capacity. According to previously defined state diagram, Rn Sis partitioned into three subsets S Rn = Rnnew Rnsched. Rngranted where Rngranted is the set of requests already granted during slots before n.D − A, Rnnew contains new valid requests which have not yet been scheduled (or rejected) and Rnsched. contains transfer requests that can still be S re-scheduled. It can be noted that requests in Rnsched. Rngranted were already in Rn−1 . Fig. 7 summarises this.



s e Gnew n , ∀t ∈ [tg , tg ],

S f inal


Scheduling and provisioning





subject to:

∀r ∈ Rn , ∀i ∈ I, 0 ≤ pr,i ≤ rrmax ∀r ∈ Rn , ∀i ∈ I, (1 − δr,i ).pr,i = 0 X ∀r ∈ Rn , δr,i .pr,i .li = vr i∈I

∀i ∈ I, ∀g ∈ Gfninal


Gnew n , γg,i .


pr,i ≤ rg


∀j, n ≤ j ≤ M, rgn−1,j ≤ rgn,j S where variables are: {pr,i |r ∈ Rnnew Rnsched. , i ∈ I} and granted {rg |g ∈ Gnew , i ∈ I} is not part n }. {pr,i |r ∈ Rn of the variable as Granted requests’ profiles can’t be changed anymore. It can be proved that provided requests in Rnnew are in advance requests, meaning they have their start time tsr after n.D, BPLP(n) has a solution. The whole procedure for provisioning and scheduling transfers is depicted in Algorithm 1.



Fig. 7. Partitioning of Rn . Let Gfninal = {g i,i |1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1} be the set of connectivity reservation made for slot up to n−1 (they can’t be modified anymore), Gprev. = {g n−1,i |n ≤ i ≤ M } and n new n,i Gn = {g |n ≤ i ≤ M } where M is the greatest slot utilised by a transfer request. Using previously defined validity constraints for connectivity requests and transfer requests and constraints on increasing connectivity requests, we formulate the


Performance evaluation

In the previous section we have unified malleable transfer requests and rigid requests in a common format. We have formulated the Dynamic Bandwidth Provisioning problem BPLP. Then we have proposed and proved an 8

unused capacity (% of total vol.)

Algorithm 1 Schedule and provision at t = n.D − A Input: Rnnew , Rnsched. , Rngranted , Gfninal , Gprev. n granted inal sched. Output: Rn+1 , Rn+1 , Gfn+1 , Gprev. 7→ n+1 , {t S granted sched. Rn+1 } pr (t)|r ∈ Rn+1 // Initialise set of req. for next slot sched. 1: Rn+1 ←∅ granted 2: Rn+1 ← Rngranted // Determine profiles for transfer req. and connectivity req. 3: Solve BPLP(n) // Update transfer states S req.’s new 4: for all r ∈ Rn Rnsched. do 5: if tsr − a ≤ (n + 1).D − A then granted granted S {r} 6: Rn+1 ← Rn+1 7: else S sched. sched. {r} 8: Rn+1 ← Rn+1 9: end if 10: end for // Send connectivity req. to NO 11: Issue connectivity requests g ∈ {Gnew n } to NO. // Update connectivity req. sets for next slot. S f inal 12: Gn+1 ← Gfninal {g n,n } prev. n,n 13: Gn+1 ← Gnew } n \{g granted inal sched. 14: return Rn+1 , Rn+1 , Gfn+1 , Gprev. 7→ n+1 , {t S granted sched. Rn+1 } pr (t)|r ∈ Rn+1

w/ 100Mbps rounding w/o rounding

20 15 10 5 0



2 Pr



Fig. 8. Provisioned but unused bandwidth as a function of patience without and with rounding to the upper 100Mbps. – tsr − tar = 2.D; – rrmin = R = 53 Mbps (vr = R.d); – Pr = 2. A.

Impact of patience

Given that, most of the time the duration and the volume of request will be fixed by the application semantic, we want to explore the impact of the patience factor, which represents the request’s malleability. In our model, patience is higher or equal to 1 otherwise requests wouldn’t be accepted. If patience equals 1, requests can’t be reshaped and have to be scheduled as one single rectangle at rrmax during [tsr , tdr ]. The impact of this factor can observed on Fig. 8 where extra reserved bandwidth decreases quickly as Pr increases. When Pr is greater than 1.5, performance is constant. This means that the patience factor has a strong impact.

optimal solution for any given set of malleable and fixed transfer requests. The goal of the performance evaluation is explore how requests malleability impact resource provisioning and utilisation. In order to evaluate the impact of requests’ characteristics, we performed simulations with different workloads. The proposed provisioning algorithm has been implemented in jBDTS [14] which is used for the simulations. Rates proposed by NO are generally discrete. Therefore, in the following simulations Algorithm 1 is compared to a modified version of it which uses BPLP as a linear relaxation of the mixed integer linear problem with discrete value for rg . In this modified version, rounding of rg to the upper discrete value is performed just before sending connectivity requests at line 11 of Algorithm 1. We used discrete steps of 100 Mbps. The first experiment use a set of default parameters parametrised by the slot duration D:


Impact of proportion of flexible requests

In this set of experiment, we used two classes of requests: one with patience equal to 1 (rigid requests) and one with varying patience (malleable requests). Requests used here have the following parameters: There is 30 clients each acting as an ON-OFF source with exponential OFF time of mean 2 hours. ON times are given by the request windows [tsr , ter ]. Each client submits 60 requests. The volumes of each request are derived from a Pareto distribution with minimum volume equals to 100GB and shape parameter equals to 1.5 leading to an average volume of 300GB per request. Each source has a maximum sending rate of 100Mbps or 1Gbps randomly choosen with equal probability. Similarly each transfer can be flexible and have a varying patience (Pr ∈ {1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 3}) or can have no flexibility (Pr = 1), probability of being a flexible requests is p. Slot duration is equal to 24 hours. As an example, with a sending rate of 100Mbps, a 300GB transfer has a minimum completion time (with patience equals to 1) of 6.67 hours. In the overall experiment the mean actual

• Slot duration: D; • Provisioning advance: A = D/2; • Granting advance: a = D/20; • Transfer request inter-arrival: D/12; • Number of requests: 2000; • Requests’ attributes: – tdr − tsr = d = D/2; 9

utilisation ratio (%)

120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40

Application-Specific Topology Builder (ASTB) required by the network infrastructure for performing immediate and in-advance reservations of networks resources for connections in a heterogeneous and multi-domain transport network. [17] suggests to make network reconfigurations available to application users by making visible all the resource and allowing them to send signaling message in carriers’ networks. This approach can be applied to specific distributed applications like e-science deployed over National Research and Educational Networks (NREN). To develop and adapt these facilities into an industrial context, CARRIOCAS proposes new management and control functions to evolve existing Telecom network infrastructures to deliver commercial services for company customers. Commercial services have to be built on an abstracted view of the infrastructures and resource signaling has to go through policy and business procedures before triggering network reconfiguration or resource reservations. In CARRIOCAS approach, company customers can access to well-defined abstracted view of the services exposed by the SRV. This approach allows network operators hiding the real topology and availability of their networks. G-Lambda [2] also considers the case of lambda paths as a commercial service (single provider or multi-provider case) but concentrates on the user to network interface specifications with Grid Network Services - Web-Service Interface (GNS-WSI). Most of these current hybrid network implementations, connection services are permanently or semi permanently configured and managed by proprietary Network Resource Provisioning System (NRPS). Several works expand the dynamic provisioning approach to IT resources. In [18] two different integrations of service plane and network control plane are proposed. First one is Grid enabled GMPLS (G2 MPLS) which implements GMPLS control functions and extend thme to include non-network resources as new switching capabilities. Second is a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over an Optical Burst Switching network (SIP-based OBS network) where SIP is used as service level signaling protocol and SIP proxies are used to access the OBS transport plane. They both suppose that network infrastructure topology, its capability and its states are accessible to the end-users. CARRIOCAS implements the virtual infrastructure concept by decoupling the management of the physical infrastructure (network element inventory, equipment and network maintenace and administration, performance monitoring, etc.) from the management of the services that can be delivered to external service providers. A dynamic bandwidth scheduling scheme which exploits the quasi-flexible nature of connectivity reservations and considers as we do two broad classes of generated network traffic, streaming and elastic, with same type of QoS requirements has been proposed in [19]. This problem was also studied by Burchard et al. in [20], where the concepts of malleable reservations to address

Pr = 1 Pr = 1.1 Pr = 1.2 Pr = 1.5 Pr = 2 Pr = 3


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 proportion of flexible requests


Fig. 9. Provisioned but unused bandwidth as a function of p for different patiences (Pr ∈ {1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 3}) with rounding to the upper 100Mbps. duration of transfer was observed to be of 6.33 hours. In this experiment, as maximum rate is fixed, increasing patience decreases minimum rate rrmin and thus increases transfer’s potential duration. We can observe on Fig. 9 that provisioning of this considered set of requests lead to an important waste of bandwidth when there is no flexibility (Pr = 1 or p = 0). But gain is linear with proportion of flexible requests as rrmin of flexible requests is Pr times smaller when the request is flexible while the number of flexible requests is p times the total number of requests. The second observation is that increasing the patience is an effecient way to decrease the over-provisioning. Increasing the patience of 10% from Pr = 1 to Pr = 1.1, which actually also increases transfer duration by 10%, increases the utilisation ratio by 20% when all requests are flexible. However this gain is not linear with patience as going from Pr = 1.1 to Pr = 3 only improves the provisioning by another 20%. 6.

Related works

One of the direction recently investigated in large scale distributed computing and data processing systems is the capability of dynamically establishing dedicated connection oriented circuit switching or lambda path like [2–4]. The current state-of-the-art is that these circuit services are configured manually either by fax, phone, e-mails or in selected cases with first generation web services. As an example of these new services, UCLP [3] (User controlled Light Paths) allows users and applications to partition and configure the resources of an optical network. CHEETAH project [15] (Circuit-switched High-speed End-to-End Transport Architecture) is also towards end-to-end connection oriented circuit in a GigaEth over SONET transport network with GMPLS control functions at the network elements. The goal of the DRAGON project [16] (Dynamic Resource Allocation via GMPLS Optical Networks) is to develop functions such as Network-Aware Resource Broker (NARB) and 10

bandwidth fragmentation was proposed. Our approach is similar to both proposals. However unlike in these related works, this paper formulates the problem and proposes linear programming approach which offers an optimal solution. In previous work [21, 22], multi-step allocation of time-constrained transfer requests have been studied under fixed capacity constraints. This work extends and demonstrates how the approach applies to any inadvance connectivity reservation service. [23] proposes an architecture relying on OBS which maps jobs to optical bursts. This solution is limited to jobs that can be put in burst and does not require interactivity or established circuit between fixed entities as video over IP. Our proposed approach can serve such requests through rate-based requests. In the context of self-sizing networks adaptively dimensioned as traffic changes several dynamic bandwidth allocation strategies have been proposed [24–26]. These approaches are all based on predictors. This paper considers a large fraction of the traffic is known in advance and is malleable. The bandwidth provisioning service is exposed to users. Our solution benefits of the traffic malleability and of the in-advance knowledge to adapt the resource reservation to its needs (or objective) and to provision the network equipments accordingly. 7.

this infrastructure has infinite resources. The proposed objective function is to minimize total amount of network resources reserved for the application workflows as requested by service providers. It is an important objective for service providers which have to pay for the reserved resources. Performance evaluation demonstrates how time slots and service demand rate granularities as well as malleability affect resource provisioning and its utilisation. Due to our accept-all policy, it is demonstrated that some transfer requests patterns leads to highly inefficient provisioning because of a large amount of unused bandwidth. This exhibits the advantages of constraining the end-users to express their service requests within a given range of parameters to force the patience to a certain value ( for example Pr ≥ 1.5), to avoid strict requests. Rejecting requests with disproportionate rrmin would also be beneficial, as they might force a provisioned capacity increase that other requests may not be able to use. Alternatively connectivity requests could also be charged differently based on their flexibility degree. In future works it is planned to integrate Immediate transfer requests. We also plan to expand the same service flexibility in the provisioning of the IT infrastructure. Currently some experiments of the automatic provisioning of conection services by interfacing the SRV service functions with the network equipements deployed in the CARRIOCAS pilot network. Thanks to its evolutive architecture, the dynamic reconfiguration functions of wavelength switched connections are envisioned through tunable and reconfigurable Add-Drop Multiplexers (T&R-OADMs) nodes and GMPLS based control functions. The node controllers could be upgraded to establish automatically the wavelength switched optical connections on-demand by communicating connectivity service end-points to client carrier Ethernet node embedding a dynamic protocol message exchanges in the form of RSVP-TE messages through a UNI interface to the photonic cross-connect servers.


Considering the convergence of the communication, computation and storage infrastructures of the Internet as exemplified by Coarse Grain Web Servers, the content, storage and computing resources for the end-users will strongly influence the developments of the Future Internet this paper advocates for the design, development and deployment of new infrastructure management functions to discover, select, reserve, co-allocate and reconfigure resources, schedule, monitor and control on real-time their usages. The emerging IT services providers will have to face service demand variations and need services for right-time access to right-sized capacities wich are currently not supported by current Telecom network infrastructures. The ”virtual infrastructure as a service” concept is developped to offer advanced IT services access on-demand and automatically thanks to extensible virtual private IT + Network capacities. The functions associated to dynamic resource provisioning are discovery, scheduling, co-allocation, self management. These functions are beeing studied and implemented in the SRV service functions of the CARRIOCAS project. This paper presents a flexible approach for dynamic bandwidth provisioning suitable for Telecom network operations. The proposed interface enables to specify malleable transfer requests and rigid requests in a common format. The corresponding Dynamic Bandwidth Provisioning problem has been formulated. It provides a solution for in advance malleable and rigid requests scheduling and the provisioning of underlying network infrastructure in case

Acknowledgement This work has been funded by the French ministry of Education and Research, INRIA, and CNRS, via ACI GRID’s Grid’5000 project and Aladdin ADT and the CARRIOCAS project (pˆole Syst´em@tic IdF). References 1. , “CARRIOCAS website,” (2008). http: // 2. S. R. Thorpe, L. Battestilli, G. Karmous-Edwards, A. Hutanu, J. MacLaren, J. Mambretti, J. H. Moore, K. S. Sundar, Y. Xin, A. Takefusa, M. Hayashi, A. Hirano, S. Okamoto, T. Kudoh, T. Miyamoto, Y. Tsukishima, T. Otani, H. Nakada, H. Tanaka, A. Taniguchi, Y. Sameshima, and M. Jinno, “G-lambda and enlightened: wrapped in middleware co-allocating compute and network resources across japan and the us,” in “GridNets ’07: Proceedings of the first international confer-


3. 4.


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