Sp ring/ Su m me r 20 16. By Mada Liebman. NJPAC ... (and never in tune!) but this song runs deeper. This verse ... belt
DOODLE-LEE- DOO Talented Bertha Miller combines movement, music and the everyday into her art. What do you see in the drawing below?
Volunteer Voices
Upcoming Events
Spring/Summer 2016
AUGUST – BRING IT! LIVE–MISS D & HER DANCING DOLLS Thursday, August 4 at 8:00pm
SEPTEMBER – STYX Thursday, September 22 at 7:30pm
Letter from the Director
Ping Pong P.1 2015-16 Appreciation Dinner P.2 Hail & Farewell P.3
Ginny Bowers Coleman
Founder’s Day Weekend P.4 Welcome New Volunteers P.5
"This little light of mine,
SEPTEMBER – SALSAPALOOZA Saturday, September 24 at 8:00pm
I'm gonna let it shine Let it shine, All the time, Let it shine." As Cub Master of my sons' Cub Scout Pack I do a lot of singing, (and never in tune!) but this song runs deeper. This verse struck a cord with the pride I feel about NJPAC’s volunteers, and now we're taking it one step further, the NJPAC website! A new rotating page on the volunteer site; www.NJPAC.org/ support-NJPAC/volunteering will feature three (3) volunteers, their photos and a brief interview. We started the new "Volunteer snapshots" with Katrina David, Larrouse Pierre, and Stephanie Lumford-Lucas. These three pioneers have set the stage to introduce our staff and the public to our volunteers behind the scenes and responses thus far have been positive!
NJPAC Newsletter Staff
Office Of Volunteer Services One Center Street Newark, NJ 07102
And closer to home, our award winning volunteers, honored at the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, (see page 2) can be seen on the TV monitor near the Security desk. This “who’s who” of NJPAC is a wonderful tribute to those recognized for their volunteering. You will see recipients of the Dena F. Lowenbach Volunteer of the Year Award, The Kandice Dickinson Award for guest services excellence and the M. John Richard Award, for staff who volunteer outside of NJPAC.
2016-17 Season Highlights P.7
“This was a LOT of fun!!” -Anne Marie Skeene
continued on page 6
I want everyone to see the volunteer program we’ve created together!
“This little light of mine, Volunteer Voices is your newsletter and welcomes material and ideas for future issues. Send material to the Office of Volunteer Services, NJPAC, One Center Street, Newark, NJ 07102.
I'm gonna let it shine, Let it shine, All the time, Let it shine." Candy Pantano & Andrew Watson judge the final game; Rutgers vs Pillar College
NJPAC Volunteers MOVIN’ & GROOVIN’ By Bettye Carson Chairperson Bettye Carson and guest, Ferlanda Fox Nixon lead the Electric Slide
Photos left to right: at the buffet, Marcelle Gaia, Bette Malone, John Schreiber
Theresa Brown “Volunteering at NJPAC has become a lifelong relationship with the NJPAC family and patrons. The experience has filled me with joy and wonderful memories.”
OCTOBER 2016 “Lively from start to finish with LOTS of audience participation!
APRIL 2017
The committee did a bang up job and everything was really great! Everyone was upbeat.” -Vince Wells
Nancy Mullan
This rare opportunity, made possible by a $100,000 grant awarded to the Arts Center by Disney Theatrical Group, brought the youngsters to NJPAC’s main concert hall for a Feb. 8 Student Share Celebration. The ensemble casts of Newark's Branch Brook School, Luis Muñoz Marin School for Social Justice and Mount Vernon School, John Marshall School No. 20 in Elizabeth and Rosa Parks Community School in Orange belted out the opening song, “It Starts with a Dream,” by Disney songwriter Alan Menken. Dressed in colorful costumes they created, each group presented a leap-to- your-feet number from a Disney KIDS Musical.
continued on page 5
"I am shocked by the pleasant surprise and want to thank everyone involved. It is a real pleasure to volunteer at NJPAC.”
How do you get to Prudential Hall? Practice – for 17 weeks! That was how long nearly 250 students in five Greater Newark elementary schools worked to “graduate” from the Disney Musicals in Schools program. NJPAC is one of nine collaborators nationwide for Disney Musicals in Schools and the only one in New Jersey.
MAY 2017
JUNE 2017
Newark Schools Superintendent Christopher Cerf and NJPAC President and CEO John Schreiber led rounds of applause for the kids and their teachers, and The Lion King cast member Bonita J. Hamilton spoke of her own experiences: “I still feel that nervous excitement before each show,” she confided to the first-time players. “I hope you are able to see things from a different perspective now, and what it’s like to step in someone else’s shoes.” 7
What’s New
Ping Pong continued
Marcella Gaia was awarded the David Hegg II Lifetime Achievement Award this June. This award honors two parishioners from churches in the diocese of Newark who share their ideas and talents in activities that strengthen worship and outreach. Mada Liebman & her husband, Burt, are traveling with children and grandchildren to Jackson Hole, Cody W.Y. and Mount Rushmore, S.D. in celebration of 50 years of marriage ! In September they travel cross-country by train.
Hail and Farewell
“Thank you for Anne Streater and Theresa Brown. They were so helpful. Our liaison with Newark Public schools requested them for every PD day we have next year. After working hard, they got a chance to go into our swing workshop. Our instructor, a gentleman, invited them to dance!” Above: Anne Marie Skeene poses with paddles Below: Queeta Welch does Social Media Lounge, Susan Lipp & Lucy Wilkerson pose at bouncy house, John Schreiber poses with Jennifer Reynolds, Theresa Brown and Queeta Welch
Jennifer Tsukayama, Senior Director, Arts Education “I want to let you know that Junyi Liu has been amazing. His skills have helped [the AED] develop a much better financial Aid calculation method which is reflective of our student body and historical practices. This new process has been approved and is being implemented for the students applying to our summer programs. I am grateful for the volunteers and their contributions to AED. We would not be able to do all that we do here at AED without the support of the volunteers!”
Susan Lippa recently had the wonderful experience of meeting American astronauts, Mark and Scott Kelly at the re-naming of their elementary school in West Orange, where she was a former teacher and still volunteers as a Kindergarten grade reader.
The Sunshine Committee has resumed with current members: Diana Davis Dorothy Rowlette Anne Streater Bundy Washington The Sunshine Committee will be reaching out to volunteers for celebratory events; i.e. birthdays, wedding, sickness and bereavement.
WHAT’S STAFF SAYING ABOUT VOLUNTEERS? Caitlin Evans-Jones, Director of Partnerships and Professional Development
Jennifer Reynolds is visiting friends and relatives this July in Georgia.
Queeta Welch is attending screenwriting class this summer at the NY Film Academy.
Martin Farawell, Director, Dodge Poetry Festival
“After every Festival we get comments from our audience on how helpful, warm and welcoming the NJPAC volunteers are. Of course, this doesn’t surprise the Dodge Poetry Festival staff. We’ve worked closely with the NJPAC volunteers for three, going on four Festivals, and know what a priceless contribution you’ve made to the success of our move to Newark. Your enthusiasm, friendliness and professionalism always impresses and touches us. We’re grateful to have you on our team. The Festival simply wouldn’t be the same without you. (Editor’s note: NJPAC will host the Dodge Poetry Festival Thurs, Oct. 20– Sun., Oct. 23 Call 973-297-5808 to 3 volunteer.)
Anne Streater produced a Black History program this past February “We Were There Then, and We’re Still Here.” with members of her senior housing complex in Orange, NJ. Marjory Davenport passed away peacefully this past December after a long battle with cancer. Norman Garrett and Annette Garrett celebrated 60 years of marriage! The two met while attending East Orange High School. Congratulations!
Dinner continued
What’s New Carlymead Eggelston & Karen Berman traveled to Belgium, Portugal, Italy and Copenhagen this April and May!
“This was my first time and it was awesome!!” - Brenda Jones
Betty Meeks-Manning participated in a Teachers’ Union Conclave and Black Teacher’s Caucus in Kansas City, MO this April.
By Linda Fowler
Lillian Johnson traveled to Dominican Republic with her husband, Mike to celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary! Congratulations!
Mayor Ras J. Baraka announcing Naughty By Nature onstage in Military Park.
Rochelle Starr is planning her daughter’s August wedding! Mazel Tov!
“Was one of the best….if not the best because everyone was involved and the topic was “on point.”
Ellen Woods visited her son in New Orleans this spring. Amy Hohn visited San Diego, CA this March to see a friend she has known from first grade!
Lucy Wilkerson traveled to the Regional IRS convention this past May in Newport News, VA and will attend the National Convention in Atlanta, GA this August.
- Amy Tenzer
Bettye Carson traveled to Nueva Vallarta, Mexico this past April. As President of her local chapter of LINKS, she promoted better health and education through a variety of successful programs. Bravo Bettye!
Alice Gibson Organized an annual conference on Grover Cleveland and found the time to travel to Stresa, Italy with her husband.
Bill Liess plans to travel to his “motherland” Ireland this July with his daughters, son and grandson.
NJPAC Welcomes New Volunteers!
Doreen & Allen Mollenahuer visited Aruba this April for the first time. Mayra Fleitas traveled to Dubai this past February and the Grand Cayman Islands this March. Symone Parker graduated this past May with a degree in Communications and Media Culture. Symone Parker, Troyce Dunson, Betty Meeks Manning, John Schreiber, Ann Marie Skeene with Adian & Calder Allshouse
continued on page 5
Robin Couch with NC350 Volunteers at the merchandise tent
Alan McNickle Violet Gehr Nanci Manning Junyi Liu Ann Marie Skeene Queeta Welch Doris Revis Wayne Gibson Susan Levine Isabel DeAngelis Ellen Woods Brenda Jones Jane McCrum Katrina David Kelly Carthens
Viola Nelson Bettye Hooks Gary Miles Sharon Thompkins Juanita Goins Jay Wallace Monica Celi Vicki Del Guercio Aishah Taylor Michelle Yaruqui Annmarie Wallace Jazmyn Duncan Hakim Taliaferro Neharika Bhandari Jacqueline Gates
Summer Interns Madeline Ricca Nigel Finley Jacklyn LeRenard Fe Lorraine Reyes
Sydnie Martinez Aimee Buchanan Joe Russomanno Tyshan Johnson
“I love working with other volunteers who are so passionate about volunteering their time at NJPAC. It's a great atmosphere to work in with amazing volunteers. Everyone is so cheerful and welcoming.”
Robin Couch was featured in Brick City Live, an online magazine, this past December. She wrote the article “Dirty Little Secrets” in her NJIT Journalism class on environmental issues. Robin graduated this May. Well done! Susan Lippa traveled to Belgium this past April and was seen ziplining and rock climbing in the cloud forests of Coast Rica this past May.
- Neharika Bhandari continued on page 6