We know that medical care can be very expensive. We want to share ...

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We know that medical care can be very expensive. We ... of people chose the least expensive plan. The savings ... you look at www.medicaredrugsavings.org.

We know that medical care can be very expensive. We want to share with you a free service that can save you or your relatives on Medicare hundreds to thousands of dollars/year.

Picking a Medicare D or Advantage plan is nearly impossible. Do your homework – Learn to save hundreds of dollars Are you willing to spend less than an hour of your time so that you or your loved ones on Medicare can save hundreds to thousands of dollars every year? If the answer is yes, you need to read about www.medicaredrugsavings.org, a free website where you can learn to lower your medical costs. If you sign up for a Medicare D or Advantage plan, Medicare will help pay for your medicines. However choosing the best plan can be next to impossible. For example, in Atlanta you can choose from over fifty possible plans, which cover different medicines, and have different copays, premiums and deductibles. A 2012 study showed that the average person on Medicare D who is taking a specific group of medicines could save $368/year by choosing a different plan which covers the same medicines and that many people will save much more than this. This study found that only 5% of people chose the least expensive plan. The savings are probably greater for those who have a Medicare Advantage plans.

available Medicare D and Advantage plans. Unfortunately few people are aware of this tool. www.medicaredrugsavings.org has a free video which clears up confusing details about Medicare and shows you in a step by step fashion how to find the least expensive plan which covers the medicines which YOU are taking. Medical organizations including The Georgia chapters of the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians (the two main groups for primary care doctors), government agencies, healthcare systems and physician groups representing thousands of doctors recommend you look at www.medicaredrugsavings.org. With a few exceptions, the only time to change to a new Medicare D or Advantage plan for next year is the open enrollment period October 15th - December 7 th. We hope you will take a few minutes to look at www.medicaredrugsavings.org and that it helps you save on your medical expenses. If you find it to be helpful, please pass this information on to others who could benefit from it. A final bit of advice: when looking at Medicare Advantage plans it is important to realize that some plans only cover certain doctors and hospitals. When comparing Medicare Advantage plans you want to ensure that the plan covers your needs. ©medicaredrugsavings.org, 2013

On www.medicare.gov you can enter your zip code and medicines and get a report showing the estimated annual out of pocket cost for all of the