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T his week in college basketball was rivalr y week, which. featured one of the biggest rivalries in sports histor y: D u
Th e Dragon Ti mes February 16, 2018

V ol ume 6, I ssue 6

St at e Sw i m B y C l ov er A d l er Regan Van O ver beke w as on e of th e gi r l s w h o w en t to state sw i m . St at e w as at V M AC i n T h or n ton , an d so w er e f i n al s. T h e r aces Regan com p eted w er e th e 20 0 m ed l ey r el ay, th e 20 0 f r eesty l e, 50 0 f r eesty l e, 40 0 f r ee r el ay. Sh e got to go to f i n al s i n t h e 50 0 f r eest y l e an d 40 0 f r eesty l e r el ay. Regan al so set a p er son al goal i n th e 40 0 f r eesty l e r el ay by beati n g h er p r ev i ou s goal by t w elve secon d s. Regan h as been sw i m m i n g f or ei gh t y ear s. T h e gi r l th at scor ed th e h i gh est f r om H oly oke w as Ry l ee Sch n el l er . Ry l ee say s th at th e best p ar t abou t state w as bei n g w i t h t h e t eam an d getti n g to h ave th e ex p er i en ce.

Gi f t ed an d T al en t ed U l t i m at e Su m m i t B y : Em m a T h o m p so n L ast T u esd ay, Ji m en a N u n ez w en t t o N JC i n St er l i n g f or t h e Gi f ted an d Tal en ted U l ti m at e Su m m i t . Sh e th ou gh t t h at i t w as ver y i n t er est i n g. W h en th ey w en t , t h ey l i sten ed to a sp eech , m ad e a m i n i p r op el l er , an d th en p ai n t ed w i t h

L eagu e B an d B y D i ego Ji m en ez O n M on d ay, Febr u ar y 12, som e H oly oke H i gh Sch ool an d Ju n i or H i gh ban d m em ber s w en t to Ster l i n g to p ar ti ci p ate i n L eagu e Ban d . T h e Ju n i or H i gh ban d p l ay ed th r ee son gs: St. Pet er sbu r g M ar ch , Castl es an d D r agon s, an d Sh ad ow s U n l eash ed . T h e H i gh Sch ool al so p l ay ed th r ee son gs. A bou t 25 p eop l e f r om H oly oke att en d ed , an d th er e w er e abou t 10 0 p eop l e over al l . I t w as a p r et ty f u n ex p er i en ce f or ever y on e w h o w en t. M y f avor i te son g w as Castl es an d D r agon s, w h i ch y ou can h ear f or y ou r sel f at th e Sm or gasbor d con cer t n ex t Fr i d ay.

w ater col or s. I f sh e h as th e op p or tu n i t y to go agai n , sh e w i l l . Ji m en a sai d th at th e best p ar t w as w h en th ey w er e p ai n t i n g. Sh e h as been to U l ti m ate Su m m i t a f ew ti m es. M ax K l eve, T u f f Si gl er , M i r an d a Sch r oet l i n , A m y M ack ay, an d Joh n y Q u i n tan a w er e th e ot h er H oly oke stu d en t s to atten d .

D r ago n Sp o r t s Dr agon Spor ts Junior High Basketball By: Clover Adler Kyleigh Jaeger ?s jer sey number on the junior high basketball team is number 23. At the A tour nament on Saturday, Febr uar y 10, Holyoke had a win against the Haxtun with a score of 30- 27. Unfor tunately, they also had a loss against SedgCo with a score of 33- 28. Therefore, Holyoke came in second place. Kyleigh thinks that the tour nament went well, but still thought we should have been able to beat SedgCo. Kyleigh also thinks that the over all season went pretty well. She says that the team?s toughest opponent is SedgCo. Kyleigh has been playing for six year s and is definitely excited to play basketball in high school.

Boys?Basketball By: Tuff Sigler

Anthony Beltr an is a senior that plays on the High School Basketball team. In their last game, the Dr agons went down to Yuma and lost 65- 35. According to Anthony, Andy Dominguez stayed strong and worked even harder throughout the game and was looked at as more of a leader throughout that game. Of all the dr ills dur ing pr actice, Anthony?s favor ite is the shell dr ill, and his favor ite coach is Scott Dille. Anthony?s goal is to win state at Loveland.

Tr avel League Basketball By: Emmanuel (EV) Vasquez On Febr uar y 10 and 11, the junior high Holyoke Dr agons tr avel team took fir st place in the Ogallala basketball tour nament. ?All we do is take dubs,? said Miles Spr ague, the point guard on the team. The Dr agons went 4- 0 in the tour nament, going on to win the championship against Ogallala. Miles would descr ibe the championship game as intense, as he got a technical and the refs ?weren?t doing a good job.? The junior higher s had to pr actically coach themselves on Sunday because their head coach could not make it. Miles Spr ague thinks the most improved player on the team is Emmanuel Vasquez.

Wr estling At Regionals By: Dylan Hielscher

Last Fr iday the wrestler s went to regionals. Luis Chafino, and Jesus Trejo made it to state. They both placed four th at regionals. Jessie Mosqueda got fifth along with Anthony Mar tinez and Andy Lopez. Deacon Dittmer and Miguel Soto got sixth. Don?t for get that high school state is the 15th through 17th of Febr uar y, or Thur sday through Saturday at the Pepsi Center in Denver. Go Dr agons!

Pro Sports NHL B y C ad e K i l l i n T h e Aval an ch e ar e con t i n u i n g t o h ave a w ei r d m ed i ocr e st r eak af t er th ei r i m p r essi ve r ecen t w i n n i n g st r eak . I t seem s l i ke f or ever y w i n th ey h ave, a l oss i s com i n g u p r i gh t beh i n d i t , an d v i ce ver sa. T h ey beat t h e Bu f f al o Sabr es 5- 4 on Su n d ay, bu t h ad l ost th e n i gh t bef or e t o t h e Car ol i n a H u r r i can es 3- 1. T h ey w i l l p l ay ton i gh t agai n st t h e W i n n i p eg Jets, bu t t h i s gam e w i l l p r obably be of n o i m p or tan ce t o t h e Av al an ch e?s season .

Sn ow b o ar d i n g W i p eo u t B y St ep h en M u r r ay A Jap an ese sn ow boar d er n am ed Yu t o Tot su k a w as at th e m en ?s h al f p i p e at th e 20 18 W i n t er O ly m p i cs, an d w as t r y i n g to at t em p t a d ou bl e- cor k ju m p u n t i l t h e st u n t w en t w r on g. Yu to Tot su k a f el l 20 f eet f ace f i r st an d h ad t o be r em oved on a st r etch er . H e cou l d m ove, bu t cou l d n ?t get u p , l et al on e st an d by h i m sel f . I t w as ex p ect ed t h at h e br oke h i s h i p , bu t i t w asn 't as sever e an i n ju r y as ever y on e t h ou gh t i t w ou l d be.

B al l er z Po st B y Et h an Jo h n so n T h i s w eek i n t h e N BA l egen d w as h on or ed . Pau l Pi er ce w as t h e sm al l f or w ar d f or t h e 20 0 8 ch am p i on sh i p Cel ti cs, an d ear l i er t h i s w eek th e Cel t i cs h on or ed h i m by r eti r i n g h i s jer sey. N ow t h e n u m ber 34 on t h e Cel t i cs i s f or ever i m m or t al i zed . O n th e cou r t, th e Cavs h ave l ooked r eal ly good so f ar . T h ey beat th e Cel ti cs 121- 99 an d t h en t h ey beat t h e T h u n d er 120 - 112. Bu t l et?s n ot get too ah ead of ou r selves, I m ean i t w as on ly tw o gam es. T h i s w eek i n col l ege basket bal l w as r i v al r y w eek , w h i ch f eat u r ed on e of t h e bi ggest r i v al r i es i n sp or ts h i st or y : D u ke ver su s N or t h Car ol i n a. N or t h Car ol i n a w on t h i s m at ch u p w i t h t h e scor e of 82- 78.

Sh au n W h i t e- H al f p i p e Go l d B y M ax K l ev e Sh au n W h i te i s a U SA H al f p i p e Sn ow boar d er t h at w on gol d on T u esd ay n i gh t i n t h e W i n t er O ly m p i cs. H e w on t h e 10 0 t h gol d m ed al f or th e U SA i n H al f p i p e af ter a gr eat com eback . Accor d i n g t o t h e L A T i m es, ?Sh au n W h i t e w as sn ow boar d i n g i n N ew Z eal an d w h en h e t ook of f a m i l l i secon d ear ly on a d ou bl e cor k 1440 an d cam e d ow n h ar d , sm ack i n g th e l i p of t h e h al f p i p e at an aw k w ar d an gl e.? H e w as i n t h e h osp i tal , an d t h at ser i ou sly h al t ed h i s car eer , bu t h e kep t p er sever i n g.


Dear Car olin e, It's the season of love, but I do not have a girlfriend. All of my friends do, and they are pressuring me to find one, but I can?t find the right words, much less the right girl. Sincerely, AllAlone64 Dear AllAlon e64, Don?t feel pressured! If you do find the right girl, go for it, dude! One thing to remember is that the season of love is bogus, it is made up by chocolate and greeting card companies to sell more products. How else do you think they stay open past Christmas? In life, it is okay to be single. It gives you fewer things to worry about, and you don?t have to buy expensive gifts. Sincerely, Caroline

EricDominguez 02/22/2005 DianaGonzalez 02/20/2001 Taylor Hendrix 02/21/2001 Dylan Hielscher 02/17/2005 Jillian Hunter 02/18/2001 Ashlyn Marcum 02/16/2003 Adrian Moreno 02/22/2005 AlejandroRojas 02/16/2002 JesusTrejoArviso 02/20/2001

Fun Page

A majority of Olympic sports involve people doing the activity they love most in the world for the least amount of time. Do you ever get so excited for a nap that when the time comes you?re too excited to sleep? Many of us have probably (unknowingly) broken world records for extremely random / abstract / inconsequential things, and we?ll never even know i.t At some point I worry that self driving cars will go a route just to ensure you see certain stores or billboards, the real world equivalent of a popup .

Reviews Qu izlet By: Cade Killin Quizlet is a very helpful website that allows students to make flashcard sets to study with. Teachers can create classes for students to make and see their peers?sets. Once a flashcard set is made, the student can use the website?s different tools to help study. One of the tools is Learn, where students can learn about the sets as if they were in a class. Another tool is Match, where the objective is to match the terms with the definitions.

Ben ef it Bar s

By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez

M axim u m Ride

Benefit Bars can be found at the concessions stand every morning for breakfast. Benefit Bars are about six inch bars that are made from oatmeal. They can be found in four different flavors including banana chocolate chunk, apple cinnamon, oatmeal raisin, and oatmeal chocolate chunk. My personal favorite is oatmeal chocolate chunk with a side of chocolate milk. The breakfast stand, however, only sells oatmeal chocolate chunk and banana chocolate chunk. I would highly recommend eating Benefit Bars for breakfast as they are healthy and start your day off great.

By: Kyr ah M cCon ach ie Maximum Ride is an anime graphic novel written by James Patterson. It is about a group of kids named Fang, Max, Iggy, Nudge, Angel, and Gassy. They must try to escape the erasers so they won?t be put back in ?The School.? The kids were turned into bird hybrids at birth, and now they are wanted to be tested on at ?The School.? Max is the main character and the leader of the story. There are 9 books in the series so far. I would rate this book a 4 out of 5 because it is a great book, but it can become boring from time to time.

Hot Pock et s By: Er in An der sen Hot Pockets are a popular food right now. Hot Pockets are a very tasty food. I recommend them to anyone who likes pizza, because they taste like a slice of pizza wrapped in bread. The only bad thing is that they can be messy. I would rate Hot Pockets four out of five stars because they are very good, but they are also pretty messy. You can find them at pretty much any convenience store.

Spot light M r . an d M r s. Balog By Dylan Hielsch er Mr. and Mrs. Balog are celebrating Valentine's Day on Saturday. They went to church on Valentine?s Day since it was also Ash Wednesday. They both said they might be getting something for each other, but it?s a surprise. They have been married for 5 years, and they dated for 3 years before that. Mr. Balog proposed with candles and music in their house. Mr. Balog said their first date was July 2011, but Mrs. Balog said 2010. Their anniversary is June 29.

Cade Killin an d Aidyn Sh af er By Diego Jim en ez Cade and Aidyn have been together ever since 4th grade, and their friendship has never been stronger. Cade says the reason he likes Aidyn is because he?s different, and the reason Aidyn likes Cade is because he?s hilarious. Cade?s favorite moment with Aidyn is when Aidyn punched his ear. Aidyn?s favorite thing to do with Cade is hang out. Aidyn gave Cade a quick glance for Valentine's Day, and Cade gave Aidyn the same thing. Overall, they have a very impressive and strong bromance.

Br en n a Gat t on & Lu is Pon ce By: Er in An der sen Brenna and Luis have been dating for just over three months. Luis asked Brenna out over text. They like to hang out, go to FCA, eat dinner together, and paint. Brenna started liking him after homecoming, and Luis started liking her in November. For Valentine?s Day they planned just to exchange their gifts. Brenna got Luis a hand painted rock, a card, and a bag of M&M?s. Luis got Brenna a box of chocolates, a cake pop, some Oreo balls, and some chocolate truffles. Her favorite thing about him is ?he is such a gentleman,? and Luis?s favorite thing about Brenna is her creativity.

Ju an Diaz & An n a Ch an ey By: Ru by Gr an ados Juan and Anna have been dating for five months. Anna asked Juan out over text. They like to hang out with each other. They started to like each other around last year. They didn?t have any specific plans for Valentine?s Day this year, but they got each other some presents. Juan got her some chocolate in a heart-shaped box and a flower. Anna got him some chocolate as well. What Juan likes about Anna is she's heart-warming and nice. Anna likes that Juan has a sense of humor.

Sp o t l i gh t Levi an d Sabr yn By: Em m a Th om pson Levi Dille and Sabryn Burris are good friends this year. They have been talking for about three weeks. Levi said that he started talking to Sabryn first, and they like to facetime each other, but Sabryn likes to talk in person more. Sabryn started liking Levi a couple weeks before they started talking, but Levi started liking her two months before.

Levi said that they are probably going to hang out for Valentine?s Day. Sabryn likes Levi?s dimples, and Levi likes Sabryn?s personality. For Valentines Day, Levi got Sabryn a stuffed dog with roses sewn on it. Sabryn got Levi candy, Gatorade, and a basketball laundry hoop.

Kylie Pu r k eypile an d Alec Spr agu e By Et h an Joh n son Alec and Kylie have been dating for about 7 months now. They first started talking to each other seriously when they went to Eagle Lake Camps together. They both agreed that they wanted to date each other. Their favorite thing to do with each other is to watch movies together. Each of them said they love the other person?s personality. On Valentine?s Day Alec took Kylie out to dinner for the night. As for Kylie, she got Alec a basketball and a big bag of candy. Gage Spr agu e an d Em m a Oak ley By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez Gage and Emma have been dating for one year and four months now. They met at Eagle Lake Camp. Fast Forward a bit, and Gage asked Emma out on her birthday. Their plans for Valentine?s Day included a nice lunch and a romantic dinner. For Valentine?s Day, Emma got Gage his favorite snacks, and Gage got Emma flowers, a box of chocolates, and a huge panda balloon. Their favorite thing to do together is watch movies and eat food. Gage and Emma had their first kiss on the last day of school last year.

Th e Kleves By: M ax Kleve Matt and Charlene Kleve have been married for 13 years, but have been together for almost 16 years. Charlene thinks that people should show their love all year round, not just on a prescribed holiday. Matt thinks that Valentine's Day is a made up holiday that greeting card companies use to sell more products, but he always gets his wife something. The Kleves say their marriage has lasted because of love and mutual respect, not to mention that they laugh all the time with each other. One interesting thing about their relationship is that they are always trying new things.

World News Par k lan d Sch ool Sh oot in g By Cade Killin Yet another tragic school shooting occurred this Wednesday. This one was at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida, about an hour north of Miami. Police say 19 year old Nikolas Cruz, a former student who was apparently expelled for getting into a fight with another student, triggered the school?s fire alarm so students would run out of their classes. Then, as everyone was leaving class, he opened fire. Tragically, 17 students were murdered and around 14 more students were hospitalized with injuries. No specific motive other than his previous expulsion has been proposed. Cruz was arrested about a mile from the school an hour after he first opened fire. This massacre is the deadliest school shooting since the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, five years ago. Please keep all the affected students, faculty, family members, and the city of Parkland in your thoughts and prayers as they recover from this devastating attack.

Nor t h Kor ea?s Ch eer leader s By St eph en M u r r ay

Ru ssia Plan e Cr ash By Tu f f Sigler

North and South Koreans attended Early Monday morning, a Russian a hockey match in the Winter commercial plane crashed and killed Olympics between Sweden and the all 71 people. Very few bodies have Unified Korean Team. It was the been found, causing family members first time in a while the neighboring to get worried. Vladimir Putin has countries North and South Korea conducted a formal investigation to came together in the Olympics. find the cause of the plane crash. South Koreans were questioning According to Russian air control, the the North Korean cheerleaders, but pilots of the plane never called in the cheerleaders would only give a distress or SOS. Many experts say that slight smile when asked a question. the cause is most likely the weather or Many people pulled out their human failure. The manufacturers of phones to take video or picture of the plane are saying that it had passed the cheering, and surprisingly it many flight tests and had flown that went viral. route multiple times without any Fou r Year Old Gir l M issin g concern.

By Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez

The FBI is offering a $10,000 reward for information on a 4-year-old girl who disappeared in South Carolina. The reward was announced during a news conference on Wednesday regarding the case of Heidi Renae Todd. "There are many things that we do not know, yet, that we are still investigating, but there's one thing we know, and that is that Heidi Todd is missing, and we need everyone to be on the lookout for this young lady," Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg said at a noon press briefing. We can all only hope that the authorities find Heidi Todd.

Local New s 19th Monday

20th Tuesday

21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday

FFA Service Sale HS BB District

FFA Sponsored Trmt Teacher FFA Ag Olympics Appreciation Breakfast

Ser vice Sale By: Ru by Gr an ados On February 19, the FFA and FCCLA organizations are serving Rocky Mountain oysters and roast beef sandwiches during the service sale. The purpose of the sale is to fundraise and give back to the community and help the school. There are going to be about 50 students from both organizations that will be auctioned off to do work for people who donate money. The dinner starts at 5PM in the old gym on Monday, February 19.

Dist r ict Bask et ball By: Em m a Th om pson Next Tuesday, February 20th is District Basketball here at the High School. Grace Dillie wears number 20 on the basketball team and loves playing the guard position. She thinks that the most improved players are Evelyn Espinoza and Laura Conde. In the first round of districts, Grace wants to play Wiggins, and if they win they will go to NJC to be seated for regionals. The Varsity girls play at 5:30 and the Varsity boys play at 7:00 next Tuesday. It costs five dollars for a student to get in as you cannot use your athletic pass to get in. There will also be dinner available in between the two games.

Music Parents' Smorgasbord 5pm

23rd Friday HS BB District Trmt@NJC FFA Barnyard Day

Concert 7pm FFA Drive Your Tractor to School Day Sm or gasbor d By: Kyr ah M cCon ach ie The Smorgasbord is a big concert that includes the 5th, 6th, junior high, and high school bands. It also includes the junior high and high school choirs. The Smorgasbord is February 22nd at 7:00 in the auditorium. There will be different performances such as select choir, junior high band, high school band, and many more.