WASHINGTON 10 broch amy - PLMA

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Oct 3, 2011 - that could have big impact on retailers, manufacturers and store brands ... To register, telephone (212) 9
PLMA Annual

Washington Conference

Store Brands Go To Washington


This Year’s Hot Topics… n Future of Food Safety Modernization Act Regulations n Coming Green Guidelines for Environmental Claims n Leveling the Playing Field with Foreign Competition n The Retailer’s Agenda in Washington

L’Enfant Plaza Hotel • Washington, D.C.

PLMA Annual

Washington Conference

Store Brands Go To Washington All media eyes may be on the 2012 presidential race, but Washington is filled with issues that could have big impact on retailers, manufacturers and store brands.


The Debt Crisis Alice Rivlin Brookings Institute and former U.S. Budget Director Monday Oct. 3 Keynote Dinner

What The Public Is Thinking Frank Luntz Fox News Commentator Tuesday, Oct. 4 Opening Breakfast

New Demands From The House Congressman Jack Kingston (R-Ga)* Chairman, House Appropriations Agriculture Subcommittee Tuesday, Oct. 4 Luncheon

Plus, On-the-Hill Capitol Sessions The Retailer’s Agenda John Motley Former FMI Vice President Government Relations Tuesday, Oct. 4 Morning Session

The Cyberspace Threat Green Guidelines Mark Petruzzi

Louis Freeh

Vice President Certification & Strategic Relations, Green Seal, Inc.

Tuesday, Oct. 4 Dinner

Former Director, FBI

Tuesday, Oct. 4 Morning Session

Leveling The Playing Field With Foreign Competition Ambassador John Veroneau Former Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Tuesday, Oct. 4 Afternoon Session

Get an insider’s point of view about what is happening. Oct. 3 - 4, 2011• L’Enfant Plaza Hotel•Washington,D.C. Registration open to members and guests. Conference registration $325 for members, $575 for non-members, retail registration complimentary. Special conference room rates available at L’Enfant Plaza. To register, telephone (212) 972-3131 or email [email protected]

Presented by the Private Label Manufacturers Association, 630 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 *Subject to confirmation


PLMA Annual

Washington Conference OCT. 3-4, 2011 L’Enfant Plaza Hotel Washington D.C.

Name ____________________________________________________________________Title __________________________________________ Company ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________________________________________State____________________Zip ____________________ Phone (

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Email ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Conference Registration:

o o o

Hotel Reservations:

PLMA Member


Non-member Retailers & Wholesalers

$575 Complimentary

Please Check One:

o Check Enclosed o Send Invoice (PLMA members only) o Credit Card: o Visa o MasterCard o American Express Name on Card: _________________________________________

A block of rooms has been reserved at L’Enfant Plaza Hotel at the special rate of $269 single/double for PLMA registrants only. Please call the hotel directly at (800) 635-5065 by September 9 and indicate that you are registered for this conference to make your reservation. After that date, reservations will be on a space available basis. Cancellation Policy:

Conference fees include all seminars, food functions and materials. Cancellations will be accepted up to ten (10) business days prior to the event. Cancellations received after that will be subject to a 50% penalty.

Card #: _______________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________

Return to: Private Label Manufacturers Association 630 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Phone: (212) 972-3131 Fax: (212) 983-1382 email: [email protected]