From idea to start-up to patent in wastewater technology development. (Ronen Shechter and Efrat Azulay. Nevo, Emefcy). Competences to disseminate science ...
Training Event - C: Microcontaminants in the aquatic water cycle - wastewater reuse - the Cypriot/Israeli experience Rehovot, Israel, March 5-10, 2017
Daily Topic (Location)
Sunday 5 March 2017
Monday 6 March 2017
Introduction to patent law/ Introduction to entrepreneurship and commercial exploitation of research results SC5
(At HUJI faculty of agriculture) Reisfeld (auditorium)
Water resources in Israel (Dr. Daniel Kurtzman, ARO)
(At ARO) Volcani Soil Science Auditorium
Tuesday 7 March 2017
SC5/Training in live-media competence
(At HUJI faculty of agriculture) Class 9B
(Tour/ARO) Volcani Soil Science Auditorium
Development of a zero discharge aquaculture wastewater treatment system – from bench scale to application Lecture and tour of pilot-plant (Prof. Jaap van Rijn, HUJI)
Patents in tech transfer (Mr. David Lahav, ARO tech transfer unit)
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Development and application of clay composites for water treatment (Prof. Yael Mishael, HUJI)
From idea to start-up to patent in wastewater technology development (Ronen Shechter and Efrat Azulay Nevo, Emefcy)
Competences to disseminate science to broad audiences as an emerging and highly important skill for scientists today, Documentation of scientific results in short movies and science competitions, like FameLab, etc., the use of body language (Dr. Myrtani Pieri, University of Nicosia, Cyprus)
Biodegradation of pharmaceuticals (Prof. Yizhak Hadar, HUJI) LUNCH at HUJI Genomic approaches for surveillance of antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens (Dr. Jacob Moran-Gilad, Ben Gurion University) Connecting the dots between livestock, their environmental burdens, dietary preferences and food security in the US (Alon Shepon, Weizmann Institute) Dynamics of microbial predators in WWTPs (Prof. Edouard Jurkevitch. HUJI)
Novel technologies in wastewater treatment: from ideas to plant scale implementation- Lecture and guided tour at the Shafdan WWTP (Yossi Yaacobi, Mekorot Water Technologies) Tour at the BARKAN Winery WWTP in Hulda (Dr. Sergio Silva, ADVENTECH) Picnic Lunch
Agriculture in arid and semiarid areas (Uri Yermiyahu, ARO)
Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on microbial community composition in soil and rhizosphere (Dr. Dror Minz, ARO) Impact of treated wastewater irrigation on antibiotic resistance in soil (Dr. Eddie Cytryn, ARO)
Impact of treated wastewater on crop protection (Avraham Gamiliel, ARO)
17:15-17:45 END OF DAY 1
(At HUJI faculty of agriculture) Class 9B
Friday 10 March 2017 Introduction to entrepreneurship and commercial exploitation of research results
(At HUJI faculty of agriculture) Reisefeld (auditorium)
Various research opportunities available in Horizon 2020, initiatives executed by several member states or joint programmes (Matan Rahav Head of Sector Marie S. Curie Actions, SMEs & Access to Risk Finance ISERD – Israel Innovation Authority) Coffee Break Overview of the wastewater reuse practices and current challenges (Ms. Popi Karaolia, Nireas-IWRC, UCY, Cyprus)
Entrepreneurship and Startups (Menelaos Menelaou, C4E, University of Cyprus) Project meeting
Coffee Break
Presentation and Workshop “Interview Skills Workshop: Before and After the Handshake’” (Elli Matsouka, CYHRMA)
ESRs meeting (Iakovos Iakovidis, UCY & Gabriela Karina Paulus, KWR)
SB meeting (via Skype)
LUNCH The soil and rhizosphere microbiome (Dr. Dror Minz, ARO)
Impact of water quality on irrigated crops (Yishai Netzer, Eastern R&D Center)
Introduction to the preparation of research proposals and project management/SC5
Novel antimicrobial agents for food applications (Dr. Zvi Hayoka, HUJI) ++
Tour of the Israel Plant Gene Bank (Dr. Einav Mayzlish Gati, Head Israel Gene Bank)
Interactive Session/Workshop with ESRs (Coordinated by Dr. Myrtani Pieri, , University of Nicosia, Cyprus, & Dr. Nikos Konstantinou, Cyprus University of Technology)
Thursday 9 March 2017
From research policy in wastewater reuse (David Weinberg, Ministry of Health)
Introduction to IP (Dr. Eddie Cytryn, ARO)
Uptake of pollutants of emerging concern in TWW-irrigated crops (Prof. Benny Chefetz, HUJI)
Wednesday 8 March 2017
Dinner for ESRs
MSCA individual fellowships and COST proposals writing (Dr. Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Nireas-IWRC, UCY)
Roundtable discussion “What level of treatment is really needed?” (Dr. Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Nireas-IWRC, UCY) Presentation and Workshop “Interview Skills Workshop: Before and After the Handshake’” (Elli Matsouka, CYHRMA)
Presentation of ESRs projects (by participating ESRs)
END OF DAY 5 Buffet dinner for ESRs and Managing Committee with Music and Beer
Roundtable discussion & Training Event Closing
Reisfeld (auditorium) Complementary/Soft Skills Training: Entrepreneurship and commercial exploitation of research results (1 day), Training course in live-media competence (1 day), Introduction to patent law (0.5 day), Preparation of research proposals and management project (1 day) Specialized Scientific Course 5: Microcontaminants in the aquatic water cycle - wastewater reuse - the Cypriot/Israeli experience (2.5 days)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675530
Lectures from Cypriot Scientists
Lectures from Israeli Scientists
Beneficiary Project meeting
Training Event - C: Microcontaminants in the aquatic water cycle - wastewater reuse - the Cypriot/Israeli experience Rehovot, Israel, March 5-10, 2017
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675530