I am in good health and physically able to perform ... Sunday, October 9 2016. Check in / packet ... Credit cards accept
Waiver of Liability Plumstead Township Park & Recreation Committee Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt I do hearby agree, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to forever remise, release and discharge Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee and its directors, officers, members, supervisors, agents, employees, volunteers and any other representative related to the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee and their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns from any and all actions, causes of action, suits, debts, account, controversies, damages, claims and demands, whatsoever which I or my legal representative may have or acquire against the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee or its directors, officers, members, supervisors, agents, employees, volunteers and any other representative related to the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee , including by not limited to Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee sponsored activities and events, by reason of the loss resulting from personal injury or property damage, which may occur during, in connection with or by reason of my attendance and participation in the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee Discover Plumstead and Amazing Scavenger Hunt. I agree that the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee shall have the right, at its discretion, to enforce rules of conduct and/or terminate my participation in the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee Discover Plumstead and Amazing Scavenger Hunt, for failure to act in conformance therewith, or for actions or conduct detrimental to or incompatible with the welfare, comfort, harmony or interests of the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt. I hereby grant the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee its directors, officers, members, supervisors, agents, employees, volunteers and any other representative related to the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee , full authority to take whatever action, in their discretion, is determined to be necessary regarding my health, safety, and welfare, and I fully release the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee its directors, officers, members, supervisors, agents, employees, volunteers and any other representative from liability for such actions, as set forth herein. I hearby grant the Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee the right to use my name, photos taken or any other media taken during Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt events for use on its websites or in any other media (such as newspapers). I understand that certain risks are inherent in any physical activity. I also understand that there are certain risks inherent in the use of my automobile in participating in the Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt. I acknowledge that Plumstead Township and the Plumstead Park and Recreation Committee prohibits the use of my automobile in a reckless or negligent manner during the Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt and I acknowledge that the Discover Plumstead and Amazing Scavenger Hunt is not an event where accomplishing the requirements of the Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt is to be carried out with time/speed as a goal. With the knowledge of the risks involved, I hereby assume the risks involved in my participation, including physical injury or death. I am in good health and physically able to perform the activities I have chosen.
Registration information Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt Sunday, October 9 2016 Check in / packet pick up time: 11:45 AM to 12:30 PM Check in for all participants is the Plumstead Township building on Stump Rd. Event begins at 12:00 end at 5:00 PM 5:00 PM ~ bring a dessert of your choice for a potluck dessert participation event, where prizes will be drawn! Hanusey Community Center, Gordon Rd. Pre‐registration FEE: $20 for a team of 4 people or less *may have several teams Credit cards accepted for pre‐registration Registration closes Wednesday October 5th Day of Registration ~ $40.00 for a team of 4 people or less CASH ONLY day of RAIN or SHINE! Join our third Discover Plumstead an Amazing Scavenger Hunt and learn about ten hidden treasure in the Plumstead community! Each team will visit ten different places in our area, learning a little bit of history, participating in some activities and have a whole lot of fun along the way. This event is for ages 0 – 99, grab your families, friend and neighbors and take part in a fun filled day! • Discover Plumstead and Amazing Scavenger Hunt is a driving event throughout Plumstead Township. • Check in is at the Plumstead Township Building ~ Stump Rd from 11:45 until 12:30 • The Scavenger Hunt should take 3 ‐ 4 hours to complete. • This is not a times scavenger hunt. No one will be rewarded by how quickly they visit the sites. We hope all participants will enjoy the venues as they visit, and take their time to learn and discover. Each venue will be open from 12:00 – 5:00 PM • A team is made up of 4 people or less. o Should you have 5,6,7,8, people in your group ~ you may sign up with a PRIMARY Team and a SECONDARY Team. The cost is $20.00 per team. Should you have a Primary and a secondary team, the cost is $20.00 for the secondary team. A secondary team will receive an additional passport ~ which includes additional raffle tickets. o As an example: if your group has 6 people, register 3 as the primary team and 3 on the secondary team. Two sets of passports will be distributed complete with raffle tickets. o Individual tickets are not for sale. A team could be made up of 2 people, cost is still $20 because of raffle tickets sold.
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Each team will be told their first destination upon check in, receive their passport and raffle tickets. Teams will be assigned a specific route to follow. This allows all participants to spread out evenly throughout the course. Primary teams and secondary teams will be given the identical route. Throughout the course, participants will be asked to answer questions, participate in challenges and activities and take photographs of your travels along the way. Every participant needs to sign a waiver to participate. If a participant is under the age of 18, the waiver must be signed by a parent or guardian.