Volume 4 . Supplement 1 . April 2010

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Apr 1, 2010 - European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society. EPOS 29th Annual Meeting .... John Birch (United States). Pwpo.w: In deformity correction- ...
Volume 4 . Supplement 1 . April 2010

European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society EPOS 29th Annual Meeting

7-10 April 2010 Zagreb, Croatia

Scientific Program &


~ Springer

J Child On hop (201 0) 4 (S uppl 1):S I- S75


Purpose: Comparison of effecti veness o f radical surgica l exc isio n and bo ne grafting with sllprase lecti ve cmbo ii salio n o f the AB C nutri ent

S5 1 che mo therapy, showed no disease progress ion during the pamidron ot therapy. In the other group o f patie nts. who hadn' t rccei ve.d the pamidronat. o ne patie nt with metastatic di sease had died, 2 o f them had local rec urrence. ,llld 2 di ed d ue to di sease prog ress io n. CQndll .~ioll.\': Introducing me pamidronat has been a big step fOTVIard for osteosarcoma pnt ielll s. beca use, accordi ng lO our rcsuhs, during the pam idronat therapy they haven 't developed loca l recurrence and! or disease progression. Sigllijic(IIlc(': Sig nifi c'lllce o f the ma intenance the rapy in geneml has come into focus of oncology interes a ft cr standard o ncology treatment in order to pre ve nt eve nts s uc h as enrly rel apses. Bisphosphoantcs acts as anti angiogenesis d rugs ll nd there fore could ha ve signifi cant role in osteosarcoma patien ts.

arteri es. Method.~:

Complete surgica l excision or curettage with oone grafti ng.

supraselccli ve c mbo lisat ion of the ABC nutrien t arteries. Hesulf:)': In our series we present data of 12 palicills with ABC treated be twee n J .1 .1990 and 3 1.12.2007. 5 children (aged 7- 12 years) were trealed with surg ical trcallllCnt and seven childre n (aged 10 to 14 years) we re (realed w ith supersc leclive e mbolisation of. The locations for surgical ly treated AB C's were proxim nl tibia (3 x). proxim al fibul a and proximal hUlllenis. We o bserved two local recurrences . The locat ions o f A BC's treated with superselec ti vc em bolisation were scapul a (2x), sacrum (3x), pubi c bone an d di stal fe mU!" . T he supersciective e mboli ­ salion was perfo rmed as the primary trel.tlmenl in li ve patie nts. In two pat ients it was used as a preoperative preparati on of the lesion. In a ll those patie nt s the sclc rosat io n and bone remodeling of A BC was observed , C linica l signs and sympto ms dim ini shed . Com:ilfsiolls: BOlh our Inet ho(\s of treatme nt give good results. Su­ pcrse lcclive e mboli sl"tlio n of nutril ie nt arteries o f ABC's proved to be a good primary treatment. In surg ically d iffi c ult accessible regio ns it sho uld be used as a preope rati ve treatment to ac hieve mi ni mal blood loss d uring com ple te surgical exc ision. Significa llce: Effecti veness o f suprase lect.ive e mboli sation as prima ry or additional treatment is sim ilar to radi ca l su rgica l excisio n and bone grafting, Especially in the surgically difficu lt accessible areas it seems to be a preferred method .


OSTEOSARCOMA TREATMENT WITH BISPHOSPHONATE PAMIDRONATE D1S0DlUM AS A MAINTENANCE THERAPY Aleksandra Bonevski , Jasmi nka Stepa n. Gordana Jakovljevic. Milan Ri mae, Melit a Nakic (Croati a)

Purpose: To dete rmine the significance o f the muinlenance therapy with bisphosphonatcs in c hildre n w ith osteosarcoma, we have dec ided to introduce pll midronat di sodium in treatme nt . as wcl l as the first line therapy in pati ents with metastat ic di sea:-oe . Methods: Between 2005 and 2008, we have been treated 17 osteo­ ~ arco ma patients. from 4 t.ill 18 years of age. All pati ents have bee n fo llowed up for' I mo nths average (range 4-18). At the time of diagnosis 15 o f the m had local di sease. and 2 had mel