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Web Content - WebLearn

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Jul 20, 2012 - in Resources, such as an HTML page containing links to a number of readings, ... Click Finish, or, if you
Web Content Purpose: The W e b C on t e nt tool allows site owners, or those with a m ai n t ai n or c on tr i b u te role, to link to URLs from within their site. A site linked from a Web Content button can be made to open either within the WebLearn frame or in a new window. Default permissions: W e b Co n te n t buttons may only be added or edited by those with a m ai nt ai n or c o ntr i b u te role; site members with an a c c es s role may only view the linked pages. Typical use & good practice tips: The W eb Co n t en t tool can be used for making links to the most important or most commonly used online resources. These links will appear as buttons on the WebLearn toolbar on the left of the screen. If necessary, the W e b C on t en t tool may be used more than once in a site, but beware of cluttering the site with too many buttons. Links which are not needed as frequently could be placed within other documents instead of from W e b C on t e nt items. W e b C o nte n t can also be used to link to a file stored in R es o ur c es , such as an HTML page containing links to a number of readings, or used to view the entire R es o ur c e s tool. If the W e b Co n te n t tool is not currently visible in your site, see the guide ‘Adding tools to a WebLearn site’ to learn how to turn it on. This guide will show you how to create, edit and delete a W e b C o n t en t item. Other useful step-by-step guides to read in conjunction with this one:  Site management – the Site Info tool  Resources  HTML (WYSIWYG) editor  Wiki All step-by-step guides are available from

Creating a Web Content item By default, only those with a m ai n t ai n or c on tr i b ut e role are able to create W e b Co n te n t items within the site. 1. In the relevant site, click Si t e In f o . 2. On the Si t e In f o page, click E di t T o ol s . 3. Tick the box next to We b C o nt en t . 4. Click C o nti n u e . Keep the title succinct yet descriptive – it needs to be able to fit on the tool bar on the left.

DOC-19 20 July 2012

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this licence, visit

5. On the C us t omi z e T o ols screen (shown above), enter the following information: 

In the Ti tl e : field, add a title. Do not leave this as the default “Web Content”, as the title becomes the name of the button. The field may be longer than the suggested 15 characters, but a long title may create formatting problems in the site’s tool bar.

In the U RL : field, enter a URL after the h tt p: // that already appears in the field.

If you'd like to add more than one W e b C on t en t item, select the appropriate number of items from the M or e W e b Co n te n t T o ol s ? drop-down menu. If not, more W e b C o n te n t items can be added later by repeating these steps.

6. Click C o nti n u e . You will see information about the changes you have made to your worksite. Click Fi ni s h , or, if you would like to make further changes, click B a c k . Click C a nc el to cancel your changes. 7. You should now see a link in the menu bar to the W e b Co n te n t item with the title you provided. Click on the button to navigate to the page.

It may be preferable to have the W e b C o nt e nt item open in a new browser window. This will almost certainly be the case if the target site uses the ‘http’ protocol (as opposed to ‘https’) – the reason for this is that Internet Explorer will display a pop-up warning message if ‘http’ content is displayed within a WebLearn page. If so, see Editing a Web Content item later in this guide.

W e b Co n te n t links should not be used to create links to other WebLearn sites, as

the result will either be a frame-within-a-frame view of both WebLearn sites, or two WebLearn browser windows open at the same time; neither option is desirable. Instead, use the WebLearn hierarchy to bring other WebLearn sites in as sub-sites.



Making a Web Content Link to a web page in Resources It may be useful to maintain a webpage in R es ou r c es that contains links to a number of websites; for example, an HTML page with links to journal articles in a file called R e a di n gs . Use the M ak e We b C o nt e n t Li nk option in the A c ti ons menu of the resource to automatically create a link to this file. Re a di n gs can then be added or deleted by simply editing the HTML page content within Res o ur c es . By default, only those with a m ai n t ai n or c on tr i b ut e role are able to create W e b Co n te n t Li nk s within R es ou r c es . 1. Create an HTML page containing the desired content, such as links to full text articles held in a university database. This page may be created using HTML editing software such as Dreamweaver, or created directly in R es o u r c es (see the R es ou r c es guide for information on how to do this). 2. If using HTML software, upload the finished HTML page to R es o ur c es . 3. Use the Actions drop-down menu alongside the R e a di n gs file and select M a k e W eb C o n te n t Li nk .

4. Enter your own Ti tl e for this link, which will appear on the left hand tools menu. Enter a relevant title

Click Add



5. You should now see a link in the left hand tool bar to the W e b C o nt e nt item with the title you provided. 6. The target file in R es o ur c es that has been linked to (in this case, R e a di ngs ) can be maintained either by editing the file directly within R e s o ur c es or uploading a new version of the file. See the R e s o ur c es guide for information on how to perform these tasks.

Editing a Web Content Link There may be a need to change a title or URL, or have the W eb C o nt e nt link open in a new window. By default, only those with a m ai n t ai n or c on tr i b ut e role are able to edit We b Co nt e nt links within the site. 1. Click the title of the appropriate W e b C on t en t link. 2. Near the top of the W e b C o n te n t frame, click O pti ons . 3. On the C us t omi z e W eb C o n te n t form, you can change the following: 

T o ol Ti tl e : The title that appears at the top of the W e b Co n te n t frame

P a g e Ti tl e : The title that appears in your site's tools menu

Fr a m e Hei gh t : The height (in pixels) of the W e b C o n te n t frame. It may be useful to

U R L : The URL for the W e b Co nt e nt link.

adjust the frame height in order to remove a scroll bar on the Web Content frame.

To make the W e b C o n t e n t L i n k open in a new browser window, tick this box. This is not an option when first creating a W e b C o n t e n t link.

4. When finished, click U pda t e O p ti o ns to save your changes, or C a nc el to cancel your changes.



Deleting a Web Content item 1. To delete a W e b Co n te nt item, click Si te I n fo , and then click E di t T o ol s . 2. From the list of tools, un-tick the item to be deleted (as shown below), and then click C o n ti nu e . 3. Review the information, and then click Fi ni s h to delete the item. If the W e b Co nt e nt item still appears in the site's tools menu, click Hom e to refresh the tools menu.

All W e b C o n t e n t tools are listed towards the bottom of this list regardless of their name

A space is always available for a new W e b C o n t e n t link



Using a Web Content link to view a site’s Resources If site members who have the a c c es s role are not expected to create anything in the R es o ur c es area then it is recommended that the R es o ur c es tool is hidden and a W e b C o n te n t link is created with the URL being the Access URL of the topmost folder in R es o ur c es . This will provide a much simpler Fi le s a nd F ol d er s view of R es o ur c es . 1. Copy the URL of the site’s R es o ur c es folder and paste it into a new W e b C o n te n t item called Si t e Res o ur c es (or similar), or use the short cut in R es o ur c e s to M ak e a W e b C on te n t Li nk (as described earlier). 2. Hide the Res o ur c es tool by clicking on Si te In fo, then P a ge O r d er :

Click the middle icon to hide the R e s o u r c e s tool from users

This won’t change the appearance of Re s o ur c es in the site’s tools menu to those with a m ai n t ai n or c o ntr i b ut e role.

3. Click S a v e to finish. 4. The Si t e R es ou r c es web content link now displays any descriptions of resources along with the display name. (Resource descriptions are entered via the E di t D et ai l s link under the Ac ti o ns menu alongside a resource.) 5. One drawback is that the names of hidden folders are displayed to site members, although they cannot be accessed without the appropriate permissions.



Using a Web Content tool to link to a wiki page A wiki page can be linked to directly via the W e b C o n te n t tool. A small manual modification to the URL will hide the breadcrumb trail at the top of the screen.

To obtain the URL of the wiki page you wish to link to, click on I n f o in the wiki page….

….then click P u b l i c v i e w , which will open the page in a new browser window. Copy this URL, then paste it in the W e b C o n t e n t tool link to view it as a W e b C o n t e n t item.

For example, the URL of the wiki page will look similar to:

Adding ? br e adc r u m b = 0 will hide the breadcrumb trail in the W e b C o nt en t window.

It is not recommended that W e b C on t en t links be made to WebLearn tools other than the wiki, as the links may not work as expected.