25V PERCY FRENCH SONG(Over 15yrs). One song of own ... or MUSICAL with
piano accompaniment. ... accompanied by full entry fee (except irish dancing).
21V THE TONY McNIFFE MEMORIAL CUP Solo from a musical (Under 15 years) With Piano accompaniment. Entrance Fee: €10.00 22V ORATORIO OR SACRED SOLO (Over 15 years) With piano accompaniment One Aria or Sacred Solo of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
23V GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOLO (Over 15 years) Competitors sing a song or aria of own choice from any of the Gilbert & Sullivan operas. Costume optional. Entrance Fee: €10.00
VOCAL MUSIC ENTRY FORM (Please complete all sections)
Name/Names .............................................................................. Address ......................................................................................... ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Date of Birth ................................................................................ Do you require the official accompanist Have you enclosed copy of music Competition Number
............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................
The deadline for entries is Friday 26th January 2018
Vocal Music
............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ Total € I agree to be bound by the rules of the Feis Committee. Should I win a trophy or cup I agree to return it in good condition to the Committee on or before the closing date for entries for the following year.
PLEASE ENCLOSE A STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE Signed ............................................................................................ (Competitor/Parent/Teacher)
Tel.No:..................................... Date ............................................ This entry form may be photocopied Email:
[email protected] Web: www.feis-shligigh.ie
Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4nd Match, 2018 The Model, The Mall, Sligo Please send entries by email to:
[email protected] and confirm with entry fees by post to Ann O’Hara, Drumcliffe, Co. Sligo. Phone: 071-9145414. Mobile: 087-677 6940
RULE 21: Entries on official Feis Shligigh entry forms, accompanied by full entry fee (except Irish dancing) must reach the secretary of the particular section not later than Fri. 26th January, 2018. After this date entries may be accepted only at the discretion of the executive committee.
Age: In these competitions no competitor may enter in more than one age group. Official Accompanist: An official accompanist will be provided. If required copies of music must be sent to the secretary of the section with the entry form and appropriate fee. In Choral and Ensemble competitions competitors may provide their own accompanist. Own Choice Music: Competitors must bring a copy to the adjudicator or marks can be deducted. All music must be clearly marked with the name of the competitor and class for which it is intended. Music must be claimed at the end of each session. The Committee will not be responsible for lost music.
1V 2V
POST PRIMARY SCHOOL CHOIRS Competitors to sing two contrasting songs of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
JUNIOR CHOIRS Competitors to sing two contrasting songs of own choice Entrance Fee: €10.00
SLIGO INTERNATIONAL CHORAL FESTIVAL CUP This competition is open to Secondary School level and over. Choirs to sing two contrasting songs with or without accompaniment. Entrance Fee: €10.00
5V 6V 7V
ACTION CHOIR Group to perform an Action Song of own choice not exceeding 10 minutes. Entrance Fee: €10.00 VOCAL DUET (12 – 15 years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €6.00 per competitor.
VOCAL DUET (15 - 18 years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €6.00 per competitor.
VOCAL SOLO with Piano Accompaniment (Under 8 years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
VOCAL SOLO with Piano Accompaniment (8 – 10 years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
VOCAL SOLO with Piano Accompaniment (10 – 12 years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
10V VOCAL SOLO with Piano Accompaniment (12 – 15 years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
17V PERCY FRENCH SONG(Over 15yrs) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00 18V FOLK SONG (Over 15yrs) with Piano Accompaniment Competitors to sing one song. Entrance Fee: €10.00
11V THE BRIDIE FERGUSON MEMORIAL CUP presented by her daughter Valerie Somers VOCAL SOLO with Piano Accompaniment (over 15 yrs) Competitors to sing one song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
19V THE SEAN McMANUS CUP (Over 15yrs) SOLO FROM LIGHT OPERA or MUSICAL with piano accompaniment. Competitors to sing with appropriate gestures, a solo item from a light opera or musical Costume optional. Entrance Fee: €10.00
13V SOLO SINGING IN IRISH (10 to 12 years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
20V D.A. MULCAHY MEM. CUP SONG COMPETITION FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS Competitors to sing, unaccompanied, a song from the following categories as outlined in the Primary Schools Music Curriculum. Folk Songs from Ireland or other Countries. Popular Songs. Songs from Musicals. Ballads. Hymns. Entrance Fee: €4.00
12V SOLO SINGING IN IRISH (Under 10years) One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
14V BUAN THRÓFAÍ TOBAR AN AILT (Over 12 and Under 16 Years) Solo Singing in Irish. One song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
with Piano Accompaniment. Competitors to sing one song of own choice. Entrance Fee: €10.00
16V THE BENNY LYNCH CUP – MOORE’S MELODIES.(Over 15 yrs) Competitors to sing one song from Moore’s Melodies. Entrance Fee: €10.00