Volume 28, Issue 35 Conference Announcement 4th Annual Single Global Currency Conference Location : Mt. Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA Organizers : Single Global Currency Assn. Major Topics : Single Global Currency, monetary unions, exchange rates, global central bank Conference Dates : 7/19/2007 to 7/19/2007 Submission Deadline : 5/19/2007 Send Submissions To : Morrison Bonpasse, Single Global Currency Assn., at
[email protected] Sponsoring Organizations : Single Global Currency Assn. Morrison Bonpasse, Single Global Currency Assn.,
[email protected], For further information contact : http://www.singleglobalcurrency.org Web Page : http://www.singleglobalcurrency.org/sgc_annual_conf.html
The Single Global Currency Association will hold the Fourth Annual Single Global Currency Conference on Thursday and Friday, July 19-20, 2007, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., at the Mt. Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA. It will meet in the Gifford conference room across the hall from the Gold Room, used 63 years previous for the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference. This Fourth annual conference will be followed by successive annual conferences at Bretton Woods until the single global currency is implemented, with a global central bank. The goal of the Association is implementation by 2024. The agenda for the fourth conference is on the Single Global Currency Assn. website at http://www.singleglobalcurrency.org/agenda_next_conf.html, but openings remain and formal and informal papers and presentations are solicited. Suggested topics might include any subject related to the 3-G world: a Single Global Currency, managed by a Global Central Bank, within a Global Monetary Union, including: -the benefits of the single global currency (SGC), -ways to counteract the disadvantages and costs of the SGC, -the current status of monetary unions, and their prospects, -the potential routes to the future implementation of the single global currency, -what the financial world will look like with a single global currency, -reserve requirements for a single global currency, governance of the proposed global central bank, -how to manage inflation and the money supply with a single global currency, -impact of the single global currency on speculative activities, -globalization and the single global currency, capital flows in a 3-G world, -economic costs & benefits of a single global currency for small nation states, -any other topic which will further understanding of the single global currency and the steps necessary for its implementation. The conference will have ample time for informal discussions. For those who wish to make a presentation, with or without a full academic research paper, please contact Morrison Bonpasse at the Single Global Currency Association. When feasible, papers by the presenters will be posted on this web site. Lodging will be on the "European Plan" (a change from the previous conferences) with separate prices for rooms and meals. The rates are $219 for a one person room at the Resort Hotel, plus 8% room tax for a total of $236.52. Rates at the other two facilities run by the Mt. Washington resort and located nearby are $189 ($204.12) at the Bretton Arms and $139 ($150.12) at "The Lodge". A resort shuttle is in service 24-hours, 7 days for your convenience. Reservations must be made by email by contacting Jennifer Charron at the Mt. Washington Hotel. Her phone is 603-278-8877. For more information about the hotel, and surrounding areas, go to the hotel''s website at www.mtwashington.com
Citation: Morrison Bonpasse , (2006) Economics Bulletin, Vol. 28 no.35 p.A1. Submitted: December 24, 2006 Published: December 26, 2006. URL: http://www.accessecon.com/pubs/EB/2006/Volume29/EB-06CC0025A.pdf
Citation: Morrison Bonpasse , (2006) Economics Bulletin, Vol. 28 no.35 p.A1. Submitted: December 24, 2006 Published: December 26, 2006. URL: http://www.accessecon.com/pubs/EB/2006/Volume29/EB-06CC0025A.pdf