Working Paper
M. Dinesh Kumar and Vishwa Ballabh
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WATER MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES IN INDIA: AN ANALYTICAL REVIEW M. Dinesh Kumar and Vishwa Ballabh1 Abstract The last few decades have seen dramatic rise in the demand for water in India due to a variety of socio-economic processes and demographic trends. Supplies have also grown manifold, to keep pace with the demand through exploitation of surface and groundwater. The result: groundwater resources are over-exploited in many arid and semiarid regions, leading to falling water levels, deteriorating groundwater quality causing groundwater scarcity. Surface water resources are over-appropriated in many basins. Surface reservoirs are fast depleting due to siltation. Freshwater supplies are increasingly coming under threat of pollution from industrial effluents and municipal waste. The situation has developed steadily and dramatically with the per capita freshwater availability declining from 6008 M3 per year in 1947 to approximately 2200 M3 per annum after 50 years. Water scarcity is becoming a major constraint in producing food for growing population, ecosystem protection, and maintaining health and social security. Increasing competition and conflicts pose social and ecological risks. In this paper, the authors analyse the water problems, emerging issues and management challenges in India. The authors argue that the demand for water will grow by leaps and bounds during the next few decades due to population growth, especially in urban areas, concentration of urban population in a few urban cities, rising income levels, and rapid industrial growth. While water resources would continue to deplete due to groundwater degradation, surface water pollution, and depletion of existing surface reservoirs, water scarcity problems would grow in terms of both intensity and extent. Along with scarcity, the conflicts are likely to grow not only between sectors, but also within sectors. Challenges to evolving sustainable, equitable and efficient management of India’s water resources are several. First, the non-availability of adequate scientific data on quantity and quality of water, demand for water in different sectors, nature and extent and causes of water problems become major hindrances to developing sustainable water management strategies. Technology poses another set of challenges. Advancements in water technology aimed at evolving technically feasible, economically viable, environmentally and ecologically sound and socially acceptable solutions in water management are not occurring. Secondly, existing institutions in the water sector are technically oriented, sectoral, and centralised, having the mandate of managing supplies. They adopt piece-meal approaches to solve sectoral problems, and seriously lack capabilities to alter social systems to promote efficient water use and control pollution. The agencies fail to respond to the conflicting needs and interests of different stakeholders due to poor organisational co-ordination. They also lack institutional capabilities to ensure equitable allocation and efficient use of water across sectors and to resolve conflicts.
1.0 INTRODUCTION Water is a key natural resource for human survival. Water plays a vital role in sanitation for our rural and urban communities. Water is also an important economic resource. It is necessary for all forms of agriculture and most of the industrial production processes (Merrett 1997; Kay et al. 1997). Water also provides a wide range of ecosystem and environmental services (Frederick 1993; Seckler et al. 1998). It is essential for assimilation of pollution caused by industrial effluents and domestic sewage. Pressure on freshwater resources is increasing across the globe (WRI 1995; Brown et al. 1998). During the first 8 decades of this century, consumption of water increased fivefold, 75 percent of which was during the second half of the century (Frederick 1993). From a macro perspective, the overall fresh water availability across the globe remains more or less constant. But, from a micro-perspective, the freshwater supplies in many regions and localities are dwindling due to alterations in hydrologic balances, over-exploitation and increasing pollution of freshwater reserves. Many third world countries are already facing serious water shortages (Brown et al. 1998; Seckler et al. 1998). Increasing freshwater scarcity is becoming a major constraint in producing food for growing world population, ecosystem protection, and maintaining health, social and food security and peace among nations (Postel 1996). India is not an exception to this impending crisis. The growing population, which is about to touch the billion mark, the preference for water intensive agriculture and rapid urban industrialisation are putting enormous pressure on the fragile freshwater resources (Kumar 1997; World Bank 1998). Growing water scarcity problems pose serious threat to ecosystem management, social sustainability and economic growth. Community managed and indigenous system of water management existed in India for many centuries, meeting the irrigation, drinking and domestic water supply needs of the community (Agarwal and Narain 1997; Singh 1991; Shankari and Shah 1993). The colonial rule was marked by a major shift from traditional community based water management. The British built large barrages and canals, but the irrigation systems were governed rather than managed. Also, they were too large for the communities to play any significant role in their management (Chitale 1991). The undivided India had 28.2 million hectares (mha) of net irrigated land, including 15.2 mha of canal irrigated land. In the partition, the country lost a part of the irrigation sources to Pakistan (Bharadwaj 1990). The foodgrain production in the country during 1949-50 was 1
nearly 62 million tons (Sarma and Roy 1979). In order to boost agriculture production and achieve self-sufficiency in food, irrigation development was given a major investment priority during the subsequent five-year plans (Bharadwaj 1990; Vohra 1995). Several major, medium, and minor irrigation schemes were built. As a result, the net irrigated area increased from 21 m. ha to 46.2 m. ha from 1951 to 1991 (Vohra 1995), enabling an annual growth of 2.42 percent in food production to reach 180 million tons by 1995. During 1964-65 to 197071 food-grain production grew at a record rate of 3.3 percent, mostly due to expansion in irrigated area (Sarma and Roy 1979). The last few decades have seen a dramatic rise in the demand for water in India, triggered by the rise in population, especially in urban areas, causing increased demand for food production and domestic water supplies; and industrial growth resulting in increased demand for production purposes and assimilating pollution. Supplies have also grown manifold, to keep pace with the demand through exploitation of surface and groundwater. As a result, groundwater resources are over-exploited in many arid and semiarid regions, leading to large drops in water levels, deteriorating groundwater quality and sharp reductions in the availability of good quality groundwater. Surface water resources are over-appropriated in many basins. Freshwater supplies are increasingly coming under threat of pollution from industrial effluents and municipal waste. The situation has developed steadily and dramatically. At the time of independence, the per capita freshwater availability in the country was 6008 M3 per year. In 1997, it stood at approximately 2200 M3 per annum (Engelman and Roy 1993). The situation is already critical in 6 out of the 20 major river basins, with the per capita freshwater availability going below 1000 M3 per annum (World Bank 1998; Mehta 1999). Water related issues are becoming far more complex than ever before. This paper makes an attempt to present an analytical overview of the emerging water resources management issues and challenges in India, with focus on the period after Independence. The paper is divided into two sections. The first section covers the emerging issues. The second section provides a rigorous analysis of the water management challenges that are related to data, technology and institutions.
2.0 WATER RELATED PROBLEMS IN INDIA At the time of Independence, India was faced with the dual challenge of enhancing foodgrain production and providing safe drinking water supplies. Irrigation development was a major investment priority in the five-year plans. Since 1951, India had made remarkable achievements in irrigation development (Bharadwaj 1990; Varghese 1990; Vohra, 1995). The net irrigated area had almost doubled during the period of 1951 to 1991 from 21 m. ha to 45.6 m. ha in 1991 (Vohra 1995). The annual foodgrain production increased from a meagre 50.8 million tons to 198 million tons in 1996-97. Substantial achievements had also been made in water supplies through the development of surface and groundwater resources. While at the time of independence, only 6.15 percent of the country’s population had safe drinking water supplies (source: Five Year Plans as quoted in TERI 1998), by the year 1997, about 81 percent of the total population had access to safe drinking water supplies (CSE 2
1997). However, the development had also brought to the fore several physical, social and management problems. In this section, we attempt to analyse the major water related problems that pose challenge to meeting the future water supply needs. 2.1 Water Resources under Stress: Declining Potential of Surface Water 2.1.1 Reducing Scope for Augmenting the Existing Supplies Though the overall level of utilisation of natural runoff is very low, the scope for further utilisation is greatly limited due to several reasons. First, almost all the viable sites are already exploited (Kumar 1992) and the utilisation is quite intensive. Construction of any new water storage facility is more likely to provide a means of re-allocating the available supplies among different uses than adding to the aggregate supplies (Frederick 1993). The social and environmental costs of future exploitation are very high (World Bank 1991; Kumar 1992; Frederick 1993). Construction of big dams, while creating large submergence, had resulted in large-scale displacement and uprooting of human communities, depriving them of their traditional livelihood sources and opportunities (WRI 1995). The issues of fundamental human rights, equity and social justice that are inherent in such patterns of development are far more serious than the narrow issue of displacement. The underlying principle is that the people who derive the fruits of development are not those who bear the cost. Second, large water projects in India are increasingly coming under the scrutiny of environmentalists and social justice activists (Paranjape and Joy 1995). The threats to environment and ecosystems posed by large dams are well understood. The conventional wisdom suggests that large dams, involving large-scale submergence have serious negative environmental consequences, while the positive environmental and ecological impacts of irrigation were ignored (Kay et al. 1997). Third, availability of funds for large water projects is also open to question. Greater awareness among the world community about the social and environmental consequences of large dam projects is putting international aid agencies under increasing public scrutiny. This has also adversely affected international financial assistance for large dam projects in India. As of today, there are 400 big and small dam projects in India held up due to lack of funds or opposition from the environmental lobby (source: Journal of Indian Water Resource Society, Vol. 19 (5), No.2, April 1999). 2.1.2
Reducing Potential of Existing Supply Schemes
There are numerous problems facing the large reservoir projects in India that have implications for the potential of existing supply schemes. Accelerated soil erosion in the catchments and subsequent faster silting up of reservoirs, a serious concern for hydrologists, is one among them. Most often, the actual rates of soil erosion and siltation were found to be much higher than the estimates arrived through hydrologists’ calculations. For example: the estimated rate of siltation for Dharoi reservoir built on Sabarmati River was nearly 1.6 MCM per year at the time of planning. But, twenty years down the line, catchment surveys conducted in 1994 showed that siltation in the catchment was occurring at a rate of nearly 10 MCM per year (GOG 1994). The net result is the depleting storage and reduced life of 3
reservoirs. Large impoundment often cause reduced in-stream flows in the downstream portions of the river with a resultant negative impact on recharge of underlying aquifers. All these factors have a negative impact on the future supplies. Another serious problem is the dismal performance of irrigation schemes dependent on these reservoirs. The irrigation schemes are characterised by poor quality of construction, lack of adequate maintenance, poor quality and reliability of irrigation services, poor attendance of the distribution systems, lack of involvement of farmers in irrigation management, low rates of recovery of water charges, and poor resource utilisation efficiencies. This has major negative implications for the utilisation of the potential already created and the future investment prospects due to the following reasons (World Bank 1991; Vohra 1995). First, introduction of canal water is causing widespread problems of waterlogging and salinity in many canal command areas in India due to excessive seepage from canals and poor drainage of irrigated fields2. Waterlogging and salinity, in the long run, causes sharp decline in productivity of agricultural land and convert them into wasteland. Today, some of the canal irrigated areas in Punjab and Haryana, which are already affected by waterlogging and salinity, are showing declining productivity. The country is loosing out large tracts of fertile irrigated croplands to water logging and salinity. Artificial drainage of land waterlogged due to excessive irrigation is found to be far more expensive than bringing the same amount of land under irrigation. Secondly, large dam projects are increasingly becoming un-viable in economic terms. A close look at the performance figures of canal irrigation projects brings out this issue. First of all, the efficiency of canal irrigation is very poor3. It is only 50 percent as efficient as compared to groundwater irrigation. Considering the efficiency factor, the net area served by surface irrigation (as on 1990) is only 11.35 M ha instead of 22.7 M ha. Hence, the growth achieved is only 7.2 M ha of Net Ground Water Equivalent Irrigation (Vohra 1995). Thus, the level of investment required to bring one hectare of land under irrigation is nearly 47,000 rupees. The recent data on the performance of Major and Medium (M and M) schemes show that this has increased enormously. The net area served by canal irrigation grew by 0.264 M ha during 1985-’90. The expenditure incurred during this period in the M and M sector was Rs.11017 crores. This means, the average cost of irrigating one additional hectare of land is actually ten times more than the standard cost of forty thousand rupees (Vohra 1995). This, in no way, is an attempt to overlook the significant positive social, economic and ecological impacts of canal irrigation. Dhawan (1990) points out that seepage from canals and the irrigation return flows are quite significant that it prevents the groundwater level declines even in areas with excessive groundwater pumping for irrigation (Dhawan 1990). Nevertheless, the scope for augmenting the existing supplies is greatly limited, by the great financial, economic, social and environmental risks involved in large dam projects. The future potential of existing supplies is showing a sharp downward trend. 2.1.3
Dwindling Supplies of Natural Freshwater
Today, water pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems facing developing countries like India due to its direct effect on human welfare and economic growth (WRI 1995). In India, this has come up as the larger environmental, social and economic consequences of industrialisation pursued through liberal economic policies. Presence of industries had a manifold impact on the effective availability of water supplies. Industries create demand for labour and therefore along with them concentrated migrant populations, leading to development of new urban centres and slums. Industries generate waste in the form of effluents. Concentrated populations also generate huge amount of waste in the form of domestic sewage. Most often, industries dispose off their treated, untreated or partially treated waste in the natural streams and rivers causing severe pollution, which drastically reduces the effective availability of freshwater. Domestic and municipal waste also finds its way into the flowing streams. Pollution of rivers is quite extensive in India. According to a study conducted by the Central Board for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, as early as 1979, large stretches of all the 14 major rivers had become contaminated due to indiscriminate disposal of industrial effluents and urban domestic waste. The extent and magnitude of the problem can be gauged from the fact that these river basins accommodate 82 percent of the country’s total population (Bhatt 1986). The industries and towns4 located on the banks of river Ganga, the holiest river of India, discharge close to a staggering 1,700 million litres of effluents into the river every day (Mehta 1999). This causes alarmingly high levels of biological and chemical contamination of the river (source: Down to Earth, January 15 1998). 2.2
Groundwater Over-Development Problems
Groundwater resources are showing increasing signs of over-development in India. But, the national level statistics of groundwater development provides a rosy picture of the overall scenario. According to official statistics, only 30 percent of the rechargeable annual groundwater potential is so far utilised (Kittu 1995). However, these figures are highly influenced by the groundwater surplus areas of Eastern and the NorthEastern parts of India (World Bank 1998). Long viewed as unlimited renewable natural resource, threats to groundwater supplies are increasingly becoming evident (Moench 1991). The resource is already over-exploited in many areas. Alarming drops in water levels in the alluvial areas of North Gujarat, and intrusion of seawater in the coastal areas of Kutch and Saurashtra are well-documented (Bhatia 1992; Moench 1995: Kumar 1995b). Problems of dropping water groundwater levels are observed in many parts of Rajasthan, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka (quoted from Moench 1995). There are several factors contributing to the over-development of groundwater resources. They are lack of well-defined property rights, presence of subsidised energy for groundwater extraction, easy access to institutional financing for well development and rural electrification (Singh 1995; Moench 1995). De jure rights in groundwater are not clear. But, de facto rights to groundwater are attached to land ownership rights (Singh 1995). A landowner has total right to the groundwater underlying his/her piece of land to use it in a 5
way he deems fit. There is no restriction on the amount of water he/she can pump out. Another important reason being the subsidised electricity for groundwater pumping. In many states, electricity is nearly 100 percent subsidised. In some states, a flat rate system of electricity pricing, based on pump horsepower, is followed. Due to this, the marginal cost of extraction is zero and the implicit cost of extraction of unit volume of water reduces with increase in hours of pumping. This creates incentive for farmers to over-use groundwater. Thus, groundwater resources tend to be over-exploited. According to official estimates, as on January 1992, 10 percent of the blocks in the entire country fall in the overdeveloped or critically developed category (Raju 1995). The actual magnitude and extent of depletion could be far more extensive and serious; reason being the several limitations inherent in the current methodology for assessment of overdevelopment. First, the methodology is based on water balance involving recharge and extraction estimates. It does not capture the long-term trends in groundwater levels and are only based on 5-year average of water level fluctuations. Second, it does not capture the localised trends in groundwater levels, which is very common in areas with concentrated demand sites like urban centres and industrial clusters. Third, it does not capture the seasonal drops in groundwater levels, which is a serious problem in many hard rock areas of the country5. The social, economic and environmental consequences of dropping groundwater levels and depletion of economically accessible resource are often great. As water table drops, shallow wells dry up and poor farmers abandon their wells. Then, the access is limited to only those who can afford to deepen their wells or buy water from neighbouring well owners at prohibitive prices. From an economic perspective, dropping water levels increases the energy required to pump out unit volume of water and therefore the cost of extraction, reducing the economic viability of irrigated agriculture. From an environmental perspective, groundwater is a drought buffer. During years of low and no rainfall, the buffer storage of groundwater is used for protecting the crops, drought proofing and meeting a variety of social and environmental needs. Depletion, in a long run, could also pose serious threat to food security and India’s ability to resist droughts. The poor farmers who return to rain-fed farming may run the risk of crop failure causing a fall in crop production and an increase in drought exposure long before there is significant depletion of the resources (Moench 1991). In many river basins, groundwater contributes significantly to the stream flows in rivers during the non-monsoon period. Continuous declines in groundwater levels could permanently stop the outflows into the rivers, thereby adversely affecting the in-stream flows and the ecosystems. 2.2.2
Groundwater Quality Deterioration
Groundwater quality is showing declining trends throughout many parts of India. This causes sharp reductions in the availability of groundwater for various uses. On the basis of causes, the problems of poor groundwater quality can be classified into three categories as follows.
First: There is an inherent problem of water quality due to natural contamination caused by the presence of minerals in the formation bearing water. Several parts of the country have saline groundwater6. Fluoride concentrations above the permissible limits of 1.5 ppm is prevalent in 8700 villages and has affected the drinking water supplies of 25 million people. As the concentration of fluorides in groundwater is controlled by the rainfall and evaporation, and the residence time of water in the soil and phreatic zone, higher levels of fluoride are generally occurring in the arid and semiarid tracts of Rajasthan, Gujarat, UP, Haryana, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh (Kittu 1995). Arsenic contamination of groundwater in deep aquifers, which is by far the biggest mass poisoning case in the world, has affected 6 districts in West Bengal (Down to Earth, October 15, 1996). Iron concentrations are often above the permissible limits of 0.3 ppm in the Eastern and North Eastern States. Progressive decline in groundwater quality, in terms of high TDS and salinity, are being encountered in the alluvial plains of North Gujarat and UP with increase in pumping depths (Kittu 1995). Second: Increased human activities directly contaminate the groundwater. Pollution of groundwater due to indiscriminate disposal of industrial effluents and municipal waste in water bodies is a major concern in many cities and industrial clusters in India (Kittu 1995). Groundwater in the whole of Vapi-Ankleshwar-Surat-Baroda belt, known as the golden corridor of India, is severely polluted by effluent from chemical industries. Groundwater is highly vulnerable to pollution of surface water bodies in areas where the river and aquifer are hydraulically linked. Intensive use of chemical fertilisers in farms and indiscriminate disposal of human and animal waste on land result in leaching of the residual nitrate and potassium causing high nitrate concentrations in groundwater. High concentrations of nitrates in groundwater are reported from many parts of India (Moench and Metzger 1992; WRI 1995). Third: Induced pollution. Excessive withdrawal of groundwater from coastal aquifers has led to intrusion of seawater in the coastal aquifers rendering many thousands of drinking water and irrigation wells useless. Examples are coastal areas of Kutch and Saurashtra in Gujarat and Chennai coast (Bhatia 1992; Kittu 1995; Kumar 1995b and 1996). 2.3 Growing Water Scarcity 2.3.1 Growing Demand A wide variety of demographic and socio-economic trends such as population growth, urbanisation, industrialisation, changes in agricultural practices and cultural changes, in combination, have triggered off this explosion in demand for water. The country’s population has more than doubled since Independence from a mere 400 million to around a billion now (nearly 250 percent increase). The relation between population and demand for water is nonlinear.
Population growth impacts positively on the demand for water in many ways. First of all, the demand for water for drinking and cooking and sanitation increases proportionally, provided the economic conditions and poverty rates remain constant. Rather more important than the population rise is where the population rise really takes place, i.e., whether it is in the urban areas or rural areas, and how it grows. The per capita demand for the basic needs and a variety of environmental services are likely to be high for urban areas. Faster growth rate will impact demand rates positively. The rise in demand for water for a given rise in urban population will be much higher than what will occur if the rural population grows by the same magnitude. This is due to the implications urban population growth has on waste disposal. Urban population constituted more than 1/4th the country’s total population in 1994, while only 1/6th of the total population lived in urban areas at the time of Independence. Urban population is growing at a rapid rate, much faster than the rural population. According to the projections of the UN populations division, India’s urban population will touch 600 million-mark by the year 2025, making it nearly 45 percent of the country’s total population (WRI 1995). Along with the rapid growth in aggregate urban population, there has been simultaneous concentration of the population in a few cities, adding to urban population growth rates and per capita demand for water. The growing population would invariably put pressure on the foodgrain supplies. Hence, there will be an urgent need to produce more food grains, to maintain the current per capita supply levels. In India, the per capita consumption of food grains (cereals and pulses) has recorded a significant rise over the last few decades resulting from the improvements in economic conditions and reduced poverty. This means that the growth rate to be achieved in foodgrain production will have to be much higher than the population growth rate. According to one of the UN projections, the country’s population will touch the 1.5 billion mark by the year 2025, when the total food supply requirement of the country would be 350 million tons (WRI 1995). Along with foodgrain, farmers will have to increase the production of other agricultural crops, especially cash crops to meet the growing micro-economic needs. Since there is no scope for further expansion in the net cultivable area, the increased production has to come from increased production from unit area of cultivable land. This can be achieved only through expansion of area under irrigation, which currently stands at nearly 1/3rd of the gross cropped area in the country7, which in turn increases the demand of water for agriculture. Economic condition and poverty are two important parameters that can potentially impact on the way natural resources are being consumed (WRI 1995). This can significantly impact water use practices and use patterns, causing overall increase in the demand for water in the domestic sector. Economic growth increases the demand for a wide variety of environmental services related to water (Pearce and Warford 1993). India has achieved significant growth on the economic front over the last 3 decades with a resultant reduction in poverty. In the year 1972, approximately 52 percent of the population lived below the poverty line, while this reduced to only 30 percent by the year 1987-88. Such trends are also drivers of change in the per capita water requirement for various uses (WRI 1995).
One of the competitive demands which has been growing exponentially over the last one or two decades is industry. The water requirement for water consuming industries such as agrobased industries, petrochemicals, fertilisers, refineries, and industrial chemicals industries increased 40 times from just 100 million litres a day in 1947-50 to 4000 million litres a day in 1997 (TERI 1998). Though industrial water demand constitutes a small fraction of the total water demand in India today, it is likely to dominate other important sectors like urban and rural, domestic/ drinking water in the coming decades following the rapid sectoral growth. An important component, which is critical from the point of view of environmental management and ecological conservation but often not considered in demand projections, is the water required for assimilating pollution caused by disposal of industrial effluents (Ballabh and Shunmugam 1999). According to the UN projections, the total water demand, which stands at the current level of 600 BCM (billion cubic metres) is expected to rise to 1050 BCM by the year 2025 (source: Journal of Indian Water Resource Society, Vol. 19 (5), No.2, April 1999). 2.3.2
Dwindling Water Supplies
Groundwater Scarcity Indiscriminate exploitation of groundwater for irrigation and other uses has resulted in resource depletion. This was manifested by alarming drops in water levels in alluvial areas, drying up of open wells, yield reductions in deep tube wells, and depletion of economically accessible groundwater resources8. In hard rock areas, excessive withdrawal is causing sharp seasonal drops in groundwater levels and drying up of wells in summer causing acute seasonal scarcity of groundwater for all purposes. The case of Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu illustrates this phenomenon with enough clarity. The district, characterised by a record density of irrigation wells, had recorded a steep decline in groundwater levels over the last few decades, with water levels falling up to 200 feet in some parts. The number of wells in the district doubled during the period from 1960 to 1990, while the net irrigated area by groundwater almost stagnated. This means that the net area irrigated by a single well had almost reduced by half, unless we expect significant changes in the cropping pattern during this time period, sufficient to make substantial increases in the depth of irrigation watering. In many areas, overdraft is causing deterioration of groundwater quality. Over extraction of groundwater from deep aquifers in the alluvial plains of Mehsana district in North Gujarat9 has resulted in increasing level of fluorides and TDS in groundwater pumped (Widjemans 1993; Kumar 1996)10. Excessive withdrawal of groundwater from the coastal aquifers in Saurashtra and Kutch has resulted in saline intrusion into freshwater aquifers, rendering water from many thousands of wells, saline (Bhatia 1992; Sangvai 1994). Groundwater quality has major negative implications for the effective availability of groundwater for various uses11. Widespread deterioration of groundwater quality causes sharp reduction in the availability of fresh groundwater that can be used for various needs.
In many arid and semiarid sections of the country, average annual extraction is many times above the average annual recharge. This eventually means drawing down the buffer that has developed over millions of years, ultimately leading to mining of aquifers (Moench 1991: Kumar 1995b)12. This poses serious threat to the sustainability of resource base. If such patterns of development continue, we will be fast approaching a situation where the entire groundwater resources in these areas will be exhausted. Surface Water Pollution is posing a major threat to natural freshwater supplies from surface water bodies. A Central Pollution Control Board report cites 20 critically polluted areas along the stretches of some of the most important rivers in the country, where the level of pollution is far above what the flows could assimilate (Biswas and Sharma 1995). Eventually, they are close to the vicinity of some of the booming industrial clusters and major cities in the country. The enforcement of pollution control norms by the concerned agencies is precariously poor. Large industries often flout pollution control norms. But, the agencies lack the administrative and institutional capabilities and legal powers to penalise the free riders. Often, identifying the source of pollution is also an issue. Notices issued by Ministries and agencies for closure of erring industries are often met with stay orders resulting in shifting of decisions to judiciary, causing long delays. Over and above, a large number of the polluting industries are small industries lacking adequate financial resource to invest in effluent treatment facilities, which are prohibitively expensive (Vani et al. 1995; Ballabh and Singh 1997). Municipal sewage accounts for nearly 90 percent of the effluents generated in India annually. Many major Indian cities and towns lack adequate facilities to treat the municipal sewage and industrial waste they generate. According to a CPCB report, only 1/3rd of the major cities (with more than 1 lakh population) and 4 percent of the cities with less than 1 lakh population have wastewater treatment facilities. Eventually, they dump their untreated and toxic industrial waste and domestic sewage into the rivers, on the banks of which they are situated. Delhi city, for example, vomits around 1600 million litres of untreated sewage and 400 million litres of industrial effluents into Yamuna river from which it draws nearly 70 percent of its municipal water supplies (Down to Earth, June 15, 1998). The fact is that large sections of the urban and rural populations, who lack access to private water supply systems, still depend on the natural flows in rivers for meeting their sanitation needs, and a variety of other uses such as bathing of cattle, etc., (Kumar et al. 1999). Therefore, pollution of river can permanently jeopardise the ability of the poorest sections of the communities living in urban and rural areas to access the basic minimum water supplies essential for their survival. The storage capacity and life of many large and small reservoirs in the country, is reducing much faster than estimated. This can greatly reduce the ability of many large cities and towns in the country, which heavily depend on these reservoirs, to maintain future water supplies to the current levels. The problem arising out of the reduced availability of water gets compounded by rapid population growth occurring in the urban areas, with the result that the per capita supply levels further dip, widening the gap between the per capita supply requirements and the supply levels. Historically, per capita supply levels had gone down in 10
cities. The Ahmedabad city is a good example13. Many cities are already facing acute scarcity of water for drinking. According to a UN projection, total water demand in India by the year 2025 will be at par with the total exploitable freshwater supplies. According to the UN report, India will be among the severely water stressed countries of the world (source: Economic Times, January 24 1999). A recent World Watch Institute report on the status of world’s natural resources and environment also confirms this (Brown et al. 1998). According to another estimate, by the year 2010, the per capita supplies of fresh water in the country will further drop from the current 2300 M3 to 1600 M3 per capita per year as a result of the increasing population and reducing supplies. In such a scenario, the availability of economic and financial resources will ultimately determine the degree of control individuals, communities and societies establish over water. While the rich corner the precious resources, the poor will progressively loose their access, resulting in social tensions and conflicts 2.4 Increasing Competition and Growing Conflicts One of the major challenges India is facing in the water management sector today is the growing competition between demand sectors (World Bank 1998; Kumar et al. 1999; Ballabh and Singh 1997). Since Independence, the demand of water has grown in all sectors of use. However, the growth in demand in sectors such as industrial use and urban domestic use has been phenomenal. Though, at the national level, irrigation still constitutes lion’s share of the consumptive use of water (83 percent), the demand pattern is changing fast with increasing occurrence of multiple demands and uses. This apart, the demand pattern is becoming less and less uniform across geographical locations. The reasons being the overall growth in urban population, concentration of existing urban populations in a fewer urban locations and dispersed industrial growth. Heavy concentration of populations in urban areas creates quantum jumps in municipal water supply requirements. This is not only of good quality, but also of high priority. As urban areas are increasingly finding it difficult to manage their required supplies from within, they often start laying claim on the resources in rural areas, thereby running into conflict with other competitive demand in the rural areas. Dispersal of industries in rural areas leads to a situation where the overall demand for water in those areas increases rapidly with the result that industries directly compete with irrigation and drinking for the limited freshwater supplies. As the supplies continue to decline over time, the competition grows between sectors as well as users within sectors. The ultimate result is that the more influential and the resource rich groups corner the already limited freshwater resources to meet their demands, often at the cost of the high priority uses (Ballabh and Singh 1997; Kumar et al. 1999). In Gujarat, for instance, municipal authorities in many cities and towns have started claiming increasing allocation of water from surface reservoirs primarily meant for irrigation, as a coping strategy to meet the ever increasing demands (Kumar 1997; Kumar et al. 1999). Such allocations have always been at the cost of reduction in supplies for irrigation, leading to conflicts.
Many river basins in India are characterised by growing competition between sectors such as irrigation vs. municipal uses, irrigation vs. drinking, industrial use vs. irrigation, etc., (World Bank 1998; Ballabh and Singh 1997). Beyond the inter-sectoral competition and conflicts, competition among users within the sector will be a striking feature of the emerging scenario in the water sector. As the economically accessible water resources become scarce, the rich and the wealthy are likely to corner the available resources at prohibitively high economic and social costs, in the absence of a proper institutional framework to meet the larger social objectives. This can lead to the poor progressively getting more and more deprived of access to water for the basic needs. Such situations can be potential sources of social tensions and conflicts.
3.0 WATER MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN INDIA India is faced with dual problems in water resources. First is of scarcity of freshwater due to the declining natural supplies and the increasing demand for enhancing foodgrain production, providing water supplies for drinking and industries, and ecosystem management (Ballabh et al. 1999). The second is of increasing conflicts over sharing of water. The core water management needs are maintaining the balance between demand and supplies to address growing scarcity; and equitable allocation of water across sectors to resolve the conflicts. This is a dual challenge. To begin with, evolving water management strategies to meet this challenge needs scientific database on water supplies in relation to a range of social, economic and environmental objectives. This is to be followed by water management technologies that are economically viable and replicable. Last, institutions are needed for evolving and implementing water management solutions to address water scarcity and resolve conflicts. The following section provides a critical analysis of the water sector in India vis-a-vis these needs. 3.1 Data Related Issues 3.1.1 Availability of Scientific Database One of the biggest challenges facing the water management sector in the country is the nonavailability of adequate scientific data needed for water budgeting, allocation planning, and water management decision-making. Reliable estimates of water supply and demand are one of the core needs for water management. Estimates of Water Availability and Use The two key components of water supplies are surface water and groundwater. So far as groundwater is concerned, the supplies are determined on the basis of the average annual recharge. The methodology adopted for recharge estimation has weak scientific basis and hence the estimates are questionable. The “water level fluctuation approach” 14 used for recharge estimation has many inherent limitations. In the first place, it assumes that all the monsoon recharge appears as a rise in water level in the wells and conveniently neglects the portion of the recharge pumped out during the monsoon season, the inflows into the aquifer 12
basin and the outflow from the basin. Secondly, it also does not capture the long-term trends in groundwater levels in a particular area as only the previous five-year data are considered for estimation. Therefore, it fails to provide a realistic assessment of the overall groundwater situation in an area. There are also problems in estimating the recharge with a reasonable degree of reliability. While water levels are periodically measured through observation wells, specific yield is estimated using pump tests. Therefore, recharge estimates are highly sensitive to specific yield values. In the case of hard rock areas--which occupy 2/3rd of the country’s geographical area--, specific yield varies widely across space. But, specific yield values are available for a very limited number of locations across the country (Moench 1991). The density of observation wells that largely determine the accuracy of data on water level fluctuations is also very poor15. Selection of monitoring wells and method of collection of water level data are hydraulically incorrect and leaves much to be desired (Saxena 1995). As regards surface water, the most crucial data is dependable runoff. For scientific estimation of dependable run-off, adequate data on historical rainfall and stream-flows are essential for a substantial time period. In India, the runoff data for larger time horizons and for good number rain-gauge stations are available only for a few major river basins. For the rest, data are available for a limited number of gauging stations and for short time horizons. For such basins, the data on “dependable flows”, will have to be generated through statistical analysis of historical data and, therefore, are bound to be less reliable. For the smaller rivers, which are not gauged, the “dependable flows” will have to be estimated using rainfall-runoff relations, arrived at for similar basins, or through the use of simulation models. The use of simulation models in hydrologic studies is limited to a few scientific institutions in India. Water Quality Quality is another important variable that determines the suitability of water for a particular purpose and hence quantity and quality issues are inter-linked (Moench and Metzger 1992; Kumar 1995a; Biswas 1996). There are numerous biological, physical and chemical parameters that determine the quality of water. There are four important issues associated with water quality monitoring. i) There are a few observation stations in the country that cover all the essential parameters for water quality and hence the data obtained are not decisive on the water quality status (Biswas and Sharma 1995). ii) Water quality measurements involve expensive, sophisticated and that are difficult to operate and maintain; and require substantial expertise in collecting, analysing and managing the data (Biswas 1996). Therefore, in a country like India, where water technology is still not advanced, it is very likely that the available data on water quality is less reliable. iii) The existing methodology for water quality management is inadequate to identify the various sources of pollution and contamination of water (Moench and Metzger 1992). iv) Available water quality data are hardly integrated with data on water availability of water supplies. But, such integration is very important not only from a purely physical science perspective, but also from the point of view of assessing water availability for meeting various social, economic and environmental objectives (Moench 1995). 13
Water Demands and Use Rates Demand estimation in different sectors of water use is often based on agency norms. These norms fail to capture the variations in physical, socio-economic, cultural and institutional factors that greatly influence the demand of water in various sectors. As a result, the demand figures estimated through norms are unrealistic. Water use rates are important for analysing demand management interventions. But, no data are compiled by official agencies on the actual use of water in different sectors such as per capita water use in municipal areas, water use by livestock, crop water use, and industrial water use. In the case of groundwater, figures of withdrawal can often form a strong basis for estimating aggregate water use from a particular source. However, these figures are also estimated using agency-approved norms, which are highly unrealistic. Actual field measurements are never done (Saxena 1995). 3.1.2
Objectives and Criteria for Data Collection
Moench (1995) stressed on the need for larger social considerations in assessing overdevelopment of groundwater in the face of scarcity and they include economic efficiency, equity, environment, drought buffer, future option maintenance, and provision of drinking water supplies as fundamental rights. Accordingly, he redefines the criteria for assessing over-development of groundwater resources in India (Moench, 1995). Here, a case is built for redefining the objectives and criteria for assessing water development that would encourage integration of larger goals of social, economic and environmental sustainability. Objectives of Data Collection The process of collection and interpretation of data on water availability and condition in India has a strong technological bias. Hydrological objectives override the larger social, economic and environmental objectives. As a result, the hydrological data are often interpreted in a way it does not indicate the availability of and access to the resources for meeting various social, economic and environmental needs. First, it is important to assess the status of development of water resources in relation to economic efficiency objectives. It is also essential to know whether the current levels of exploitation of water in a river basin are economically efficient or not. From an economic perspective, surface water in a river basin is over-exploited if the cost of unit volume of additional water harnessed is high. So is the case with groundwater. In a river basin, if new water projects only help in reallocating the available water within the basin, then it can be called an over-exploited basin, as the cost of unit volume of water would be enormously high. In the case of groundwater, over-development occurs if the extraction is economically inefficient. Similarly, it is important to assess development of water in relation to social objectives. Ensuring adequate quantities of water for human survival is a social goal. Therefore, from a social perspective, over-development of water resources occur, when the water resource in a 14
basin cannot meet the basic drinking water needs in a basin on a long-term. In many hard rock areas like Saurashtra region in Gujarat, dug wells dry out before the onset of summer due to sharp declines in groundwater levels and drinking water becomes scarce. However, current assessment methodologies classify such areas as “under-exploited”. In view of the fact that water scarcity in river basins creates environmental stress, protection of environment and ecosystems should be considered as an important objective in a water development project. Development of water resources should, therefore, be assessed in relation to environmental and ecological objectives. For instance, maintaining in-stream flows will be important for both rivers that support marine ecosystems and that flush out pollution load. If withdrawal of groundwater or structural interventions in the river flow result in stoppage of stream flows during non-monsoon, the basin can be treated as “overdeveloped”. Criteria and Variables for Assessment of Resource Condition As the objectives of collection and interpretation of data change, the criteria for assessment of water availability or water scarcity situation is bound to change. Currently, water balance is the only criteria used for assessment of over-development of water and scarcity. However, water balance does not provide enough indicators of the actual social, ecological, environmental and economic impacts. From a social perspective, it is important to know how far whether the available water in the basin would be sufficient to meet the basic survival needs, especially drinking. In the economic sense, one important criterion for assessment of scarcity could be the investment communities have to make in accessing water supplies for various uses, or whether water is within economically accessible limits or not. Dropping groundwater levels can increase the investment for well digging and energy cost for groundwater extraction. Therefore, it is important to include pumping depths and yield levels as important parameters to be measured. Further, assessing the overall water situation in a river basin on the basis of the quantitative data on the overall supplies and demand alone will be too unrealistic. The data on quality requirements for meeting various sectoral demands in the basin should be available along with quantitative estimates of volumetric demand in each sector, so is the data on the quality of the existing supplies. 3.2 Institutional Challenges The institutional challenge is analysed on the basis of the following five core water management needs: effectiveness in responding to local water scarcity problems; competence to evolve comprehensive water management approaches to address regional problems; ability to design water management systems to alter social systems affecting water use; capability to ensure equitable and sustainable resource use; and, ability to implement water allocation plans effectively and resolve conflicts.
3.2.1 Centralised and Segmented Approach All state and national level institutions that are directly dealing with water are centralised institutions. They use “centralised” and “top-down” approaches for data collection, compilation and management, water development planning, implementation and finally water management (World Bank 1998). First, centralised planning processes do not involve local communities at any stage of data collection, issue identification and water development planning. Official agencies identify the issues on the basis of macro-level data they gather. Such processes are grossly inadequate to capture the local resource availability, conditions and problems. The involvement of local communities in data collection is essential in view of the fact that they are aware of the condition of the resources in their locality. On the other hand, involvement of local user groups in planning could lead to development of plans that are implementable as they are aware of the range of factors that determine the type of interventions that are physically and socially viable (Kumar et al. 1994). “Centralised” and “top-down” planning processes create doubts and fear in the minds of local people and often leads to conflicts and opposition to the project implementation. Secondly, by and large, the centralised systems do not encourage effective participation of the user groups in water management, due to the reason that they are often too large for the local communities to handle. Water management being a social activity, the involvement of user groups is critical to achieve the desired water management objectives. Mechanisms and avenues for user groups involvement in management are also lacking. In sum, most often, planning of water resource systems was supply driven. The existing institutions are never able to respond to the local water management needs. 3.2.2
Regulatory Approach to Management
Water laws are essential for efficient management of water resources. Given the bearing water has on social and economic development, preservation of natural ecosystems, water laws have to be based on environmental, ecological conservation and social and economic consideration. But, water laws in India are heavily fragmented and water related legislations use piecemeal approaches and far less than comprehensive (Bhatt 1986). Several states in the country had passed legislations to control and regulate the overdevelopment of groundwater resources in accordance with the Model Bill16. They were, by and large, command and control approach to affect changes in the resource use. Over and above, they are blanket legislation and do not capture the potential variations in the overall physical, social, economic, cultural and institutional settings across different localities and regions, which would determine the needs of any locality. As a result, they are often not hydrologically less meaningful and socially and politically non-viable (Moench 1995; Kumar 1995b). The Central and State Pollution Control Boards, set up under the provisions of the Water Pollution (Control and Prevention) Act 1974, have evolved norms and standards with regard 16
to quality of trade effluents and sewage discharged in natural streams and wells (including biological, chemical and physical) and also water quality of the natural streams. These norms, however, have largely been ineffective in controlling water pollution due problems in implementation. The roots of the problems lie in the following. First, the institutional and administrative capabilities to monitor water quality are increasingly becoming inadequate in the wake of the increasing number of industries, rapid increase in the chemical effluents. Secondly, the traditional water treatment plants are incapable of treating the new, toxic chemicals industries produce. Fourth, the Municipal authorities, and small industries, which are major sources of pollution, do not have financial resources to invest in treatment plants that are prohibitively expensive. Thirdly, the pollution control agencies are not been given powers by the provisions of the Act to penalise the violators, and hence are to be prosecuted in the normal course in Judicial Courts (Bhatt 1986). 3.2.3
Sectoral and Segmented Approaches
The approach to water sector in India is sectoral (World Bank 1998). Institutions were created to cater to the needs of different sectors such as rural drinking, urban water supplies, irrigation, recreation, fisheries etc. Often, the dynamics of interaction between various socioeconomic systems influencing water use in different sectors is poorly understood. New water projects often alter the allocation among existing uses. For example, adverse impact of structural interventions in the natural flows on in stream uses has always been ignored. The water supply strategies adopted within a sector are not often holistic and integrated, but rather narrow and disjointed. Sectoral planning lack long term perspectives. The overall demand and supplies within the basin and the future trends in both are not considered in planning a new water project in river basins. In river basins where flows are heavily diverted and intensively used, new storage and diversion projects only alter the allocation rather than adding to the aggregate freshwater supplies. This can lead to conflicts between and within sectors. 3.2.4
Supply Focus
The scientific and technological advancements made during the 20th century, led to major breakthroughs in understanding the natural systems underlying water supplies and the capacity to control and exploit it. The advancements made in earth moving, dam construction, deep drilling and pumping technology etc., greatly encouraged resource exploitation (Frederick 1993), often beyond the threshold of sustainable carrying capacities. Till recently, water management was viewed as an engineering activity involving building of large dams and diversion head works, creation of storage reservoirs and conveyance systems to take care of the spatial and temporal variations in annual rainfalls. The institutions that were created were largely technically oriented, with the skills and competence for water resource investigation, and identification, planning and execution of water development projects. The supply focus in the water sector, to a great extent, helped these institutions remain as technically oriented for a significant period of time. With the resources increasingly becoming scarce, new water development projects hardly add to the aggregate supplies, and only allocates the available supplies among alternative 17
uses. Thus, the priorities of these institutions are changing from managing supplies to conservation and demand and allocation management (Frederick 1993). There are several fiscal instruments that can potentially impact on the social systems to affect reduction in demand or in other word that can create incentives for efficient use of water in competitive use and disincentive for pollution (Pearce and Warford 1993). However, the agencies lack capabilities to design alternatives that are effective in changing social systems. Secondly, the use of fiscal instruments has social and political ramifications. The success in administering such instruments would heavily depend on political consensus and popular mandate. Institutional avenues for interfacing and lobbying with political parties and civil society to gain popular support are, however, absent. 3.2.5
Institutional Frameworks and Market Instruments
Human interactions with the environment and their impacts depend heavily on the property rights systems or the institutional regimes that are embedded in the social, cultural, economic and political setting. In developing countries, including India, there is very little understanding of the role of institutional regimes in determining the way in which natural resources are used (Hanna and Munasinghe 1995). Given the institutional vacuum, in which communities exercise control and access water resources, the property rights issues in water are self-evident. The lack of a well-defined property right system creates uncertainty about the impact of the resource use on environment and therefore creates incentives for overuse (Pearce and Warford 1993). But, the governments increasingly tend to use “command and control” approach to restrict the use of water. Improving the institutional framework can help find sustainable solutions to water management problems. Institutional mechanisms such as market based property rights systems can be used for managing renewable common pool water resources, while achieving social and environmental objectives (Pearce and Warford 1993; Young and McCay 1995; Chaudhary 1996). But, they involve institutional changes and are therefore often controversial. Water has always been at the centre of political agenda in independent India. They use it as a tool for creating vote banks. Therefore, policies, laws, regulations and legislation and institutions that would restrict or redefine the rights of communities in accessing water is bound to become a politically sensitive issue. As a result, institutional changes are not likely to be forthcoming in the water sector in India. 3.3 Technological Challenges In India, water problems have grown much faster than the advancements made in water conservation and management technologies. First of all, there is very limited understanding of the physical problems. The use of management information systems that can help understand the problems and evolve management decisions is extremely limited in India. The problems associated with this are absence of systematic and scientific data collection, compilation, processing and retrieval systems, highly segregated nature of information, and poor degree of access to the existing information. 18
Technological options being advocated for water management is limited to structural interventions for increasing the supplies. During scarcity, the usual discourses focus on creation of new sources (Bhatia 1992; Kumar 1995a; Prabhakar et al. 1997). Supply side approaches to water management have several limitations (Kumar 1995b). The concept of end-use conservation, recycling and reuse are recent in India’s water management sector. The customary approach for water quality management is wastewater treatment, which is at best, end of the pipe treatment. The role for environmental management systems in minimising waste is not widely debated. Technological solutions are absent for many of the complex water resource problems facing the nation. Contamination and pollution of underground aquifers is widespread in India. However, the options for cleaning up the aquifers that are technically feasible and economically viable are almost non-existent in India. The country is too poor to afford some of the technologies that are successfully tried out in the West, especially United States that are prohibitively expensive. Information and access to technology is also an issue.
4.0 CONCLUDING REMARKS India had a long water management tradition. However, these began to decline with the arrival of the British who introduced large-scale irrigation systems and systematically destroyed the traditional village institutions and collective action by the communities to store, use and manage the water in their locality. Since Independence, India has made remarkable achievements in water sector, which is evident from the large growth in irrigated agriculture, increase in agricultural production, and advancements in drinking water supplies in rural and urban areas. In doing so, development of water resources has crossed the thresholds of physical sustainability in many areas, manifested by groundwater depletion, groundwater quality deterioration, dwindling supplies and increasing pollution of surface water. As demand for water grows by leaps and bounds in all sectors due to demographic and socio-economic changes, the magnitude and extent of scarcity problems increases. Scarcity of water puts major constraints on increasing food production for the growing population, economic growth, and protection of social and environmental goals. Added to this, the growing competition and conflicts over sharing of shrinking resource result in water scarcity to emerge as a major source of threat to social security and protection of ecosystems. The water management challenges India is facing today are really great. First of all, wide gaps exist in our understanding of the physical problems and management solutions. Management solutions that are technically and economically feasible and socially and politically viable are not forthcoming. Over and above, the government policies and programmes are largely tuned to develop water resources rather than manage it. The nonavailability of adequate scientific information regarding availability and quality of water, demand for water in different sectors, nature and extent and causes of water problems become major hindrances to developing sustainable water management strategies. The root of the problem also lies in the lack of co-ordination among agencies for data collection, 19
processing and retrieval, and the lack of integration of social, economic and environmental factors in assessment of resource condition. Technology is another major challenge. Technologies available for water conservation and management are limited and less popular. Advancements in water technology aimed at evolving technically feasible, economically viable, environmentally and ecologically sound and socially acceptable solutions in water management are not occurring. Existing institutions in the water sector are technically oriented, sectoral, and centralised, having the mandate of managing supplies. They adopt piece-meal approaches to solve water problems within the sectors concerned and seriously lack capabilities to alter social systems to affect efficient water use and pollution control. The various agencies fail to respond to the conflicting needs and interests of different stakeholders due to poor organisational coordination. They also lack institutional capabilities to ensure equitable allocation and efficient use of water across sectors and to resolve conflicts. Acknowledgement We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Ford Foundation, New Delhi for the research on which this paper is based.
Endnotes 1
Consultant and Professor, respectively, Institute of Rural Management Anand 388 001. email:
[email protected] and
[email protected].
One of the official estimates puts the figures of area affected by salinity and water logging as 26 lakh hectares.
The figures of net irrigated area by canals do not take into account the quality of irrigation – number of watering, timing and depth of watering etc.
Twenty-five of India’s largest towns with population exceeding 1,00,000 are situated on the banks of Ganges.
Nearly 2/3rd of the geographical area of the country is underlain by hard rock.
In the Hooghly delta in West Bengal, groundwater at shallow depth is brackish. In the Mahanadi River delta, the reverse situation is common (Kittu 1995).
It is important to note that internationally, the yields of major cereals such as rice, wheat and maize have stagnated, if not declined since the early eighties.
As water table drops, the investment for well construction goes up and the energy required and hence the cost of unit volume of water pumped increases enormously, thereby reducing the economic viability of using groundwater for many purposes.
According to official estimates, the average annual extraction of groundwater in Mehsana is 900 MCM against an average recharge of 510 MCM (Government of Gujarat 1992).
As on 1992, 608 out of the 1107 villages in Mehsana were affected by fluoride contamination of groundwater.
For instance, if the level of fluorides in pumped groundwater is above 1.5ppm, it is unsuitable for drinking. If the TDS of groundwater exceeds 2000ppm, it cannot be used for irrigating conventional crops such as cereals, vegetables and oil seeds. However, it is important to remember are there are several examples of salt tolerant crops, which can tolerate salinity levels much beyond 2000ppm.
Dr. David Seckler, head of International Water Management Institute, was recently quoted as saying that the annual groundwater extraction in India exceeds the recharge by a factor of two times or more.
The per capita supply levels in Ahmedabad maintained by AMC went down from 197 litres per capita in 1971 to 125 litres per capita per day in 1997.
That uses pre and post monsoon water levels and specific yield of aquifers.
Based on the data provided by Kittu (1995), the average density of observation wells in the country is only 1 in 120 sq. km. In lieu of the fact that sharp variations in water level trends are possible within smaller geographical units in hard rock areas, it can be inferred that such a density of observation wells is too low to capture the complex groundwater trends.
Formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1970 and the Ministry of Water Resources in 1992.
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