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Page 1 of 10. The Dr agon Ti m es. Vol um e 6, Issue 9. M ar ch 8, 2018. St at e Preview. By Clover Adler. The Lady Drag
Vol u m e 6, I ssu e 9

Th e Dr agon Ti m es M ar ch 8, 2018 St at e Pr eview By Clover Adler The Lady Dragons head off to the state basketball tournament on Thursday, March 8. They will play at the Budweiser Events Center in Loveland. The girls' basketball team is the number four seed of the bracket. Their first game will be against Limon, who is the fifth seed. If Holyoke wins their first game, they will play against Yuma or Ignacio. Good luck Lady Dragons!

Region al Bask et ball Gam e 1 By Er in An der sen The Holyoke Lady Dragon played Vail Christian for their first game of regionals. The Lady Dragons won 52-35. Lauren Herman, their manager, said that her confidence level was a nine out of ten that they could win and make it to state. She said that the whole team played very well, and everyone contributed evenly. Lauren said that Vail Christian had a more intense crowd than the Dragons. Her favorite part of the trip was seeing the team?s and coach?s reactions to winning, but she says her least favorite part was the long bus ride.

Region al Bask et ball Gam e 2 By Emma Thompson Last Saturday, the Lady Dragons played against the Del Norte Tigers at their home stadium. The Lady Dragons won 54-43. The game took place last Thursday in Loveland. Grace Dillie is a senior and has never been to state before. She was very excited to finally make it to state after watching her dad coach the High School boys win at state last year. Going into the game, Grace felt very confident but very nervous. In Grace?s opinion, the best player was Kaylee Camblin. She felt that the whole team played very well in the game.

Dragon Sports Blak e M osen t ein Baseball By Dylan Hielsch er

Gir ls Golf

Blake is a sophomore baseball player for Holyoke. He plays shortstop. He has played for two years in high school. On the field, Blake rates his team a seven out of ten. He doesn?t know who the best player is. Overall, he rates himself an eight out of ten for batting. He thinks the hardest working on the team is Hunter. Blake would rather be on in field than out field, and he would rather pitch than catch.

By Er in An der sen Tica Penzing has been in golf for four years now. Her very first year was when she was a freshman. Tica started golf because she thought it would be a fun experience and she continued to do it because she liked it and she thought it was a cool sport. Tica?s favorite person to play with is all the seniors. She likes both of her coaches. Her favorite club to golf with is her three hybrid. She is very excited to play on the Greeley course this year.

Tr ack By Et h an Joh n son

Boys Sw im m in g

Chase Beckner is going to be participating in track this year, mainly doing shot put. When asked who the best thrower is, he said himself. He also described himself as the fastest runner. Chase?s favorite coach is Coach Koberstein. The high school?s first track meet is March 24th in Yuma. Chase?s favorite track meets to compete in are the ones here in Holyoke. His goal this year is to break all the records and go to state and win.

By Diego Jim en ez Drew Stewart participates in boys?swimming and has done it for 11 years. The events he competes in are the 100 butterfly, 200 individual medley, and the 100 freestyle. His favorite event is the 100 butterfly, and he hopes he makes it to state for this event. His coach is Aly Brinkema, and he says the best and most improved swimmer is Keegan Shaw. The hardest drills for Drew are test sets, and his favorite place to swim is the Veterans Memorial Aquatics Center.

Sport s M LB By Tu f f Sigler With spring training about halfway over, every team is making some big decisions to prepare for the season. Miguel Andujar, a 23 year old Yankee, has really began to prove himself. He has turned many heads in the Yankee staff and is beginning to be thought of as a potential starter. Also in spring training, Yu Darvish is really starting to do good things with the Cubs. He is starting to improve his pitching and also beginning to be looked at as a starter.

Baller z Post By Et h an Joh n son March Madness doesn?t officially start till March 13th, but there is still a lot of basketball to watch with the conference tournaments. One of the more exciting conferences to watch would be the ACC tournament. This is a loaded conference with a lot of good teams in it. Some of the teams to watch for are Virginia, Duke, and North Carolina. First off in the rankings, Virginia is number one, so they are a force to be reckoned with. While Duke isn?t ranked as high as Virginia, they are one of the more talented rosters in all of the NCAA. As for North Carolina, they aren?t as stacked as the others, but they play with a lot of heart and every team they play should be scared.


Dear Caroline, They blockedbonk,andI don?tknow what to do! All theteachersthat I?veasked areOKwithit. I don't know why they blocked it! Whodid it,idk what todo! Sincerely,Madkiddo678 Dear Madkiddo678, Calmdown,thereareother thingsyoucan do topassthetime. I donot know whoblocked bonk,but I seewhy you?remad,I?mmad too,but youhavetokeep your cool. Bonk wasadistraction andI seewhy they blocked it. Just doyour work duringclassandfind another way touseyour freetime. Sincerely,Caroline

TateDille03/12/2002 Wendy Favela 03/09/2004 Aspyn Kinnie 03/09/2005 MarcosLopez 03/17/2001 Antoni Martinez 03/19/1999 PerlaOlivas03/13/2003 Havyn Powell 03/10/2004 Nain Vasquez 03/21/2002


I start with M and end with X. I have a never ending amount of letters. What am I? How many days in a week start with the letter T?

Go t o M r s. S if you k n ow t h e an sw er f or a dr agon dollar

Reviews Wh opper s By: St eph en M u r r ay Whoppers are malted milk balls with a coat of milk chocolate around them. This candy is produced by the Hershey Chocolate Company. This brand of candy was introduced in the year 1949. A whopper ball is about three-fourths of an inch in diameter. A serving of whoppers is usually in a big carton that looks like a school milk carton. There?s a candy that copies the candy Whoppers, and Maltesers is the name of that candy.

Acr ylic Pain t s By: Kyr ah M cCon ach ie

GoGu ar dian

There are different types of paints, but acrylic paints are my personal favorite. They have a better consistency and they dry faster than any regular paint. I have a lot of paints. There are many brands of acrylic paints, but my favorite brand is Waverly because the paint comes in a little container. At Walmart, you can get the Waverly acrylic paint for as low as 96 cents each. I would rate acrylic paint a 5 out of 5 for its great consistency and variety of colors.

By: M ax Kleve GoGuardian is a tool that is used by teachers to limit what their students can see on the internet. It is used for the Chrome browser and it is loved by teachers and hated by students. Mrs. Schroetlin says that she didn?t like it as much as she thought she would because it is hard to control. Jaxson Hutches thinks that GoGuardian is ?trash?. Isaiah thinks that it is ?not important? and ?useless.? I personally think that GoGuardian is needed in Junior High but the high schoolers do not need it.

Glow St ick s By: Er in An der sen Glow sticks are a very fun toy. Glow sticks are fun because you can do lots with them. Glow sticks come in many different colors.You can get them at any convenience store. I would recommend glow sticks to anyone who likes toys that glow. I would rate glowsticks four out of five stars, because they are very fun, but if you bend them too much they break and they contain very many deadly chemicals.

Spotl i gh t Isaiah Hat t on By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez Isaiah Hatton is 17 years old, and his birthday is on January 2nd, 2001. His favorite class is cooking with Mr. Zilla. Isaiah has an older sister named Victoria, and she is a senior. He has lived in Holyoke his entire life, and he has enjoyed it. His all-time favorite food to eat is macaroni and cheese, and his favorite movie series is the Cars series. Isaiah likes to have Mr. Zilla around more than Mrs. Hunter, but he still enjoys spending time with her.

Isaiah Hou gh t ellin g By: M ax Kleve Isaiah Houghtelling is in the 10th grade. A lot of his time is focused toward his favorite sport, basketball. He also likes to golf in his spare time, and he said he is decent at it. His favorite thing to eat is hard shell tacos. His best friend is Luis. His birthday is on April 26th. If he were to eat a spoonful of cat food or a spoonful of dog food, he would eat dog food as he thinks that wet pet food is not as good as dry.

Jan et Gr an ados By: Ru by Gr an ados Janet is a student here at Holyoke. Her best friend is her sister Stephanie. In her whole life, she's gone to five schools in total. Janet was born in Pasadena, California, and she has five siblings. If she could have a pet, it would be a little piggy. Her favorite colors are red and purple. Her hobbies are playing sports like volleyball and basketball. Her favorite song is Noche Frias by Cornelio Vega, and her favorite sport is volleyball. Lastly, if she could live anywhere she would live in the city.

Sp ot l i gh t Vict or Dom in gu ez By: Ru by Gr an ados Victor is a new student here at Holyoke, and he is in 7th grade. So far, he said that his first day is going very well. His new friend that has been very nice to him is Kevin. Victor has been to two schools in total in his whole life. He is from Texas. He has four siblings that also attend school here at Holyoke. He doesn't have any pets. His favorite color is green. His hobbies are going out to the park, and his favorite sport is football.

Josie Her m an By: Clover Adler Josie Herman?s favorite color is teal, and her favorite food is spaghetti. Also, Josie?s favorite teacher is Mrs. Malliari. Her favorite sport is basketball. Josie says that if she could travel to one place in the world she would travel to Greece, and her dream job is to be a physical therapist. One of her hobbies is watching the show Friends on Netflix. Josie also has two siblings, and if she could have a superpower it would be to have the ability to refill anything.

Deacon Dit t m er By: Dylan Hielsch er Deacon Dittmer is a sophomore in the Junior Senior High. His nickname is Deac. The sports he plays are wrestling and golf, but his absolute favorite sport is golf. His favorite football team is the Broncos. His favorite food is tater tot casserole and his favorite drink is root beer. One of his friends is Anthony Rojo. Deacon was born on June 2nd. His siblings are Peyton and Skyler. If he could go anywhere in the world he would go to Paris. Deacon would rather eat pudding over Jell-o.

Wo r l d News Black Ber r y Su es Facebook By: Cade Killin BlackBerry recently sued Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram because BlackBerry is accusing them of copying technology from BlackBerry Messenger. The apps have all apparently taken many of BlackBerry?s ideas, and used those ideas in their own messaging apps. BlackBerry has over 40,000 patents around the world on stuff such as messaging, cybersecurity, wireless communications, and many other technologies.They are trying to get other companies to pay fees on using these patents to make money. Polan d Bu ildin g Collapse

By: Tu f f Sigler Last Monday, a very large apartment building in Poznan, Poland collapsed, killing five adults and injuring about 21 others. The farther officials get in the investigation, the more it appears that someone intentionally collapsed the building. The president of Poland, Andrzej Duda, is looking into attacks from many terrorist groups. As of now, there are not active threats towards Poland for any reason. Many Polish citizens are in fear of another potential attack. We all hope this was just a building error, but everyone is on edge.

Net f lix Tak in g Over t h e M edia By: St eph en M u r r ay Netflix is arguably one of the best medias in the world. After Netflix took home its first Academy Award for the documentary ?Icarus,? the stock for Netflix has increased 5% on Monday and nearly increased 2% on Tuesday. However, Fox, Disney, and Time Warner took home many awards. Meanwhile, Netflix is worth $140 billion, and that?s about the same as Time Warner and Fox combined. Netflix is currently producing its own hit TV shows, and they?re getting more than 117.5 million streaming subscribers around the world. M issou r i Of f icer Dead

By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez A 911 call, filled with screams, left a police officer dead and two others injured. The call came in around 10:20 P.M on Tuesday. Two women could be heard screaming in the background of the call. When officers rushed to the scene, gunfire erupted. After two hours of the police waiting for the suspect to come out of the house, they finally burst in to the house and found the suspect dead on the floor. One officer was shot dead, and two of the others only have a slim have a chance to make it.

Local New s

I v an Pon ce By Tu f f Si gl er

For spr in g br eak , Ivan is goin g to M exico. W h il e th er e, Ivan is goin g to spen d a l ot of tim e with fam il y an d fin d th e taco tr ee. Ivan says th at h e wil l stay in M exico for th e en tir e spr in g br eak an d com e back to th e US n ext Su n day.

Tr i st en Fer gu son By Di ego JI m en ez

M r . Bet l ey By M ax K l ev e

Jax son H u t ch es By St ep h en M r. Betl ey is goin g to Ph oen ix, Ar izon a for spr in g br eak . W h en h e is M u r r ay th er e h e is goin g to watch basebal l , specifical l y spr in g tr ain in g basebal l . M r. Betl ey is ver y excited for th is spr in g br eak .

For spr in g br eak , Tr isten Fer gu son wil l be spen din g tim e with fam il y. H is sister is visitin g h im an d Tr isten is ver y excited for it. H e an d h is fam il y ar e goin g to Ster l in g, Den ver , an d M cCook to Et h an Sch n el l er cel ebr ate. By : Cl ov er Ad l er For spr in g br eak , Eth an Sch n el l er is goin g to Texas with h is sister Ryl ee, h is br oth er Ror y,h is m om , an d h is dad. Th ey ar e h eadin g to Texas on Th u r sday,M ar ch 8, an d com in g back Th u r sday, M ason Ver n on By Er i n An d er sen M ar ch 15. W h il e th er e, th ey ar e goin g to go to Seawor l d, M ason Ver n on is a water par k , an d a zoo. goin g to Ar izon a over spr in g br eak . H e is goin g to spen d som e tim e with h is fam il y. W h il e th er e, th ey pl an to go to a basebal l gam e.

M r . L am p k i n By : Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez

Jaxson H u tch es is goin g to Pu ebl o W est to visit an d h an g ou t with h is cou sin s for spr in g br eak . Al so, h e is goin g to Den ver to h an g ou t, an d h e is goin g to Dave & Bu ster s.

K y l ei gh Jaeger By : Ru by Gr an ad os For spr in g br eak , Kyl eigh pl an s on goin g to Den ver with h er fam il y,star tin g on Fr iday. H er pl an s ar e to go sh oppin g, an d sh e wil l be goin g to Ch u ck E. Ch eese. Th en sh e wil l go to th e aqu ar iu m to see al l th e differ en t k in ds of fish th er e.

Sp r i n g Br eak By : Em m a Th om p son

Th is u pcom in g week is spr in g br eak , an d Tr ey Ben n ett is goin g to state bask etbal l an d is goin g to W al m ar t in Ster l in g. H e m igh t al so be goin g to For t M ar i a M or en o Col l in s to h an g ou twith By : K y r ah M cCon ach i e Keith Br own . H e is l eavin g For spr in g br eak , M ar ia M or en o to go to For t Col l in s an d is goin g to go on a r oad tr ip to W al m ar t ar ou n d th e fir st Texas an d M exico. Sh e says th at of th e week . sh e is goin g to spen d h er tim e in th ose two pl aces bein g with fam il y an d goin g to th e beach .

Next week is spr in g br eak , an d M r. Lam pk in h as som e h u ge pl an s. H e is goin g to Cabo, Tr aeli Hu t ch es M exico to cl iff dive By Dylan Hielsch er for th e fir st tim e ever in h is l ife! It Traeli Hutches is going to Pueblo West, Colorado to visit her cousins and have a fun sou n ds l ik e h e wil l time. She does not know exactly what she is going to do there, but she hopes it is h ave a gr eat tim e. going to be fun.