Oct 11, 2011 ... VISION EXPRESS, Europe's largest optical chain, has now thrown its weight
behind Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital,. Bihar's largest Eye Hospital ...
VISION EXPRESS INDIA joins hands with Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital, Bihar VISION EXPRESS, Europe's largest optical chain, has now thrown its weight behind Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital, Bihar's largest Eye Hospital which is undertaking the most ambitious blindness eradication program of the decade. Mastichak, Bihar, October 11, 2011 /India PRwire/ -- VISION EXPRESS, Europe's largest optical chain has now thrown its weight behind the the most ambitious blindness eradication programme of the decade. VISION EXPRESS INDIA have committed to support a project to eradicate blindness from the state of Bihar which has the worst cataract blindness problem in India. On World Sight Day 2011 Vision Express (VE) will fund all the cataract surgery carried out on that day by surgeons at the Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital (AJEH) at Mastichak, Bihar. Thereafter every pair of glasses with clean coat sold at Vision Express stores all over the country will mean a 25 Rupees donation to fund more surgery. VE has over 120 stores throughout Indiawith more coming up every month. Said CEO Guillaume Brouwet : " As a provider of products that ensure good sight to our customers, we are delighted to also be aiding the restoration of sight to those who cannot see at all. And by backing a well-planned programme that means to eliminate blindness altogether in Bihar, we feel that our contributions are making a huge impact." VE's decision was made following a visit to the Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital by Head of Business Development, ..Deb Mukherjee. Said Mukherjee: "I was deeply impressed by the high clinical standards and dedication I found at this rural hospital in Bihar." The AJEH is the largest eye hospital in Bihar curing up to 5,000 bind patients a month. The finite goal to eradicate blindness by the year 2020 is a joint initiative of the AJEH and international NGO Second Sight which has been working in rural north India for over a decade. Said Second Sight founder-ophthalmologist Dr. Lucy Mathen : "We set out to cure blindness in Bihar. And since we have been working with the AJEH we know that this is absolutely possible. The support of Vision Express has given us all an extra fillip." Said the AJEH Trustee Mritunjay Tiwary : "Through every pair of clean coat glasses sold, one more Indian connects to a poor, blind villager in Bihar. Vision Express is helping join two different Indias, their involvement is a CSR with a difference - a social responsibility which has nothing do with their profits. This partnership will help fulfill AJEH's vision - That nobody with a curable condition remains blind in Bihar by 2020" For more information, please contact: Himanshu Ashar Chartered Accountant (L) 022-26104460, (M) 9322446464, (F) 022-26136464 Mritunjay Tiwary Trustee and Project Head (M) 09934752812
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