Vocal Asia Festival 2013

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and is the Headmaster of The Real Academy; an online school for vocal ensemble music. ... Mia studied with vocalist Meredith Monk, Lynn Book and Rhiannon ...
Vocal Asia Festival 2013 Taoyuan, Taiwan Version: 13.06.05


About Vocal Asia Festival Established in 2010, Vocal Asia is an organization that unites the A Cappella communities around Asia to create a communication platform for Asia's A Cappella musicians, singers, and audience. Organized by this platform, Vocal Asia Festival (VAF) is one of the biggest international A Cappella music events in Asia,, including forum, workshops, master classes, and concerts. As an "moving festival" between different cities in Asia, VAF gives the participants a chance to exchange culture, music, and learn from not only the master groups invited by Vocal Asia, but also from each other.


What’s New This Year? In additional to Peder Karlsson and Kaichiro Kitamura from VAF 2011, this year we also invited the Vocal Asia’s US advisor - Deke Sharon, body and sound artist – Mia Hsieh, and world-renowned A Cappella groups: - Rajaton from Finland, and - Freeplay Duo from Canada In order to learn A Cappella from different perspective, we divided the workshops into different categories : - technique, - creativity, - having fun singing, - regional Asian music, - discussion. Introducing “Single Singers!!” If you are coming by yourselves, this is the chance to perform with other singers who also come without a group to sing with! This is truly an experience of culture and music exchange.


Festival Teachers Rajaton

The Finnish word Rajaton translates as "boundless" – a word that so accurately describes the way this sixvoice a cappella ensemble approaches music. Regularly performing around a hundred concerts and workshops each year, Rajaton exposes their audiences to the kind of diversity of repertoire, singing style, and stage presentation that has made them a phenomenon on the world stage.


Festival Teachers Freeplay Duo

Multifaceted musicians Suba Sankaran and Dylan Bell join forces to create the FreePlay Duo. Described as “inspired eclecticism”, Dylan and Suba will take you from the concert halls of Europe, to the jazz clubs of Manhattan, to the temples of India, and back to the cultural mosaic of their native Toronto… all without leaving your seat. From Bach to Bird to the Beatles, Dylan and Suba effortlessly cross musical boundaries, continually combining and recombining sounds to create a concert of endless variety, with the intimate delivery of two people.


Festival Teachers Peder Karlsson

Peder Karlsson is a singer, composer and vocal ensemble teacher. From 1984 to 2010, as a former member of the world renowned a cappella group The Real Group, which made over 2000 concerts all over the world and CDs that have won Grammy awards. Peder is now in charge of The Real Group‘s educational and internet activities and is the Headmaster of The Real Academy; an online school for vocal ensemble music. He has taught vocal ensembles in music colleges and at music festivals around the world. Vocal Groups that he has worked with include Rajaton (Finland), The Idea Of North (Australia), MaybeBop (Germany), Basta (Germany), and The Swingle Singers (England). Since February 2011 Peder has been appointed the Artistic Director of the rhythmic choir "Perpetuum Jazzile", Slovenia.


Festival Teachers Kaichiro Kitamura

Kaichiro Kitamura is famous as a singer and vocal percussionist in Japan. Born in 1974 and a former member of TRY-TONE, he started doing vocal percussion as a child. He can make sounds that sound just like real drumming while breathing in and out. This kind of sound is unique and can accompany both instrumental as well as choral groups. He held a vocal drumming workshop for singers at the Taiwan Choral ensemble Festival, 2007 / 2008, and in South Korea he has held numerous workshops for students during over 30 visits. He is also invited as a guest performer for recordings and at concerts. Now, as a member of 'Azoo', he works with some great musicians such as Yoshihiko Naya, Masayuki Tawarayama, Hironobu Saito and Yonwoo Kim (a South Korean folk singer). He is also now trying out vocal percussion in jazz.


Festival Teachers Mia Hsieh

Vocalist and Choreographer Mia Hsieh has created several evening length productions which explore worlds of movement, sound and theater from her own unique perspective. Mia draws creative inspiration from her roots in Asian culture as well as an assimilation of experimental and improvisational arts forms. Her vocal influences range from ethnic to experimental music. She most often performs her own created language; chanting, speaking and singing with a deep emotion that reaches beyond words. Mia is the vocalist of the internationally recognized A Moving Sound Music Ensemble performing in many respected festivals in Europe, America and Asia more than 15 countries. Mia studied with vocalist Meredith Monk, Lynn Book and Rhiannon, and her unique teaching guides deeply into creativity and self exploration.

Festival Schedule S C H E D U L E

Aug. 22 Thursday

Aug. 23 Friday

Aug. 24 Saturday

Aug. 25 Sunday







Workshop (2 sessions)

Workshop (2 sessions)

Workshop (2 sessions)

TIAF Concert



TIAF Concert

TIAF Concert: Rajaton

*Subject to change. For updated information please visit www.vocalasia.com **All workshop will be taught in English. Course selection will begin on June 15, 2013

Workshop Overview Category W O R K S H O P


Ensemble Technique

-Learn to Rehearse -Speeding Up? -Anything Can Happen

-Beyond Music -Finding Groove -Coaching Session

Creativity in Specific Areas

-Bass and Drum -Arranging -Live Looping in A Cappella -Vocal Percussion -Instrumental Singing

Nothing but Singing

-Circle Song -Music and Body

Asian Flavor

-Indian Vocal Music

Let’s Talk More…

-Meet and Sing with Rajaton -Meet and Sing with Freeplay Duo -A Cappella Music Business/Management -CD Production

-XXL Vocal Group -Single Singers

Ensemble Technique Workshop W O R K S H O P


Learn to rehearse (Ahti/Rajaton)

How to rehearse without a conductor? Ahti will go through some methods on how to work with intonation, time, sound, blend and some other important aspects of vocal ensemble singing. *Group needs to prepare 2-3 songs in advance.

Beyond Music (Essi/Rajaton)

Essi will talk about the responsibility and trust in a small group by letting the singers experiment and explore through simple exercises like singing, shifting focus, and having discussion of observations. We would talk about how to make a group of people be at their best with each other. *At least one demonstration group will be needed.

Speeding up? Finding Groove (Freeplay Duo)

Timekeeping and grooving are not just the job of the vocal percussionist: everyone in a vocal group must learn to keep time together. This workshop teaches vocal ensembles how to groove together, find that elusive "swing", and learn to find their "inner drummer" together.

Anything can happen (Peder Karlsson)

All singers need to feel that they are important for the development of the whole group. This is necessary for an organic process where each singer takes individual responsibility. These exercises build a foundation for the group’s ability to find a collective blend based on a deep knowledge of the contributions of each person.

Creativity in Specific Areas Workshop



Bass and drum (Jussi/Rajaton)

Jussi will demonstrate his technique of combining singing bass lines and doing vocal percussion at the same time. During the workshop the participants will have a chance to learn a few patterns from Rajaton songs.

Arranging (Dylan Bell)

Arranging experts Dylan Bell and Deke Sharon, authors of the book "A Cappella Arranging", will demonstrate the "Ten Steps" method to vocal arranging as taught in the book. Dylan and Deke will also autograph any books purchased at the workshop.

Live Looping in A Cappella (Freeplay Duo)

FreePlay Duo uses “live-looping” in performance. In this workshop, Dylan gives a “behind-the-scenes” look at how these complex arrangements are put together, and how you can use live looping with your vocal group.

Instrumental singing (Hannu/Rajaton)

This class will be focusing on knowing the parts belong to "instrument”. Students will be asked to create new kinds of sound by playing with their voice, to think and phrase like instruments. These will be demonstrated by Rajaton's scores and recordings.

Music and Vocal Percussion (Kaichiro Kitamura)

This workshop will focus on how to apply the basic knowledge into music. Kaichiro will create exercises based on students’ skills. You learn how to organize your patterns using your ‘oral’ drum set. Moreover, you will love music more and more…. Have fun!!

Sing and Have Fun! Workshop W O R K S H O P


Circle Songs (Freeplay Duo)

An Approach to Group Improvisation. This workshop include physical, breathing and vocal exercises to begin. Various rounds and multi-layered rhythms will be taught in a call-and-response way. Various vocal ideas (melody, harmony, rhythm, ostinato, bass lines) are given by the leader and incorporated/improvised by the singers.

XXL Vocal Group (Peder Karlsson)

Peder is the artistic director of Slowenia’s most famous pop choir, Perpetuum Jazzile. He will teach the students to sing some of the group’s repertoire, get a feeling what it’s like to sing in such a large a cappella group. *Preparation required.

Source of Energy (Mia Hsieh)

The source of sound is breathing. One can produce good sound only when you understand breathing. This workshop leads you to feel your body and sense the inner space when breathing and working on producing the energy, further into producing sounds through body movements and sing with every cell in your body.

Limitless Creativity (Mia Hsieh)

This workshop explores one’s unique inner potential, develop confident creativity, let go the pressure and just enjoy performing. With a positive atmosphere, Mia will work on dramatic facial expression, body and sound games, sound painting, space sensibility, and group improvisation, help you to think outside the box and enjoy creativity.

Asian Flavor/Let’s Talk More… Workshop W O R K S H O P


Indian Vocal Music (Suba/Freeplay Duo)

Wanna sing like Bollywood? Curious about what the flower dance teacher was saying in “The Life of Pi”? Suba teaches the basic elements of classical Indian music: raga (melody) and tala (rhythm). This includes specific vocal techniques such as gamakas (microtonal inflections), solkattu (vocal drum language), and some songs taught by-rote to demonstrate these techniques.

Meet and Sing with Rajaton

Rajaton will share their experience in singing as a group, and have the students to sing some of their repertoires together.

Meet and Sing with Freeplay Duo

Dylan and Suba will demonstrate both their live, two-voice vocal style, plus offer some examples of their live-looping repertoire. This informal, interactive workshop will allow for plenty of question-and-answer time, and the Duo will also teach a simple vocal song "by heart".

CD Production

From pre-production to recording, mixing, mastering and manufacturing, share an experience of how to make a professional vocal music album.

A Cappella Management/Business (TBA)

Representatives of different A Cappella organizations and groups to share real circumstances when it comes to group dynamic, finding sponsors, and how to expose your group in a short/long run.

Special Project Coming by yourself? Join the Single Singers


Dutch Singers Annemarie Homan and Emily May't Hoen started this project in January 2012. Learn your parts at home, meet new friends at the festival, have two rehearsals and one glorious performance. Join forces with new people and meet in the music!

TIAF Open Air Concert August 24, 7:30pm* An evening with groups participating the festival


August 25, 3:30pm An afternoon with groups participating the festival, including the Single Singers, and the master group Freeplay Duo. August 25, 7:30pm Rajaton, a phenomenal group of singers brings everyone to the beautiful Finnish landscape. *All groups attending the festival are encouraged to participate in this concert to share your beautiful music. Please prepare 2-4 songs for your show. The detailed information will be released on Vocal Asia website.

Festival Pass The best way to participate in the Vocal Asia Festival is to get a festival pass which you can join workshops. For groups that wish to receive a coaching sessions, please note that each session is 90 minutes, and it is not included in the festival pass. Individual workshop is also available for those who cannot join the whole festival. Festival Pass (Early Bird) – US$220/Person Festival Pass (Regular Bird) – US$310/Person P A S S

Group Coaching (Early Birds) – US$220/Group Group Coaching (Regular Birds) – US$310/Group Individual workshop – US$55/Session

Application Group participant please click here for the blue application form Individual participant please click here for the pink application form Important Dates: March 15, 2013 – Application beings June 20, 2013 – Early Bird application and payment deadline June 15, 2013 – Workshop selection begin: July 31, 2013 – Regular Bird application and payment deadline: P A S S

Please note: More information regards to the festival can be found at www.vocalasia.com/news



All payments shall be made by either of the following options: • PayPal – Festival Pass (Early Bird) – US$220/Person Festival Pass (Regular Bird) – US$310/Person Group Coaching (Early Birds) – US$220/Group Group Coaching (Regular Birds) – US$310/Group Individual workshop – US$55/Session • Bank Transfer – Account Name: Vocal Asia Bank: Far Eastern International Bank, Taipei Chung-Hsiao Branch, Taipei, Taiwan Branch Number: 8050311 Account Number: 031-001-000-12443 SWIFT Code: FEINTWTP Memo: VAF 2013 (Name of group or applicant)

Practical information All workshop and concerts will take place at the Taoyuan County Performing Arts Center. For a detailed map with airport, train stations, food, and hotels, please go to VAF 2013 Map or click on the map below:


Special Thanks to… Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taoyuan County Government Taoyuan County Government Arts Facilities Management Center A House CJCHT Co-Organizer A ART


Contact Us Vocal Asia [email protected] 11F No.35 Sec. 1 Zhongxiao E. Rd. 100 Zhongzheng District, Taipei. Taiwan Tel: +886 (0) 2 3393 1211 Fax: +886 (0) 2 3383 7771 www.vocalasia.com