long history of service in this community through missions, outreach, fellowship, and partnering ... Family Promise and
Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser FAITH, FITNESS, FELLOWSHIP & FUN FOR ALL AGES Readington Reformed Church is sponsoring a Walkathon at Pickell Park on Route 523, Whitehouse Station, NJ on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. (Rain or Shine). Check-In begins at 9:00 AM. There will be music, prizes and raffles. ENTRY FEE ONLY $20 WHEN YOU PRE-REGISTER BY APRIL 6, 2014 (and receive a t-shirt at check-in). Proceeds will benefit the Readington Reformed Church and Family Promise of Hunterdon County. The Readington Reformed Church is an established church nestled in rural Readington Township in central/western New Jersey. Our congregation was founded in 1719 and is part of the Reformed Church in America. We are a congregation of believers with a long history of service in this community through missions, outreach, fellowship, and partnering with support groups and community organizations.
Family Promise of Hunterdon County is the only homeless shelter for families in Hunterdon County. Family Promise and the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) are a unique community partnership of paid staff and volunteers from a vast network of congregations throughout Hunterdon County. They offer a continuum of services that includes shelter, food, homeless prevention/rapid re-housing, mental health services and after-shelter support. For more info and to register online go to: www.readingtonreformed.org or www.familypromisehc.org and click on the Walk-athon logo or call the church at (908) 534 2077.