Dancing Rainbows. Spelling lists. *If your child gets more than one wrong on the
pretest they should study the following list for the spelling test on Day 5. 1. wild.
Received in revised form 24 November 2009. Accepted 26 November 2009. Keywords: CD-ROM storybook. Vocabulary. Word reading. Story comprehension.
Dancing, Singing, Painting, and Speaking the Healing Story: Healing ......
Drumming at the Mount Elgin Indian Residential School ... youth, adults and
Vocabulary. Dancing Rainbows. A Pueblo Boy's Story. Key Vocabulary for Test. 1
. ancestors: people one's family comes from. 2. elders: someone who is older ...
Vocabulary Dancing Rainbows A Pueblo Boy’s Story Key Vocabulary for Test 1.
ancestors: people one’s family comes from
elders: someone who is older and often a wise and respected leader in a group
honor: to show respect to or for someone or something
imitating: copying what someone does
respect: to show special consideration, appreciation, or admiration to or for someone or something
Extra Practice 6.
plaza: an open area in a town or city where people gather
bustle: gathered material or decoration worn at the back, around or below the waist
illegal: against the law; not allowed
yelp: make a short, sharp yell
10. tassels: decorations made of loose threads tied at one end and hanging free at the other 11. powwows: gatherings or meeting of Native Americans