Vitamin D levels in Egyptian HCV patients (Genotype 4) treated with pegylated interferon A.A. Mohamed1, N.A. Sabry2, M.M. Abbassi2, W.A. Ibrahim3, Z.A. Ali-Eldin3 (1) Biochemistry Department, National Hepatology and Tropical Medicine Research Institute ; (2) Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University ; (3) Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.
Abstract Background/Aim : Vitamin D has been shown to play an im!"#$%&$' ())*&")"+*,%$"#-'#",./'0.12(.&2-'"3'4($%)(&'0'5%6'7..&' recently associated to the lack of response to interferon therapy in Hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infected patients. This study aims to evaluate serum level of vitamin D and verify whether circulating vitamin D has any independent role in predicting the rates of HCV virologic response after the administration of pegylated interferon to Egyptian patients infected with genotype 4 HCV. Methods : Fifty patients infected with HCV genotype 4 and not co-infected with neither Hepatitis B virus nor Human Immuno+.31.&2-' 8(#*6' 9.#.' #.2#*($.+' 3"#' $5.' 6$*+-/' :5.-' 9.#.' $#.%$.+' with ribavirin-pegylated interferon alpha 2a. Viral titer was determined at baseline, at 12 weeks and at end of treatment (48 weeks). 8($%)(&'0',.4.,6'%&+'%'7("25.)(2%,'!#"1,.'9.#.'"7$%(&.+'3"#'$5.' patients at baseline and at end of treatment. Vitamin D control group consisting of 20 healthy patients of similar age and weight to the study group were recruited to obtain vitamin D levels. Results :'8($%)(&'0',.4.,6'(&';
Methods Study Subjects Inclusion Criteria T,56)! #53U$.)#! "'$,! 3$)=$$&! AOHR?! /$"4#J! =D1! =$4$! diagnosed with chronic HCV infection, genotype 4,
Correspondence to : Nirmeen A. Sabry, Ass. Prof. Clinical Pharmacy, Cairo University. E-mail :
[email protected] V53*%##%1&!,")$!W!7L@?Q@7?A7 T..$C)"&.$!,")$!W!AE@A?@7?A7
Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, Vol. LXXVI, January-March 2013
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Vitamin D levels in egyptian HCV patients
!C4$#$&)%&'! "! 31,/! *"##! %&,$e! 9P`M@N0!SD$!(%4"6! titer was obtained at the time of biopsy from all the screened patients at baseline just before injection of PEG-IFN, at 12 weeks (early viral response, EVR) and at end-of-treatment. For this assessment, 5 mL blood samples were withdrawn for the entire screened subjects and
Vitamin D Analysis The analysis of serum 25 (OH) D was performed using 25-OH-Vitamin D direct ELISA- quantitative sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (IBL International, ;"*354'J!Z$4*"&/?!&'@*6?0E8!b!70Q!&'@*6J! =D$4$! )D$! *"U14%)/! 12! )D$! !C")%$&)#!#D1=$,!#52-.%$&)!78!9:;
57 (15)
;$C")%.! %&f"**")%1&! "&,! -341#%#! =$4$! '4",$,! !"..14,%&'! )1! `1,%-$,! a&1,$66g#! 9M#D"d! 14! L! 15)! 12! R0! SD$! `1,%-$,! Histological Activity Index (HAI), indicating the necro%&f"**")14/!C41.$##J!="#!8!14!R!15)!12!AO!%&!R7F!12!)D$! C")%$&)#0!K%)"*%&!+!6$($6#!=$4$!&1)! #%'&%-."&)6/!,%22$4$&)!"*1&'!C")%$&)!'415C#!=%)D!,%22$4$&)!-341#%#!#.14$!14! HAI (Fig. 2). T##$##%&'! 6%($4! 25&.)%1&J! TVS! 6$($6#! #%'&%-."&)6/! .D"&'$,! ")! LO! =$$d#! 9LR! b! 7>J! C! j!?0???
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A.A. Mohamed et al. Table 3. — clinical and demographic characteristics of the studied population (n = 50). patients’ characteristics before treatment are divided according to response at EOT. categorical variables are presented as number of patients (percentage) and continuous variables are presented as medians (range) Parameter
Responders (N = 32)
Non Responders (N = 18)
Male gender
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Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, Vol. LXXVI, January-March 2013
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