Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems Vol. 8, No. 5, (2011) pp. 141-148
Abstract. In this paper, the notion of πβweak contraction [18] is extended to fuzzy metric spaces. The existence of common ο¬xed points for two mappings is established where one mapping is πβweak contraction with respect to another mapping on a fuzzy metric space. Our result generalizes a result of Gregori and Sapena [9].
1. Introduction and Preliminaries The origin of fuzzy mathematics can be solely attributed to the introduction of fuzzy sets in the pioneering paper of Zadeh [20] in 1965, which provides a new way to represent the vagueness in every day life. The study of fuzzy sets initiated an extensive fuzziο¬cation of several mathematical concepts and has applications to various branches of applied sciences namely: neural networking theory, image processing, control theory, modeling theory and many others( see for example, [4]). In the course of this fuzziο¬cation process, like other concepts, the concept of a fuzzy metric was introduced in many ways ([3]). George and Veeramani [7, 8] modiο¬ed the concept of a fuzzy metric space introduced by Kramosil and Michalek [12] which has been exploited by many authors to prove a multitude of results of varied kind. Banach contraction principle is indeed a classical result of modern analysis. This principle has been extended and generalized in diο¬erent directions in metric spaces. For a comprehensive description of such work, we refer to [13] and references mentioned therein. Grabiec [5] initiated the study of ο¬xed point theory in fuzzy metric space (see also [6], [15] [17]). Recently, Gregori and Sapena [9] introduced new kind of contractive mappings in modiο¬ed fuzzy metric spaces and proved a fuzzy version of Banach contraction principle. In 2001, Rhoades [18] established a ο¬xed point theorem for πβweak contraction in the frame work of complete metric spaces. Actually, in [1], the authors deο¬ned such contractions for single valued maps on Hilbert spaces and proved an existence result on ο¬xed points. The aim of this paper is to study πβweak contraction mapping on a fuzzy metric space and to prove the existence of ο¬xed points for such mapping. Our results extend and generalize several comparable and related results in the existing literature (see [9, 18] and some references mentioned therein). Received: March 2010; Revised: June 2010 and July 2010; Accepted: August 2010 Key words and phrases: Weekly compatible mappings, Fuzzy metric spaces, Common ο¬xed point, πβweak contractions.
M. Abbas, M. Imdad and D. Gopal
For sake of completeness, we recall some relevant deο¬nitions and known results in fuzzy metric spaces. Deο¬nition 1.1. [20] A fuzzy set π΄ in a nonempty set π is a function with domain π and values in [0, 1]. Deο¬nition 1.2. [16] A binary operation β : [0, 1] Γ [0, 1] β [0, 1] is a continuous π‘βnorm if it satisο¬es the following conditions: (1) (2) (3) (4)
β is associative and commutative, β is continuous, π β 1 = π for every π β [0, 1], π β π β€ π β π if π β€ π and π β€ π for all π, π, π, π β [0, 1].
Deο¬nition 1.3. [7] The triplet (π, π, β) is a fuzzy metric space (in the sense of George and Veeramani) if π is an arbitrary set, β is a continuous π‘βnorm and π is a fuzzy set in π Γ π Γ (0, β) satisfying the following conditions: (i) π (π₯, π¦, π‘) > 0, (ii) π (π₯, π¦, π‘) = 1 iο¬ π₯ = π¦, (iii) π (π₯, π¦, π‘) = π (π¦, π₯, π‘), (iv) π (π₯, π¦, π‘) β π (π¦, π§, π‘) β€ π (π₯, π§, π‘ + π ), (v) π (π₯, π¦, .) : (0, β) β [0, 1] is continuous for each π₯, π¦, π§ β π and π , π‘ > 0. Note that, π (π₯, π¦, π‘) can be realized as the measure of nearness between π₯ and π¦ with respect to π‘. It is known that π (π₯, π¦, .) is nondecreasing for all π₯, π¦ β π. Throughout the paper β denotes the set of positive integers. George and Veeramani ([7, 8]) proved that every fuzzy metric π on π induces a Hausdorο¬ ο¬rst countable topology π π whose base is the family of open balls {π΅(π₯, π, π‘) : π₯ β π, 0 < π < 1, π‘ > 0}, where π΅(π₯, π, π‘) = {π¦ β π : π (π₯, π¦, π‘) > 1 β π}. A sequence {π₯π } in a fuzzy metric space (π, π, β) is said to be a Cauchy sequence if for every 0 < π < 1 and for every π‘ > 0, there is π0 β β such that π (π₯π , π₯π , π‘) > 1 β π for every π, π β₯ π0 . Also, a sequence {π₯π } in a fuzzy metric space (π, π, β) is said to be a πΊβCauchy sequence (i.e. Cauchy sequence in the sense of Grabiec [5]) if π (π₯π , π₯π+π , π‘) β 1 as π β β, for every π β β and for every π‘ > 0. Hence, a fuzzy metric space (π, π, β) is called complete (respectively πΊβcomplete) if every Cauchy sequence (respectively πΊβCauchy sequence) is convergent. Vasuki and Veeramani suggested that the deο¬nition of a πΊβCauchy sequence is weaker than the one contained in [19]. Remark 1.4. [8] If π is a metric on π, πβπ = ππ for all π, π β [0, 1] and π (π₯, π¦, π‘) = π‘ for every (π₯, π¦, π‘) β π Γ π Γ (0, β), then (π, π, β) is a fuzzy metric π‘ + π(π₯, π¦) space. We call this π as the standard fuzzy metric induced by π. Even if we deο¬ne π β π = min{π, π}, (π, π, β) will be a fuzzy metric space.
πβweak Contractions in Fuzzy Metric Spaces
Deο¬nition 1.5. [14] Let (π, π, β) be a fuzzy metric space. A sequence {π₯π } in π is said to be pointwise convergent to π₯ β π (we write π₯π βπ π₯) if there exists π‘(π₯) > 0 such that lim π (π₯π , π₯, π‘) = 1.
It has been established in [14] that there exists sequences which are pointwise convergent but not convergent. We introduce the notion of πβweak contractivity of a mapping π with respect to a self map π on a fuzzy metric spaces π as follows: Deο¬nition 1.6. Let (π, π, β) be a fuzzy metric space and π : π β π be a map. The map π : π β π is called a πβweak contraction with respect to π if there exists a function π : [0, β) β [0, β) with π(π) > 0 for π > 0 and π(0) = 0 such that 1 1 1 β1β€( β 1) β π( β 1) (1) π (π π₯, π π¦, π‘) π (π π₯, π π¦, π‘) π (π π₯, π π¦, π‘) for every π₯, π¦ β π and each π‘ > 0. If π = πΌπ ( an identity mapping on π ) then π is called a πβweak contraction. Deο¬nition 1.7. Let (π, π, β) be a fuzzy metric space and π, π be two self mappings on π. A point π₯ in π is called a coincidence point (common ο¬xed point) of π and π if π π₯ = π π₯ (π π₯ = π π₯ = π₯). Also the pair of mappings π, π : π β π are said to be weakly compatible if they commute on the set of coincidence points. 2. Main Results Our ο¬rst result utilizes the idea of pointwise convergence due to Mihet [14] to prove the existence of ο¬xed point for πβweak contraction mappings. Theorem 2.1. Let (π, π, π ) be a fuzzy metric space under a π‘βnorm π satisfying sup π (π, π) = 1 and π : π β π be a πβweak contraction. If for some π₯0 in π, π 0 such that lim π (π₯ππ , π₯, π‘) = 1.
Following arguments similar to those given in the proof of Theorem 1.3 ([2]), we obtain lim π (π₯ππ , π₯ππ +1 , π‘) = 1.
For πΏ > 0, there exist π1 , π2 β β such that for all π > π1 , π > π2 , followings hold: π (π₯ππβ² , π₯, π‘) > 1 β πΏ and π (π₯ππβ²β² , π₯πβ²β² +1 , π‘) > 1 β πΏ. π
M. Abbas, M. Imdad and D. Gopal β²
Take π0 = max{π , π }. Note that, π (π₯ππ , π₯, π‘) > 1 β πΏ and π (π₯ππ , π₯ππ +1 , π‘) > 1 β πΏ
for all π > π0 . Thus π (π₯ππ +1 , π₯, 2π‘) β₯ π (π (π₯ππ +1 , π₯ππ , π‘),π (π₯ππ , π₯, π‘)) β₯ π ((1 β πΏ), (1 β πΏ)). Since sup π (π, π) = 1, therefore for every π > 0, there exists πΏ > 0 such that π 1 β π. Using (4), we arrive at π (π₯ππ +1 , π₯, 2π‘) > 1 β π for all π > π0 . So, lim π (π₯ππ +1 , π₯, 2π‘) = 1.
Now, from (5) it is possible to ο¬nd a positive integer π1 such that π (π₯ππ +1 , π₯, 2π‘) > 0. for π > π1 . Therefore for all π > π1 1 β1 π (π₯ππ +1 , π π₯, 2π‘)
1 β1 π (π π₯ππ , π π₯, 2π‘) ( ) ( ) 1 1 β€ β1 βπ β1 , π (π₯ππ , π₯, 2π‘) π (π₯ππ , π₯, 2π‘) β€
which on taking limit as π β β and using(2)give π (π₯ππ +1 , π π₯, 2π‘) β 1. Thus π₯ππ +1 βπ π π₯ as π β β. Since the pointwise convergence is Frechet ( see page 4 of Mihet [14] ), we deduce that π π₯ = π₯. β‘ Now we prove a common ο¬xed point theorem for πβweak contractions involving a pair of self mappings. Theorem 2.2. Let (π, π, β) be a fuzzy metric space and π : π β π be a πβweak contraction with respect to self mapping π on π. If the range of π contains the range of π and π (π) is a πΊβcomplete subspace of π, then π and π have coincidence point in π provided that π is a continuous mapping. Proof. Let π₯0 be an arbitrary point in π. Choose a point π₯1 in π such that π π₯0 = π π₯1 . This can be done since the range of π contains the range of π. Continuing this process indeο¬nitely, for every π₯π in π one can ο¬nd π₯π+1 such that π¦π = π π₯π = π π₯π+1 . Without loss of generality, one may assume that π¦π+1 β= π¦π for all π β π ,
πβweak Contractions in Fuzzy Metric Spaces
otherwise π and π have a coincidence point and there is nothing to prove. In case π¦π+1 β= π¦π , using (1), we have 1 β1 π (π¦π , π¦π+1 , π‘) ) ( 1 β1 = π (π π₯π+1 , π π₯π+2 , π‘) ( ) 1 = β1 π (π π₯π , π π₯π+1 , π‘) ( ) ( ) 1 1 β€ β1 βπ β1 π (π π₯π , π π₯π+1 , π‘) π (π π₯π , π π₯π+1 , π‘) ( ) 1 β€ β1 π (π¦πβ1 , π¦π , π‘)
which implies that π (π¦π , π¦π+1 , π‘) β₯ π (π¦πβ1 , π¦π , π‘) for all π and hence π (π¦πβ1 , π¦π , π‘) is an increasing sequence of positive real numbers in (0, 1]. Let π(π‘) = πββ lim π (π¦πβ1 , π¦π , π‘). Now, we show that π(π‘) = 1 for all π‘ > 0. Otherwise, there must exist some π‘ > 0 such that π(π‘) < 1. Taking π β β in (6), we obtain ( ) ( ) 1 1 1 β1β€ β1 βπ β1 π(π‘) π(π‘) π(π‘) which is a contradiction. Therefore π (π¦π , π¦π+1 , π‘) β 1 as π β β. Note that, for each positive integer π, π (π¦π , π¦π+π , π‘) β₯
π (π¦π , π¦π+1 , π‘/π) β π (π¦π+1 , π¦π+2 , π‘/π) β ... β π (π¦π+πβ1 , π¦π+π , π‘/π).
This implies that lim π (π¦π , π¦π+π , π‘) β₯ 1 β 1 β ... β 1 = 1.
Therefore {π¦π } is a πΊβCauchy sequence. Since π (π) is πΊβcomplete, there exists π β π (π) such that π¦π β π as π β β. Consequently we obtain a point π in π such that π π = π. Next we show that π is a coincidence point of π and π . To accomplish this; using (1),we get 1 β1 π (π π, π π₯π+1 , π‘) 1 = β1 π (π π, π π₯π , π‘) ( ) ( ) 1 1 β€ β1 βπ β1 π (π π, π π₯π , π‘) π (π π, π π₯π , π‘) for every π‘ > 0. Taking limit as π β β, we obtain lim π (π π, π π₯π+1 , π‘)
= =
lim π (π π, π π₯π , π‘)
π (π π, π π, π‘) = 1.
M. Abbas, M. Imdad and D. Gopal
That is, π π = π π.
The following example demonstrates Theorem 2.2. Example 2.3. Consider π = [0, 1] equipped with a minimum norm β. Let π be a fuzzy metric deο¬ned by π (π₯, π¦, π‘) =
π‘ , for all π₯, π¦ β π, π‘ > 0. π‘ + π(π₯, π¦)
Deο¬ne π : [0, β) β [0, β) as π(π‘) = 1π π‘, π π₯ = ππ₯, π β= 0 and π π₯ = π + ππ₯, π > 0, π β= 0, 1,π β= π and π β 1 β₯ π. Now (
1 1 β 1) β π( β 1) π (π π₯, π π¦, π‘) π (π π₯, π π¦, π‘)
β£π₯ β π¦β£ π‘ β£π₯ β π¦β£ ) β₯ π( π‘ 1 = ( β 1) π (π π₯, π π¦, π‘) =
(π β 1)
Therefore π satisο¬es all the conditions of Theorem 2.2. Moreover π and π have a coincidence point which is not a common ο¬xed point. Notice that this example also demonstrate the necessity of weak compatibilty to ensure the existence of common ο¬xed point. Corollary 2.4. Let (π, π, β) be a πΊβcomplete fuzzy metric space and π : π β π be a πβweak contraction. If π is continuous then π has a unique ο¬xed point. If π(π) = (1 β π)π, (π > 0) in Corollary 2.4 above, then we obtain the following result in [9] as a corollary. Corollary 2.5. [9] Let (π, π, β) be a fuzzy metric space. π : π β π be a mapping satisfying ( ) 1 1 β1β€π β1 π (π π₯, π π¦, π‘) π (π₯, π¦, π‘) for each π₯, π¦ β π, π‘ > 0 and π β (0, 1). Then π has a unique ο¬xed point. Theorem 2.6. Let (π, π, β) be a fuzzy metric space and π : π β π be a πβweak contraction with respect to self mapping π on π. If the range of π contains the range of π and π (π) is a complete subspace of π, then π and π have a common ο¬xed point in π provided that π is a continuous and the pair of mappings (π, π ) is weakly compatible. Proof. By Theorem 2.2, we obtain a point π in π such that π π = π π = π (say) which further implies π π π = π π π. Obviously, π π = π π. Now we show that π π = π.
πβweak Contractions in Fuzzy Metric Spaces
If not, then 1 β1 π (π π, π, π‘)
1 β1 π (π π, π π, π‘) 1 1 β€ ( β 1) β π( β 1) π (π π, π π, π‘) π (π π, π π, π‘) 1 1 = ( β 1) β π( β 1), π (π π, π, π‘) π (π π, π, π‘)
a contradiction which proves the result.
Example 2.7. Let π = [0, 1] and π β π = min{π, π}. Let π be the standard fuzzy metric induced by π, where π(π₯, π¦) = β£π₯ β π¦β£ for π₯, π¦ β π. Then (π, π, β) is a complete fuzzy metric space. Let { 1 (1 β π₯), π₯ β [0, 21 ) βͺ ( 21 , 1] ππ₯ = 2 3 π₯ = 12 4, 1 for all π₯ β [0, 1]. and π π₯ = 3 The pair {π, π } satisο¬es all the conditions of Theorem 2.6. Moreover π and π have 1/3 as a point of coincidence which also turns out to be their common ο¬xed point. Acknowledgement.The authors are thankful to referees for their precise remarks to improve the presentation of the paper. References [1] Y. I. Alber and S. Guerre-Delabriere, Principles of weakly contractive maps in Hilbert spaces, In: I. Gohberg, Y. Lyubich , eds., New Results in Operator Theory, In: Advances and Appl., Birkhauser, Basel, 98 (1997), 7-22. [2] P. N. Dutta, B. S. Chaudhury and K. Das, Some ο¬xed point results in Menger spaces using a control function, Surveys in Mathematics and Its Application 4, (2009), 41-52. [3] Z. K. Deng, Fuzzy pseudo-metric spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 86, (1982), 74-95. [4] M. S. El Naschie, On a fuzzy khaler-like manifold which is consistent with two slit experiment, Int. J. Non-linear Sci. and Numerical Simulation, 6 (2005), 95-98. [5] M. Grabiec, Fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 27 (1988), 385-389. [6] M. Grabiec, Y. J. Cho and V. Radu, On nonsymmetric topological and probabilistic structures, Nova Science Publisher, New York, 2006. [7] A. George and P. Veeramani, On some results in fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 64 (1994), 395-399. [8] A. George and P. Veeramani, On some results of analysis for fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 90 (1997), 365-368. [9] V. Gregori and A. Sapena, On ο¬xed-point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 125 (2000), 245-252. [10] O. Hadzic and E. Pap, Fixed point theory in probabilistic metric spaces, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, 2001. [11] O. Kaleva and S. Seikkala, On fuzzy metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 27 (1984), 215-229. [12] O. Kramosil and J. Michalek, Fuzzy metric and statistical metric spaces, Kybernetika, 11 (1975), 326-334.
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[email protected] M. Imdad, Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, 202002, Aligarh, India E-mail address:
[email protected] D. Gopalβ , Department of Mathematics and Humanities, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, 395007, Gujarat, India E-mail address:
[email protected] *Corresponding author