Visual Specification of Multidimensional Queries based on a Semantic Data Model Michael Böhnlein, T-Systems Nova GmbH, Merianstr. 32, D-90409 Nuremberg, Germany
[email protected]
Markus Plaha, Achim Ulbrich-vom Ende University of Bamberg, Feldkirchenstr. 21, D-96045 Bamberg, Germany {markus.plaha | achim.ulbrich}
Abstract Multidimensional data analysis of online analytical processing (OLAP) tools has become an essential part of modern decision support systems. In addition to standard static reporting, major benefits of these tools include dynamic data navigation (drill-down, drill-up, drill-anywhere...) and ad-hoc querying. Unlike operational online transactional processing (OLTP) applications with static user interfaces, the dynamic data navigation aspects of OLAP applications force users to understand the underlying multidimensional data schema. Knowledge about the schema is essential for the quality of the query specification and responsible for the inferred decisions. Obviously, managers cannot be forced to learn the structure of the underlying data. Therefore, users need a multidimensional querying tool with a visual representation of the multidimensional schema to easily specify their information demands considering integrity constraints. In fact, most commercial tools provide users only with multidimensional business terms assuming their knowledge about the schema and neglecting the assistance in query specification. In this paper, we present an approach of a user-friendly visual multidimensional querying tool. Instead of taking for granted that users have knowledge of the underlying data, the tool provides users with the information about the data in a graphical representation of a semantic multidimensional data model. Starting from this data model, users can visually specify their information demands within the graphical representation. The tool assists users in combining the correct multidimensional business terms corresponding with the semantic data model.
Nowadays, companies cannot afford to miss the advantage of decision support applications. In providing the information necessary for the decision-makers, these tools allow to make faster and better decisions. This helps to minimize the risk of wrong conclusions. In recent years, data warehouse systems have become an essential part of modern decision support applications. Data warehouse systems enable efficient access to data from multiple heterogeneous data sources by storing the integrated data redundantly in an independent data store (data warehouse). From the user’s perspective, especially the dynamic data analysis functionality of online analytical processing (OLAP) tools tend to be an enormous success. In contrast to operational transactional applications (online transactional processing - OLTP), these tools provide an intuitive access to data within the warehouse by a multidimensional representation (Codd et al. 1993). Additionally, OLAP tools support dynamic data navigation (drill-down, drill-up, drill-anywhere etc.) and ad-hoc querying. In fact, the major benefit of OLAP tools is a substantial disadvantage at the same time. In order to use dynamic data analysis functionality, users have to understand the underlying multidimensional schema, the corresponding integrity constraints and the query language. Only with this knowledge users are able to transform their information demands into syntax of a multidimensional query. Misformulated queries or even misinterpreted query results can cause wrong decisions and become a high risk to a company. The knowledge about the schema is essential for the quality of the query specification. Therefore, interpretability is a hot topic in data quality research in the data warehouse community (English 1999, Jarke et al. 2000). It is obvious that managers cannot be forced to learn the structure of the underlying data. If the dynamic character of schemas is taken into account, this requirement becomes even more unrealistic. Finally, this leads to a demand of a visual multidimensional querying tool presenting the needed information and assisting users to specify their information demands. Unfortunately, most commercial tools provide the user only with multidimensional business terms within a tree-control assuming the user’s knowledge about the data model and neglecting the assistance in query writing. In this paper we present a new approach of a visual multidimensional querying tool based on a graphical representation of the underlying multidimensional schema. For the graphical representation we choose the Semantic Data Warehouse Model (SDWM) (Böhnlein, Ulbrich-vom Ende 2001). Its focus lies on a userfriendly representation of the semantic aspects of a multidimensional schema. One of the major benefits of this model is the explicit representation of a measurement system. The usability of the model has been proven within an existing data
warehouse project with non-technical end-users (Sinz et al. 2001). Starting from the graphical representation, users specify their information demands. The paper proceeds as follows: After this introduction, in the second part related work both from the scientific community and from the industry is described. The third part consists of the specification of queries in a data warehouse environment based on a semantic data model. The main advantages of the selected semantic data model are introduced. The constraints for the query specification are discussed and a real-world example from a university application domain is presented. In the fourth part the architecture of the developed prototype is demonstrated. Finally, summary and outlook to further improvements conclude the paper.
Related Work
In recent years, two different approaches of modeling and querying data warehouses have emerged: the concepts of the scientific community and the pragmatic industrial solutions. Both differ substantially from each other, and an integration of these concepts has not yet occurred. In the following, we discuss the influences that both the scientific community and the industry have had on our work. (1) The scientific community mainly focuses on the specification of modeling approaches and query languages. •
Modeling approaches: Most of the modeling approaches are characterized by three different modeling layers. •
The semantic layer comprises a business term-oriented specification considering no implementation details. „A MDM [Multidimensional Data Model; remark of author] is not tied to a physical representation of data.” (Raden 1996) On the semantic layer the so called semantic data models became particularly popular because of their rich expressive power.
The logical layer focuses on the applied database model, e.g. the relational, multidimensional or object-oriented model. In the warehouse community, star and snowflake schemas are well known transformations of the multidimensional model to a relational representation.
The physical layer considers implementation details based on the database management system, the operating system and the hardware
environment. Mainly performance and capacity constraints are relevant on this layer. Scientific methods mainly focus on semantic modeling approaches. A significant variety of different approaches have emerged. Some of the proposed models evolves further through a prototypical implementation supporting a commercial OLAP tool. Most popular of these approaches are mentioned in the following: •
Dimensional Fact Model (DFM) from Golfarelli, Maio, Rizzi (Golfarelli et al. 1998): The tool is called Warehouse Integrated Designer (WanD) (Golfarelli, Rizzi 2001).
Multidimensional Unified Modeling Language (mUML) from the Oldenburger Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Institut für InformatikWerkzeuge und –Systeme (Harren, Herden 1999): A tool prototype integrated in Rational Rose is available.
Fachkonzeptuelle Modellierung from Becker, Holten and Knackstedt (Becker, Holten, 1998). A Meta-MIS toolsuite supporting MicroStrategy has been developed (Holten 2000).
Multidimensional Entity-Relationship-Model (M/ERM) from Sapia, Blaschka and Höfling (Sapia et al. 1998): The graphical meta-datadriven modeling tool (GraMMi) implements a generic graphical modeling tool using a standard repository management system (Sapia et. al. 2000).
All of the modeling approaches described above and their prototypical implementation mainly focus on the documentation of semantic data models. They do not consider query specification for end-users based on the particular model. •
Query languages: Generally, query languages are based on a formal data model using an algebra or a calculus. Often declarative high-level query languages extending SQL with specific aggregation and analysis-oriented operators are applied. •
A Query Language for Multidimensional Arrays (Libkin et al. 1996).
A Rule-Based Language for Ordered Multidimensional Databases (Hacid et al. 1997).
nD-SQL: A Multidimensional Language for Interoperability and OLAP (Gingras, Lakshmanan 1998).
Emphasis is given to query optimization and not to end-user friendliness. Only Cabibbo and Torlone (Cabibbo, Torlone 1998) describe a visual query language which is based on their multidimensional logical data
model. This query language uses complex multilevel transformations to provide results. (2) Unfortunately, the industry has not adopted semantic data models from the scientific community so far. Instead of using graph representations of semantic data models, commercial products visualize business terms with components of conventional graphical user interfaces. They apply pragmatic approaches with the direct manipulation or drag and drop paradigm. MicroStrategy (MicroStrategy 2001) and Cognos (Cognos 2001) for example use a tree-view or a wizard-based approach to represent analytical results in a grid or a graph. In this paper, we illustrate the graphical specification of queries based on a semantic data model. Our contribution is to integrate the endeavours from the industry and the scientific community and we do this in three stages: (1) Model: Modeling multidimensional schemas with a meaningful and implementation independent semantic data model (part 3.1). (2) Selection: Use of the semantic data model to select components of a query (part 3.2). This leads to the following advantages: •
Considering constraints and complex dependencies within the semantic model leads to consistent and meaningful end-user results.
A visual specification based on a graph provides selections through endusers in an intuitive manner.
(3) Query: Generating queries which lead to a grid or graph representation of the results (part 3.3).
Queries in a Data Warehouse Environment based on a Semantic Data Model
SDWM – A Semantic Data Warehouse Model
So far, no semantic multidimensional modeling approach has become generally accepted due to their respective deficits and the lack of support from the data warehouse industry (Böhnlein 2001). Therefore, in this part we introduce the Semantic Data Warehouse Model (SDWM) (Böhnlein, Ulbrich-vom Ende 2001). SDWM is better suited for the visual specification of queries through decision-
makers than conventional semantic data models. This will be described in the following. The multidimensional cube metaphor implies the representation of quantitative enterprise information from different qualitative perspectives. SDWM is a data model developed explicitly for modeling such multidimensional data structures. Therefore, all components of SDWM are aligned to the semantics of the multidimensional paradigm: •
mastering complexity: SDWM distinguishes between different views on a multidimensional data structure, e.g. dimensional view or measurement system view, to improve focus and clarity.
meta model: There is a detailed meta model in a semiformal specification, which defines all components and their relationships from a syntactical as well as from a semantic point of view (Böhnlein 2001).
proven method: An extensive model of action for SDWM is available which has been applied in the CEUS data warehouse project (Sinz et al. 2001). It describes the derivation of data warehouse structures from enterprise goals and business processes (Böhnlein, Ulbrich-vom Ende 2000; Böhnlein, Holten et al. 2001).
measurement system: SDWM considers multilevel relationships between measures and their corresponding computation rules even across different cubes.
additivity: It permits the specification of multilevel additivity of measures regarding their corresponding dimensions.
support for the multidimensional paradigm: SDWM differentiates explicitly between quantitative aspects (measures) and their qualitative aspects (dimensions). It also supports special cases of multidimensional modeling like parallel or unbalanced hierarchies.
bases for discussion for decision-makers: It represents business terms solely in a semiformal graph-oriented way and contains no implementation details in order to simplify the transferability to real-world problems.
Instead of a formal description of the SDWM, we give a short, informal description based on a case study. Figure 1 shows a partial multi cube SDWM schema. Each integrated schema comprises two main areas: dimensions and measures which are connected to each other.
ratio of enrolled students [field of study | faculty] number of enrolled students [field of study] / number of enrolled students [faculty]
ratio of cancelled study agreements number of cancelled study agreements / number of enrolled students
ratio of cancelled study agreements [semester | previous semester] number of cancelled study agreements [semester] / number of cancelled study agreements [previous semester]
number of cancelled study agreements
number of enrolled students
S:time S:time national
field of study
subject group
reason for leaving university
all all
field of study
geographical origin
reason for leaving university
hierarchy level
atomic measure
measure relationship
aggregation relationship
complex measure
dimension interface
Figure 1: An example of a SDWM schema (1) dimensional view: The schema consists of four dimensions (field of study, time, geographic origin and reason for leaving university). A regular dimension (e.g. time) contains one hierarchy which consists of levels connected by aggregation relationships. The standard cardinality of a aggregation relationship (1:N) can be overwritten (e.g. a country comprises zero to sixteen states). Each dimension has an all-dimension-level and is related to atomic measures by so called dimension interfaces. Two special types of dimension hierarchies exist: •
parallel hierarchies: The dimension contains more than one reasonable hierarchy (e.g. dimension field of study).
unbalanced hierarchies: The occurrence level of a dimension builds a tree-structure with different path lengths from the root member to the leaf members. Two or more dimension interfaces on different levels complemented by role names show an unbalanced hierarchy in SDWM (e.g. dimension geographic origin).
(2) system of measurement view: There are two kinds of measures: atomic measures and complex measures forming a system of measurement:
atomic measures: Atomic measures describe elementary facts without further computation rules, e.g. number of enrolled students and number of cancelled study agreements. There are two special kinds of atomic measures: dimensional measures and conditional measures. A dimensional measure is related to at least one level of a dimension, e.g. number of enrolled students at a faculty (faculty written in pointed brackets). However, a conditional measure contains a filter condition on at least one member of a level, e.g. number of cancelled study agreements in the previous semester. Both dimensional and conditional measures are basic building blocks of complex measures. A dimension interface, the relationship between atomic measures and dimensions, can be specified more precisely by additivity details. Both atomic measures in figure 1 are not additive (S : time) in regard to the time dimension, because they are stock measures.
complex measures: Complex measures are multilevel derived measures connected by measure relationships and are complemented by computation rules. Complex measures are often ratio figures. Normally, three types of ratios are distinguished: •
type 1: A relative figure describes the ratio of two measures with equal status and unequal type, for example the number of cancelled study agreements (dimensional measure) referred to the number of enrolled students leads to the ratio of cancelled study agreements (dimensional measure).
type 2: A constructional figure specifies a ratio of a part to the whole, e.g. the relationship between a number of enrolled students in a field of study and the enrolled students in a faculty.
type 3: An index figure describes deviations of two measures with equal status and unequal temporal occurrence, e.g. the ratio of cancelled study agreements from a semester (conditional measure) related to its previous semester (conditional measure).
The schema in figure 1 shows the relationship between two multidimensional data structures (so called hypercubes). One hypercube comprises the dimensions (field of study, time and geographical origin), the atomic measure number of enrolled students and all of its derived measures. The second hypercube consists of all four dimensions, the atomic measure number of cancelled study agreements and all of its derived measures.
Query Specification Constraints
In this section we present an informal description of the constraints necessary for the specification of multidimensional queries. The basic idea of our query specification process is the selection of the relevant multidimensional objects (measures, dimension levels) within a visual representation of the underlying multidimensional SDWM (figure 2). Therefore, we have to introduce the necessary components of a query: • Multidimensional Query Specification (MQS): A multidimensional query specification consists of a template and a filter: •
Template: A template contains the visible components of the query result. For example the template of the report in figure 3 contains the dimension levels university, semester, faculty and the measures number of enrolled students, number of cancelled study agreements, ratio of cancelled study agreements. Therefore, a template consists of two sets:
Set of Selected Measures (SM): The set of selected measures contains all measures selected within the SDWM diagram that are visible in the query result.
Set of Selected Dimension Levels (SL): This is the set of dimension levels selected within the SDWM diagram that are visible in the query result.
Filter: A filter contains conditions to restrict the result set (figure 4).
Furthermore, for the query specification process we need an additional definition: • Set of Selectable Dimension Levels (SAL): The set of selectable dimension levels includes all levels that could be selected or removed during the query specification process within the SDWM diagram considering the selected measures. In the following we give an informal description of the functions selecting a measure, deselecting a measure, selecting a dimensional level, deselecting a dimensional level and checking the query specification for non-additivity: • Selecting a measure: The selection of a new measure within the SDWM diagram means adding a new measure to the template of the query specification. After selecting the measure it is appended to the set of selected measures (SM). Furthermore, for the additional dimensions all levels have to be integrated to the set of selectable dimension levels (SAL) and the set of selected levels (SL) has to be enhanced with the all-dimension-level of the respective dimensions. In the case of a dimensional measure – that is restricted to a level of one or more dimensions – for a better interpretability of the result
set, the template of the query has to be enhanced with these levels. To prevent the deselection of levels of a dimensional measure, the levels have to be removed from the set of selectable levels (SAL). Furthermore, the alldimension-level of these dimensions have to be removed from the selectable (SAL) and the selected levels (SL). If the new measure is a conditional one, the conditions have to be integrated to the filter of the query specification. • Deselecting a measure: Removing a measure from a query specification causes not only the measure to be removed from the template, but also the levels of dimensions with no further corresponding measure. These levels also have to be removed form the set of selectable levels (SAL). Furthermore, in the case of a conditional measure, the associated conditions have to be removed from the filter. •
Selecting a dimension level: To be able to select a dimension level, this level has to be a member of the set of selectable levels (SAL). The new level has to be added and the all-dimension-level of this dimension has to be removed from the template. If the new dimension level is the all-dimension-level, all other levels of this dimension have to be removed from the template. In the case of parallel dimension levels with alternative paths (e.g. the different geographic origin levels Kanton and Bundesland for students living in Switzerland resp. Germany) only one of these levels can be a member of the template. Therefore, the corresponding levels have to be removed from the template and from the set of selectable levels (SAL).
• Deselecting a dimension level: As mentioned above, only levels of the set of selectable levels (SAL) can be removed from the template. This dimension level has to be removed from the template. If there exist no further levels of this dimension in the template, the all-dimension-level has to be added. In case the deselected level is part of a parallel hierarchy with alternative paths, the corresponding dimension levels have to be selectable again. Therefore, these levels are added to the set of selectable levels (SAL). • Checking the query specification for non-additivity: All measures of the query specification that are not additive related to one or more dimensions have to be taken into consideration. The non-additive levels of these measures have to be member of the template or just one occurrence of these levels has to be added to the filter conditions.
Query specification with SDWM
The following example reveals four stages to specify a query: (1) Selection of query components using the semantic data warehouse model while constraints on the selection are verified. (2) Specifying the grid layout of the chosen components. (3) Specification of conditions limiting the result-set. (4) Executing the query. The use of SDWM (part 3.1) and the query constraints (part 3.2) are applied on the example of part 3.1: Step 1: The decision-makers select components for a query by means of the visual specification of SDWM (figure 2). Starting point is the selection of the applied measures of the query. Thereby all reasonable dimensions are determined. In this example, we first select the measure number of enrolled students. Consequently, the corresponding dimensions field of study, time, geographical origin and their respective all-dimension-level are highlighted. Within the dimensional structure the user can choose the appropriate levels. Through selecting the levels university and faculty of the field of study dimension, the query is specified more precisely. The next step is to add the derived complex measure ratio of cancelled study agreements to the query specification. Available dimensions are determined transitively within the system of measurement. Additionally, the dimension reason for leaving university is highlighted. Adding the measure number of cancelled study agreements does not change the set of available dimensions. Constraints prevent the user from selecting invalid levels in a parallel hierarchy. The selection of the level subject group is not possible if the template contains the faculty level. Furthermore, the tool assists the user in specifying appropriate levels when measures are not additive. The measures number of enrolled students and number of cancelled study agreements are not additive regarding the time dimension. To avoid the aggregation of these measures over several semesters, either the template has to be extended by the level semester or the query has to be restricted to one semester within the filter conditions. Removing components, such as measures or levels, from the actual selections works in the same intuitive manner. All concerned constraints are applied transitively. The user can concentrate on the visualization of business terms and their relationships when specifying a query without considering the underlying implementation of the multidimensional schema. Constraints prevent end users from selecting unreasonable queries.
Figure 2: Visual selection of query components using a SDWM schema Step 2: In the second step, the end user can define the layout of the query components like in most other industrial solutions. Therefore, a template with all selected measures and dimension levels is shown on the right side of the figure 3.
On default all selected levels are placed on columns. In our example, university remains in the columns while semester and faculty are moved to the rows using a context menu entry.
Figure 3: Specification of the grid layout Step 3: In the third step, the end user can specify a condition to restrict the resulting amount of data. A classical tree view is used for this selection. It has to be taken into account that in this step all levels (not only the selected ones) can lead to a conditional statement. The user is able to create complex conjunctions applying and, or respectively not operators. In our example (figure 4), the condition includes three semesters (summer term 2009, winter term 2009/2010, summer term 2010) connected by the default operator and.
Figure 4: Specification of filter criteria Step 4: In the final step, the decision-maker executes the query. Thereby an internal semantic representation of the specified query is transformed into a logical representation. Presuming a relational implementation, the logical model consists of tables, views and columns. This representation is transformed into a physical layer. An optimized SQL query is built including implementation details of the underlying relational database system. Furthermore, the SQL query is adapted to the storage structures of the used commercial tool, e.g. in supporting partition mapping tables. A detailed description of the query transformation would go beyond the scope of this paper.
Figure 5: Result of the query as a cross-classified table The query results are presented as a cross-classified table (figure 5). In this crossclassified table view, conventional OLAP operators, such as drill down, roll up and pivot, can be used for further data navigation. In the next part, the architecture of the implemented tool is described in detail.
Tool Architecture
The prototype is implemented according to the client/server architecture (Plaha 2000) (figure 6). From a logical point of view the application logic is distributed between client and server, the presentation layer resides on the client, and the data management layer is located on the server. In order to develop a platform independent tool, we decided to use Java as the programming language. All physical architectural aspects are implemented on top of Java class libraries (data management by Java database connectivity (JDBC), user interface with SWING and Java foundation classes (JFC) and communication between client and server by remote method invocation (RMI)). The different layers fulfil the following tasks:
logical architecture
client 1 ... client n
data management D
physical architecture
application logic A2
application logic A1
Java class libraries
Java class libraries
presentation P
legend: logical layer
physical relationship
logical layer PG
physical layer
physical layer
implementation through program (PG)
logical relationship
Figure 6: Logical and physical tool architecture •
The presentation layer (P) is responsible for user interaction when specifying queries, e.g. visualization of SDWM elements and the selection of the required components.
On the application logic layer (A) we can distinguish between two parts (A1 and A2). A2 validates the combination of the schema elements by verifying the schema constraints according to the implemented rules (part 3.2). It builds an internal semantic representation of the specified query. A1 translates semantic aspects to logical aspects. Only a relational transformation using star and snowflake schemas is supported so far.
The data management layer (D) comprises two different interfaces. One provides access to a specific database management system. The second interface allows the integration of commercial data warehouse suites. So far, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and MicroStrategy 6 are supported.
Because of the chosen tool architecture the application can easily be extended by local modifications. Two different layers have to be adapted to extend the capabilities of the tool. The transformation on A1 can be extended to support other database models, e.g. the object-oriented or the object-relational model. Different implementations of the two interfaces on layer D lead to support additional database management systems and commercial tools like Cognos.
Summary and Outlook
In this paper, we presented a new approach of a visual multidimensional querying tool. Instead of introducing a new multidimensional query language or algebra, we focused on the support of the end users to transform easily their requirements into the syntax of a multidimensional query. To disburden the end user from memorization of the knowledge about the underlying multidimensional data structures, our tool bases on a graphical representation of the multidimensional schema in a Semantic Data Warehouse Model (SDWM). Starting from this graphical representation, the tool assists the user in specifying multidimensional queries easily considering the corresponding integrity constraints. This lead to an improved interpretability of the query specification process. The flexible architecture of the tool enables further extensions, for example to integrate a component for Microsofts OLE DB for OLAP and the specification of MDX (Multidimensional Extensions) queries. The implemented prototypical tool is a further component of the Java Data Warehousing Toolsuite (Böhnlein, Plaha, Ulbrich-vom Ende 2001). This suite of prototypical tools has been developed to test research assumptions for the improvement of information quality in data warehouse systems. Currently the toolsuite comprises a modeling tool, an extraction and source analysis tool, a tool for the automatic historization during warehouse loading and a query specification tool.
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