Volume Flexibility, Product Flexibility or Both: The

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volume flexibility is a function of demand correlation between products, an outcome which ... The firm can utilize two types of flexibilities: volume and/or product.
Volume Flexibility, Product Flexibility or Both: The Role of Demand Correlation and Product Substitution Manu Goyal [email protected] Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland Serguei Netessine [email protected] The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania June 2010 Forthcoming in M&SOM

Abstract We analyze volume flexibility — the ability to produce above/below the installed capacity for a product — under endogenous pricing in a two-product setting. We discover that the value of volume flexibility is a function of demand correlation between products, an outcome which cannot be explained by classical risk-pooling arguments. Furthermore, while the value of product flexibility always decreases in demand correlation, we show that the value of volume flexibility can increase or decrease in demand correlation depending on whether the products are strategic complements or substitutes. We further find that volume flexibility better combats aggregate demand uncertainty for the two products, while product flexibility is better at mitigating individual demand uncertainty for each product. Our results thus underscore the necessity of analyzing volume flexibility with more than one product, and emphasize the contrast with product flexibility. Furthermore, we highlight the possible pitfalls of combining flexibilities: we show that while adding volume flexibility to product flexibility never hurts performance, adding product flexibility to volume flexibility is not always beneficial, even when such an addition is costless.




The business environment today is characterized by increasing product variety and escalating levels of demand uncertainty. With capacity decisions typically frozen far in advance of the actual product launch, when demand is still uncertain, misalignments between capacity installed and demand realized are inevitable. Manufacturing flexibility helps mitigate the economically severe consequences of such a demand-supply mismatch by allowing firms to appropriately reallocate or customize capacity in accordance with the realized demand. Given the glut of flexibility choices available today (Sethi and Sethi (1990) describe 11 different types of flexibilities), choosing the right flexibility can be overwhelming. To aid this decision, as Vokurka and Leary-Kelly (2000) argue, it is important to study the inter-relationships, trade-offs and synergies among the different flexibility types. The goal of the paper is to analytically compare two such flexibilities (product and volume) — both adept at mitigating demand uncertainty — and to study the impact of combining them. Product flexibility (same as mix flexibility, process flexibility or product-mix flexibility in the extant literature) entails the ability to manufacture multiple products on the same capacity, and the ability to reallocate capacity between products in response to realized demand. In contrast, a firm with volume flexibility manufactures a single product on a given capacity. However, volume flexibility enables the firm to produce above/below capacity (at a cost) in response to realized demand (the ability to profitably increase production above capacity is often referred to as upside flexibility and the ability to profitably decrease production below capacity is referred to as downside flexibility). Our choice of flexibilities — product and volume — is neither whimsical nor particularly restrictive. Much attention has been given to product flexibility in the analytical literature (cf. Fine and Freund, 1990; Jordan and Graves, 1995) as well as in the popular press (Mackintosh, 2003). Numerous studies have also argued for the importance of volume flexibility (cf. Jack and Raturi, 2002). Moreover, both flexibilities mitigate demand uncertainty by customizing capacity (hence production volumes) once demand is known. Even though the objective is the same (to mitigate the misalignment between supply (capacity) and demand), the means are very different — the two flexibilities customize capacity in response to demand very differently. Such differences, as we demonstrate, endow inherent advantages to the two flexibility types under various operating environments. It is therefore important to understand the relative advantages of the two flexibility types when choosing the right flexibility to adopt. The analysis and the insights presented in this paper help managers achieve this goal.


We model a firm manufacturing two products and facing an uncertain demand curve for each. The firm can utilize two types of flexibilities: volume and/or product. Using these two flexibilities as building blocks, the firm has a choice of four different technologies: volume-flexible technology ( ), product-flexible technology ( ), both volume and product-flexible technology (  ) or neither volume nor product-flexible technology ( or dedicated). Having settled on the choice of technology, the firm invests in capacity. If the firm selects  or   technologies, it invests in a single capacity that produces both products; while if the firm selects  or  technologies, it invests in two capacities, one for each product. The firm then observes the demand curve realizations and, finally, adjusts/allocates capacity to the two products constrained both by the choice of technology and the capacity decisions. The market price is a function of the firm’s output quantities. We derive insights by comparing capacities and profits for each technology. Our model mirrors the capacity and flexibility investment decisions in many industries, such as electronic manufacturing (Nakomoto, 2003), airplane manufacturing (Lunsford, 2007), etc. We illustrate our model from the automotive and the lawn-mower industries where a choice of technology can cover the entire range from no-flexibility ( technology) to full flexibility (  technology). In the automotive industry, firms typically choose technology and capacity well in advance of the actual manufacturing (in fact, this decision can be made as early as 5 years from the planned manufacturing date, as detailed in Fleischmann et al., 2006). Consequently, the choices of technology and capacity are based on sales forecasts for the products that will be manufactured, rather than on actual demand information (ibid.). Not surprisingly then, mismatches between supply and demand are common, and can often have dire economic consequences. In a celebrated example, in year 2000, Chrysler faced higher than anticipated demand for the just launched PT Cruiser, but on the flip side, dampened demand for the hitherto well-selling Town & Country minivan. However, Chrysler could not align production volumes to demand (since both products were manufactured on non-flexible dedicated technology), and this imbalance between supply and demand for the two products cost the company approximately $2 billion (Greenberg, 2001). Firms in the industry have therefore splurged on different kinds of flexibilities to mitigate such demand supply mismatches. These flexibilities (or technologies) may be installed on existing capacity (retro-fitting), or may involve setting up an entirely new capacity or plant. For instance, not only is Ford retrofitting plants with product flexibility (i.e., installing  technology on existing capacity), the company is also investing in new product-flexible capacity (their new Rouge Plant can manufacture 9 different products) — Mackintosh (2003). Similarly, BMW located its new $1.6 billion factory in Germany, where labor costs are extremely high, to leverage unprecedented labor flexibility which would allow the company to increase/decrease production for its multiple


products depending on the realized demand (  technology) — Edmondson (2005). Salvador et al. (2007) describe how the entire product-line for lawn-mowers is plagued by severe seasonal demand fluctuations, and, at the same time, by increasing demand uncertainty at the individual product level caused by product proliferation. Firms mitigate such demand uncertainties by investing in both volume and product flexibilities. While they strive to make their (and their suppliers’) production lines more volume flexible (both upside and downside), designing products with common components enables product flexibility (as van Mieghem (2004) proves, component commonality and product flexibility are equivalent). Our main findings can be summarized as follows: () Because a firm with volume flexibility manufactures just the one product on a given capacity, volume flexibility has typically been analyzed for a single product in the extant literature. In this paper, we analyze a firm with volume flexibility manufacturing two products (with each product manufactured on a separate capacity), and discover the following dynamics absent in a single product setting: () The value of volume-flexible technology depends on the demand correlation between the two products, an outcome which cannot be explained by the classical risk-pooling arguments (unlike for product-flexible technology where this dependence is a direct outcome of risk-pooling, cf. Eppen, 1979; Van Mieghem, 1998). Moreover, unlike product-flexible technology where the profit always decreases in demand correlation, the profit for volume-flexible technology can increase or decrease with demand correlation, depending on whether the two products are strategic ‘complements’ (such as TVs and DVD players) or strategic ‘substitutes’ (such as different models of TVs). Furthermore, while product flexibility is ineffective in mitigating demand uncertainty for positively correlated demands (cf. Fine and Freund, 1990; Jordan and Graves, 1995), we find that volume flexibility is indeed a potent tool to harness high (positive) demand correlation between products. () We formally show that volume flexibility can be best used to combat aggregate demand uncertainty for a set of products, such as uncertainty in demand for an entire line of new apparels being launched, while product flexibility is best used to mitigate individual demand uncertainty, such as uncertainty in each style of the apparel being launched. () We unambiguously delineate the optimal choice of technology (  or ) for the myriad environmental variables at play. () By combining two different flexibility types — volume and product — we show that: () The value of flexibility is not absolute and depends critically on the existing technology deployed by the firm. For instance, the value of each flexibility type (volume or product) depends crucially on whether flexibility is added to dedicated technology or to an existing base of flexibility


(product or volume, correspondingly). () While adding volume flexibility to product flexibility never hurts performance, adding product flexibility to volume flexibility is not always beneficial, even when such an addition is costless. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Related literature is surveyed below in Section 2. Models of flexibility are presented in Section 3. Volume and product flexibilities are analyzed in Section 4. The optimal choice of technology is solved in Section 5, including an analysis where the two flexibilities are combined. Robustness of our insights is discussed in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 concludes.


Literature Review

We survey three streams of literature below: volume flexibility, product flexibility and the literature that studies both (see Gerwin (1993) for a more extensive survey on manufacturing flexibility). Volume Flexibility There is no agreed ‘single’ definition of volume flexibility (cf. Jack and Raturi, 2002). For instance, Upton (1994) defines volume flexibility simply as the ability to alter production volumes, while Sethi and Sethi (1990) define it as the ability of a manufacturing system to operate profitably at different overall output levels. Gerwin (1993) argues that volume flexibility permits increases or decreases in the aggregate production level. Our view and model of volume flexibility assimilates and refines these key ideas within the context of capacity investment — it allows a firm to profitably increase or decrease production above and below the installed capacity. Moreover, volume flexibility is utilized to mitigate long-term (aggregate) uncertainty in customer demand across products, rather than short-term day-today demand fluctuations (the copious literature on aggregate planning focuses on the latter, see Nam and Logendran (1992) for a survey). Much of the analytical work on volume flexibility (or output flexibility) comes from economics. Stigler (1939) pioneered the study, and he measured the degree of volume flexibility by the steepness of the average cost curve: the steeper the average cost curve around the minimum (i.e., as it becomes costlier to deviate away from the ‘sweet-spot’ of the average cost curve on either side), the less flexible is the firm. Our model of volume flexibility, suitably adapted to a price-dependent demand model for two products with capacity constraints, incorporates this fundamental idea of increasing average cost on either side of the minimum. Oi (1961) showed that the profit of a firm with volume flexibility increases in the variance of the price fluctuations. Sheshinski and Dreze (1976), and Mills (1984) generalize and extend the findings of Oi (1961) to a competitive landscape. Vives (1989) models a two-stage-two-firm game with cost increasing quadratically in the output for a


single product. The firms select the level of flexibility by setting the steepness of the average cost curve. Similar to our model, Vives utilizes a linear demand model with a random intercept and endogenous pricing. However, he considers only a single product and does not focus on the tradeoffs between volume and product flexibilities. In the Operations Management literature, analytical work on volume flexibility is eclectic. Tomlin (2006) considers the risk of supply chain disruption in a single-product setting: a firm can either source from an unreliable supplier, or a reliable supplier who has volume flexibility (which is defined as the amount and speed with which extra capacity becomes available). Rajagopalan and Soteriou (1994) formulate capacity acquisition, disposal and replacement problem as an integer program in which capacity comes in a few discrete sizes. Other papers analyze volume flexibility in forms such as ‘Quick Response’, where firms can make additional (typically more expensive) ordering decisions after obtaining better demand information (cf. Fisher et al. (2001), Iyer and Bergen (1997) and Donohue (2000)). Although the fundamental idea in all the above papers is similar to our notion of volume flexibility, product prices are exogenous to the model and only upside flexibility is modeled. Cachon and Kok (2007) consider flexibility in decreasing the order by utilizing the salvage market with an endogenously determined clearing price, which can be interpreted as downside flexibility. Anupindi and Jiang (2008) establish the strategic equivalence of price and quantity competition under demand uncertainty, and demonstrate that, under competition, investment in (downside) volume flexibility depends on whether demand shock is additive or multiplicative. In the empirical stream, Parker and Wirth (1999) develop measures for volume flexibility, and identify linkages among flexibility types. Jack and Raturi (2002) use case studies to isolate sources of volume flexibility. Vokurka et al. (2000) provide a detailed survey of this literature. Product Flexibility Unlike volume flexibility, product flexibility has been given much more attention in the operations literature. Seminal work on product flexibility by Fine and Freund (1990) models a firm manufacturing  products, which optimizes the capacity levels for  dedicated resources and one flexible resource that can manufacture all  products. The decision to invest in flexible capacity is based on the cost differential between the dedicated and flexible technologies as well as demand uncertainty and demand correlation. Jordan and Graves (1995) look at total flexibility vs. partial flexibility through the concept of chaining (a chain consist of product-plant ‘links’: more links correspond to higher flexibility). They find that adding limited flexibility in the right place can achieve nearly all the benefits of total flexibility. They also show that, unless capacity is very small or very large compared to the mean demand, there are significant benefits to adding product flexibility. Graves and Tomlin (2003) adapt the single-stage


chaining strategy of Jordan and Graves (1995) to multistage supply chains. Bassamboo et al (2009) establish the value of flexibility under a fairly general framework of newsvendor networks. Van Mieghem (1998) finds that flexibility is beneficial even under perfect (positive) demand correlation if one product is more profitable than the other. Tomlin and Wang (2005) highlight the ‘resource aggregation’ risk of product flexibility where a capacity-disruption could halt the production of both products. In all these papers, product prices are exogenous to the model. Chod and Rudi (2005), and Bish and Wang (2004) analyze the value of product flexibility with endogenous pricing. Goyal and Netessine (2007), and Roller and Tombak (1993) investigate the impact of competition on the adoption of product flexibility. Boyabatli and Toktay (2007) consider the impact of capital market imperfections on the value of product flexibility for a monopolist firm. Bish and Chen (2008) consider two alternate strategies for hedging against supply and demand risks: investing in product flexibility, or demand management through product differentiation and pricing. Bish et al (2010) demonstrate under very general conditions that the insights on product flexibility are robust to the typical assumptions made in extant literature (such as always producing to capacity). Our model of product flexibility is in the spirit of Chod and Rudi (2005), and Goyal and Netessine (2007). However, we also consider the notion of ‘demand management’ through product differentiation and pricing, similar in spirit to Bish and Chen (2008). Several flexibility types In the empirical stream, Suarez et al. (1996) study three different types of flexibility — mix, volume and new-product — for printed-circuit-board assembly. Anand and Ward (2004) argue, as we do, that there should be a match between the flexibility type and the environmental variables that the firm faces. Chod et al (2006) analytically consider the tradeoff between product and volume flexibility. They look at mix, volume and time flexibility in a related setting. Their notion of volume flexibility is different from ours — volume flexibility is measured by the proportion of manufacturing costs incurred after demand realization (in contrast, the use of the average cost curves in our setup to model and analyze volume flexibility is closer in spirit to the economics literature). Moreover, Chod et al (2006) ignore cross-price effects across markets. Summary To summarize, although much is known about product flexibility, there is a dearth of studies on volume flexibility especially in a multiproduct setting. Moreover, although the empirical literature has hinted at interrelationships among the different flexibility types, there are no formal models (barring Chod et al, 2006) that analyze both volume and product flexibility under one framework. We fill this gap by () explicitly analyzing some fundamental properties of volume flexibility in a multiproduct setting


with endogenous pricing, () by bringing forth the contrast between volume and product flexibility under various environmental conditions, and () by studying the impact of combining flexibilities.


Model and Notation

A single firm manufactures two products indexed by  = 1 2 The inverse demand curve for product  is linear of the form:  (  3− ) =  − −3−  where  is the quantity put in the market for product . We refer to the parameter  ∈ (−1 1) as the substitutability parameter, where   0 signifies that the two products are strategic ‘substitutes’ whereas   0 signifies that the two products are strategic ‘complements’ (Singh and Vives, 1984). When  = 0 the products are ‘independent’. For instance, Sony manufactures different models of camcorders (substitutes), as well as televisions and DVD players (complements) often on the same manufacturing facility (Nakamoto, 2003). Substitutability implies that the demand for a product increases with an increase in the price of the other product, and vice versa for complementarity (there is no such cross-price effect when the products are independent). Lus and Muriel (2009) support the use of our demand model since it does not lead to unnatural comparative statics results. The demand intercepts,  ∈ V,P

Volume Flexible





* p


Figure 1. Technology choice for High Correlation V>P>D

cv  c p  c z

* v


Volume Flexible II



cv  c p  c z

Volume Flexible





P>V>D Product



Product Flexible




Volume III


Product Flexible


* z




V * v



IV V 2


Figure 2. Technology choice for Medium Correlation Figure 3. Technology choice for Low Correlation

In contrast, in Figure 3, the cost threshold curve ∗ always lies below ∗  Hence, in Area IV product flexibility is chosen. Again the tie between Areas V and III is broken by ∗  In summary, although the intuition and the analysis of Section 4.2, specifically the interaction of  and  serves us well for understanding the fundamental forces at play, and perhaps also to guide us towards the right choice of technology for some ‘obvious’ cases, it is ill-equipped to cull out unambiguously the choice of technology in the context of all the myriad variables at play. For instance,  technology is always preferred over  technology even for substitutable products as long as  is not too high (Figure 1). For low demand correlation one would think that product flexibility would always be the weapon of choice. However, in Figure 3 we do see a smattering of an area where volume flexibility is still preferred if the cost of capacity investment is high enough. Similarly in Figure 2 where inspite of correlation being relatively high, we see product flexibility being chosen ahead of volume flexibility for low enough cost of capacity investment. Hence, what we need is an unambiguous pointer to the technology that creates the most value for a firm operating under various environmental variables. This job is undertaken and accomplished by Proposition 3.


Mitigating aggregate and individual demand uncertainty

So far we have analyzed both volume and product flexibility at a fairly detailed level pulling various levers, such as         to ascertain the value of each flexibility type. From a more managerial 18

perspective, when managing a portfolio of products together, a firm may face the following two extreme types of uncertainties or risks: Customers may like or dislike the entire portfolio of products on offer, in which case either all products within the portfolio have high demand or none do; or customers may like/dislike individual products within the portfolio, i.e., the total demand for the portfolio is relatively stable, but there is uncertainty in demand across individual products. For instance, small-sized firms, such as Sports Obermeyer, often face uncertainty for the entire line of products that they introduce in any given year (Hammond and Raman, 1996). On the other hand, Benetton, well known for products such as sweaters, may not face as much uncertainty at the portfolio level (sweaters typically sell well), but the uncertainty is often in terms of which colors of the sweater sell well (Heskett and Signorelli, 1984). Or consider manufacturers of lawn-mowers, Salvador et al. (2007). The demand for lawn-mowers is highly seasonal — the demand for all products rise and fall in peak and off-peak seasons respectively. However, within a season, there is little uncertainty as to the gross demand for products (all products typically sell well or none do), but there is uncertainty in demand for individual products. We refer to the case where uncertainty pertains to the entire portfolio of products as aggregate demand uncertainty, whereas uncertainty pertaining to individual products within the portfolio is referred to as individual demand uncertainty. Our aim in this section is to study the efficacy of volume and product flexibilities in mitigating aggregate and individual demand uncertainties. Define aggregate demand uncertainty ( ) for the two products as 2 = 2 2 (1 + )  where  is the measure of individual demand uncertainty (for tractability, we consider symmetric second moments for the two products). Then, increasing aggregate demand uncertainty, while keeping the individual demand uncertainty fixed, simply amounts to increasing correlation. However, increasing individual demand uncertainty, while keeping the aggregate uncertainty fixed, amounts to a measured decrease in correlation (see technical appendix). While in reality both types of uncertainties may simultaneously change, a ceteris paribus analysis of change in only one type of uncertainty allows for a sharper contrast between volume and product flexibilities. Moreover, an analysis with both types of uncertainties at play, accomplished by changing  2 and  has been undertaken in Section 5.1, especially through Figures 1-3. Define ∆− = Π∗ − Π∗ as the value of technology  ∈ {  } compared to a benchmark technology  ∈ {   }  The following Proposition summarizes the impact of aggregate and individual demand uncertainties on the value of flexibility. (Notice that the cost of capacity investment plays no role in this analysis and may be different across technologies. Moreover, the costs of transitioning to a different technology are ignored, in both Proposition 4 below and in Proposition 6 to follow — the purpose of these two Propositions is to contrast the efficacy of   and   technologies in mitigating individual and aggregate demand uncertainties, and not to build a model of actual migration to a different technology.)


Proposition 4 () If the aggregate demand uncertainty is increased while the individual demand uncertainty is held constant, then: ∆− ¡ ¢  2 ∆− ¡ ¢  2 ∆− ¡ ¢  2

−1  0 8 (1 − ) − ≤ 0 iff  ≥ 0 4 ((1 + 2 ) −  2 )

= =


2 − (1 + )2 −  2


(∆− − ∆− ) ³ ´  0 ¡ ¢ =  2 8 (1 − ) (1 + )2 −  2


() If the individual demand uncertainty is increased while the aggregate demand uncertainty is held constant, then: ∆−  ( 2 ) ∆−  2 ∆− 2

= = =

1  0 2 (1 − ) 1  0 2 (1 +  − ) (∆− − ∆− )  =  0 2  ( ) 2 (1 − ) ( + 1 − )

When compared with dedicated technology, the impact of aggregate demand uncertainty on the value of product and volume flexibility is very similar to the impact of correlation, which was analyzed in Proposition 3. Namely, as aggregate uncertainty increases, the value of product flexibility decreases (since  increases), and the value of volume flexibility increases only if the products are strategic substitutes (the incremental value is zero if  = 0). In contrast, notice that as individual uncertainty increases with the aggregate uncertainty held constant (part ()), the value of both product and volume flexibility — compared to dedicated technology — always increases. Any change in individual demand uncertainty with aggregate uncertainty held constant, facilitated by a carefully measured change in correlation, decouples the two products. This necessitates corresponding changes in production quantities for individual products — both types of flexibilities are adept at this, although such changes with product flexibility are frictionless. Hence, not surprisingly, when  → 0 the value of both volume and product flexibility in response to an increase in individual demand uncertainty is identical. Finally, comparing volume and product flexibilities directly (∆− ) now becomes intuitive given the previous discussion: For mitigating aggregate demand uncertainty, migrating to product flexibility from an installed base of volume flexibility yields decreasing returns (recall part () () of Proposition 3). However, with an increase in individual demand uncertainty, since we now know that both flexibility types are on a relatively even keel, the scale is tipped in favor of product flexibility on account of the frictional cost of adjustment for volume flexibility. 20


Combining flexibilities — the VP technology

The analysis until now was based on technologies with at most a single flexibility type. In this section, we analyze the value of volume flexibility when incrementally added to product flexibility, and vice versa. We first develop the optimal profit (and capacity) for   technology in the proposition below. Proposition 5 The optimal installed capacity and the expected profit for a firm investing in volume and product-flexible technology (  ) are: ∗  =



 (1 + 2 )  − −  2 (1 + ) 2 1+


(1 + 2 − 2 )2 (1 − 2 )2 + 8 (1 + ) 8 (1 − )



à 2 !  






(1 + ) 12 + 22 − 2 ( + ) 1 2 4 (1 − ) (1 +  + 2)


Not surprisingly,   technology takes its flavor from both  and  technologies. Similar to volume flexibility, the profit (and capacity) of   technology depends on the leverage term. However, unlike  technology, but similar to  technology, the profit for   technology depends on correlation even when  = 0. We now look at the impact of changes in aggregate and individual demand uncertainties on the value of   technology compared to  or  technologies, thereby distilling the impact of incrementally adding flexibility. Proposition 6 () If the aggregate demand uncertainty is increased while the individual demand uncertainty is held constant, then: ∆− ¡ ¢  2 ∆− ¡ ¢  2

= 1 (8 (1 +  + 2))  0 =

³ ´´ 1³ − (( + )  (1 − ) (1 +  + 2)) +  (1 + )2 −  2 ≤ 0 4

() If the individual demand uncertainty is increased while the aggregate demand uncertainty is held constant, then: ∆−  ( 2 ) ∆−  ( 2 )

= 0 = 2 (1 − ) (1 +  − ) ≥ 0

Compared to  technology, the value of   technology increases with a rise in the aggregate uncertainty, while compared to  technology it falls. Hence, the following Corollary is imminent. Corollary 1   technology always dominates  technology if they cost the same. However,   technology does not always dominate  technology — for high enough aggregate demand uncertainty, there is 21

a negative value of adding product flexibility to volume flexibility, even when additional flexibility comes at no cost. Note that although both  and   technologies have volume flexibility, the cost incurred due to capacity adjustments is different. For  technology, adjustment costs are incurred on two different production lines, while for   technology, the cost is incurred on one production line. This turns out to be a double-edged sword for   technology. It is an advantage for   technology when there is a need to increase production of one product and decrease the production of the other:  technology incurs two costs, but for   technology these adjustments can offset each other thereby lowering capacity-adjustment costs. But with limited opportunities of offsetting capacity adjustments against one another, such as when demand correlation is positive (high aggregate demand uncertainty),   technology incurs a higher cost of capacity adjustment. For example, suppose the capacity needs to be increased (or decreased) by 5 units for each product. Then the total frictional cost for  technology ¡


is 52 + 52 ×  = 50 while that same cost for   technology is (5 + 5)2 ×  = 100 This downside of manufacturing more than one product on the same capacity limits the benefits of adding product flexibility to volume flexibility4 . Notice that when combating aggregate demand uncertainty, incrementally adding volume flexibility to product flexibility is always valuable; this is in contrast to Proposition 4 where the value of adding volume flexibility to dedicated technology in response to an increase in aggregate demand uncertainty was contingent on the sign of  Furthermore, from part ()  if aggregate uncertainty is fixed, then it is pointless adding volume flexibility to product flexibility to combat individual demand uncertainty, although adding product flexibility to volume flexibility is valuable. With an increase in individual demand uncertainty, as discussed in Section 5.2, volume and product flexibility behave very similarly, with a slight disadvantage to volume flexibility on account of frictional adjustment costs. Hence, incrementally adding volume flexibility is useless, but not product flexibility. Again this is in contrast to Proposition 4 where, in reference to dedicated technology, adding volume flexibility is always beneficial in combating individual demand uncertainty. 4

This result is predicated on convex adjustment costs for volume flexibility. Such costs are seen in many industries,

and moreover, a similar cost structure is used to model volume flexibility in most papers (see Section 6 for references). The thrust of the finding is that flexibilities may not reside independently in   technology where a firm can simply “call upon” the desired flexibility; rather our results suggest that the two flexibilities intermingle giving   technology a distinct flavor which may not always dominate one of the pure technologies.


Taking a holistic view of Propositions 4 and 6, we can conclude that volume flexibility is better than product flexibility at mitigating aggregate demand uncertainty (product flexibility is universally bad, while volume flexibility is always better when added to product flexibility and sometimes better, especially when   0 when added to dedicated technology). However, product flexibility is unambiguously better than volume flexibility in mitigating individual demand uncertainty, whether it is added to volume flexibility or to product flexibility. Moreover, as Propositions 4 and 6 show, the value of a given type of flexibility, product or volume, is not absolute and critically depends on whether flexibility is added to dedicated technology, or to an existing base of flexibility. In contrast, the extant literature values flexibilities only in reference to no-flexibility (or dedicated technology) as the benchmark.


Robustness of the model and insights

Our model is stylized and relies on a few assumptions, namely: (1) quadratic and symmetric (upside and downside) adjustment costs for volume flexibility, (2) a firm with product flexibility always produces to capacity. These assumptions are discussed below (relevant numerical details are in the Technical Appendix, Part B). 1: Quadratic and symmetric (upside and downside) adjustment costs for volume flexibility: Given that the interplay between  and  is immune to a particular functional form of the adjustment costs (see the ‘thought experiment’ and Lemma 1 in Section 4.2), our assumption on any increase (or decrease) in production away from installed capacity as being equally and quadratically expensive merely serves to make the model tractable enabling sharp analytical insights (this assumption actually has a strong precedence in the economics literature, cf. Stigler (1939), Vives (1989), Sheshinski and Dreze (1974), Mills (1984)). Moreover, we numerically verify that the insights are intact when the cost of decreasing production is lower than the cost of increasing production. 2: A firm with product flexibility always produces to capacity. This assumption is an offshoot of our model of ‘pure’ flexibilities — volume flexibility (i.e.,  technology) has no infusion of product flexibility (i.e.,  technology), and vice versa. The   technology, which has features of both product and volume flexibilities, is analyzed separately. While this enables a sharp insightful comparison between the two flexibility types, it also implies that a firm with product flexibility cannot produce below installed capacity (no downside volume flexibility). This assumption has been made and justified in much of the literature —cf. Chod and Rudi (2005)  Goyal and Netessine (2007), Anand and Girotra (2007). In fact, Bish et al. (2010) show under very general conditions that fundamental insights on product flexibility are invariant to this assumption. Nonetheless, we numerically allow a firm with  technology to produce


below capacity and verify that the insights are untainted.



With the spotlight on product flexibility, volume flexibility has been given short-shrift in the academic literature. We establish that, similar to product flexibility, volume flexibility too is adept at mitigating demand uncertainty. However, there are fundamental differences between the two flexibility types, which we emphasize and highlight in the paper. A firm with volume flexibility manufactures just the one product on a production capacity. Hence all insights on volume flexibility, carved by models that analyze volume flexibility for a single product (or multiple independent products), ignore inter-product linkages. Such myopia obfuscates key dynamics between products, such as the interplay between demand correlation () and the product substitutability parameter ()  which directly impacts the profitability of firms. We posit the need for firms with volume flexible capacities to take a more holistic view of the entire product portfolio and to manage products ‘together’. Because many of these products may be manufactured on completely different production lines, perhaps located thousands of miles apart, such recognition often proves elusive for firms deploying volume flexibility (on the contrary, such cognizance comes easy for product flexibility since by its very nature, it involves manufacturing multiple products together on the same capacity). The vast literature on flexibility has unequivocally established the efficacy of product flexibility in mitigating demand uncertainty as long as product demands are not positively correlated. At the same time, the literature has been rather silent on strategies/tools for mitigating uncertainty with positively correlated demands. We show that volume flexibility is indeed a potent tool for mitigating demand uncertainty when demands for products are positively correlated. Lastly, we highlight possible pitfalls of adding product flexibility to volume flexibility.

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Technical Appendix Part (A): Proofs Proof of Proposition 2. Proof. For  technology, the firm maximizes the following objective function ex post demand realization:  = (1 − 1 − 2 ) 1 −  (1 − 1 )2 + (2 − 2 − 1 ) 2 −  (2 − 2 )2  The objective function can be verified to be globally concave and the first-order conditions are  − 2 − 2(3−) + 2 ( −  ) = 0  = 1 2 Solving these two equalities simultaneously results in the following solution: ∗ = 

 (1 + ) − 3−  +  (2) (1 + ) − 2(3−)  2 (1 +  (2 + ) −  2 )


∗  0 for   0 (more formal We ignore the case when 3−     = 1 2 which would result in 

analysis is undertaken in the Lemma A.1 below) Recall from equation (1) in the main paper that the expected profit is Π =  ( ) −  (1 + 2 ) 



∗ into the expression for  , taking expectation by noting that  2 = 2 +  2 After substituting     

and  (  ) =   +  , we obtain ¡




(1 + ) 12 + 21 + 22 + 22

Π =


−4 1 +  − 

¢¡ 2


− 212 + 41  (1 (1 + ) − 2 ) ¢


2 +  2 + 2  1 1 2 − 21 2 2


4 (1 + )2 −  2



−  (1 + 2 ) 

Differentiating w.r.t. capacities and simplifying, we obtain the optimal capacities. The total capacity and the optimal expected profit follow after algebraic simplifications. Lemma A.1: () Under symmetry, if the following conditions hold on the support of the distribution of the demand intercepts, then the quantities are always positive for both products for the respective technologies iff: ()For V technology:

1 1+

1 2

≤ 1 + 

()For P technology: |1 − 2 | ≤ 2 (1−) (1+) ( −  )  () If |1 − 2 |    then prices are non-negative for  technology.

∗ ≥ 0 if Proof: () () For  technology, 

 (1 + ) − 3−  +  (2) (1 + ) − 2(3−) ≥0 2 (1 +  (2 + ) −  2 ) ⇒  (1 + ) − 3−  +  (2) (1 + ) − 2(3−) ≥ 0 29

Under symmetric capacities,  (2) (1 + ) − 2(3−) ≥ 0 ∀ ∈