One registration form per team. Note: A different coach must be listed for each
team. Please fill out the entire form. Your email address is important because
most ...
2018 One registration form per team. Note: A different coach must be listed for each team. Please fill out the entire form. Your email address is important because most information is distributed through email. Coach/Contact Person:
Email Address:
Name or Color of Team:
School District:
Additional Coaches/Volunteers:
Name 1:
School Address:
Email 1:
Name 2:
School Phone:
School fax:
Email 2:
Please indicate your first and second choice for tournament location. Tournaments have a limited number of openings, which will be filled on a first-come basis. First Choice:
Second Choice:
Are you a new team or a returning team ?
Purchase Order #:
• Please send check or purchase order (PO) in the amount of $250* per team, payable to "Washington Science Olympiad." Only 6 teams per school may register by December 15; After that, registration for additional teams will be on space-available basis (3rd+ teams after 12/15 at $150 discounted fee). • New teams (or schools that have not competed in 5 or more years) will pay discounted registration fee of $150*. Contact State Director for info re: new team grant waiver. • Upon completion of registration (registration form and either PO or payment or request for grant registration waiver-as appropriate), a link to electronic event rules manual (available mid-September) will be sent to coach. If registration confirmation/rules link not rec'd within 1 week of submission, please contact State Director to confirm receipt of reqd materials. • Registration fee includes access to electronic rules manual. Print manuals may be purchased from National Sci Oly web site. • Registrations (with check or PO) must be postmarked/e-mailed/faxed by January 15, 2018. No late registrations accepted. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT TO REGIONAL TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR Additional Comments:
Make checks payable to "Washington Science Olympiad" Send all checks and PO's to: Washington Science Olympiad Sue Murphy, State Director Eastern Washington University 15112 W 3rd Addn. Rd. Cheney, WA 99004 Phone: (509)359-6809 Fax: (509)359-7450 Email:
[email protected]
Please fill out the form completely, we need all of the information.
* New team discount is for first team only; if registering more than one team, subsequent teams pay full price. [New teams should inquire about registration waivers before paying fee.]
Print Form
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