Volume: 1 Issue: 3 June 2013 - FIAAI

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Volume: 1 Issue: 3 June 2013 ... 3/4 Red capsicum, sliced. 3 Garlic cloves ... 1/4 cup Light soy sauce. 1/4 Cup brown vinegar. 3 tbsp. Sweet chill sauce. 1 tbsp.
Newsletter Contact Details 85 Canning Street Launceston, TAS 7250 PH: (03) 6334-5721 FAX: (03) 6331-9769 OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 8:30am—5:00pm

Volume: 1 Issue: 3 1

June 2013

Flinders Island Aboriginal Association INC. Healthy Lifestyle Program WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT…… The Healthy Lifestyle Program


Chronic disease such as diabetes, kidney disease and heart disease are a lot more common in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people than non- indigenous Australians. These chronic diseases are the core reason why adult indigenous people die younger and have poorer health than other Australian adults. Smoking, not enough physical activity, poor nutrition and large consumption of alcohol can lead to these chronic diseases. By minimizing these risk factors you can reduce your chance of these diseases evolving.

The Healthy Lifestyle team’s job is twofold: to raise awareness of the benefits of quitting smoking, or most importantly not taking it up, and to promote healthy lifestyle choices. Some healthy lifestyle choices include increased physical activity, and improving nutrition. We aim to work with other orgs to help promote these positive changes.

State Coordinator Email: [email protected] Michelle Gregson Healthy lifestyle worker Email: [email protected] Tania Wheatley Healthy lifestyle worker Email:

The Healthy Lifestyle Team is a Tasmania-wide initiative. We hope to be working with you soon to deliver programs that will improve the lives of individuals within the community.


[email protected] Cody Woolley Healthy lifestyle worker Email: [email protected]


FIAAI 5km/2km Fun Run The Annual FIAAI 5km/2km Fun run on June 9th was a great day with double the participants of the previous year. There were all ages and fitness abilities in both divisions. The fun day commenced after all participants had crossed the line, and included a whole bunch of attractions making it a family friendly day for all to enjoy. Nutritious and delicious foods were available throughout the day, as promoting a healthy lifestyle was a main focus. The FIAAI Healthy Lifestyle team had two representatives, Cody Woolley and Tania Wheatley holding a health stall along with Roberta Gates From Diabetes Tasmania and Tess Tanner from YADAS giving people the chance to source health information and advice. It was a very successful day and we hope to see you all there next year!

5km Men's

5km Women's

2km Men's

2km Women's

1st Joe Krushka

1st Kathleen Ives- Heap

1st Brailey Duncan

1st Emily Wood

2nd Ben Crawford

2nd Josie Beveridge

2nd Julian Newall

2nd Sophia Smith

3rd David Green

3rd Alexandra Anderson

3rd Tyson Wood

3rd Harmony Smith

Buttman A special thanks to the following:



The Plaza Salon

Proudly Sponsored by: FIAAI Healthy Lifestyle Program, FIAAI Health, O.A.T.S.I.H & D.O.H.A 3

RECIPE OF THE MONTH Swap it, don't stop it!

Beef and Bok Choy stir—fry

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. Vegetable oil


1kg Rump steak sliced

1. To make sauce mix all ingredients

1 Onion, cut into wedges

together in a small bowl and set aside

3/4 Red capsicum, sliced

2. Add oil to large fry pan or wok, stir fry beef for 2-3 mins. Transfer to a bowl. Add onion

3 Garlic cloves, sliced

to fry pan and stir fry for 2-3 mins or until

230g Can bamboo shoots, drained

brown. Add garlic and cook for 30sec.

1 Bunch bok choy, separated and halved

3. Return the beef to fry pan. Add the

1/2 Cup chopped coriander

bamboo shoots, bok choy, capsicum and

2 Cups steamed rice

chopped coriander. Cook for 30 secs. Add sauce and bring to the boil. 4. Serve with steamed rice

Sauce: 1/3 cup Oyster sauce 1/4 cup Light soy sauce 1/4 Cup brown vinegar 3 tbsp. Sweet chill sauce 1 tbsp. Sesame oil


HEALTH ISSUS OF THE MONTH Lets talk about it! Smoking prevention is KEY! To mark World No Tobacco Day we designed and distributed No Smoking signs to Flinders Island Aboriginal Association, Southeast Tasmania Aboriginal Corporation, Women’s Karadi Aboriginal Corporation and Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation. All these orgs are taking one more step towards creating smoke free work spaces, a cleaner environment and healthier communities.

KARADI presenting their No Smoking signs

FIAAI staff and their No Smoking Signs

SETAC Members showing off their new No Smoking signs


TEAM UPDATE Practice what you preach! Tania Wheatley

Michelle Gregson

On the 3rd of June we had our first walking/exercise session for the Walkabout group. It was a huge success with 10 people turning up.

I have been busy inviting schools state-wide to participate in a poster competition, where we are asking kinder to grade 6 students to create a poster with their own health messages about the effects of smoking. We will be donating a book voucher for the winning entry from each grade, and an overall winner will have their poster printed and message displayed at many of our health promotion events.

The Examiner came and interviewed Cody and myself about the sessions and the FIAAI Healthy Lifestyle Program.

The sessions are held twice a week and we have a personal trainer that keeps us moving at a very quick pace.

So if you know anyone wanting to enter please phone 6334 5721 and I will supply you with a detailed letter explaining all the rules. The competition closes on the Friday the 28th June.

All participants in the group are very committed and are all showing signs of improved fitness. We also visit the gym several times a week, which the group is really enjoying.

Cody Woolley

I have recently joined the walking group “Walkabout” in order to gain more physical activity to improve my fitness and not let the winter months slow me down. Joining the walking group had a lot of bonuses, such as free access to Anytime Fitness gym . The Personal trainers have set me up with a plan, most of which is weight training . There are so many bonuses when incorporating weights into your exercise plan. For example, weight training tones your muscles which looks great and raises your metabolism, which causes you to burn more kilojoules 24 hours-aday. You’ll even burn more kilojoules while you’re sleeping. It also strengthens your bones reducing your risk of developing disorders like osteoporosis. Give it a go !


TIPS AND HINTS Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another!

Its never too late! Active seniors 1. Choose activities that you find interesting and enjoyable– You are more likely to stick to your exercise routine if you are having fun. 2. Check with your GP before starting a new exercise routine- Some activities may not suit or be appropriate for people with long term injuries or illness 3. Start slowly and do not set unrealistic goals- Set smaller goals to reach in order to keep you motivated 4. Build muscle tissue with strength training- For example you could set up a weight lifting routine 5. Looking after your bones– Weight-bearing exercise can reduce your risk of bone loss and osteoporosis as you age. 6. Improve your heart and lung fitness– Opt for moderate intensity exercise. Aim for activity that means you breathe harder but not left feeling breathless.

Exercise of the month

Superman: 1. Lie face down on the floor, legs together and straight, arms straight and extend above your head. Keep you neck in a neutral position. 2. Keep limbs straight and torso stationary, simultaneously lift your arms ands legs towards the ceiling to form a gentle curve with you body. HOLD for 30 seconds. 3. Relax then repeat


Volume: 1 Issue: 3 8

June 2013