Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
Web and Internet Application Development Tools Web Week ‘96 AT&T, Lucent Technologies, & Bell Laboratories New Brunswick, NJ November 21, 1996 James Cusick AT&T
[email protected] Abstract Web Week ’96 was a joint 4 day technical conference organized by AT&T and Lucent Technologies following the spin-off of Lucent. This document reflects the content that drove a Birds-of-a-Feather session on development tools for web development. The discussion covered the then current development tools available at the time. In this early period of web development many tools were just emerging and teams were not sure which ones might last or which ones to use for a given purpose. The research represented here led to the creation of technical standards at the time for use by application development teams within AT&T. Looking back today this list of over 250 tools and languages provides a historical reference regarding the available development technologies during the onset of the World Wide Web. Additionally, this document still provides a useful taxonomy of development tools for software applications and web development. Interestingly some tools are still in use today almost 2 decades later, however, the percentage of survivors is very small and generally limited to the tools that were leading at the time.
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Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
Tool Reference List
Implementation Languages: Internet Capable (Recommended) PRODUCT VENDOR C N/A C++ N/A HTML N/A Java Sun JavaScript Netscape Perl N/A
Nouveau Web Tools PRODUCT FormulaOne InterAp Manage!IT NetObjects OpenWeb Speedware VirtuFlex Visual Internet Toolkit WebC WebElement SDK WebMate Foundation
Web Enabled C/S Tools PRODUCT Composer3/WebCenter Dephi C/S Suite Dynasty Development Environment Forte Web SDK Internet Builder JAM WEB Toolkit NetImpact Studio Openscape Pro
VENDOR Visual Component California Software Imperative Internet Solutions Fusion Open Software N/A Internet Integration Tech Distinct Maximum Information NeuronData WebMate Technologies
NOTES OCX based strong email only negative eval resutls price, no HTML edit suite lock-in Dev Framework propt. lang OCX based 3-Tier, compiler issues IE overlap propt. database
VENDOR TI Borland Interntational Dynasty Technology
NOTES info n/a Pascal, vedor stability eval problems
Forte Borland JYACC Powersoft/Sybase Object Power
3-Tier, eval problems not shipping grand-fathered not shipping ActiveX Control Pad dup P a g e 2 | 10
Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
Uniface Web Enabler Visual Basic Visual Magic VisualWave
Database Integration PRODUCT ColdFusion dbWeb HahtSite HyperStar Jasmine JDBC Libraries Mambo NetDynamics ObjStore DBconnect ODBC Engine ODBC SDK Quest Sapphire Web Tango WebGalaxy Info Ed. WebObjects Enterprise
Java Development PRODUCT Code Warrior Corel OfficeJV Cosmo Code ED for Windows Grinder HOPE Jamba Java Designer Pro Java Visual-Age Java Workshop JET (Java Enterprise Tools)
Compuware Microsoft Dynamics Research ParcPlace-Digitalk
4GL issues R5 not shipping Object modeling only smalltalk
VENDOR Allaire Corp Microsoft
NOTES eval underway effective, easy to use but limited (McGee) eval underway
HAHT Software VMark Software Computer Associates Intersolv Open Environment NetDynamics Object Design Jagg Systems Visgenic Level 5 Bluestone EveryWare Development Allen Systems Group NeXT Software
VENDOR Metrowerks Corel SGI Soft As It Gets P/L Pardigm Exchange Aladdin Software Eng Aimtech Bulletproof IBM SunSoft XDB Systems
immature under eval (good)
UNIX based 3-Tier, under eval (good) I-RAD not extensible (ziff) Objective C but powerful
NOTES MAC SGI only Class browser Java generation
slow, complex, immature
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Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
JFactory Latte’/Interbase Mojo Visual Java OEW for Java Parts for Java Roaster Supercede Symantec Cafe TeamDeveloper Visual/J++ WebForce WebGalaxy
RogueWave Borland Penumbra Software Innovative Software ParcPlace Natural Intelligence Asymetrix Symantec Centura (formerly Gupta) Microsoft Silicon Graphics Web Rapid App Dev
RAD gui development Futureware
VENDOR Intelligent Environments Speedware Information Builders Apertus Technologies
NOTES Legacy access I-RAD, prpt lang Legacy access
Mozart Systems Pilot Sterling Software
MVS Frontware DSS access MVS Frontware (poor)
VENDOR WebLogic N/A Infospace DataViews
IDE MAC excellent eval excellent eval SGI only not extensible (ziff)
Web-to-Legacy Access PRODUCT Amazon Autobahn EDA Enterprise Access: Web Edition MozNet Pilot Internet Publisher Star:View
Utilities: Reporting PRODUCT dbKona Krakatoa WebSequel WebXpresso
non-SQL reporting Java based Q&R 3D graphical data visualization
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Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
Testing Web Testing PRODUCT Final Exam Internet Test HTMLCheck MOMspider MOMSpider PurePerformix/Web QA Partners SiteCheck STW/Web Test Web Validater W3Objects Weblint WebTest
VENDOR Platinum freeware free freeware Pure Segue Pacific Coast Software Software Research Eastern Systems WebTech
link integrity Load Testing eval failed
Referential integrity for Web links free Mecury
Documentation & Content Creation Web Authoring PRODUCT AOLPRESS Backstage Designer Plus CorelWeb.Designer DeltaPoint QuickSite Frontpage GNNpress Hot Dog Pro HotDog32 HoTMetal Pro HTML AssistPro HTMLed Pro 32 InContext Spider Internet Assistant Netscape Navigator Gold PageMill Spider WebAuthor Webber
VENDOR AOL Macromedia Corel DeltaPoint Microsoft (from Vermeer) GNN Hosting Service Sausage Software Anawave Software SoftQuad Brooklyn North W3 Internet Services InContext Microsoft Netscape Adobe Systems InContext Quarterdeck Cerebral Systems Development
NOTES (Formerly Navipress?) various limits suite platform support eval excellent GNN server based eval underway eval undeway feature poor feature poor ease of use eval refresh eval poor platform support poor eval
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Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
WebEdit WebEdit Professional WebOffice WebWriter
Document Conversion PRODUCT Corel Web.Transit Cyperleaf HTMLTransit KEYview PointPlus Maker Spider Web Presentation Service Web Publisher Pro Document Management PRODUCT @mezzanine Basis Intranet Solution CyberDOCS iManage Internet Intellecte/Business Web Licelink Intranet Suite NovaWeb Optix RightSite
NesBitt SmartDesk Bluesky N/A
poor eval
VENDOR Corel Interleaf InfoAccess
price O/S 2 only
N/A InContext N/A Ski Soft
VENDOR Saros Corp Information Dimensions PC DOCS Inc NetRight Technologies Interleaf OpenText Corp NovaSoft Systems Blueridge Technologies Documentum, Inc
VENDOR Next Wave Software Netscape N/A GreyScale Sysetms InContext Iconovex
Release & Support Web Site Utilities PRODUCT Alchemy LiveWire Pro Navisoft SiteMan 3 WebAnalyzer WebAnchor
Web Site Mgmt Web Site Mgmt Web Index P a g e 6 | 10
Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
WebMapper WebMate/Foundation
NetCarta WebMate Tech
WorldGroup Xpire Plus
Galacticomm Bungalow Systems
Graphics Development PRODUCT ABC Quicksilver Photoshop Alchemey ASAP WebShow CorelWEB Gallery Director Egor Fractal Design Painter Freehand Grph Studio GIF Construction Kit Illustrator Imagegear ImageMan Liquid Motion PaintShop PhotoShop Picture Publisher Shockwave WebForms WebSuite Designer Ed. Xres
VENDOR Micrografx Adobe Systems Next Wave Software SPC Corel Macromedia Sausage Software Fractal Design Corp Macromedia Alchemy Mindworks Adobe Accusoft Data Techniques DimensionX JASC Adobe MicroGrafx Macromedia Q&D Software Development DigitalStyle Corp Macromedia
Web Util Web site management via dbase Web Site Mgmt
Web art content GIF Animation Painter
High-end imaging tools
Recommended by BMD Recommended by pros Cheap but usable (Murphy)
Web art content not recommended (Murphy)
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Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
Analysis & Design Information Representation PRODUCT VENDOR ABC FlowCharter Micrograpfx Graph Layout Toolkit Tom Sawyer Software QuarkExpress
NOTES Relationship visualization Charting
Release & Support Web Site Utilities PRODUCT Alchemy LiveWire Pro Navisoft SiteMan 3 WebAnalyzer WebAnchor WebMapper WebMate/Foundation WorldGroup Xpire Plus
VENDOR Next Wave Software Netscape N/A GreyScale Sysetms InContext Iconovex NetCarta WebMate Tech Galacticomm Bungalow Systems
Web Site Mgmt Web Site Mgmt Web Index Web Util Web site management via dbase Web Site Mgmt
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Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
Languages: Internet Capable PRODUCT VENDOR Ada95 AppleScript Apple Awe CandleWeb BEF C C++ CCI CGI CMM Dylan Eiffel GEL Glyphic Script Codeworks HTML HyperTalk Icon Java Sun JavaScript Netscape (and Sun) KQML Linda Lingo Lisp Logo ML Modula-3 NewtonScript Obliq Perl Phantom Python REXX Sather ScriptX SDI Self sh, ksh, csh SIMPLE Crystaliz Sloth Crystaliz Smalltalk Tcl
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Cusick, J., “Web & Internet Application Development Tools”, Web Week ‘96
Telescript Tycoon UserTalk VBScript Viola VRML WebScript
Frontier Microsoft
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