Cecily Von Ziegesar (YPB VON. Chrono crusade : Mary Magdelane vol. 1 /.
Daisuke Moriyama (YPB MOR CHR 1). Fiction: Moon over water / Debbie
“If I have to spend time in purgatory before going to one place or the other, I guess I’ll be all right as long as there’s a lending library.” - Stephen King
Winter 2009
vol. 5, no. 1
Table of Contents Preschool Storytime
Arts Without Borders
Christmas Movie Madness
Here Comes Santa Claus
Family Literacy Day
Freedom to Read Week
Most Popular Reads
Spotlight on: 4 Young Adult Collection Library Christmas Hours
Library Calendar
Produced by the Program staff of Lloydminster Public Library Lower Level Atrium Centre 5010 - 49 Street Lloydminster, AB (780) 875 - 0850 www.lloydminster.info All library programs are free and open to the public.
Lloydminster Public Library
Home improvement help at the Library The coming of cold weather steers our thoughts and activities indoors. For many people that means doing those things around the house that have been put off in favour of outdoor activities. The Library is an excellent place to start when you are planning home renovations. We have a great collection of books and videos that take you step-by-step through a project from such trusted names as Black & Decker, Stanley and Taunton Press
years) ago? We’ve got you covered. And if you are thinking ahead to the upcoming warmer seasons, we have plenty of material to help plan a garden that will have Communities in Bloom adding you to their annual tour.
Thinking of repainting? Check out our colour selection guides. Redoing the kitchen or bathroom? We have books and videos that can help. Want to finally learn how to use that table saw or router you bought months (or
Exam supervision available One of the little-known but increasingly popular services provided by Lloydminster Public Library is exam proctoring or supervision. Several distance education institutions recommend public libraries as ideal places to write their exams and accept professional librarians as proctors. The Library can supervise both written and online exams. Prior arrangements must be made to ensure qualified staff is on hand
to supervise and, in the case of e-exams, ensure that we have the equipment and software to administer the exam. Contact Michele Duczek, our Reference Librarian, to make the arrangements. There is no fee for this service but you will be required to pay any postage or courier fees not covered by your school.
Preschool St o r y t i m e Be prepared to explore the Galaxy this winter and then get ready for spring. We will be “Lost in Space from January 13 to February 19. We’ll visit the sun, moon, planets, stars and get a few alien visitors ourselves. We’ll welcome spring with “How does your garden grow?” from March 3 to April 9. Flowers, vegetables, trees and bugs will be explored. We might even plant some seeds of our own!
We have a special Christmas Storytime planned for the week of December 9 to 11. We’ll have some seasonal tales, holiday songs and a special craft. Come in and share in our holiday spirit. Storytime runs Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings starting at 10:30 am and includes stories, fingerplays and a simple craft or activity.
Christmas Movie Madness Get in the spirit of the season with a couple of great family films. On Tuesday December 23 we will be showing One Magic Christmas. Mary Steenburgen stars as Ginny Granger, a woman who has lost the spirit of Christmas and gets help from a rather unusual Christmas angel . On Tuesday December 30 we travel way down South with Eight Below. Paul Walker stars as Jerry Shepherd, a dog trainer forced to leave his sled dogs behind in Antarctica where they must try to survive brutal conditions while Jerry tries to find a way to rescue them. Movies begin at 2:00pm in the Ken Burke Meeting Room and are free of charge.
For more information about a program or to register please call 780 875-0850 or email
[email protected]
Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This years marks the 25th annual Freedom to Read Week. The week is organized by the Freedom of Expression Committee of the Book and Periodical Council. Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. For more information visit their website at www.freedomtoread.ca
He re Co me s Sa n t a Claus On November 29 downtown Lloydminster was abuzz with activity as a certain jolly old elf made his appearance to to kick off a day of family fun. The Library joined in the festivities with holiday craft sessions that sent participants home with ornaments for the tree and colour-your-own gingerbread houses.
M o s t Po p u la r R eads
F am i l y Li te r a c y D a y January 27, 2009 marks the tenth anniversary of Family Literacy Day. Families are invited to explore, share ideas and encourage each other’s hobbies and interests. Here are a few “road-tested” tips to planning a Family Literacy Day event: ◊ Create a family book club. Read and discuss the books together. ◊ Make a particular night board game night. Maybe invite another family for a challenge. ◊ Volunteer as a family to read at a children’s hospital or at a senior’s centre.
your hobbies and interests. ◊ Read a classic adventure together. If your children like Survivor, they will love Treasure Island.
Picture books/Easy reads:
◊ Sing favourite songs. Find out more about the song writer or singer on the Internet. Make up your own songs.
Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse / George Selden (J SEL) Face-off / Alice Alfonsi (JPB HAN 2)
◊ Write your own adventure. Write a short story as a family with alternative endings written by each family member. For more ideas visit the ABC Canada website at www.abccanada.org
Ar ts Wi thou t B o r d e r s F e s t i va l 2 0 0 9
The Library will once again be hosting a Film Festival. This
Children’s fiction:
Children’s nonfiction:
Bears / Laura Bour ( J 599.7446 BOU) Snacks / Recipe Factory (J 641.53 SNA)
Young adult fiction:
Only in your dreams : a Gossip Girl novel / Cecily Von Ziegesar (YPB VON Chrono crusade : Mary Magdelane vol. 1 / Daisuke Moriyama (YPB MOR CHR 1)
Moon over water / Debbie Macomber (APB R MAC) Dear John / Nicholas Sparks (F SPA)
◊ Surf the Internet together to find great sites that support
The 3rd annual Arts Without Borders Festival is set for June 11-14, 2009. This time most of the action will be at Bud Miller Park.
I’ll teach my dog 100 words / Michael Frith (E FRI) Curous George goes to an ice cream shop / Margret Rey (E REY)
year’s theme is animation and selections feature a number of acclaimed films including several award winners. Check the Festival website at w w w. a r t s w i t h o u t b o r d e r s . c a for updates as they occur.
Deceptively delicious : simple secrets to get your kids eating good foods / Jessica Seinfeld (641.5973 SEI) Eat, pray love : one woman’s search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia / Elizabeth Gilbert (910.4 GIL)
Large print:
Timepiece / Richard Paul Evans (LP EVA) Last hope ranch / Charles Alden Seltzer (LP SEL)
Heidi / Johanna Spyri (AV J SPY) The screwtape letters / C.S. Lewis (AV F LEW)
Library Hours
Contact Information
Monday - Thursday 10am-9pm Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sundays & Holidays Closed
General Inquiries Reference Desk Facsimile
780-875-0850 780-875-0877 780-875-6523
Reference Desk Programs Renewal/Reserve
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
A book drop is available 24 hours a at the main (South) entrance to Atrium Centre
5010 - 49 Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 0K2
Spotl i ght O n : Yo u n g A d u l t Co lle c t io n Authors like Gordon Korman, Lois Lowry, Susan Juby, Chris Crutcher and others abound. This place is the Young Adult collection.
In an aisle between the Large Print Collection and hardcover mysteries is a place where the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants share their adventures. You will find young Lyra travelling by armoured bear, following the path set by her Golden Compass. Spiderman and a host of superheroes battle against armies of evildoers.
Young adult books bridge the gap between children’s books and adult books. Readers who have outgrown the children’s collection but are not yet ready to tackle the adult collection find lots of titles to capture their attention. The main characters in Young Adult books are usually teenagers. Plots can involve the real issues and concerns of today, historical fiction that transports you to another time, or even fantastic worlds and creatures
During the Holiday Season the Library’s hours of operation will be as follows: December December December December December December December December December December January 1 January 2
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
The young adult section is also where you find our growing collection of graphic novels including award-winning tales and popular manga. So whether you’re a young person looking to read books that feature characters your own age or an avid reader who wants a great story, check out our Young Adult Collection.
L ib ra ry Ca le ndar
L i br ar y Chr i s t m a s H o u r s
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
that exist only in the imagination.
10am to 10am to 10am to Closed Closed 10am to Closed 10am to 10am to 10am to Closed 10am to
9pm 9pm 4pm
December 2 - Financial Program Tax-Free Savings Account December 25 & 26 - Christmas Library closed January 1 - New Year’s Day Library closed January 13 - February 19 Storytime - Lost in Space
9pm 9pm 4pm
January 27 - Family Literacy Day
February 22 - 28 Freedom to Read Week
Happy Holidays
February 16 - Family Day Library Closed
March 3 - April 9 Storytime - How does your garden grow?