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Page 1 of 10. TheDragon Times. Issue10 3/23/18. St at e Knowledge Bowl. By: Diego Jim enez. From March 12th to March 13,
The Dragon Times 3/ 23/ 18

Issue 10 St at e Kn ow ledge Bow l By: Diego Jim en ez From March 12th to March 13, Knowledge Bowl seniors went up to CSU in Fort Collins to participate in State Knowledge Bowl. There were 13 total 2A teams and the Holyoke team placed 9th overall. Anna Jeldan, a Knowledge Bowl participant, said that she enjoyed the trip very much. Her favorite thing about the trip was how she got to see Black Panther, and her least favorite thing about the trip was how early she had to wake up. In her opinion, the most valuable player is Luke Krogmeir. Anna says that everyone should join Knowledge Bowl because it?s fun.

St at e Bask et ball By: Em m a Th om pson Kaylee Camblin wears number 21 on the Lady Dragons Basketball Team. Her favorite part of state was getting to see all of the support and the fans come to Loveland to cheer on the Dragons. She thinks that the most improved player on the team was Janessa Lutze. Also, Kaylee has made improvements such as building up their confidence, and has been a scoring threat at the end of the season. With ending this season, Kaylee?s favorite memory was when Taeryn Trumper got Savannah Burris?s body spray and started putting it into her hair.

Br ain Bow l By: Er in An der sen The Friday that spring break started, the Holyoke Junior High brain bowl team went to a competition in Burlington. Three Holyoke teams competed: seventh grade A, eighth grade B, and eighth grade A. The teams had three oral rounds and one written round. Max Kleve was on the eighth grade A team. The other people on his team were Josie Schlachter, Baylor Struckmeyer,and Miranda Schroetlin. Max had a fun time and he said that it was a good experience. His team placed third, and the other teams placed 5th.

Sports Gi r l s?Gol f

By : Er i n An d er sen Am y M ack ay is on th e h igh sch ool gir l s?gol f team . Th eir fir st tou r n am en t is Fr iday,M ar ch 23. Th eir coach es ar e Nick Fl aa an d M ar cia Dal ton . Am y?s favor ite cl u b is th e pitch in g wedge, an d h er favor ite pl ace to pl ay is in H ol yok e. H er favor ite per son to pl ay with is H al ey Van Over bek e, an d h er favor ite coach is M ar cia Dal ton . Am y was ten year s ol d th e fir st tim e sh e wen t gol fin g. Sh e says sh e pl ays gol f becau se it is fu n an d it is a good l ife sk il l to h ave.

Tr ack By : Dy l an H i el sch er

M igu el Soto is doin g h igh sch ool tr ack . M igu el ?s favor ite fiel d even t is th e l on g ju m p. H e al so l ik es doin g fou r by fou r h u r dl es. H e th in k s th e h ar dest wor k in g on th e team is Al ec Spr agu e, an d th e oth er h ar dest wor k in g is Ch ase Beck n er. M igu el wou l d r ate h im sel f a seven on a scal e fr om on e to ten on h ow good h e is. On e of th e coach es is coach Kober stein . M igu el th in k s you sh ou l d join tr ack to stay in sh ape. M igu el join ed tr ack becau se h e was bor ed. If M igu el join ed tr ack , you sh ou l d defin itel y do it too.

H av y n Pow el l -Tr ack By : M ax K l ev e H avyn Powel l is an eigh th gr ader wh o did tr ack th is year an d l ast year too. H avyn says, ?I l ove tr ack !? Sh e th in k s th at sh e wil l do pr etty wel l at tr ack th is year. Th er e ar e 42 peopl e in tr ack th is year ,an d H avyn th in k s th at is fan tastic. ?Th e m or e th e better.? Th eir fir st tr ack m eet is M ay 29th , 8 days after th eir fir st pr actice. H avyn th in k s th at it is a good th in g for th e seven th gr ader s, so th at th ey u n der stan d wh at a m eet is l ik e.

H S Basebal l By : Cl ov er Ad l er M au r o M or al es?s jer sey n u m ber is eigh t for th e Dr agon s. Th e position h e pl ays is l eft fiel d. M au r o?s favor ite team m ate is Seth W atson . Th e l ast gam e th at th e team h ad was again st th e W r ay Eagl es, an d th ey en ded th e dou bl eh eader with two win s. Th eir n ext gam e is at Ak r on on M ar ch 24. M au r o th in k s th at th e team cou l d stil l u se som e wor k , bu t h e th in k s th at th e team wil l en d u p doin g good th r ou gh ou t th e season . Th e team ?s goal is to m ak e it to state, an d M au r o?s per son al goal is to h it a h om e r u n .

Spor t s Baller z Post By Ethan Johnson March Madness started over spring break and there was no disappointment. This year is already being called the craziest year ever. The big story was that for the first time in history a 16 seed, UMBC, beat a 1 seed, Virginia. Before this, 16 seeds were 0-132. This upset is one of the biggest in history. Virginia?s record before this loss was 31-2, which was the best record in college basketball before the tournament. One of the big Cinderella stories of this tournament is the Loyola Ramblers. They are coming into this tournament as just an 11th seed, but so far they are still fighting, making it all the way to the Sweet 16. They have been doing this with just a little inspiration from team fan Sister Jean. Sister Jean?s social media presence has blown up during the tournament. She is 98 years old, and she travels with the team to cheer them on.

NHL By Cade K illin The NHL regular season is winding down, which means the playoff race is heating up, and every team?s next few games are very important. The Avalanche are fighting for a heavily contested Western Conference wild card spot. As of now, they are holding on to the first wild card seed, but anything is possible. Other teams that are close to the Avs are the Anaheim Ducks, who have the second wild card spot, the Dallas Stars, and St. Louis Blues. This year?s postseason will surely be an exciting one.

MLB By Tuff Sigler With spring training winding down, many late changes are being made. The Red Sox just signed Mexican all-star Esteban Quiroz. Quiroz went to the Red Sox training camp uninvited. Although he did not get signed to the Major League, he is dominating in the minor league camp, hitting .158 for homeruns and racking up 5 RBIs. ?God willing, I?m giving it all out there and hoping for the best,? Quiroz said. ?People talk a lot about adapting, the way I see it is, I have to perform, and it doesn?t matter where I?m playing, the Mexican league or the big leagues.?


Jalen Hunter 03/28/2003 Brendan Nelson 03/29/2005 Kristin Vieselmeyer 03/29/2004

Dear Caroline, I?mtakingmy first advanced class,and my parentsexpect alot fromme,but I?vebeen strugglingalot. I can't focusin classand everythingissooverwhelming,what doI do? Sincerely,ConfusedStudent123 Dear ConfusedStudent123, Relax and talk your teacher about this. They can help withwhat you?restrugglingwith. Then,talk toyour parentsand hopethat they?ll understand. Keep workingtoward your goals, and everythingwill bealright. Sincerely,Caroline

The Fun Page Shower Thoughts/Memes

Riddles A limo driver is going the wrong way down a one way street. He goes past four police officers along the way, yet none of them stop him. One even smiles and waves. Why didn?t the police stop him?

Mary and Jackie went on a vacation. They got 2 separate hotel rooms. The rooms have no heating, and Jackie was really cold, but Mary was not. Without adding any clothing or wrapping herself in any other material or using any fire for heat, what did Mary do to stay warm in that cold empty room?

Rev i ew s Red Vin es By: St eph en M u r r ay

M ech an ical Pen cils By: M ax Kleve

Red Vines is a brand of licorice candy that started at the American Licorice Company in Union City, California. Even though it was produced by the American Licorice Company, there?s actually no licorice in the candy. You can say Red Vines is the rip off version of Twizzlers, but they?re just a second version. Apparently, Red Vines are really good with Dr. Pepper. They?re usually served at movie theatres, and they could be purchased in large portions at stores. Overall, Red Vines could be better than Twizzlers if you are a licorice person.

Mechanical pencils are an alternative to wooden pencils. They also last longer (for some people) and run on little pieces of lead, rather than a giant stick. In addition, instead of sharpening, mechanical pencils have a ?click?that dispenses the lead from the shaft of the pencil. I think this is faster than sharpening, so I believe that is a plus for mechanical pencils. Also, they can last way longer than normal pencils. I would give mechanical pencils 8/10 stars.

Won der By: Kyr ah M cCon ach ie My family recently bought the movie Wonder. I already read the book, so I wanted to watch the movie. Wonder is about a kid who has scars on his face, and he was finally going to an actual school after years of homeschooling. In the movie, he overcomes bullying while also making friends and a great impact on the kids at school. It is a great movie, but I would prefer the book because it has more detail. I would rate the movie a five out of five because it is a great movie and causes you to have many different emotions. You can buy this movie at Walmart.

Ch ick -Fil-A By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez Chick-Fil-A is a fast food restaurant based around chicken products. They sell chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets, and even chicken salads. Each meal comes with delicious and salty waffle fries. Personally, I like to get the spicy chicken deluxe because instead of just coming with pickles, it comes with lettuce, tomato, pepper jack cheese, and pickles. I also get the specialty Chick-Fil-A sauce with my meal. I highly recommend trying Chick-Fil-A if you haven?t tried it yet.

Spot ligh t Oscar Dom in gu ez By: Ru by Gr an ados Oscar is a student here at Holyoke. He is in 8th grade. He was born in Mexico. Oscar ?s favorite sport is basketball, and his favorite color is red. He has five siblings. His best friend in Holyoke is Ivan Ponce. He is not doing any sports until it is back to basketball season. His favorite song is none because he doesn't have one. Lastly, Oscar ?s plan for the future is be a basketball player.

Tam ar a Pen zin g By: Em m a Th om pson Tamara Penzing is in seventh grade and loves it. Her favorite teacher is her mom. Tamara?s hobbies include playing with her dog Yoshi, watching Netflix, reading, and playing volleyball. Her dream job is to be a cardiologist. Tamara?s favorite sports team is the Dallas Cowboys, and her birthday is December 22nd. Tamales and watermelon juice are her favorite food and drink. Tamara has four siblings. If she could have any superpower in the world it would be teleportation.

Elise K rogmeier By: Emma Thompson Elise Krogmeier is a seventh grader his year and is currently participating in track. Her favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith. Elise loves playing with her Rubik?s Cube and watching Netflix. She has three other siblings. Her favorite sports team is the Denver Broncos. Elise also participates in basketball, volleyball, and swimming. Elise?s favorite food is ramen noodles, and her favorite drink is root beer. If Elise could have any superpower she would choose to run faster than anyone in the world.

Fabian Gon zalez By Dylan Hielscher Fabian Gonzalez is a sophomore at Holyoke high school. One sport he does is basketball. His favorite sport is soccer. He likes the basketball team the New York Knicks. His favorite drink is Peace Tea. Alexis Vega Llanas is one of Fabian?s friends. If Fabian could go anywhere in the world, he would go to Paris. He was born on June 23. His only sibling is ManuelGonzalez who is in seventh grade. Fabian would rather have cake than a cupcake.

Sp ot l i gh t I v an Pon ce By Ca de K i lli n Ivan Pon ce, wh o doesn ?t h ave a n ick n am e, is an 8th gr ader h er e in H ol yok e th is year. Ivan ?s favor ite teach er is M r. Fr en ch , bu t h e doesn ?t k n ow wh at h is favor ite su bject is. Ivan al so doesn ?t k n ow wh at h is favor ite m ovie is, becau se th er e ar e so m an y m ovies to ch oose fr om . Th e spor ts Ivan does ar e footbal l , bask etbal l , an d soccer. On e of h is favor ite oth er h obbies is eatin g tacos. Ivan ?s favor ite su per h er oes ar e Lebr on Jam es an d Batm an . Th e dog br eed Ivan l ik es th e m ost is boxer s. Ivan ?s favor ite fl avor of r am en n oodl es is beef.

M at t h ew Yost By Tuff Si gler M att ?Yost M al on e? Yost r eal l y en joys goin g fish in g an d pl ayin g video gam es. Of al l th e teach er s, h is favor ite is th e al l -n ew PE teach er ,Zach Ku bik . H owever ,h is favor ite su bject is wr itin g cl ass. M att pl ays m an y spor ts in cl u din g footbal l an d bask etbal l . H e h as two sibl in gs, Nick an d Jessa. If h e cou l d be an y su per h er o, h e wou l d be LeBr on Jam es. M atth ew Yost?s favor ite r am en n oodl e fl avor is l im e. W h en ask ed, M att said th at Ryan Reyn ol ds is h is cel ebr ity cr u sh .

Dy l an M i l es By Et ha n Johnson Dyl an M il es is a ju n ior th is year in H ol yok e H igh Sch ool . H e wil l be pl ayin g basebal l th is season as wel l . Bu t oth er th an basebal l , h is favor ite th in g to do is to pl ay video gam es. Al th ou gh Dyl an ?s favor ite teach er is M s. Beaver s, h is favor ite sch ool su bject is h istor y. Dyl an h as on e ol der br oth er n am ed Nath an . If h e wer e to be a su per h er o, h e wou l d be Batm an . H is cel ebr ity cr u sh is eith er Em m a Ston e or Jak e Gyl l en h aal , an d Dyl an ?s favor ite m ovie is ?En d of W atch .?

W or ld N ews Au st in Bom bin g By: St eph en M u r r ay A suspect was linked with a series of deadly parcel bombs trying to target the city of Austin, and the suspect was dead officials said. The man was killed while trying to detonate when officers were walking up to his car. He was named Mark Anthony Conditt, age 23, by U.S. media. To identify the suspect, the Austin Police Department used footage at a FedEx store in south Austin. The Austin Police Department found out where Mark was staying at on an early Wednesday. As the police were waiting for tactical teams to arrive, the suspect drove away.

St eph en Haw k in g Dies By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez

M ar ylan d Sch ool Sh oot in g

I?m sure many of you have heard, but one of the greatest scientists to ever live has passed away. Hawking died on Wednesday, March 14th at 76 years old. He died peacefully in his home with some of his family members. After being diagnosed with ALS in his early 20?s, Hawking was not expected to live for more than two years. Many people, including his family, were shocked that he made it to age 76. Hawking?s ashes are to be buried near the grave of Sir Isaac Newton at London?s Westminster Abbey.

By: Cade Killin Early Tuesday morning, a student at Great Mills High School in Great Mills, Maryland opened fire on classmates with a handgun. The student, whose identity was revealed as 17-year-old Austin Wyatt Rollins, shot and critically injured two other students in his rampage. An armed school resource officer, who also works in SWAT, heard the shots and pursued the shooter. The resource officer and the attacker each fired one shot at the other. The officer hit the student, but the officer was unharmed in the confrontation. The attacker was fatally wounded by the officer ?s bullet.

Last M ale Wh it e Rh in o Dies By: Kyr ah M cCon ach ie The last of the male northern white rhino species has died, leaving only two females before the species goes extinct. The rhino, 45-year-old Sudan, had been ill recently and didn?t seem to be getting any better. So the veterinarians decided to put an end to the rhino?s wonderful and long life. Even though Sudan died, scientists were able to recover some of his genetics to impregnate one of the females to attempt to keep the species alive. They also hope that Sudan?s story will help educate people about the dangers of poaching rhinos.

Local New s 27 Tuesday

29 Thursday

HS baseball with Caliche

HS Track @ Holyoke HS golf tournament @ Holyoke JH track @ Sterling

Par ty Progr am By Ruby Gr anados The party program which was on March 21st. Hailey Haubert had said that it was about preventing alcohol drinking and risk taking. The event took place at the Melissa Memorial Hospital. Students learned the seriousness of drunk driving and not wearing seatbelts while driving. Hailey had said that one of the interesting parts of the program was the drunk goggles. The people that were in charge included hospital workers, firefighters, and police. Lastly, Hailey had said that the program was a good use of time and it was very fun.

FCCL A Night of the Star s Preview By Clover Adler Tica Penzing says FCCLA?s Night of the Stars is where the FCCLA state qualifiers practice their projects in front of an audience, including parents. Most members compete in groups, but some do individual projects. Tica?s project is about parliamentary procedures, and she is working in a group. The other qualifiers in Tica?s group are Anna Jelden, Tyler Lamm, and Andrew Stewart.

Spr ing Preview By Diego Jimenez On Wednesday, March 21 Junior High and High School students gathered in the auditorium to watch a preview of the upcoming school play, ?The Best Man.? From the scenes we saw in the preview, ?The Best Man? is a juicy story about a presidential election taking place in the 1960?s. Please come and see the show on Friday, March 23. Students can get in free by picking up a ticket in the office.