Waldorf Toy Making Seminar. This is the second offering for making Waldorf toys
for your home. The focus of these seminars will be doll making. focus of these ...
Waldorf Toy Making Seminar This is the second offering for making Waldorf toys for your home. The focus of these seminars will be doll making. We will be using doll kits from Joys Waldorf Dolls. We will be making the Honey 16” doll with a prepre-sewn body. body. There will be choices for doll skin tone and hair color available. The doll making will take place over two Saturdays from 9 a.m.a.m.-1 p.m. November 8 November 15 Cost for the seminar is $75. This will include supplies. If you are interested in signing up, please complete the form below and return to Amy Amy Hecky no late than October 16th 16th. th. (This will ensure time for the kits to be delivered). Skin tone and hair color options are available online at: http://www.joyswaldorfdolls.com/doll_kits_and_patterns/16_honey_doll.htm http://www.joyswaldorfdolls.com/doll_kits_and_patterns/16_honey_doll.htm Please indicate your choices when you sign up. Those who register will need to bring 100% cotton thread, pins, fabric scissors and sewing needles. Thank you! Name:_________________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________________ Address:_________ Address:_______________________________________________ :_______________________________________________ City:_________________ City:_________________State :_________________State:______ State:______ Zip:___________________ Zip:___________________ Email:_______________________Phone:_____________________ Email:_______________________Phone:_____________________ Choice of Skin Tone: ______________________________________ Choice of Hair Color (Brunette (Brunette Mohair is unavailable):____________________________________________ I will pay by: ___check ___Visa/MC/Discover______________________exp.___ ___MCA ___Cash Spring Garden Waldorf School 1791 Jacoby Rd. Copley, OH 444321 330fax: 330www.sgws.org 330-666666-0574 330-666666-9210