Voltage Drop Calculations - Cooper Industries

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Voltage Drop Calculations. Ratings of Conductors and Tables to Determine Volt Loss. With larger loads on new installations, it is extremely important to consider  ...
Voltage Drop Calculations Ratings of Conductors and Tables to Determine Volt Loss With larger loads on new installations, it is extremely important to consider volt loss in mind, otherwise some very unsatisfactory problems are likely to be encountered. The actual conductor used must also meet the other sizing requirements such as full-load current, ambient temperature, number in a raceway, etc.

How to Figure Volt Loss Multiply distance (length in feet of one wire) by the current (expressed in amps) by the figure shown in table for the kind of current and the size of wire to be used, by one over the number of conductors per phase. Then, put a decimal point in front of the last 6 digits–you have the volt loss to be expected on that circuit. Example – 6 AWG copper wire in 180 feet of iron conduit–3 phase, 40 amp load at 80% power factor. Multiply feet by amperes: 180 x 40 = 7200 Multiply this number by number from table for 6 AWG wire threephase at 80% power factor: 7200 x 745 = 5364000 1 1 Multiply by 5364000 x = 5364000 #/phase 1 Place decimal point 6 places to left. This gives volt loss to be expected: 5.364V (For a 240V circuit the % voltage drop is 5.364 x 100 or 2.23%). 240 These Tables take into consideration reactance on AC circuits as well as resistance of the wire. Remember on short runs to check to see that the size and type of wire indicated has sufficient ampere capacity.

How to Select Size of Wire Multiply distance (length in feet of one wire) by the current (expressed in amps), by one over the number of conductors per phase.

Installation in Conduit, Cable or Raceway NEC® Tables 310.16 through 310.19 give allowable ampacities (currentcarrying capacities) for not more than three conductors in a conduit, cable, or raceway. Where the number of conductors exceeds three the allowable ampacity of each conductor must be reduced as shown in the following tables: Installation in Conduit, Cable or Raceway per 310.15(B)(2)(a) The Number of Conductors In One Conduit, Raceway Or Cable 4 to 6 7 to 9 10 to 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 41 and over

Percentage of Values In Tables 310.16 And 310.18 80% 70% 50% 45% 40% 35%

Conditions Causing Higher Volt Loss The voltage loss is increased when a conductor is operated at a higher temperature because the resistance increases. If type RH, RHW, THW, or THWN wire (75°C wire) is loaded to near its full rating, or if room temperature is 15°C higher than normal, add the following percentages to get the volt loss. Conditions Causing Higher Volt Loss Direct Single Or Three Phase–Power Factor Wire Size Current 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 14 to 4 AWG 5.0% 5.0% 4.8% 4.7% 4.7% 4.6% 2 to 3/0 AWG 5.0% 5.0% 4.2% 3.8% 3 5% 3.3% 4/0 AWG to 500 kcmil 5.0% 5.0% 3.1% 2.6% 2.4% 2.0% 600 kcmil to 1000 kcmil 5.0% 5.0% 2.5% 2.2% 1.6% 1.3% If type RHH, THHN or XHHW wire (90°C. wire) is loaded to near its full rating or if room temperature is 30°C higher than normal, add twice the above percentages to get the volt loss.

Divide that figure into the permissible volt loss multiplied by 1,000,000.

Look under the column applying to the type of current and power factor for the figure nearest, but not above your result – you have the size of wire needed. Example – Copper in 180 feet of steel conduit–3 phase, 40 amp Ioad at 80% power factor–Volt loss from local code equals 5.5 volts. Multiply feet by amperes by 1 180 x 40 x 1 = 7200. #/phase 1 Divide permissible volt loss multiplied by 1,000,000 by this number: 5.5 x 1,000,000 = 764. 7200

Select number from Table, three-phase at 80% power factor, that is nearest but not greater than 764. This number is 745 which indicates the size of wire needed: 6 AWG.

Line-to-Neutral For line to neutral voltage drop on a 3 phase system, divide the three phase value by 1.73. For line to neutral voltage drop on a single phase system, divide single phase value by 2.

Room Temperature Affects Ratings The ampacities (carrying capacities) of conductors are based on a room temperature of 86°F or 30°C. If room temperature is higher, the ampacities are reduced by using the following multipliers; (for 0-2000 volt, insulated conductors not more than 3 conductors in raceway or direct buried, Table 310.16). Room Temperature Affects Ratings Room Temperature °C 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-70 71-80

TW °F 87-95 96-104 105-113 114-122 123-131 132-140 141-158 159-176

Ampacity Multiplier THW, THWN THHN, XHHW* (60°C Wire) (75°C Wire) .91 .94 .82 .88 .71 .82 .58 .75 .41 .67 – .58 – .33 – –

(90°C Wire) .96 .91 .87 .82 .76 .71 .58 .41

Open Wiring The volt loss for open wiring installations depends on the separation between conductors. The volt loss is approximately equal to that for conductors in nonmagnetic conduit. 310.15 offers a method to calculate conductor ampacity.

©2005 Cooper Bussmann


Voltage Drop Calculations Copper Conductors — Ratings & Volt Loss† Conduit

Steel Conduit

NonMagnetic Conduit (Lead Covered Cables or Installation in Fibre or Other NonMagnetic Conduit, Etc.)

Wire Size

14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0 00 000 0000 250 300 350 400 500 600 750 1000 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0 00 000 0000 250 300 350 400 500 600 750 1000

Ampacity Type T, TW (60°C Wire)

20* 25* 30 40 55 70 85 95 110 125 145 165 195 215 240 260 280 320 335 400 455 20* 25* 30 40 55 70 85 95 110 125 145 165 195 215 240 260 280 320 335 400 455

Type RH, THWN, RHW, THW (75°C Wire) 20* 25* 35* 50 65 85 100 115 130 150 175 200 230 255 285 310 335 380 420 475 545 20* 25* 35* 50 65 85 100 115 130 150 175 200 230 255 285 310 335 380 420 475 545

Type RHH, THHN, XHHW (90°C Wire) 25* 30* 40* 55 75 95 110 130 150 170 195 225 260 290 320 350 380 430 475 535 615 25* 30* 40* 55 75 95 110 130 150 170 195 225 260 290 320 350 380 430 475 535 615

Direct Current

6140 3860 2420 1528 982 616 490 388 308 244 193 153 122 103 86 73 64 52 43 34 26 6140 3464 2420 1528 982 616 470 388 308 244 193 153 122 103 86 73 64 52 43 34 26

Volt Loss (See explanation prior page.) Three-Phase (60 Cycle, Lagging Power Factor.) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

Single-Phase (60 Cycle, Lagging Power Factor.) 100% 90% 80% 70%


5369 3464 2078 1350 848 536 433 346 277 207 173 136 109 93 77 67 60 50 43 36 31 5369 3464 2078 1350 848 536 433 329 259 207 173 133 107 90 76 65 57 46 39 32 25

6200 4000 2400 1560 980 620 500 400 320 240 200 158 126 108 90 78 70 58 50 42 36 6200 4000 2400 1560 980 620 500 380 300 240 200 154 124 104 88 76 66 54 46 38 30

3836 2508 1540 1040 690 468 394 331 283 232 206 178 157 148 135 126 120 111 106 102 95 3812 2486 1520 1019 669 448 375 300 253 214 188 159 140 128 118 109 103 94 90 83 77

4887 3169 1918 1264 812 528 434 354 292 228 196 162 136 123 108 98 91 81 75 68 62 4876 3158 1908 1255 802 519 425 330 268 220 188 151 127 112 99 89 81 71 65 58 51

4371 2841 1728 1148 745 491 407 336 280 223 194 163 140 128 115 106 99 90 84 78 72 4355 2827 1714 1134 731 479 395 310 255 212 183 150 128 114 103 94 87 77 72 65 59

3848 2508 1532 1026 673 450 376 312 264 213 188 160 139 129 117 109 103 94 89 84 78 3830 2491 1516 1010 657 435 361 286 238 199 174 145 125 113 104 95 89 80 76 70 63

3322 2172 1334 900 597 405 341 286 245 200 178 154 136 128 117 109 104 96 92 88 82 3301 2153 1316 882 579 388 324 259 219 185 163 138 121 110 102 94 89 82 77 72 66

5643 3659 2214 1460 937 610 501 409 337 263 227 187 157 142 125 113 105 94 86 79 72 5630 3647 2203 1449 926 599 490 381 310 254 217 175 147 129 114 103 94 82 75 67 59

5047 3281 1995 1326 860 568 470 388 324 258 224 188 162 148 133 122 114 104 97 91 84 5029 3264 1980 1310 845 553 456 358 295 244 211 173 148 132 119 108 100 90 83 76 68

4444 2897 1769 1184 777 519 434 361 305 246 217 184 161 149 135 126 118 109 103 97 90 4422 2877 1751 1166 758 502 417 330 275 230 201 167 145 131 120 110 103 93 87 80 73

* The overcurrent protection for conductor types marked with an (*) shall not exceed 15 amperes for 14 AWG, 20 amperes for 12 AWG, and 30 amperes for 10 AWG copper; or 15 amperes for 12 AWG and 25 amperes for 10 AWG aluminum and copper-clad aluminum after any correction factors for ambient temperature and number of conductors have been applied. † Figures are L-L for both single-phase and three-phase. Three-phase figures are average for the three-phase.


©2005 Cooper Bussmann

Voltage Drop Calculations Aluminum Conductors — Ratings & Volt Loss† Conduit

Steel Conduit

NonMagnetic Conduit (Lead Covered Cables or Installation in Fibre or Other NonMagnetic Conduit, Etc.)

Wire Size

12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0 00 000 0000 250 300 350 400 500 600 750 1000 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 0 00 000 0000 250 300 350 400 500 600 750 1000

Ampacity Type T, TW (60°C Wire)

20* 25 30 40 55 65 75 85 100 115 130 150 170 190 210 225 260 285 320 375 20* 25 30 40 55 65 75 85 100 115 130 150 170 190 210 225 260 285 320 375

Type RH, THWN, RHW, THW (75°C Wire) 20* 30* 40 50 65 75 90 100 120 135 155 180 205 230 250 270 310 340 385 445 20* 30* 40 50 65 75 90 100 120 135 155 180 205 230 250 270 310 340 385 445

Type RHH, THHN, XHHW (90°C Wire) 25* 35* 45 60 75 85 100 115 135 150 175 205 230 255 280 305 350 385 435 500 25* 35* 45 60 75 85 100 115 135 150 175 205 230 255 280 305 350 385 435 500

Direct Current

6360 4000 2520 1616 1016 796 638 506 402 318 259 200 169 141 121 106 85 71 56 42 6360 4000 2520 1616 1016 796 638 506 402 318 252 200 169 141 121 106 85 71 56 42

Volt Loss (See explanation two pages prior.) Three-Phase (60 Cycle, Lagging Power Factor.) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60%

Single-Phase (60 Cycle, Lagging Power Factor.) 100% 90% 80% 70%


5542 3464 2251 1402 883 692 554 433 346 277 225 173 148 124 109 95 77 65 53 43 5542 3464 2251 1402 883 692 554 433 346 277 225 173 147 122 105 93 74 62 50 39

6400 4000 2600 1620 1020 800 640 500 400 320 260 200 172 144 126 110 90 76 62 50 6400 4000 2600 1620 1020 800 640 500 400 320 260 200 170 142 122 108 86 72 58 46

3948 2500 1663 1074 708 574 475 391 328 278 239 201 186 168 155 144 130 122 114 103 3926 2480 1643 1053 668 555 456 373 310 260 223 185 167 150 137 128 114 105 95 86

5039 3165 2075 1310 840 668 541 432 353 290 241 194 173 150 135 122 106 95 84 73 5029 3155 2065 1301 831 659 532 424 344 281 234 186 163 141 125 114 96 85 73 63

4504 2836 1868 1188 769 615 502 405 334 277 234 191 173 152 139 127 112 102 92 82 4490 2823 1855 1175 756 603 490 394 322 266 223 181 160 140 125 116 100 90 79 70

3963 2502 1656 1061 692 557 458 373 310 260 221 184 168 150 138 127 113 105 96 87 3946 2486 1640 1045 677 543 443 360 296 247 209 171 153 136 123 114 100 91 82 73

3419 2165 1441 930 613 497 411 338 284 241 207 174 161 145 134 125 113 106 98 89 3400 2147 1423 912 596 480 394 323 268 225 193 160 145 130 118 111 98 91 82 75

5819 3654 2396 1513 970 771 625 499 407 335 279 224 200 174 156 141 122 110 97 85 5807 3643 2385 1502 959 760 615 490 398 325 270 215 188 163 144 132 111 98 85 73

5201 3275 2158 1372 888 710 580 468 386 320 270 221 200 176 160 146 129 118 107 95 5184 3260 2142 1357 873 696 566 455 372 307 258 209 185 162 145 134 115 104 92 81

4577 2889 1912 1225 799 644 529 431 358 301 256 212 194 173 159 146 131 121 111 100 4557 2871 1894 1206 782 627 512 415 342 285 241 198 177 157 142 132 115 106 94 85

* The overcurrent protection for conductor types marked with an (*) shall not exceed 15 amperes for 14 AWG, 20 amperes for 12 AWG, and 30 amperes for 10 AWG copper; or 15 amperes for 12 AWG and 25 amperes for 10 AWG aluminum and copper-clad aluminum after any correction factors for ambient temperature and number of conductors have been applied. † Figures are L-L for both single-phase and three-phase. Three-phase figures are average for the three-phase.

©2005 Cooper Bussmann