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You can identify popular search terms and phrasing using Google Keyword Planner. What. Google Keyword Planner does is ta

5 No-Brainer SEO Tips for Total Beginners For the uninitiated, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) might sound a little sleazy. If you need to use special techniques to help your site appear at the top of Google search results, doesn’t that mean that—in some weird way—you’re cheating?

Not in the slightest. At the end of the day, Google needs to consider a variety of factors in order to help internet users find the most relevant websites for their search queries. Don’t think of SEO as a cheat code, think of it as a search engine aid. After all, when you’re typing things like “what in the world is SEO” into your Google search bar, articles that tell you just that are exactly what you want to find, right?

Putting up great blog content is just the beginning of your SEO journey. Here are five no-brainer tips to help you optimize your site, even if you’re an SEO beginner.

Find and use relevant keywords Users frequently type the same phrases into Google when they’re looking for something. Things like “how to make risotto” and “is my dog acting normal?” If all is well in the Googleverse, typing


in these search prompts will result in pertinent responses to their queries, like a recipe for risotto or a pet therapist’s site. Humans, as a species, are not all that different from one another. We tend to type the same kinds of search prompts again and again.

You can identify popular search terms and phrasing using Google Keyword Planner. What Google Keyword Planner does is take people’s search prompts and assign value to each of them. Simply log in with your Google account and select “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category.” Type something in—say, “risotto recipes”—and a variety of related phrases that Google users tend to search for will pop up. These phrases are called “keywords,” and they are the heart of your affiliate blog.

Contact Details: Client Surge SEO Phone: (571) 550 - 9260 Website: ​http://www.clientsurgeseo.com/washington-dc-seo-expert/ Google Site: ​https://sites.google.com/site/washingtondcseocompany/ Google Folder:​https://goo.gl/G2hvnG Twitter: ​https://twitter.com/daleheilig Related Contents: washington dc seo washington dc seo company washington dc seo consultancy washington dc seo agency washington dc seo firm washington dc seo expert washington dc seo experts washington dc seo services top washington dc seo top washington dc seo company top washington dc seo consultancy top washington dc seo agency top washington dc seo firm top washington dc seo expert best washington dc seo best washington dc seo company best washington dc seo consultancy best washington dc seo agency best washington dc seo firm best washington dc seo expert


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