Jan 13, 2016 - Swing Space Program Layout â Review Session. District of ... The move mee5ngs will focus on packing pro
Watkins Moderniza/on
School Improvement Team Mee/ng 1/13/2016
District of Columbia Public Schools
1200 First Street, NE
Washington, DC
Agenda § § § § §
Project Update Swing Space Transporta/on Swing Space AEercare Space Pre-‐Occupancy Improvements Swing Space Program Layout – Review Session
District of Columbia Public Schools | January 1, 2010
Project Update § Builder Selec/on: RFP review panel has made a recommenda/on and a builder is expected to be on-‐board in the coming weeks. § January 2016 § Focus on swing space program layout
§ February 2016 § Builder reviewing the project and preparing pricing es/mates. § Regroup on site layout and gardens
§ March 2016 § Regroup on design and program layout
§ Spring 2016 § Color discussions, flooring types, etc
District of Columbia Public Schools | January 1, 2010
Transporta/on § DCPS will provide transporta/on to/from the Eliot-‐Hine. § We would like to form a subgroup with the school leadership, SIT, PTA, parents to help us answer ques/ons like: § § § §
# of Students Requiring Transporta/on Pick-‐Up/Drop Off Times Pick-‐Up/Drop Off Loca/ons Others
§ DCPS will con/nue to work with WMATA & DDOT on the C40 route, but we are commi`ed to supplemen/ng the transporta/on. § The informa/on above will help DCPS prepare a RFP for a transporta/on company. The informa/on above is needed by: Mid-‐February
District of Columbia Public Schools | January 1, 2010
AEercare § School-‐led aEerschool enrichment programs will be determined by the school, but there are no reasons why they cannot operate as they have in the Watkins building. § OST Programs will con/nue to operate at Eliot-‐Hine for Watkins students. § Springboard will con/nue to operate at Eliot-‐Hine for Watkins students. § DPR: There are ongoing discussions with DPR about their program placement. § This group will work with the school (Vanessa Drumm) and DCPS to determine where in the building these programs will be located.
District of Columbia Public Schools | January 1, 2010
Pre-‐Occupancy Improvements § Many of the pre-‐occupancy improvements will be determined aEer the final layout (wall addi/on/demo, etc), but we would like the SIT to help us think through other pre-‐occupancy improvements, like: § § § §
Pain/ng Ligh/ng Other cosme/c upgrades IT Infrastructure (determined by OCTO)
§ This will be part of the SIT discussions.
District of Columbia Public Schools | January 1, 2010
Move Logis/cs § DCPS & DGS will be working to set up move coordina/on mee/ngs with Watkins staff in February. § The selected contractor will be responsible for the move from Watkins to Eliot-‐Hine. § The contractor will provide boxes and supplies § The move mee/ngs will focus on packing procedures, packing best prac/ces, labeling, scheduling, etc. § DCPS moves all student records/files and technology. § The school may ask for parent volunteers to help pack. To be coordinated by the school.
District of Columbia Public Schools | January 1, 2010
Program Layout at Eliot-‐Hine § DCPS & DGS are presen/ng a VERY PRELIMINARY DRAFT layout. § This process has to go through review by leaderships at both schools. Exercise for Tonight § Break into 3 groups and include a parent, teacher, staff member § Answer the following ques/ons as a group: § What elements do you like about this layout? § What are your biggest concerns? § Are there elements missing?
§ We would like to con/nue this discussion with the SIT. Layout needs to be finalized by early March District of Columbia Public Schools | January 1, 2010
Next Mee/ng § February § § § §
Updates on subgroup topics Con/nued discussion on program layout in swing space. Site design and garden discussion Builder Introduc/on