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VR Headset.pdf - Google Drive
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VR Headset.pdf - Google Drive
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Page 1 of 3. VR World. PROS. - VR redefines the idea of communication, expanding it from people you know in real life to
VR World
PROS - VR redefines the idea of communication, expanding it from people you know in real life to anyone connected to the internet. This means that relationships will begin to be formed more based on interests than general location
- Many different fields can use best VR headset to train people in a way that would usually put them at risk. This is used most notably in the fields of medicine, law enforcement, architecture, and aviation. - Those who are not able to fully experience reality, such as disabled people, could explore the Virtual World and still experience a full life. - VR makes tourism and visiting sites more easy by giving a detailed view of the original place, e.g. Virtual tour. - VR provides a chance to experience things that are impossible in real life as if you were actually there e.g. fighting zombies in a game CONS
- Those who do not have access or cannot afford this technology will be left out. Could further separate social classes in Information Age-based societies. - Communication using this technology would be susceptible to deception. - Due to the fast-paced development of Virtual Reality and online worlds, there is a lack of laws regarding these worlds. Users can say and do things in these worlds that is illegal in reality. Also, users may be less inhibited than in real life due to a sense of anonymity and may act in a way that is socially unacceptable - Many people may become addicted to living in these virtual worlds, and as a result, forget or neglect their responsibilities in real life. - Technology is still developing and there are still many flaws to be worked to. - Some people have been known to have motion sickness due to using the b est VR headset headset. Contact Details VR Pro Vision Website: http://www.vrprovision.com Google Website: https://sites.google.com/site/thebestvrheadset Google Folder: https://goo.gl/ubvdvY Recommended Links VR Gaming System VR 3D VR Application Best VR Headset for Iphone 6 Virtual Reality Games for Adults Virtual Reality Set Best VR Goggles Cheap VR Oculus Virtual Reality Oculus Rift VR VR Video Games VR Devices Pc VR VR Phone Oculus Rift Best Buy VR Headset With Controller
Best Iphone VR Headset Android VR VR for Android Virtual Reality Video Games Virtual Reality Gaming VR Helmet Buy Oculus Rift Oculus Headset 3D Headset Virtual Reality Googles Oculus VR Games VR Technology 3D VR Video VR Headset Price Phone VR Headset VR Pc VR Websites Best Cheap VR Headset Best VR Headset for Iphone 6 Plus Best VR System 3D VR Apps
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